12 officials indicted for voter fraud or Let's guess which party they belong

Which Party ?

  • Democrat

    Votes: 34 81.0%
  • Republican

    Votes: 8 19.0%

  • Total voters
There has been voter fraud in both parties.
That is why you need to prove who you are and that you vote just once.
I don't see the Dems offering any help for the Blacks to get a correct ID that they need for many other things besides just voting.
Democrat says Democratic Party bosses use voter fraud

Top Democrats are aggressively pushing the claim that Republicans’ worries about voter fraud are an insincere excuse to suppress voting by African-Americans and Hispanics.

But former Alabama Democratic Rep. Artur Davis told The Daily Caller that anti-fraud measures are needed to protect African-Americans from corrupt political bosses — many of them African-Americans themselves — who run Democratic Party machines in the South.

Answer like a decent human being the question asked!
The 2002 New Hampshire Senate election phone jamming scandal involves the use of a telemarketing firm hired by that state's Republican Party (NHGOP) for election tampering. The tampering involved using a call center to jam the phone lines of a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) operation. In the end, 900 calls were made for 45 minutes of disruption to the Democratic-leaning call centers.

During that state's 2002 election for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Robert C. Smith, the NHGOP hired GOP Marketplace, based in Northern Virginia, to jam another phone bank being used by the state Democratic Party and the firefighters' union for efforts to turn out voters on behalf of then-governor Jeanne Shaheen on Election Day. John E. Sununu, the Republican candidate, won a narrow victory. In addition to criminal prosecutions, disclosures in the case have come from a civil suit filed by the state's Democratic Party against the state's Republican Party (now settled).

Four men have been convicted of, or pled guilty to, federal crimes and sentenced to prison for their involvement as of 2008. One conviction has been reversed by an appeals court, a decision prosecutors are appealing. James Tobin, freed on appeal, was later indicted on charges of lying to the FBI during the original investigation.

Court documented evidence of the states republican leaders

clears the Democrats of all wrong

Plus, another good reason to want voter ID to stop election fraud
The 2002 New Hampshire Senate election phone jamming scandal involves the use of a telemarketing firm hired by that state's Republican Party (NHGOP) for election tampering. The tampering involved using a call center to jam the phone lines of a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) operation. In the end, 900 calls were made for 45 minutes of disruption to the Democratic-leaning call centers.

During that state's 2002 election for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Robert C. Smith, the NHGOP hired GOP Marketplace, based in Northern Virginia, to jam another phone bank being used by the state Democratic Party and the firefighters' union for efforts to turn out voters on behalf of then-governor Jeanne Shaheen on Election Day. John E. Sununu, the Republican candidate, won a narrow victory. In addition to criminal prosecutions, disclosures in the case have come from a civil suit filed by the state's Democratic Party against the state's Republican Party (now settled).

Four men have been convicted of, or pled guilty to, federal crimes and sentenced to prison for their involvement as of 2008. One conviction has been reversed by an appeals court, a decision prosecutors are appealing. James Tobin, freed on appeal, was later indicted on charges of lying to the FBI during the original investigation.

Court documented evidence of the states republican leaders
Get on topic stupid. Its about the twelve.

There is court documents of voter fraud for democrats. But you will excuse that.
Not what I said you liar.

I said you refuse the cold hard court cdumented facts and here you are unwilling to accept the facts.
school board elections dont get people killed in wars do they?

The second link in the second post I can not speak to because the link is bad.

Now I accept the news story of the first one and see it as fact that there very likely may be ( pending court outcomes) some vote fraud going on in that county.

Now does that mean you are now willing to accept the court documented cases of republican eletions fraud that shows that fraud from the VERY TOP of the republican party?

I bet not one of you will accept the cold hard evidence and admitt that the republican party has cheated in elections for decades.

If you want to prove you will please post the simple post "I know for a fact that the republican party has cheated in elections for decades".

Thanks for your honesty

I dealt with this idiots story.

Why are you lying?
There you have it.

they get their underooos all wet thinking of some school board election may have been tampered yet they refuse to deal with and out right deny cold hard court documented evidence of cheating in the republican party right from the fucking top.
Here in Illinois democrats are proud of voter fraud...

That's one of the reasons I cant stand democrats - they believe democracy is a joke...

They may as well take a piss on Thomas Jeffersons grave while they're at it - or any of our founding fathers for that matter..

It really shows how little democrats respect the US and lends credence to the notion they're nothing more than a bunch of tyrannical authoritarians..

Their latest bullshit act here in Illinois is gerrymandering -they're redrawing district lines so that every district is 75% ghetto, some of the districts are illogical - some look like a gigantic pair of sunglasses - at least mine does...
In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Unseals Document

She said in the memorandum that the program had been approved by Gregory Graves, deputy political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

The document, called Exhibit 13, was unsealed by U.S. District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise when lawyers for the Democratic National Committee said it was needed to question Wolfe.

The mid wwest director , the southern director and the NATIONAL director of the senate committee.

The VERY TOP leaders of the party.
Not one on you righties have the decency to accept these court documented facts the over shapow the little country story you provided by tenthousand fold.

What does the fact challenged right here do?

Pretend they didnt see the facts.
If the American people KNEW the republican partys history your party would be on the treash heap of history
school board elections dont get people killed in wars do they?

The second link in the second post I can not speak to because the link is bad.

Now I accept the news story of the first one and see it as fact that there very likely may be ( pending court outcomes) some vote fraud going on in that county.

Now does that mean you are now willing to accept the court documented cases of republican eletions fraud that shows that fraud from the VERY TOP of the republican party?

I bet not one of you will accept the cold hard evidence and admitt that the republican party has cheated in elections for decades.

If you want to prove you will please post the simple post "I know for a fact that the republican party has cheated in elections for decades".

Thanks for your honesty

I dealt with this idiots story.

Why are you lying?

I love how you argue with yourself.........
Not one on you righties have the decency to accept these court documented facts the over shapow the little country story you provided by tenthousand fold.

What does the fact challenged right here do?

Pretend they didnt see the facts.

It doesnt over shadow

Steps must be taken to keep corrupt democrats from accepting the felon vote.
and there you have it .

Anyone of you people who dont post but do read can now tell that the republican partys CHEATING in elections for decades is cold hard fact.

The other cold hard fact is right leaning voters dont seem to mind that the republican party cheats like dime store hoods.


Is that the kind of people you want in our government?
If the American people KNEW the republican partys history your party would be on the treash heap of history

Are you fucking serious??

Yeah all that freedom and limited government shit takes a back seat to all that slavery, federalism and overall contempt..

It's amazing how ignorant modern progressive democrats are..

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