121 Murders Attributed to Illegals Released by Obama Administration


Senior Member
May 24, 2015
More than 100 immigrants whom the Obama administration released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings, according to government data released Monday that raises more questions about whether immigration authorities are doing enough to detail illegal immigrants awaiting deportation.

121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration - Washington Times

Immigration is not only about crime, it's about economy also. Remember, Obama once said “One way to strengthen the middle class in America is to reform the immigration system, so that there is no longer a massive underground economy that exploits a cheap source of labor while depressing wages for everybody else.” What can be more ridiculous. The reality shows that illegal immigration can only hurts the American middle class and it is damaging to the U.S. economy.
More than 100 immigrants whom the Obama administration released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings, according to government data released Monday that raises more questions about whether immigration authorities are doing enough to detail illegal immigrants awaiting deportation.

In one case, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement acknowledged that its agents didn’t find out about an illegal immigrant’s death threats and court injunctions against him — which should have put him back in detention — until after the man was accused of murder.

That case, involving Apolinar Altamirano, is the latest instance of someone who went through the Obama administration’s deportation system and was released, only to go on to be charged with major crimes.

Read more: 121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Just another disaster in a long list of complete disasters of this administration. Makes GW Bush look like George Washington.
More than 100 immigrants whom the Obama administration released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings, according to government data released Monday that raises more questions about whether immigration authorities are doing enough to detail illegal immigrants awaiting deportation.

In one case, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement acknowledged that its agents didn’t find out about an illegal immigrant’s death threats and court injunctions against him — which should have put him back in detention — until after the man was accused of murder.

That case, involving Apolinar Altamirano, is the latest instance of someone who went through the Obama administration’s deportation system and was released, only to go on to be charged with major crimes.

Read more: 121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Just another disaster in a long list of complete disasters of this administration. Makes GW Bush look like George Washington.
yup, and these are some of the people obama wants to move into our neighborhoods, as part of that plan to build homes for the poor in middle class neighborhoods.
More than 100 immigrants whom the Obama administration released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings, according to government data released Monday that raises more questions about whether immigration authorities are doing enough to detail illegal immigrants awaiting deportation.

In one case, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement acknowledged that its agents didn’t find out about an illegal immigrant’s death threats and court injunctions against him — which should have put him back in detention — until after the man was accused of murder.

That case, involving Apolinar Altamirano, is the latest instance of someone who went through the Obama administration’s deportation system and was released, only to go on to be charged with major crimes.

Read more: 121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Just another disaster in a long list of complete disasters of this administration. Makes GW Bush look like George Washington.
yup, and these are some of the people obama wants to move into our neighborhoods, as part of that plan to build homes for the poor in middle class neighborhoods.
Shared misery....care of Barack Obama.

He'll be living in his gated community safe from all of the Hell he has created for the Middle-class.
the follow up plan will be when Obama demands that every middle class neighborhood allows 4 blocks for the endangered spieces of sasquatch.
the follow up plan will be when Obama demands that every middle class neighborhood allows 4 blocks for the endangered spieces of sasquatch.
and then Obama will require at least two blocks devoted to the "Confused Gender". Then we will have about 100 Bruce Jenners wandering around our streets talking with our children.
the follow up plan will be when Obama demands that every middle class neighborhood allows 4 blocks for the endangered spieces of sasquatch.
and then Obama will require at least two blocks devoted to the "Confused Gender". Then we will have about 100 Bruce Jenners wandering around our streets talking with our children.

This would be funny, if the left wingers were not serious about this. Of course, make no mistake, those rich liberal communities will not allow this.

Much like how they would not allow wind farms within sight of their homes on Martha's Vineyard. Remember when that fat scumbag piece of alcoholic Irish shit protested them? Yeah, Ted Kennedy, but I am sure you already knew that. Should have added murderer, and the morons in Boston who voted for him every year.
More than 100 immigrants whom the Obama administration released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings, according to government data released Monday that raises more questions about whether immigration authorities are doing enough to detail illegal immigrants awaiting deportation.

In one case, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement acknowledged that its agents didn’t find out about an illegal immigrant’s death threats and court injunctions against him — which should have put him back in detention — until after the man was accused of murder.

That case, involving Apolinar Altamirano, is the latest instance of someone who went through the Obama administration’s deportation system and was released, only to go on to be charged with major crimes.

