121 Murders Attributed to Illegals Released by Obama Administration

Just collateral damage on the altar of diversity. Heros of the republic, there that makes it all better.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for the Libs to claim that the illegals aren't taking those jobs (meaning that Obama is just putting millions more people on welfare, where we can support them).

And the crime problem isn't helping, either...

Immigration and Crime Assessing a Conflicted Issue Center for Immigration Studies

Among the findings:

  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates that immigrants (legal and illegal) comprise 20 percent of inmates in prisons and jails. The foreign-born are 15.4 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, DHS has not provided a detailed explanation of how the estimates were generated.
  • Under contract to DHS in 2004, Fentress, Inc., reviewed 8.1 million inmate records from state prison systems and 45 large county jails. They found that 22 percent of inmates were foreign-born. But the report did not cover all of the nation’s jails.
  • The 287(g) program and related efforts have found high rates of illegal alien incarceration in some communities. But it is unclear if the communities are representative of the country:
    • Maricopa County, Ariz.: 22 percent of felons are illegal aliens;
    • Lake County, Ill.: 19 percent of jail inmates are illegal aliens;
    • Collier County, Fla.: 20 to 22 percent of jail inmates and arrestees are illegal aliens;
    • Weld County, Colo.: 12.8 to 15.2 percent of those jailed are illegal aliens.

  • DHS states that it has identified 221,000 non-citizens in the nation’s jails. This equals 11 to 15 percent of the jail population. Non-citizens comprise only 8.6 percent of the nation’s total adult population.
  • The Federal Bureau of Prisons reports that 26.4 percent of inmates in federal prisons are non-U.S. citizens. Non-citizens are 8.6 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, federal prisons are not representative of prisons generally or local jails.
  • A Pew Hispanic Center study found that, of those sentenced for federal crimes in 2007, non-citizen Hispanics were 74 percent of immigration offenders, 25 percent of drug offenders, 8 percent of white collar offenders, and 6 percent of firearms offenders. Non-citizen Hispanics are 5.1 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, the report does not provide information for other crimes or for non-Hispanic immigrants.
  • Recent reports by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) and Immigration Policy Center (IPC) showing low rates of immigrant incarceration highlight the data problems in many studies. The 2000 Census data they used are not reliable.
  • An analysis of the data used in the PPIC and IPC studies by the National Research Council found that 53 percent of the time the Census Bureaus had to make an educated guess whether a prisoner was an immigrant. The studies are essentially measuring these guesses, not actual immigrant incarceration.
  • The poor quality of data used in the PPIC and IPC studies is illustrated by wild and implausible swings. It shows a 28 percent decline in incarcerated immigrants 1990 to 2000 — yet the overall immigrant population grew 59 percent. Newer Census data from 2007 show a 146 percent increase in immigrant incarceration 2000 to 2007 — yet, the overall immigrant population grew only 22 percent.
  • The Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities shows that 8.1 percent of prisoners in state prisons are immigrants (legal and illegal). However, the survey excludes jails and relies on inmate self-identification, which is likely to understate the number of immigrants.
  • In 2009, 57 percent of the 76 fugitive murderers most wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were foreign-born. It is likely however that because immigrants can more readily flee to other countries, they comprise a disproportionate share of fugitives.
A) Non-Citizens does not mean illegal. B) many of those detained in those facilities are detained because they are here illegally.
Sorry, buddy.... They don't arrest people for being here illegally....

As a matter of fact, a lot of them don't even show up for their hearings when we try to deport them.....
No, they arrest them for other crimes and detain them pending deportation.
Nationwide, Immigrants are Five Times Less Likely to be in Prison Than the Native-Born

  • A 2007 study by University of California, Irvine, sociologist Rubén G. Rumbaut, found that for every ethnic group, without exception, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants, even those who are the least educated. This holds true especially for the Mexicans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans who make up the bulk of the undocumented population.
    • The 3.5 percent incarceration rate for native-born men age 18-39 was five times higher than the 0.7 percent rate for immigrant men in 2000{Figure 5}. Among male high-school dropouts, 9.8 percent of the native-born were behind bars in 2000, compared to only 1.3 percent of immigrants.
    • In 2000, 0.7 percent of foreign-born Mexican men and 0.5 percent of foreign-born Salvadoran and Guatemalan men were in prison. Among male high-school dropouts, 0.7 percent of foreign-born Mexicans and 0.6 percent of foreign-born Salvadorans and Guatemalans were behind bars in 2000.
Just collateral damage on the altar of diversity. Heros of the republic, there that makes it all better.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for the Libs to claim that the illegals aren't taking those jobs (meaning that Obama is just putting millions more people on welfare, where we can support them).

