12th anniversary of Rachel Corrie being murdered by IDF

Another person manipulated and conned into supporting Hamas/Fatah/Hezbollah. Can't feel sympathy for what happened, only pity. As death is usually how that ends.

How is the death of an unarmed protestor ever not sad? If anything it represents a blow to the freedom of political expression and speech which, even if you don't like the protestors ideology, you should still care about.

Maybe she should have just moved out of the way of the bulldozer? no one shot her in the head, she stood there and got killed when she could have just moved.
nobody ever got killed when the stooges did it?
Another person manipulated and conned into supporting Hamas/Fatah/Hezbollah. Can't feel sympathy for what happened, only pity. As death is usually how that ends.

How is the death of an unarmed protestor ever not sad? If anything it represents a blow to the freedom of political expression and speech which, even if you don't like the protestors ideology, you should still care about.

Maybe she should have just moved out of the way of the bulldozer? no one shot her in the head, she stood there and got killed when she could have just moved.

Putting the blame on the victim isn't a very winning tactic. The simple fact is that she was a peaceful protestor who was killed while peacefully protesting. Regardless of your political affiliation it should be viewed as rather tragic that someone died simply for / while exercising their freedom of expression and freedom of speech.
Another person manipulated and conned into supporting Hamas/Fatah/Hezbollah. Can't feel sympathy for what happened, only pity. As death is usually how that ends.

How is the death of an unarmed protestor ever not sad? If anything it represents a blow to the freedom of political expression and speech which, even if you don't like the protestors ideology, you should still care about.
I don't care about ISIS supporters or so-called 'peace activists' who travel on flotilla's with guns, lead pipes and knives to beat to death Israeli soldiers/police. They picked their side, and died for the cause of Islamic theocracy.

Then you don't care about the freedom of expression and the right to free speech.
Another person manipulated and conned into supporting Hamas/Fatah/Hezbollah. Can't feel sympathy for what happened, only pity. As death is usually how that ends.

How is the death of an unarmed protestor ever not sad? If anything it represents a blow to the freedom of political expression and speech which, even if you don't like the protestors ideology, you should still care about.
I don't care about ISIS supporters or so-called 'peace activists' who travel on flotilla's with guns, lead pipes and knives to beat to death Israeli soldiers/police. They picked their side, and died for the cause of Islamic theocracy.

Then you don't care about the freedom of expression and the right to free speech.
I don't believe that aiding and abetting Fatah, is 'free speech' or 'freedom of expressions.
Another person manipulated and conned into supporting Hamas/Fatah/Hezbollah. Can't feel sympathy for what happened, only pity. As death is usually how that ends.

How is the death of an unarmed protestor ever not sad? If anything it represents a blow to the freedom of political expression and speech which, even if you don't like the protestors ideology, you should still care about.
I don't care about ISIS supporters or so-called 'peace activists' who travel on flotilla's with guns, lead pipes and knives to beat to death Israeli soldiers/police. They picked their side, and died for the cause of Islamic theocracy.

Then you don't care about the freedom of expression and the right to free speech.
I don't believe that aiding and abetting Fatah, is 'free speech' or 'freedom of expressions.

Convenient for you to be able to ignore the rights of expression and freedom of speech when it suits you to. Also, equating opposition to home demolitions to the support of specific terrorist groups is intellectually dishonest let alone your attempt to equate it to support for ISIS.
She made a terrible mistake by assuming she would be seen through all that armor. That mistake cost her life. I don't see the point in trying to call it murder or trying to blame the operator for it. She simply wasn't qualified to be on a site with heavy machinery. It was a tragic moment, but she is to blame for it.
Let's review....the Israelis bulldoze the homes of terrorist infiltrators.....this girl stands in the way of the bulldozer....if she isn't run over, the tactic won't work anymore because the Palis will put their kids in front of the next bulldozer. So she is run over so the tactic can't be foiled by a human shield. Seems pretty clear the Palis have to understand the Israeli's dilemma and figure out a way to make peace.
Let's review....the Israelis bulldoze the homes of terrorist infiltrators.....this girl stands in the way of the bulldozer....if she isn't run over, the tactic won't work anymore because the Palis will put their kids in front of the next bulldozer. So she is run over so the tactic can't be foiled by a human shield. Seems pretty clear the Palis have to understand the Israeli's dilemma and figure out a way to make peace.

So according to you, the guy at Tienanmen Square should have been rightfully flattened.

Protesting the use of collective punishment, which is a violation of international law (and something that we as a society have deemed illegal as well in the US). Is also not the same as supporting terrorist groups.
So according to you, the guy at Tienanmen Square should have been rightfully flattened.

Protesting the use of collective punishment, which is a violation of international law (and something that we as a society have deemed illegal as well in the US). Is also not the same as supporting terrorist groups.

Two completely different scenarios....the guy in China was protesting for civil rights. The Pali girl was protesting revenge for the murder of Israelis. Remember, the IDF has few other alternatives to punish crimes against them.
So according to you, the guy at Tienanmen Square should have been rightfully flattened.

Protesting the use of collective punishment, which is a violation of international law (and something that we as a society have deemed illegal as well in the US). Is also not the same as supporting terrorist groups.

Two completely different scenarios....the guy in China was protesting for civil rights. The Pali girl was protesting revenge for the murder of Israelis. Remember, the IDF has few other alternatives to punish crimes against them.

So yes? you would support the Chinese military flattening the guy? Or do you only support freedom of expression and speech when you agree with what is being said?
So yes? you would support the Chinese military flattening the guy? Or do you only support freedom of expression and speech when you agree with what is being said?

