12 yr old commits armed robbery on video

Really the face ?? Why not a leg

For someone who professes all this MMA skill, you sure do not understand self-defense! Granted, I would have LIKED to have just shot him in the balls just to see the look on his face as he went down knowing he'd live to stand trial and conviction, but when an assailant is that close and already has a gun aimed in your general direction, you don't take chances, you aim for the heart or the head.

Nation just gets lower and more deranged every week
What’s next ??
When I was working at this liquor store in college this kid used to come in the store just about every day and get a candy bar and a grape soda. He never smiled. I could never get him to laugh at my jokes.

One day we heard about a cop being shot point blank in his squad car 6 times in the head.
I remember not seeing that kid after that.....
They did ballistics on the rounds and they matched a Sheriff's Deputy's gun.
That's how they found out it was that kid who murdered the cop.
He and a friend were out driving around in his step-father's squad car trying to pull people over and rob them.
Another cop rolled up to them to shoot the shit and got shot in the face for his troubles.
Far as I know...he's still in prison in CA.
For someone who professes all this MMA skill, you sure do not understand self-defense! Granted, I would have LIKED to have just shot him in the balls just to see the look on his face as he went down knowing he'd live to stand trial and conviction, but when an assailant is that close and already has a gun aimed in your general direction, you don't take chances, you aim for the heart or the head.
Wait a second
I only said I was a hobbyist and just low level
For someone who professes all this MMA skill, you sure do not understand self-defense! Granted, I would have LIKED to have just shot him in the balls just to see the look on his face as he went down knowing he'd live to stand trial and conviction, but when an assailant is that close and already has a gun aimed in your general direction, you don't take chances, you aim for the heart or the head.
Maybe he deserves to die
I'm wondering why the two guys standing behind the gunman did nothing...

Very good question. The stupid fucks are lucky the kid did not turn around and rob or shoot them as well. Proof once again that government is building such a docile, compliant population of lambs that people have even lost the will to defend themselves.
For someone who professes all this MMA skill, you sure do not understand self-defense! Granted, I would have LIKED to have just shot him in the balls just to see the look on his face as he went down knowing he'd live to stand trial and conviction, but when an assailant is that close and already has a gun aimed in your general direction, you don't take chances, you aim for the heart or the head.
Front sight-post...center mass.

Shoot him till he's down and eye-thump him to make sure he's dead.
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Because the board members give out awards to fellow board members posts instantly after they read the posters post! It's called the THANKS button! Board members are also highlighted for their achievements when you hit the MEMBERS button located @ the top of the page. Hey, we can't help it if we got the best informed MB on the entire world wide web! USMB, don't make a post without it!!!
Because the board members give out awards to fellow board members posts instantly after they read the posters post! It's called the THANKS button! Board members are also highlighted for their achievements when you hit the MEMBERS button located @ the top of the page. Hey, we can't help it if we got the best informed MB on the entire world wide web! USMB, don't make a post without it!!!
The refuse to even give me diamond status

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