12 Terrifying Examples Of White Rural Rage

Someone with a job.

When we would go to deep East Texas we would go to Walmart just to look at the yokels and their lack of teeth.

I live in the Midwest, land of the people that feed you and likely could buy you.

Why would you go to Walmart to look at less fortunate? Did it make you feel superior? That's sad, very sad
I live in the Midwest, land of the people that feed you and likely could buy you.

Why would you go to Walmart to look at less fortunate? Did it make you feel superior? That's sad, very sad
You are welfare cheats, living off government farm subsidies. Then you sell your shit to Tyson and ADM. And they laugh at you.
You are welfare cheats, living off government farm subsidies. Then you sell your shit to Tyson and ADM. And they laugh at you.

You have absolutely no idea what you're screeching about.

Just what your puppet masters tell you.

Farmers are some of the most honest, hard working and moral people I know. I respect them. You? Drop dead tomorrow and I'd simply wouldn't care.

Nobody should ever say they went to Walmart to gawk at the less fortunate. Wtf is the matter with you?
Farmers are some of the most honest, hard working and moral people I know. I respect them. You? Drop dead tomorrow and I'd simply wouldn't care.
No they aren't. They get up late and suck off the government with subsidized prices and money to not grow crops.

You do what you are told by Big Ag.

I'll be curious to see if the Dems go with "DEMOCRACY IS ON THE BALLOT" bullshit this year. After getting slapped down 9-0 for trying to destroy democracy and kick their opponents off of ballots.
No they aren't. They get up late and suck off the government with subsidized prices and money to not grow crops.

You do what you are told by Big Ag.

You're just flaming and have no idea what farming is about

I've watched them at 1AM in the fields trying to beat the weather... evidently you were at Walmart gawking at teeth thinking you're all that

You're out of your realm... again
Full time employment and Father's Day are more signs of White Rural Rage.

The dad showing up at his kid's elementary school as a fire-fighter instead of sporting heels and a summer dress and reading a story about 5th graders sucking each other off under the bleachers.

Stay away from White Rural Rage if you're a 'minor attracted person'. That's a good way to end up going through a wood chipper.

drag ugly as fuck 20.jpg
12 Terrifying Examples Of White Rural Rage
POLITICS·Mar 5, 2024 · BabylonBee.com
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White rural rage is the deadliest threat to democracy that democracy has ever been threatened by. Every day, rage-filled rural whiteys are lying in wait to destroy our way of life as we know it. Not good!
To help you recognize this terrifying new threat, here are 10 ghastly examples of white rural rage:
This man enjoying a good book instead of reading The New York Times


No telling how much misinformation is in that book he's reading.

This mother teaching her homeschooled boy how to do racist math


Imagine all the queer history this poor child is missing out on.

This AI-generated photo of two meth heads fighting at a Waffle House


For his own safety, our photographer could not go into a real Waffle House.

These public restrooms that are separated by male and female


Imagine how unsafe this must make Rachel Levine feel.

This barn, painted with a message of hate


You can practically feel the rage in this photo.

This loaf of sourdough


Utterly terrifying.

This guy who is a little upset that Texas roadhouse is out of sweet butter and rolls


Look at the unbridled white rage in his face. This man is dangerous.

This weird hick family that hasn't even transed their kids yet


This is wrong.

This bigot who hasn't watched a single movie featured in Amazon's Women's History Month category


We all know why. He hates women.

These dangerous Christian nationalists praying before eating


They're so white and dumb, they don't even know God isn't real.

This young athlete with no myocarditis


Look at the white rural rage in his eyes. He should've been vaccinated.

This horrible podium-stealing insurrectionist



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Nope. It's because America is a Democracy.

Republicans used to be proud of that too. They sent out troops all over the world "spreading Democracy" for de
Assuming you ever have, when you recite the 'Pledge of Allegiance,' do you pledge to the the democracy, or to the republic.

Sorry, but no amount of denial or making up stories will change the fact that America is a constitutional republic.

You'll have to find a way to deal with it.
The Radical Left Democrats are saying that they hate, and fear "white rural people" and they don't think that it is bigoted at all to hate and fear "white rural people".
"White rural people" is Radical Left bigot code for Wasps.
If peel away all of the layers of hate on the Left, you will find at their core there is a loathing for Wasps.
They loath the people who founded America.
Assuming you ever have, when you recite the 'Pledge of Allegiance,' do you pledge to the the democracy, or to the republic.

Sorry, but no amount of denial or making up stories will change the fact that America is a constitutional republic.

You'll have to find a way to deal with it.
America is a Democracy. Quit with the fascism.
(1) Many thanks to the OP for that hilarious article from the Bee.

(2) It did, however, neglect to mention another disgusting trait of those horrible Caucasian rural people:

Whenever they visit a big American city and take the subway, they know how to find a seat, sit down, and be quiet during the trip. If the rural person is a male, he will immediately offer his seat to any lady who is standing up. Oh, those horrible Caucasian rural people.!

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