12 officials indicted for voter fraud or Let's guess which party they belong

Which Party ?

  • Democrat

    Votes: 34 81.0%
  • Republican

    Votes: 8 19.0%

  • Total voters
I find it curious how those on the political left are opposed to voter ID confirmation laws.
Why is this? Why are liberals fearful of having a person identify themselves in order to cast a ballot?
They say "disenfranchisement" of certain people or groups. This term used as a buzzword by the PC Left has been bandied about for years. It's pap.
Those who refuse to acquire identification disenfranchise themselves.
Also, there are those who believe that there should be no need to register for the vote at all.
These two aspects if excused,would call into question of the entire election process.
This type of thing is common in Africa

What, blacks being framed?
No...Evil despots living in the lap of luxury, after having fixed so-called elections while their people live in filthy conditions on the verge of starvation.
Stop with the race crap.
Newsflash.....Your constant playing of the race card has become mesozoic.
We no longer care if you call us racist. It has no effect. We refuse to play your game.
This type of thing is common in Africa

What, blacks being framed?
No...Evil despots living in the lap of luxury, after having fixed so-called elections while their people live in filthy conditions on the verge of starvation.
Stop with the race crap.
Newsflash.....Your constant playing of the race card has become mesozoic.
We no longer care if you call us racist. It has no effect. We refuse to play your game.


Quitman 10: African-American voters in Brooks County targeted in GBI probe - Macon Political Buzz | Examiner.com
The Indictment is proof enough for most of you but when this gets thrown out of court it will prove nothing.
Yes...You have it all figured out.
Listen up genius, court dockets are crowded as it is. DA's /Solicitors/Prosecutors do not indict frivolously.
An indictment is handed down by a Grand Jury only AFTER there is enough evidence to move forward with charges.
The evidence has been presented and holds enough power to necessitate a trial.
These people are not guilty....Yet.
And even if found not guilty, all that matters at the end of the day is the court of public opinion. These 12 people may want to rethink their career paths. Because win or lose their trials, their days as public servants are OVER.
There is no such thing as "Democratic" voter fraud. According to the Democrats, only Republicans resort to voter fraud.

And voter supression belongs to the Dems too. A few years back the Bush administration, as a cost savings measure to local governments, promoted legislation that would allow local voting authorities to reduce polling places by making any polling place available for any voter. Any voter would be able to walk into any polling place, and through computer links vote there. This would allow the elimination of some polling places which serve very few people, and at the same time make polling places more convenient to voters.

The actual situation is the voting boards can eliminate polling places where they choose, and locate them only where they choose, making voting much less convenient for some, particularly the elderly who may not have a car.

Our county here in Indiana, a university city, is predominantly Democrat in the city and Republican in the County. Here in our rural neighborhood, we are able to walk across the field to the Catholic church where a couple of precincts out here can go to. It's familiar, and convenient.

The Dems here are mainly in power are eliminating all rural neighborhood voting places, about 30 of them in all, (needing to be increased to 40) and we are reducing the number to 18, all of which will be in the city, and all of which will be located in buildings belonging to Indiana University. I U has long had a vehicle exclusion policy, and all parking on its campus is limited to staff and administration, so finding a place to park on campus is all but impossible, even buildings lying on the edges of the campus. On a recent visit to the IU library, I had to park approximately a mile away and walk there, even though the library is on a main city street with I.U. on one side of it, and private property on the other.

Because of this exclusion policy, rural people are not fond of visiting the IU campus, so they couldn't come up with a more hostile environment for the conservatives out in the county. A way around the problem for rural people and elderly people in the city without cars is to vote absentee, or go to the municipal building and do advance voting.

But the way the Dems are running the show here, would you trust your vote to advance or mailed in absentee voting, where a ballot could easily become "lost?"
That is a perfect example of voter suppression. Of course the democrats will deny deny deny.
We should also ban the use of Consular Matricular cards from Meheeko as valid US IDs.
I hear you

If a state allows for EBT cards then the Democrats have nothing to worry
The signature on the ballot must match the signature on file before it will be counted. If you dumpster dive your neighbors ballot, the signature you put on it isn't going to match the one on file for that voter.

Do you really think they check the signatures of every single ballot that comes in? I know they claim to but personally I have a hard time believing that they actually do. Plus signatures change sometimes. I dont know how they compare signatures...electronically? If so how much variance does the software allow? Enough that a forgery could get by? Do they check it personally..if so it opens the door for personal bias in authentication. I don't know the answers to those. I am just pointing out that I find it questionable.