And the crime problem isn't helping, either...

Immigration and Crime Assessing a Conflicted Issue Center for Immigration Studies

Among the findings:

  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates that immigrants (legal and illegal) comprise 20 percent of inmates in prisons and jails. The foreign-born are 15.4 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, DHS has not provided a detailed explanation of how the estimates were generated.
  • Under contract to DHS in 2004, Fentress, Inc., reviewed 8.1 million inmate records from state prison systems and 45 large county jails. They found that 22 percent of inmates were foreign-born. But the report did not cover all of the nation’s jails.
  • The 287(g) program and related efforts have found high rates of illegal alien incarceration in some communities. But it is unclear if the communities are representative of the country:
    • Maricopa County, Ariz.: 22 percent of felons are illegal aliens;
    • Lake County, Ill.: 19 percent of jail inmates are illegal aliens;
    • Collier County, Fla.: 20 to 22 percent of jail inmates and arrestees are illegal aliens;
    • Weld County, Colo.: 12.8 to 15.2 percent of those jailed are illegal aliens.

  • DHS states that it has identified 221,000 non-citizens in the nation’s jails. This equals 11 to 15 percent of the jail population. Non-citizens comprise only 8.6 percent of the nation’s total adult population.
  • The Federal Bureau of Prisons reports that 26.4 percent of inmates in federal prisons are non-U.S. citizens. Non-citizens are 8.6 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, federal prisons are not representative of prisons generally or local jails.
  • A Pew Hispanic Center study found that, of those sentenced for federal crimes in 2007, non-citizen Hispanics were 74 percent of immigration offenders, 25 percent of drug offenders, 8 percent of white collar offenders, and 6 percent of firearms offenders. Non-citizen Hispanics are 5.1 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, the report does not provide information for other crimes or for non-Hispanic immigrants.
  • Recent reports by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) and Immigration Policy Center (IPC) showing low rates of immigrant incarceration highlight the data problems in many studies. The 2000 Census data they used are not reliable.
  • An analysis of the data used in the PPIC and IPC studies by the National Research Council found that 53 percent of the time the Census Bureaus had to make an educated guess whether a prisoner was an immigrant. The studies are essentially measuring these guesses, not actual immigrant incarceration.
  • The poor quality of data used in the PPIC and IPC studies is illustrated by wild and implausible swings. It shows a 28 percent decline in incarcerated immigrants 1990 to 2000 — yet the overall immigrant population grew 59 percent. Newer Census data from 2007 show a 146 percent increase in immigrant incarceration 2000 to 2007 — yet, the overall immigrant population grew only 22 percent.
  • The Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities shows that 8.1 percent of prisoners in state prisons are immigrants (legal and illegal). However, the survey excludes jails and relies on inmate self-identification, which is likely to understate the number of immigrants.
  • In 2009, 57 percent of the 76 fugitive murderers most wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were foreign-born. It is likely however that because immigrants can more readily flee to other countries, they comprise a disproportionate share of fugitives.
A) Non-Citizens does not mean illegal. B) many of those detained in those facilities are detained because they are here illegally.
Sorry, buddy.... They don't arrest people for being here illegally....

