13 black kid dies on dirst bike casue he wont stop for cops

13 years old. My eldest daughter was only a little younger than that when she used a bunch of parts from my garage to build a minibike.

I had seen that there was someone welding in my garage but just figured it was my brother or my neighbor. As long as they left more welding rods and beer than they used, I was fine with that.

Then the next day as I was driving home from work I saw some crazy kid on a minibike riding out into a busy street pulling 3 other kids on skateboards.

I chewed her out pretty bad. But inside... I was really proud of her for building that minibike by herself out of random parts in the garage.

She's now an engineer for a big 3 auto company.
see 13 year olds have no buinsess with dirt bikesd at all. your daighter prooved the law was wright. maybe she prooved thr law should have the age moved up.
It serves no good purpose when Blacks "canonize" someone who is wrong on so many different levels. He KNEW that the bike was not street legal, that he should not have had it on the street in any event because he lacks a driver's license, that he was breaking the law with the way he was riding it.

I guess his daddy never had the talk that ALL Black daddies must have with their sons about being respectful to police (or you might get kilt).

Find someone else to whine about. This kid brought about his own demise. The police were merely doing their jobs...properly.
hid parents did no way is it all the 13 year olds fault. how sunple would have it been for them not buy a thirteen year old . parents are responsible for wehat there mninbers do. rthey let him brerak thew law . them other said she did in another interviewl.
Look, here. You got a black kid. See? You got a cop. See? The black kid is clearly breaking the law. See? The cop chases the black kid. The black kid dies while being chased by the cop. Don't forget; the kid is black. Yo, negro, the black kid's death is clearly the fault of cops everywhere from sea to shining sea.
no it isnt . you cna see in videol that kid sopeed blocks a head of them. its parents and pasrtially thekid. stop your foolishness.
This is just more evidence that cops are no longer allowed to even think about going after black folks for any reason. Just let them do as they please. Well, that's cool, until one of them tries to let one of their choices hurt me or mine...
so true.

Everything this kids family isasaying abnd all these people in the neighboorhood are dead wrong. the fault is with the parents. Ain;'t no one chasing this kid to his death. you cna clearly see the kid halled but blocked a head of the cops. This kid died because hnis parents let him break the law witch caused his death. I fee,l sorry for them, but it is squarely on them. They allowed him to have the dirt bike under age an d ride it on the streets. , both breaking the law. You have to be 16 to ride dirty bike in florida and you can never ride them on city streets there. How about you teach your kids to not run from the cops. What is the cop going to do to a thirteen year old kid? March him home and get on his parents for letting him break the laws. Now look he is dead because of ignorance of the laws. Take this as lesson learned and not as protest. This why it does not pay to drop out school an d not be educated,.

RIP little guy.
At the :29 point in the video, where the father is talking about his deceased son, he says "great kid, honor roll kid, great football player, great big brother, loved is son".

Fucking what?

This 13 year old kid's a daddy?? And a "perfect kid"?? Negro, please...
Says he loved his son, dumbass

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