Read more: 121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Just another disaster in a long list of complete disasters of this administration. Makes GW Bush look like George Washington.

and that mulatto son-of-a-bitch wants to resettle 12,000 somalis into this country who have become ISIS infiltrated. IF this happens, i hope everyone of those terrorists heads straight to the white house and do a little bit of head chopping, they now despise their former hero. :up:
We hear a lot about the job situation. Here are some stats (backed by the CIS)...
Shock report All new jobs going to immigrants not U.S.-born workers TheBlaze.com

The Center for Immigration Studies released a report early Friday saying that according to government data, the net number of jobs created between 2000 to 2014 all went to immigrants, not people born in the United States.

The CIS report found that over the last 14 years, people who were born in the United States held 114.8 million jobs in 2000, and held 114.7 million jobs in 2014, a drop of 127,000.


CHICAGO, IL – JUNE 12: Wendy Larsen (L) speaks to candidates at a job fair in Chicago, Illinois. A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies says all new jobs are flowing to immigrants, not to people born in the United States. Scott Olson/Getty Images

But it’s an entirely different picture for immigrants — 5.7 million more jobs were held by immigrants in the U.S. in 2014 compared to 2000.

“All of the net increase in employment went to immigrants in the last 14 years partly because, even before the Great Recession, immigrants were gaining a disproportionate share of jobs relative to their share of population growth,” the report found. “In addition, natives’ losses were somewhat greater during the recession and immigrants have recovered more quickly from it.”

The report drew three conclusions that support the Republican position that the government needs to start enforcing immigration laws. First, it concluded that the long-term decline in jobs for U.S.-born people shows there is no labor shortage.

A labor shortage is the “primary argument” for supporting the Senate-passed comprehensive immigration bill, the report said.

Second, CIS found that the decline in work for U.S.-born people is “consistent with research showing that immigration reduces employment for natives.”

And last, it said the evidence shows it’s very hard to argue that increased immigration helps create jobs for those born in the U.S.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) reacted to the report by saying its findings are “shocking,” and are an “indictment of immigration policy in Washington DC.” Sessions has warned that amnesty-style programs and easing back on enforcement is lowering wages for Americans, and said the report proves his point.

“There is no doubt that a long, sustained period of high immigration, combined with increased automation and the offshoring of jobs, has produced a loose, low-wage labor market,” Sessions said. “In spite of this, the president continues to champion legislation that would place further substantial downward pressure on wages.”

Sessions said despite this evidence, the Obama administration continues to push for more relaxed immigration rules.

“This report also underscores the economic catastrophe that would have ensued had the Gang of Eight’s legislation, passed in the Senate one year ago today, been moved through the House and signed into law,” Sessions said. “Not only did the Gang of Eight plan provide amnesty to illegal workers… but it surged the rate of new low-skilled immigration at a time of low wages and high unemployment.”

Sessions said the U.S. already allows 1 million immigrants into the country each year who can apply for citizenship, long with 1.4 million guest workers, relatives and students.

“The sensible, conservative, fair thing to do after 40 years of record immigration is to slow down a bit, allow assimilation to occur, allow wages to rise, and to help workers of all backgrounds rise together into the middle class,” he said.

Read the full CIS report here:
More than 100 immigrants whom the Obama administration released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings, according to government data released Monday that raises more questions about whether immigration authorities are doing enough to detail illegal immigrants awaiting deportation.

In one case, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement acknowledged that its agents didn’t find out about an illegal immigrant’s death threats and court injunctions against him — which should have put him back in detention — until after the man was accused of murder.

That case, involving Apolinar Altamirano, is the latest instance of someone who went through the Obama administration’s deportation system and was released, only to go on to be charged with major crimes.

Read more: 121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Just another disaster in a long list of complete disasters of this administration. Makes GW Bush look like George Washington.

and that mulatto son-of-a-bitch wants to resettle 12,000 somalis into this country who have become ISIS infiltrated. IF this happens, i hope everyone of those terrorists heads straight to the white house and do a little bit of head chopping, they now despise their former hero. :up:

Not before taking a little detour to Hollywood before heading to washington.
Just collateral damage on the altar of diversity. Heros of the republic, there that makes it all better.
More than 100 immigrants whom the Obama administration released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings, according to government data released Monday that raises more questions about whether immigration authorities are doing enough to detail illegal immigrants awaiting deportation.

