13 black kid dies on dirst bike casue he wont stop for cops

So? And some are white and some are hispanic. Which shows skin color has absolutely nothing to do with illegally riding a dirt bike on the streets in Florida. Yet you define them all as suffering from some malady you invented in your racist head called, "black brain disease."

And how about answering my question. Of the riders clearly violating the law in the video I posted, what tells them they can do that?
I made no criticism about the people on your video

My interest is the subject of the op not some tangent that you want to go to
Speaking of education, have you noticed your misspelling, capitalization, and punctuation mistakes you made?
The trump Nazis (formerly right-wing nuts) have long claimed their instinctual knowledge is superior to that of individuals reliant on years of formal education.

According to many years of right-wingers' OPs and posts on these message boards, there is no expert in any subject, which a trump Nazi cannot best in a debate.

:rolleyes: Nice retort.

You have no rational reasoned argument so you resort to childish name-calling.

Because I have a very low tolerance level for dipshits, like yourself, who profess to absolutely know that which they absolutely cannot know.

You have no idea why the kid dropped the bike, so stop trying to make yourself look smart by saying you do. Doing that makes you look stupid...
It's unfortunate that this police officer will be dragged through the mud DUE to the ILLEGAL actions of this kid.
He was under the age of 16 using a vehicle that is not licensed for public roadways.
The officer was 100% justified in attempting to stop him.

So tired up uneducated blacks doing this. You refuse to get educated you refuse to educate you kids and you refuse to follow laws. This was no hide speed chase watch the video , i posted it. the only person speeding was this kid becasue his parents didnt teach him nothng and gave him gift he wasnt old enough to control. His death prooved it. In florida you got to be at least sixteen to ride one of those dirt bikes and in florida you can not ride them on city streets. it maybe similar in other states. And yes at thirteen you can commit a felony , and eight you can commit A murder. Kids have done it before. Age and and ignorance are no excuse for not following the laws, They need to stop making shit up and causing trouble so you can use his death for excuse for their lack of parenting skills. Of course the got Crump on speed dial so he can use them to make money It was no high speed chase. This law yer is worse peace of lieing trash out their.
Sigh, my ancestors should have picked their own cotton.....Well to be more precise, my wife's ancestors. ;)

Everything this kids family isasaying abnd all these people in the neighboorhood are dead wrong. the fault is with the parents. Ain;'t no one chasing this kid to his death. you cna clearly see the kid halled but blocked a head of the cops. This kid died because hnis parents let him break the law witch caused his death. I fee,l sorry for them, but it is squarely on them. They allowed him to have the dirt bike under age an d ride it on the streets. , both breaking the law. You have to be 16 to ride dirty bike in florida and you can never ride them on city streets there. How about you teach your kids to not run from the cops. What is the cop going to do to a thirteen year old kid? March him home and get on his parents for letting him break the laws. Now look he is dead because of ignorance of the laws. Take this as lesson learned and not as protest. This why it does not pay to drop out school an d not be educated,.

It appears that many blacks in America are either ill advised about what to do if code lights are used to warn a driver to pull over & stop, or the blacks actually believe they are above the law. This size 90 neck, size 1 head problem seems to REALLY be prevalent in the black ghetto areas. Truthfully I can't believe this 13 year old kid was actually stupid enough to get himself killed because an officer needed to talk to him. This incident would be tragic if it were not so ridiculous.
Negroids are generally fully grown at about 8 so age is not that relevant.

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