I don't think they check every signature, I know they do...I'm someone who does it. Our county, like most counties I know, use people to verify the signatures although I've heard of at least one county that may be experimenting with or actually using signature verification software.

We look for signature similarities. Do they make the "L" the same way, etc. If there are no similarities then the ballot is rejected. Attempts are made to contact the voter prior to election day and we outreach post election to get an updated signature from the voter.

We also look for "household" rejections for people who mix up their ballots and envelopes. We usually have a few dozen people that do that. The signatures are initially rejected because they don't match, but if we can match them up with another vote by mail voter in the household, we can count it.

Additionally, rejected signatures are double checked by a supervisor.

What if my family hates politics? What if my wife and daughter, who just turned 18, are Democrats but don't vote. I'm a Republican and I know their signatures anyhow so I fill out their ballots and forge their signature. Maybe my aunts, uncles, cousins, etc are all the same. Hell I could log a ton of votes for my candidate on the unused ballots of my disinterested family members alone.

All valid, but relatively unrealistic, concerns about vote by mail, but as I said previously, vote by mail is not going to go away. It is a considerable cost savings over precinct voting and you can't beat the convenience.
The Indictment is proof enough for most of you but when this gets thrown out of court it will prove nothing.
Yes...You have it all figured out.
Listen up genius, court dockets are crowded as it is. DA's /Solicitors/Prosecutors do not indict frivolously.
An indictment is handed down by a Grand Jury only AFTER there is enough evidence to move forward with charges.
The evidence has been presented and holds enough power to necessitate a trial.
These people are not guilty....Yet.
And even if found not guilty, all that matters at the end of the day is the court of public opinion. These 12 people may want to rethink their career paths. Because win or lose their trials, their days as public servants are OVER.

Sorry I disagree with all that..

Indictments are handed out frivolously.... There is an old saying "you can indict a ham sandwich" and there is truth to that saying..

Our legal system is a joke..

I've seen a lot of judicial misconduct in my life...

I've seen prosecutors scream "find this man guilty or he will sue" in closing arguments..
school board elections dont get people killed in wars do they?

The second link in the second post I can not speak to because the link is bad.

Now I accept the news story of the first one and see it as fact that there very likely may be ( pending court outcomes) some vote fraud going on in that county.

Now does that mean you are now willing to accept the court documented cases of republican eletions fraud that shows that fraud from the VERY TOP of the republican party?

I bet not one of you will accept the cold hard evidence and admitt that the republican party has cheated in elections for decades.

If you want to prove you will please post the simple post "I know for a fact that the republican party has cheated in elections for decades".

Thanks for your honesty
In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Unseals Document

She said in the memorandum that the program had been approved by Gregory Graves, deputy political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

The document, called Exhibit 13, was unsealed by U.S. District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise when lawyers for the Democratic National Committee said it was needed to question Wolfe.
well is anyone going to admitt to the court documented evidence in this little bit of Information?
The 2002 New Hampshire Senate election phone jamming scandal involves the use of a telemarketing firm hired by that state's Republican Party (NHGOP) for election tampering. The tampering involved using a call center to jam the phone lines of a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) operation. In the end, 900 calls were made for 45 minutes of disruption to the Democratic-leaning call centers.

During that state's 2002 election for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Robert C. Smith, the NHGOP hired GOP Marketplace, based in Northern Virginia, to jam another phone bank being used by the state Democratic Party and the firefighters' union for efforts to turn out voters on behalf of then-governor Jeanne Shaheen on Election Day. John E. Sununu, the Republican candidate, won a narrow victory. In addition to criminal prosecutions, disclosures in the case have come from a civil suit filed by the state's Democratic Party against the state's Republican Party (now settled).

Four men have been convicted of, or pled guilty to, federal crimes and sentenced to prison for their involvement as of 2008. One conviction has been reversed by an appeals court, a decision prosecutors are appealing. James Tobin, freed on appeal, was later indicted on charges of lying to the FBI during the original investigation.
Hired by a whole states republican party.

Not some little county where the case is still being litigated.

I have yet to see one right leaning poster accept the cold hard facts about your partys constant CHEATING in elections
Not even going to read the thread or OP but a wild guess.... Democrats? Did I guess right?

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