In one case, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement acknowledged that its agents didn’t find out about an illegal immigrant’s death threats and court injunctions against him — which should have put him back in detention — until after the man was accused of murder.

That case, involving Apolinar Altamirano, is the latest instance of someone who went through the Obama administration’s deportation system and was released, only to go on to be charged with major crimes.

Read more: 121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Just another disaster in a long list of complete disasters of this administration. Makes GW Bush look like George Washington.

and that mulatto son-of-a-bitch wants to resettle 12,000 somalis into this country who have become ISIS infiltrated. IF this happens, i hope everyone of those terrorists heads straight to the white house and do a little bit of head chopping, they now despise their former hero. :up:

Not before taking a little detour to Hollywood before heading to washington.

Ahhh, nothing like wishing death upon other people. Once again, Righties keeping it classy.
Just collateral damage on the altar of diversity. Heros of the republic, there that makes it all better.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for the Libs to claim that the illegals aren't taking those jobs (meaning that Obama is just putting millions more people on welfare, where we can support them).

And the crime problem isn't helping, either...

Immigration and Crime Assessing a Conflicted Issue Center for Immigration Studies

Among the findings:

  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates that immigrants (legal and illegal) comprise 20 percent of inmates in prisons and jails. The foreign-born are 15.4 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, DHS has not provided a detailed explanation of how the estimates were generated.
  • Under contract to DHS in 2004, Fentress, Inc., reviewed 8.1 million inmate records from state prison systems and 45 large county jails. They found that 22 percent of inmates were foreign-born. But the report did not cover all of the nation’s jails.
  • The 287(g) program and related efforts have found high rates of illegal alien incarceration in some communities. But it is unclear if the communities are representative of the country:
    • Maricopa County, Ariz.: 22 percent of felons are illegal aliens;
    • Lake County, Ill.: 19 percent of jail inmates are illegal aliens;
    • Collier County, Fla.: 20 to 22 percent of jail inmates and arrestees are illegal aliens;
    • Weld County, Colo.: 12.8 to 15.2 percent of those jailed are illegal aliens.

  • DHS states that it has identified 221,000 non-citizens in the nation’s jails. This equals 11 to 15 percent of the jail population. Non-citizens comprise only 8.6 percent of the nation’s total adult population.
  • The Federal Bureau of Prisons reports that 26.4 percent of inmates in federal prisons are non-U.S. citizens. Non-citizens are 8.6 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, federal prisons are not representative of prisons generally or local jails.
  • A Pew Hispanic Center study found that, of those sentenced for federal crimes in 2007, non-citizen Hispanics were 74 percent of immigration offenders, 25 percent of drug offenders, 8 percent of white collar offenders, and 6 percent of firearms offenders. Non-citizen Hispanics are 5.1 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, the report does not provide information for other crimes or for non-Hispanic immigrants.
  • Recent reports by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) and Immigration Policy Center (IPC) showing low rates of immigrant incarceration highlight the data problems in many studies. The 2000 Census data they used are not reliable.
  • An analysis of the data used in the PPIC and IPC studies by the National Research Council found that 53 percent of the time the Census Bureaus had to make an educated guess whether a prisoner was an immigrant. The studies are essentially measuring these guesses, not actual immigrant incarceration.
  • The poor quality of data used in the PPIC and IPC studies is illustrated by wild and implausible swings. It shows a 28 percent decline in incarcerated immigrants 1990 to 2000 — yet the overall immigrant population grew 59 percent. Newer Census data from 2007 show a 146 percent increase in immigrant incarceration 2000 to 2007 — yet, the overall immigrant population grew only 22 percent.
  • The Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities shows that 8.1 percent of prisoners in state prisons are immigrants (legal and illegal). However, the survey excludes jails and relies on inmate self-identification, which is likely to understate the number of immigrants.
  • In 2009, 57 percent of the 76 fugitive murderers most wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were foreign-born. It is likely however that because immigrants can more readily flee to other countries, they comprise a disproportionate share of fugitives.
More than 100 immigrants whom the Obama administration released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings, according to government data released Monday that raises more questions about whether immigration authorities are doing enough to detail illegal immigrants awaiting deportation.

