13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush

Bush's biggest Benghazi was Iraq.

Obama reviews Bush ban on photographing flag-draped coffins of American war dead

Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

Ban on photos of U.S. troops' coffins lifted
Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

You do realize that the Dems voted twice to send troops into Iraq, right? Bush didn't do shit on his own.. not to mention the Dems were beating the Iraq war drums before Bush ever came into office.

Deal with it... your party owns Iraq as much as Bush... in fact, even more so in some respects.

As deaths in Iraq tripled under obama, the democrats are definitely more responsible than Bush.
Obama lied about the terrorist attack in Benghazi.
The only question is why aren't you outraged by this?

what was the reason behind the attack?

Gee, I dunno... anniversary of 9/11 maybe? Merely a coincidink?

Well, kudos for being in the 1% of righties on this board who will admit they actually don't know the reason,

or reasons, or partly this reason, or partly that reason.

The video came out in June. The video translated into Arabic or whatever, came during the week before the attack.

If the video spurred the extremists in Libya to go from sitting around or planning to do something or just talking about it

into action, or if the anniversary of 9/11 did, or if a combination of both did, or something else altogether did,

so what? Is that issue hysteria-worthy?
Add to that they claim Obama lied and said it was because of the video but we still dont know WHY they attacked in the first place which is essential if you want to find out if it was a lie
when they want to cover Obama's ass, bring up Boooooooooooooooooooosh, hell they've went so far back and dug up Reagan from his gave to make excuses for their, DEARLEADER

just so pathetic
13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and
Fox News Said Nothing

Check out the timeline of attacks on embassies and consulate compounds during Bush's tenure that received no similar fine-toothed-combing from Fox.

1. Jan. 22, 2002: Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami Attacks Indian U.S. Consulate
Five policemen were killed and 16 injured in the eastern Indian city of Calcutta because of an attack on the U.S. consulate by militant group Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami. American employees including the consul-general in Calcutta, Christopher Sandrolini, were unscathed, and those injured and killed were all Indians.

2. June 14, 2002: Suicide Car-Bomb Outside U.S. Consulate in Karachi
Twelve people died in an attack outside the U.S. consulate in Karachi when militants exploded a car bomb. A Taliban splinter group referred to as Al-Qanoon, or "The Law," claimed responsibility for the attacks that also injured 51 people. Two hired guards, a Marine, and five Pakistani staff members were among the injured in the attack that followed then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's visit to the country.

3. Oct. 12, 2002: String Of Bali Bombings Included U.S. Consulate
The U.S. consulate in Indonesia was attacked as part of the 'Bali bombings' on a devastating October night. While there were no fatalities at the consulate, seven Americans were among the 202 dead at the coordinated blasts inside a bar and outside a nightclub.

4. Feb. 28, 2003: Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, Attacked For the Second Time in One Year
Gunmen rode up on a motorbike to the U.S. consulate's security checkpoints and rained gunfire killing two Pakistani police officers. One gunman arrested by paramilitary officers was found to have several rounds of ammunition prepared for what could have been a far more devastating attack.

5. May 12, 2003: 36 People Including 9 Americans Die After Terrorists Storm U.S. Compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
The State Department had warned of a potential strike against the Saudi days before gunmen infiltrated the Al Hamra Oasis Village and two others killing 36 people and wounding 160. This was the most devastating attack on a State Department employees to occur under Bush. The Saudi government cracked down on terrorists group but that did not prevent another attack to occur a year later in Jeddah.

6. July 30, 2004: Islamist Attacks U.S. Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Two Uzbek security guards died in a bombing on the U.S. embassy in Tashkent days. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan claimed responsibility of the bombing after 15 alleged Islamist militants went on trial.

7. Dec. 6, 2004: Five Staff and Four Security Guards Die in U.S. consulate attack in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Gunmen fought their way into the complex, reportedly taking 18 staff and visa applicants hostage for a short time before Saudi security forces stormed the building. The final dead counted four security guards, five staff, and three attackers. No Americans were among the dead.

8. March 2, 2006: Third Attack on Karachi U.S. Consulate Killed U.S. Diplomat
U.S. Diplomat David Foy was specifically targeted in the third attack in as many years on the Karachi consulate compound. He was one of four people killed. The bomb occurred two days before President Bush was to visit Pakistan and also targeted the Marriot hotel in an upscale neighborhood of Karachi.