I just undid my "agree" with an earlier post of yours in this thread. Don't you lecture me about freedom of expression. The Israelis have the right to live in peace too. This girl was killed by HAMAS not Israel. Would I have run her down? I can't say. What I can say is that I would hope I wouldn't have had to.
Another person manipulated and conned into supporting Hamas/Fatah/Hezbollah. Can't feel sympathy for what happened, only pity. As death is usually how that ends.

How is the death of an unarmed protestor ever not sad? If anything it represents a blow to the freedom of political expression and speech which, even if you don't like the protestors ideology, you should still care about.
I don't care about ISIS supporters or so-called 'peace activists' who travel on flotilla's with guns, lead pipes and knives to beat to death Israeli soldiers/police. They picked their side, and died for the cause of Islamic theocracy.

Then you don't care about the freedom of expression and the right to free speech.
I don't believe that aiding and abetting Fatah, is 'free speech' or 'freedom of expressions.

Convenient for you to be able to ignore the rights of expression and freedom of speech when it suits you to. Also, equating opposition to home demolitions to the support of specific terrorist groups is intellectually dishonest let alone your attempt to equate it to support for ISIS.
You obviously believe that Neo Nazis and real Jew haters should he able to hold signs stating 'death to Jews' and incite violence towards the Jewish people.

Netanyahu won the Israeli election exit polls, so go sulk into Obama's sleeve, as you won't get regime change.
Let's review....the Israelis bulldoze the homes of terrorist infiltrators.....this girl stands in the way of the bulldozer....if she isn't run over, the tactic won't work anymore because the Palis will put their kids in front of the next bulldozer. So she is run over so the tactic can't be foiled by a human shield. Seems pretty clear the Palis have to understand the Israeli's dilemma and figure out a way to make peace.
the palis as you so unimaginatively call them are not infiltrators but Arab citizens of Israel[3] is the Israeli government's designation for non-Jewish Israeli citizens, the majority of whose cultural and linguistic heritage or ethnic identity is Arab or Palestinian and commonly self-designate as Palestinian citizens of Israel
they are terrorists just as
Timothy McVeigh
Let's review....the Israelis bulldoze the homes of terrorist infiltrators.....this girl stands in the way of the bulldozer....if she isn't run over, the tactic won't work anymore because the Palis will put their kids in front of the next bulldozer. So she is run over so the tactic can't be foiled by a human shield. Seems pretty clear the Palis have to understand the Israeli's dilemma and figure out a way to make peace.

Here's how htey make peace. The Zionists go back to Europe where they came from and learn how to live with other Europeans.

Problem solved.
Twelve years now, since that twit got killed, for stupidly being where she should not have been? Where did the time go?
Oh please. That bitch thought her mouth would stop a tank. She was deservedly flattened.
Another traitor piece of shit added to the list. I can't wait...I really can't. I am going to enjoy the torture rooms when we get to use them....its gonna make her death seem like a cake walk when scum are taken care of
I thought you were against water boarding? That is just about the extent of usa torture. Move to another country.
That's tame compared to what I would do if given a chance. I will volunteer to torture.

Bwock Bwock Bwock.
Oh please. That bitch thought her mouth would stop a tank. She was deservedly flattened.
Another traitor piece of shit added to the list. I can't wait...I really can't. I am going to enjoy the torture rooms when we get to use them....its gonna make her death seem like a cake walk when scum are taken care of

I'm sure peace activists can't wait to thank you when they read posts like this.

The Scheveschorders are waiting for justice.

7 children of theirs blasted by Palestinians.

The Shabos are waiting for Justice.

4 children of theirs were shot and stabbed by Palestinians.

Helena Rapp is waiting for justice.

Her small and tender heart was ripped out of her still breathing chest, by Palestinians. She was not even 14 yet.

Adele Biton is waiting for justice.

An innocent baby stoned by Palestinians.

The Seven Jerusalemite worshippers are waiting for justice.

They were slaughtered with axes and knives while praying in a synagogue, by Palestinians.

Shalhevet Pass is waiting for justice.

A newborn baby sniped down, shot in the head while sleeping, by Palestinians.

Tamar Fogel is waiting for justice.

Her parents, three siblings, one of them newborn baby, stabbed in their sleep by Palestinians.

Pua Palmer is waiting for justice.

Her husbend and newborn son stoned to death by Palestinians.

Daniel Tregerman is waiting for justice.

A small toddler, blasted by homemade rocket, killed by Palestinians.

Chaya Zisl Braun is waiting for justice.

2 months old baby, run over by Palestinians

Naftali Frenkel, Gilad Sha'ar and Eyal Yifrach are waiting for justice.

3 innocent teenage boys, kidnapped, abused, and brutally killed by Palestinians on their way home.

Rachel Weiss and her three children are waiting for justice.

They were burned alive by Palestinians, the soldier trying to save them burned with them.

Yet a silly girl who thought she was wonder woman is more worthy of being remembered....just because.

And if they stayed in Europe where they belonged, they woudln't need "Justice".

You forgot about these people:

Mizrahi Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Oh please. That bitch thought her mouth would stop a tank. She was deservedly flattened.
Another traitor piece of shit added to the list. I can't wait...I really can't. I am going to enjoy the torture rooms when we get to use them....its gonna make her death seem like a cake walk when scum are taken care of

I'm sure peace activists can't wait to thank you when they read posts like this.
Oh please. That bitch thought her mouth would stop a tank. She was deservedly flattened.
Another traitor piece of shit added to the list. I can't wait...I really can't. I am going to enjoy the torture rooms when we get to use them....its gonna make her death seem like a cake walk when scum are taken care of

I'm sure peace activists can't wait to thank you when they read posts like this.
You mean the 'peace activists' of the flotilla, or the real ones?


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