121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration - Washington Times

Immigration is not only about crime, it's about economy also. Remember, Obama once said “One way to strengthen the middle class in America is to reform the immigration system, so that there is no longer a massive underground economy that exploits a cheap source of labor while depressing wages for everybody else.” What can be more ridiculous. The reality shows that illegal immigration can only hurts the American middle class and it is damaging to the U.S. economy.
The Obama administration released no one. From the article: " It said 33 of those were ordered released by immigration courts and another 24 were released because of a 2001 Supreme Court decision capping the time an immigrant can be detained to six months." So, of the 121, 67 released because the law required that they be released.

Read more: 121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

And, of course, some of these homicides were drunk driving or other motor vehicle offense related. There was nothing in the article indicating that there was anything about those released over a five year period that warranted detention; detention that would be illegal under US law as it existed before Obama became President. This hit piece was out a year ago, proven to be a pile of bullshit, and not get trotted back out with the hope that folks have little memory of when it was out a year ago.
Just collateral damage on the altar of diversity. Heros of the republic, there that makes it all better.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for the Libs to claim that the illegals aren't taking those jobs (meaning that Obama is just putting millions more people on welfare, where we can support them).

And the crime problem isn't helping, either...

Immigration and Crime Assessing a Conflicted Issue Center for Immigration Studies

Among the findings:

  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates that immigrants (legal and illegal) comprise 20 percent of inmates in prisons and jails. The foreign-born are 15.4 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, DHS has not provided a detailed explanation of how the estimates were generated.
  • Under contract to DHS in 2004, Fentress, Inc., reviewed 8.1 million inmate records from state prison systems and 45 large county jails. They found that 22 percent of inmates were foreign-born. But the report did not cover all of the nation’s jails.
  • The 287(g) program and related efforts have found high rates of illegal alien incarceration in some communities. But it is unclear if the communities are representative of the country:
    • Maricopa County, Ariz.: 22 percent of felons are illegal aliens;
    • Lake County, Ill.: 19 percent of jail inmates are illegal aliens;
    • Collier County, Fla.: 20 to 22 percent of jail inmates and arrestees are illegal aliens;
    • Weld County, Colo.: 12.8 to 15.2 percent of those jailed are illegal aliens.

  • DHS states that it has identified 221,000 non-citizens in the nation’s jails. This equals 11 to 15 percent of the jail population. Non-citizens comprise only 8.6 percent of the nation’s total adult population.
  • The Federal Bureau of Prisons reports that 26.4 percent of inmates in federal prisons are non-U.S. citizens. Non-citizens are 8.6 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, federal prisons are not representative of prisons generally or local jails.
  • A Pew Hispanic Center study found that, of those sentenced for federal crimes in 2007, non-citizen Hispanics were 74 percent of immigration offenders, 25 percent of drug offenders, 8 percent of white collar offenders, and 6 percent of firearms offenders. Non-citizen Hispanics are 5.1 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, the report does not provide information for other crimes or for non-Hispanic immigrants.
  • Recent reports by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) and Immigration Policy Center (IPC) showing low rates of immigrant incarceration highlight the data problems in many studies. The 2000 Census data they used are not reliable.
  • An analysis of the data used in the PPIC and IPC studies by the National Research Council found that 53 percent of the time the Census Bureaus had to make an educated guess whether a prisoner was an immigrant. The studies are essentially measuring these guesses, not actual immigrant incarceration.
  • The poor quality of data used in the PPIC and IPC studies is illustrated by wild and implausible swings. It shows a 28 percent decline in incarcerated immigrants 1990 to 2000 — yet the overall immigrant population grew 59 percent. Newer Census data from 2007 show a 146 percent increase in immigrant incarceration 2000 to 2007 — yet, the overall immigrant population grew only 22 percent.
  • The Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities shows that 8.1 percent of prisoners in state prisons are immigrants (legal and illegal). However, the survey excludes jails and relies on inmate self-identification, which is likely to understate the number of immigrants.
  • In 2009, 57 percent of the 76 fugitive murderers most wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were foreign-born. It is likely however that because immigrants can more readily flee to other countries, they comprise a disproportionate share of fugitives.
A) Non-Citizens does not mean illegal. B) many of those detained in those facilities are detained because they are here illegally.

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