This was a planned and coordinated attack that nobody covered as more than a news item.

9. Sept. 12, 2006: Four Gunmen Stormed the U.S. compound in Damascus, Syria
Gunmen yelling "Allahu akbar " - "God is great" - fired on Syrian security officers guarding the U.S. embassy. The gunmen used grenades, automatic weapons, car bombs, and a truck bomb and killed four people and wounded 13 others. Condoleezza Rice, then Secretary of State praised the Syrians that defended the U.S. employees: "the Syrians reacted to this attack in a way that helped to secure our people, and we very much appreciate that."

10. Jan. 12, 2007: Greek Terrorists Fired a Rocket-Propelled Grenade at the U.S. Embassy
An antitank grenade was fired into the empty consulate building by leftist terrorist group Revolutionary Struggle angry at American foreign policy. Even though nobody was in the building at the time the attack was a blatant breach of security and showed enormous security loopholes.

11. March 18, 2008: A Mortar is Fired at the U.S. Embassy in Sana’a, Yemen
Similar to the Greek attack, a mortar was fired at the U.S. embassy building killing 19 people and injuring 16. This was the second attempt at a similar mortar attack on the embassy. The first one missed the embassy and hit a girls' school next door.

12. July 9, 2008: Three Turkish Policemen were Killed When Gunman Fired on the U.S. Consulate Istanbul, Turkey
Four attackers drove up to the high-walled compound of the U.S. Consulate and started shooting the security guards. The gun battle took the lives of three of the attackers but the fourth one drove off. No Americans were injured or killed.

13. Sept. 17, 2008: 16 People Including 2 Americans Die in an Orchestrated Attack on the U.S. Embassy Sana’a, Yemen
An arsenal of weapons including rocket-propelled grenades and two car bombs were involved in the second attack on the embassy in seven months. Eighteen-year-old American Susan El-Baneh and her husband of three weeks died holding hands.
13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing - PolicyMic

We had 13 US Ambassador murdered? Really? Must have missed that...

What happened in Benghazi was NOT like what happened elsewhere and your attempt to spin this is rather pathetic. People attack our facilities all the time...they don't kill our Ambassador all the time.
It ain't what happened, it is what the spin was before and after it happened followed by the cover up.
As hard as the left tries they can just never polish their turds.
But they keep on trying and amazing some folks buy it.

And if spin were a major crime no administration would last a year. Maybe not even a month.

btw, let's not pretend for chrissakes that ANYTHING the Obama administration would have done around Benghazi would have not been SPUN by the rightwing propaganda machine into a negative.

Okay let's say obama and hillary did what the british and the red cross did, there wouldn't be a problem. Also if he just told the truth to begin with. Maybe americans would've came together against our enemies like we did after 911, but he didn't, he lied as always.
It ain't what happened, it is what the spin was before and after it happened followed by the cover up.
As hard as the left tries they can just never polish their turds.
But they keep on trying and amazing some folks buy it.

And if spin were a major crime no administration would last a year. Maybe not even a month.

btw, let's not pretend for chrissakes that ANYTHING the Obama administration would have done around Benghazi would have not been SPUN by the rightwing propaganda machine into a negative.

Okay let's say obama and hillary did what the british and the red cross did, there wouldn't be a problem. Also if he just told the truth to begin with. Maybe americans would've came together against our enemies like we did after 911, but he didn't, he lied as always.

It is bad for your intestines to use logic or truth or anything that contradicts their script of cliches. Then again I know it pisses them off.

So keep it up my man.
Add to that they claim Obama lied and said it was because of the video but we still dont know WHY they attacked in the first place which is essential if you want to find out if it was a lie

It was an organized attack on 9/11. What more do you need?
The question is, Why are you not outraged that Obama lied about this?
Add to that they claim Obama lied and said it was because of the video but we still dont know WHY they attacked in the first place which is essential if you want to find out if it was a lie

It was an organized attack on 9/11. What more do you need?
The question is, Why are you not outraged that Obama lied about this?

Oh I dont know, proof maybe? I get it, you dont need proof of anything. Your gut is your lie detector but thats not proof
Not a single one of those happened on 9-11 and none were obfuscated with the aid of the media for the purpose of enhancing reelection chances.

One item of interest that I just happened to recall...

