13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush

Unbelievable and just sickening they are still trying to COVER for this administration, lying to us, arresting an American citizen who made a video, and then COVEREDUP this whole affair for the purpose of his re-election

Watergate wasn't this bad

this man needs to be IMPEACHED

Its unbelievable and sickening yet you didnt address the 13 instances of the same thing happening under Bush. You're outrage only works one way.

Now the righties here have been forced to drop all the bullshit excuses they had before. Now its not about Obama watching them die. Now its not about not enough security. Now its not about the 4 deaths.

The only thing they have now is this idea that if Obama said it was a terror attack then the public would've embraced Mr 47% Mitt Romney. :lol:

Why? Because terror attacks never happen :badgrin: and Romney almost had it :badgrin:
well yes they are some sort of special entity you dork; they are ambassadors

I see. So if only 3 people had died at Benghazi, and the ambassador had lived, this would be a non-story because their lives didn't matter.

Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you?

lol; isnt it just like a loser to read something that isnt there?

You tried to make it important because an ambassador died, and none died in those attacks on Bush's watch.
9/11 happened because Bush ignored many warnings and froze when he got the news and 3,000 Americans died. Then lied about Saddam having WMD and waged war on Iraq and got 4489 young american men and women killed. Convicted of war crimes and still walking free. I keep bringing up Bush to show how you right wing idiots use different standards when judging your own. Obama got OBL and ended the war in iraq and brought your children home alive. Bush would not honor those heroes by not letting us see their flag draped coffins or their funeral.

Protesters Pay Tribute to Fallen Troops
[ame=http://youtu.be/2_SWDpkZZdU]BOB BECKEL LOSES IT - Admits Benghazi Was a Cover Up Says "So What?" - YouTube[/ame]
9/11 happened because Bush ignored many warnings and froze when he got the news and 3,000 Americans died. Then lied about Saddam having WMD and waged war on Iraq and got 4489 young american men and women killed. Convicted of war crimes and still walking free. I keep bringing up Bush to show how you right wing idiots use different standards when judging your own. Obama got OBL and ended the war in iraq and brought your children home alive. Bush would not honor those heroes by not letting us see their flag draped coffins or their funeral.

Protesters Pay Tribute to Fallen Troops

wth does that have to do with Benghazi?

too bad you're tribute doesn't include the fall of the innocent AMERICAN citizen, Ambassador Stevens
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Lol. Liberals still chirping about Nixon.

He spied on 5 democraps and the libtard hypocrites go batspit crazy.

Obama caught spying on everyone...the same left praise him even more.

Someone bump the facts in regards to the drone attacks that I posted earlier.

I am in my car. I will do it later. Over and over and over again.

Liberals are piles of pure shit.
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Lol. Liberals still chirping about Nixon.

He spied on 5 democraps and the libtard hypocrites go batspit crazy.

Obama caught spying on everyone...the same left praise him even more.

Someone bump the facts in regards to the drone attacks that I posted earlier.

I am in my car. I will do it later. Over and over and over again.

Liberals are piles of pure shit.

Actually, Nixon didn't do shit... he just tried to cover-up something that in reality, he had nothing to do with, which was stupid.

This on the other hand involves four dead Americans and to wit, not a straight story as to what happened... to quote Hillary-the-Scumbag... "what difference does it make?"
Lol. Liberals still chirping about Nixon.

He spied on 5 democraps and the libtard hypocrites go batspit crazy.

Obama caught spying on everyone...the same left praise him even more.

Someone bump the facts in regards to the drone attacks that I posted earlier.

I am in my car. I will do it later. Over and over and over again.

Liberals are piles of pure shit.

Can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen.:eusa_whistle:
Bush's biggest Benghazi was Iraq.

Obama reviews Bush ban on photographing flag-draped coffins of American war dead

Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

Ban on photos of U.S. troops' coffins lifted
Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

You do realize that the Dems voted twice to send troops into Iraq, right? Bush didn't do shit on his own.. not to mention the Dems were beating the Iraq war drums before Bush ever came into office.

Deal with it... your party owns Iraq as much as Bush... in fact, even more so in some respects.
Bush's biggest Benghazi was Iraq.

Obama reviews Bush ban on photographing flag-draped coffins of American war dead

Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

Ban on photos of U.S. troops' coffins lifted
Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

You do realize that the Dems voted twice to send troops into Iraq, right? Bush didn't do shit on his own.. not to mention the Dems were beating the Iraq war drums before Bush ever came into office.

Deal with it... your party owns Iraq as much as Bush... in fact, even more so in some respects.

Truth is always impossible for the hypocrites to take when it contradicts their book of cliches.
Lol. Liberals still chirping about Nixon.

He spied on 5 democraps and the libtard hypocrites go batspit crazy.

Obama caught spying on everyone...the same left praise him even more.

Someone bump the facts in regards to the drone attacks that I posted earlier.

I am in my car. I will do it later. Over and over and over again.

Liberals are piles of pure shit.

Actually, Nixon didn't do shit... he just tried to cover-up something that in reality, he had nothing to do with, which was stupid.

This on the other hand involves four dead Americans and to wit, not a straight story as to what happened... to quote Hillary-the-Scumbag... "what difference does it make?"

"WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE" It does not matter if the attack was by terrorists or protesters over a video, four americans are dead. How do you get in the head of terrorists? When you lie down with dogs and get fleas, does it matter what breed of dog it is?

If the Benghazi attack was to memorate 9/11 then this was a poor choice by some wanna be terrorists. You would think they would have went after a bigger target?

You know when you are right when the right wing idiots start name calling liberals. LOL
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Bush's biggest Benghazi was Iraq.

Obama reviews Bush ban on photographing flag-draped coffins of American war dead

Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

Ban on photos of U.S. troops' coffins lifted
Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

Obama lied about the terrorist attack in Benghazi.
The only question is why aren't you outraged by this?

what was the reason behind the attack?
Lol. Liberals still chirping about Nixon.

He spied on 5 democraps and the libtard hypocrites go batspit crazy.

Obama caught spying on everyone...the same left praise him even more.

Someone bump the facts in regards to the drone attacks that I posted earlier.

I am in my car. I will do it later. Over and over and over again.

Liberals are piles of pure shit.

Actually, Nixon didn't do shit... he just tried to cover-up something that in reality, he had nothing to do with, which was stupid.

This on the other hand involves four dead Americans and to wit, not a straight story as to what happened... to quote Hillary-the-Scumbag... "what difference does it make?"

"WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE" It does not matter if the attack was by terrorists or protesters over a video, four americans are dead. How do you get in the head of terrorists? When you lie down with dogs and get fleas, does it matter what breed of dog it is?

The fact is.. it had nothing to do with that stupid video.... and the admin knew it. That matters a lot... a whole lot.
Bush's biggest Benghazi was Iraq.

Obama reviews Bush ban on photographing flag-draped coffins of American war dead

Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

Ban on photos of U.S. troops' coffins lifted
Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

Obama lied about the terrorist attack in Benghazi.
The only question is why aren't you outraged by this?

what was the reason behind the attack?

Gee, I dunno... anniversary of 9/11 maybe? Merely a coincidink?
Bush's biggest Benghazi was Iraq.

Obama reviews Bush ban on photographing flag-draped coffins of American war dead

Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

Ban on photos of U.S. troops' coffins lifted
Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Mail Online

Obama lied about the terrorist attack in Benghazi.
The only question is why aren't you outraged by this?

what was the reason behind the attack?

The only question is why aren't you outraged?

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