As a matter of fact, a lot of them don't even show up for their hearings when we try to deport them.....
No, they arrest them for other crimes and detain them pending deportation.
Nationwide, Immigrants are Five Times Less Likely to be in Prison Than the Native-Born

  • A 2007 study by University of California, Irvine, sociologist Rubén G. Rumbaut, found that for every ethnic group, without exception, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants, even those who are the least educated. This holds true especially for the Mexicans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans who make up the bulk of the undocumented population.
    • The 3.5 percent incarceration rate for native-born men age 18-39 was five times higher than the 0.7 percent rate for immigrant men in 2000{Figure 5}. Among male high-school dropouts, 9.8 percent of the native-born were behind bars in 2000, compared to only 1.3 percent of immigrants.
    • In 2000, 0.7 percent of foreign-born Mexican men and 0.5 percent of foreign-born Salvadoran and Guatemalan men were in prison. Among male high-school dropouts, 0.7 percent of foreign-born Mexicans and 0.6 percent of foreign-born Salvadorans and Guatemalans were behind bars in 2000.
Actually, I'll go with the official government figures if you don't mind.... If you bother to check your source, you will find that the college you used has a notorious reputation for liberal bias....

And thank you for admitting in the above post that those illegals I referred to were arrested for other crimes. It's nice to see a little intellectual honesty occasionally.
The Washington beltway increasingly backs up at rush hour on the Maryland side at the Georgia Ave exit causing significant delays every day. Why? Highspanic immigration, legal and otherwise. Multiple families per dwelling, multiple cars per family. They're headed into Wheaton. No new housing development in Wheaton, just a 25% increase in population there since 1990 with highspanics accounting for the 42% plurality, up from just 13% in 1990.
Not to mention that my kid couldn't find summer work locally between semesters the past three years.
So, your son's inability impress anyone enough to be hired for three years is everyone else's fault? Maybe he just comes across as not worthy of being hired.
Overqualified if anything. Reality is the locale is inundated with highspanics doing the grunt jobs. It's a college town.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for the Libs to claim that the illegals aren't taking those jobs (meaning that Obama is just putting millions more people on welfare, where we can support them).

And the crime problem isn't helping, either...

Immigration and Crime Assessing a Conflicted Issue Center for Immigration Studies

Among the findings:

  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates that immigrants (legal and illegal) comprise 20 percent of inmates in prisons and jails. The foreign-born are 15.4 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, DHS has not provided a detailed explanation of how the estimates were generated.
  • Under contract to DHS in 2004, Fentress, Inc., reviewed 8.1 million inmate records from state prison systems and 45 large county jails. They found that 22 percent of inmates were foreign-born. But the report did not cover all of the nation’s jails.
  • The 287(g) program and related efforts have found high rates of illegal alien incarceration in some communities. But it is unclear if the communities are representative of the country:
    • Maricopa County, Ariz.: 22 percent of felons are illegal aliens;
    • Lake County, Ill.: 19 percent of jail inmates are illegal aliens;
    • Collier County, Fla.: 20 to 22 percent of jail inmates and arrestees are illegal aliens;
    • Weld County, Colo.: 12.8 to 15.2 percent of those jailed are illegal aliens.

  • DHS states that it has identified 221,000 non-citizens in the nation’s jails. This equals 11 to 15 percent of the jail population. Non-citizens comprise only 8.6 percent of the nation’s total adult population.
  • The Federal Bureau of Prisons reports that 26.4 percent of inmates in federal prisons are non-U.S. citizens. Non-citizens are 8.6 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, federal prisons are not representative of prisons generally or local jails.
  • A Pew Hispanic Center study found that, of those sentenced for federal crimes in 2007, non-citizen Hispanics were 74 percent of immigration offenders, 25 percent of drug offenders, 8 percent of white collar offenders, and 6 percent of firearms offenders. Non-citizen Hispanics are 5.1 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, the report does not provide information for other crimes or for non-Hispanic immigrants.
  • Recent reports by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) and Immigration Policy Center (IPC) showing low rates of immigrant incarceration highlight the data problems in many studies. The 2000 Census data they used are not reliable.
  • An analysis of the data used in the PPIC and IPC studies by the National Research Council found that 53 percent of the time the Census Bureaus had to make an educated guess whether a prisoner was an immigrant. The studies are essentially measuring these guesses, not actual immigrant incarceration.
  • The poor quality of data used in the PPIC and IPC studies is illustrated by wild and implausible swings. It shows a 28 percent decline in incarcerated immigrants 1990 to 2000 — yet the overall immigrant population grew 59 percent. Newer Census data from 2007 show a 146 percent increase in immigrant incarceration 2000 to 2007 — yet, the overall immigrant population grew only 22 percent.
  • The Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities shows that 8.1 percent of prisoners in state prisons are immigrants (legal and illegal). However, the survey excludes jails and relies on inmate self-identification, which is likely to understate the number of immigrants.
  • In 2009, 57 percent of the 76 fugitive murderers most wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were foreign-born. It is likely however that because immigrants can more readily flee to other countries, they comprise a disproportionate share of fugitives.
A) Non-Citizens does not mean illegal. B) many of those detained in those facilities are detained because they are here illegally.
Sorry, buddy.... They don't arrest people for being here illegally....

