12th anniversary of Rachel Corrie being murdered by IDF

Twelve years now, since that twit got killed, for stupidly being where she should not have been? Where did the time go?

So let me get this straight... She stands in front of a bulldozer trying to demolish someone's house, and she deserved to die.

But the Zionists steal the Palestinians' land, and they are totally victims when they get blown up?

Is this your argument?
this idiot...really....she does something stupid and then you blame the bulldozer driver.........she was dumb and lucky she didn't get other people killed with her stupidity....
Twelve years now, since that twit got killed, for stupidly being where she should not have been? Where did the time go?

So let me get this straight... She stands in front of a bulldozer trying to demolish someone's house, and she deserved to die.

But the Zionists steal the Palestinians' land, and they are totally victims when they get blown up?

Is this your argument?
The foolish child was where she was not supposed to be - after being repeatedly warned - and she ended-up dead.

Evictions and annexations in Israel were not her concern.

And, I don't think she was 'standing in front of a bulldozer'... was she not obscured behind a wall or something?

In any event, the little idiot stuck her nose into somebody else's business, and ended-up dead for her trouble.

I don't think the IDF folk intentionally bulldozed her over, but I doubt they shed any crocodile tears after she turned-up dead in the rubble.

As to the validity of Israeli evictions and land-annexations, they are in the process of completing the Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael now.

Until the Intifadas, there was probably some chance that the Israelis would still come to terms with the Idiot Palestinians.

After the Intifadas, though... phukk 'em... they're going to be pushed out.

The smart ones pack-up and leave.

The stupid ones stay.

And, from time to time, really stupid outsiders try to insert themselves into the process as obstructionists.

That was what happened to that poor, deluded American kid.

She learned that a human obstructionist will lose to a bulldozer, every time.

Perhaps in her next incarnation, she'll be a little smarter.

Too late for this lifetime, though.

Tough break, for what was probably a sweet, well-intentioned kid, who didn't understand the world she was living in, and stuck her nose in where it didn't belong.

Tough break for the parents, too.
The foolish child was where she was not supposed to be - after being repeatedly warned - and she ended-up dead.

Evictions and annexations in Israel were not her concern.

And, I don't think she was 'standing in front of a bulldozer'... was she not obscured behind a wall or something?

No, she wasn't, actually. she was standing out in the open in front of the bulldozer. The Zionist scumbag driving it claimed he couldn't see her because the bulldozer was armored and he couldn't see her.

So again, I ask the qeustion. If she's at her own fault for putting herself in a dangerous situation, why should anyone feel bad when Zionshits get blown up by Palestinians.
That's what makes war. Israel needs to sterilize Israel of pallys. Then the war will be over.
So according to you, the guy at Tienanmen Square should have been rightfully flattened.

Flattened or cut into ribbons by one of the machineguns.

Protesting the use of collective punishment, which is a violation of international law (and something that we as a society have deemed illegal as well in the US). Is also not the same as supporting terrorist groups.

International Law has no validity and never has. At least not among nations with any amount of common sense.
Oh please. That bitch thought her mouth would stop a tank. She was deservedly flattened.
Another traitor piece of shit added to the list. I can't wait...I really can't. I am going to enjoy the torture rooms when we get to use them....its gonna make her death seem like a cake walk when scum are taken care of

Fuck off, internet tough guy.
posting to yourself again?

Ah, The USMB Moron makes another pointless post.

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