Romney politicized the attack the day it happened:

“It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”


Yeah, Romney saw through the lies, and dared call your dear leader on his hypocrisy. That is treason in your dumbass, partisan mind.
Unbelievable and just sickening they are still trying to COVER for this administration, lying to us, arresting an American citizen who made a video, and then COVEREDUP this whole affair for the purpose of his re-election

Watergate wasn't this bad

this man needs to be IMPEACHED

Its unbelievable and sickening yet you didnt address the 13 instances of the same thing happening under Bush. You're outrage only works one way.


Which of those 13 did Bush lie about, and attempt to cover up for political purposes?

Your outrage only works one way.
Add to that they claim Obama lied and said it was because of the video but we still dont know WHY they attacked in the first place which is essential if you want to find out if it was a lie

It was an organized attack on 9/11. What more do you need?
The question is, Why are you not outraged that Obama lied about this?

Oh I dont know, proof maybe? I get it, you dont need proof of anything. Your gut is your lie detector but thats not proof

All the people on the ground recognized it for what it was. What do you want? Videos of al Qaeda leaders saying they planned a terrorist attack?
The only question here is why aren't you outraged Obama lied about the incident?
Lol. Liberals still chirping about Nixon.

He spied on 5 democraps and the libtard hypocrites go batspit crazy.

Obama caught spying on everyone...the same left praise him even more.

Someone bump the facts in regards to the drone attacks that I posted earlier.

I am in my car. I will do it later. Over and over and over again.

Liberals are piles of pure shit.

Actually, Nixon didn't do shit... he just tried to cover-up something that in reality, he had nothing to do with, which was stupid.

This on the other hand involves four dead Americans and to wit, not a straight story as to what happened... to quote Hillary-the-Scumbag... "what difference does it make?"

"WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE" It does not matter if the attack was by terrorists or protesters over a video, four americans are dead. How do you get in the head of terrorists? When you lie down with dogs and get fleas, does it matter what breed of dog it is?

If the Benghazi attack was to memorate 9/11 then this was a poor choice by some wanna be terrorists. You would think they would have went after a bigger target?

You know when you are right when the right wing idiots start name calling liberals. LOL

The only time you know you are right, is when you are right, and that seldom happens in liberal La La Land.

And yes, it does matter that our leaders lie to us about an attack on Americans. And, it matters more when they lie for partisan political reasons. It also matters when our leaders hide evidence, forbid witnesses from testifing to congress, and classify documents that have nothing to do with national security. All to promote a lie.
Unbelievable and just sickening they are still trying to COVER for this administration, lying to us, arresting an American citizen who made a video, and then COVEREDUP this whole affair for the purpose of his re-election

Watergate wasn't this bad

this man needs to be IMPEACHED

Its unbelievable and sickening yet you didnt address the 13 instances of the same thing happening under Bush. You're outrage only works one way.


Which of those 13 did Bush lie about, and attempt to cover up for political purposes?

Your outrage only works one way.

How did Obama lie again?
It was an organized attack on 9/11. What more do you need?
The question is, Why are you not outraged that Obama lied about this?

Oh I dont know, proof maybe? I get it, you dont need proof of anything. Your gut is your lie detector but thats not proof

All the people on the ground recognized it for what it was. What do you want? Videos of al Qaeda leaders saying they planned a terrorist attack?
The only question here is why aren't you outraged Obama lied about the incident?

You keep asking what I want and the answer is the same: Proof.

Got any or nah? You said he lied....I keep asking how and you keep responding with all outrage, gasps and OMG but no proof of anything
It was an organized attack on 9/11. What more do you need?
The question is, Why are you not outraged that Obama lied about this?

Oh I dont know, proof maybe? I get it, you dont need proof of anything. Your gut is your lie detector but thats not proof

All the people on the ground recognized it for what it was. What do you want? Videos of al Qaeda leaders saying they planned a terrorist attack?
The only question here is why aren't you outraged Obama lied about the incident?

They have both sides covered, which means they have no sides covered. Liberals, in their perpetual double talk and hypocrisy, never get that.

You see to them, Obama saying it was an "act of terror" some how relieves him or Hillary from responsibility.

Obfuscate and bring up boooosh and everything else in their script of cliches. I am sure someone said "big oil" in this thread like sheep they are.

The left deserve no respect. They are liars and pieces of ignorant shit. I am being polite about it too.

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