As a matter of fact, a lot of them don't even show up for their hearings when we try to deport them.....
No, they arrest them for other crimes and detain them pending deportation.
Nationwide, Immigrants are Five Times Less Likely to be in Prison Than the Native-Born

  • A 2007 study by University of California, Irvine, sociologist Rubén G. Rumbaut, found that for every ethnic group, without exception, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants, even those who are the least educated. This holds true especially for the Mexicans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans who make up the bulk of the undocumented population.
    • The 3.5 percent incarceration rate for native-born men age 18-39 was five times higher than the 0.7 percent rate for immigrant men in 2000{Figure 5}. Among male high-school dropouts, 9.8 percent of the native-born were behind bars in 2000, compared to only 1.3 percent of immigrants.
    • In 2000, 0.7 percent of foreign-born Mexican men and 0.5 percent of foreign-born Salvadoran and Guatemalan men were in prison. Among male high-school dropouts, 0.7 percent of foreign-born Mexicans and 0.6 percent of foreign-born Salvadorans and Guatemalans were behind bars in 2000.
Actually, I'll go with the official government figures if you don't mind.... If you bother to check your source, you will find that the college you used has a notorious reputation for liberal bias....

And thank you for admitting in the above post that those illegals I referred to were arrested for other crimes. It's nice to see a little intellectual honesty occasionally.
The CIS has no reputation for intellectual integrity. It is, by its very nature, biased. It is an advocacy group.
You know, I read the entire article, but they seem to have forgotten to include a link to the government report that the article is about.

I wonder why that is?
A) Non-Citizens does not mean illegal. B) many of those detained in those facilities are detained because they are here illegally.
Sorry, buddy.... They don't arrest people for being here illegally....

As a matter of fact, a lot of them don't even show up for their hearings when we try to deport them.....
No, they arrest them for other crimes and detain them pending deportation.
Nationwide, Immigrants are Five Times Less Likely to be in Prison Than the Native-Born

  • A 2007 study by University of California, Irvine, sociologist Rubén G. Rumbaut, found that for every ethnic group, without exception, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants, even those who are the least educated. This holds true especially for the Mexicans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans who make up the bulk of the undocumented population.
    • The 3.5 percent incarceration rate for native-born men age 18-39 was five times higher than the 0.7 percent rate for immigrant men in 2000{Figure 5}. Among male high-school dropouts, 9.8 percent of the native-born were behind bars in 2000, compared to only 1.3 percent of immigrants.
    • In 2000, 0.7 percent of foreign-born Mexican men and 0.5 percent of foreign-born Salvadoran and Guatemalan men were in prison. Among male high-school dropouts, 0.7 percent of foreign-born Mexicans and 0.6 percent of foreign-born Salvadorans and Guatemalans were behind bars in 2000.
Actually, I'll go with the official government figures if you don't mind.... If you bother to check your source, you will find that the college you used has a notorious reputation for liberal bias....

And thank you for admitting in the above post that those illegals I referred to were arrested for other crimes. It's nice to see a little intellectual honesty occasionally.
The CIS has no reputation for intellectual integrity. It is, by its very nature, biased. It is an advocacy group.
Then let's look at it this way.... These figures should give you an idea of the illegals that ICE has been deporting up through 2013.....

Seems we get a lot of criminals every year, doesn't it???


Reference Tables 8 & 9, and you should get a pretty clear picture of the number of criminals in the illegal immigrant population.

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