That depends upon which ‘experts’ you consult.
The politically-motivated, gov-subsidized (and heavily propagated) group has been predicting unrealized doom for decades. They tend to refer to any recent phenomena that ostensibly backs up their claims.
The non-gov-subsidized tend to have a less impending-doom scenario and consider human behavior as a very small contributing factor.
Since the former group relies on these subsidies for their very existence their scenario becomes significantly less trustworthy.

You are such an ass.

Lets just pretend that the fossil fuel industry is not paying billions to dupe fools like you & Trump.

There is plenty of proof that our climate is changing.

There is plenty of proof that this change stems from increased CO2 levels caused by spewing shit into the atmosphere for over a century.

An example, here in PA where I live, apples were an important crop. Orchards everywhere. Most have moved north because the climate here no longer supports it.

The number of degree days over 90/95 degrees lessens the corn production.

Average Global temperatures are still rising.

Access roads to some of our military bases in Newport News are no longer accessible during high tide.

The military estimates that climate change is a severe threat in many areas around the world.
But hey, if that orange POS you fuckwads elected calls it a hoax, well then by golly, it must be a hoax

How fucking stupid are you people? Why io you hate your children.
Like I said, referring to any recent phenomena that ostensibly fits the claim.
I get it, there can be no current happenings that can be used to show you stupid fucks how AGW is affecting us now because you will make this stupid claim.

You & Trump deserve each other.
Yeah its easy to point out any weather and blame it on climate change that's why the loons changed the name from global warming.

Global Warming is a type of Climate Change.

They changed the name because so many people were so fucking stupid that they thought global warming meant everything would be the same but just a couple degrees warmer.
That depends upon which ‘experts’ you consult.
The politically-motivated, gov-subsidized (and heavily propagated) group has been predicting unrealized doom for decades. They tend to refer to any recent phenomena that ostensibly backs up their claims.
The non-gov-subsidized tend to have a less impending-doom scenario and consider human behavior as a very small contributing factor.
Since the former group relies on these subsidies for their very existence their scenario becomes significantly less trustworthy.

You are such an ass.

Lets just pretend that the fossil fuel industry is not paying billions to dupe fools like you & Trump.

There is plenty of proof that our climate is changing.

There is plenty of proof that this change stems from increased CO2 levels caused by spewing shit into the atmosphere for over a century.

An example, here in PA where I live, apples were an important crop. Orchards everywhere. Most have moved north because the climate here no longer supports it.

The number of degree days over 90/95 degrees lessens the corn production.

Average Global temperatures are still rising.

Access roads to some of our military bases in Newport News are no longer accessible during high tide.

The military estimates that climate change is a severe threat in many areas around the world.
But hey, if that orange POS you fuckwads elected calls it a hoax, well then by golly, it must be a hoax

How fucking stupid are you people? Why io you hate your children.
Like I said, referring to any recent phenomena that ostensibly fits the claim.
I get it, there can be no current happenings that can be used to show you stupid fucks how AGW is affecting us now because you will make this stupid claim.

You & Trump deserve each other.
Yeah its easy to point out any weather and blame it on climate change that's why the loons changed the name from global warming.

Global Warming is a type of Climate Change.

They changed the name because so many people were so fucking stupid that they thought global warming meant everything would be the same but just a couple degrees warmer.

No they changed the name from ice age to global warming to climate change to we don't know shit

Remember this one? A couple of these is why they changed from "Global Warming".


Global Warming Alarmists Stuck In Antarctic Sea Ice
I said they are working on the problem.

You & your dumbass orange leader claim there isn't a problem.

They put out much more pollution than we do.

Lets look st the past twenty years & see who spewed the most greenhouse gases.

Yea let's see in the past 20 years oh wait we have no data the NASA CO2 satellite didn't go on line till a year or so ago.

So we had no idea of CO2 emissions prior to last year. Wow, you really do get dumber every day.

Where is the data you claim we have on who put out the most C02 in the past 20 years

I will wait shit for brains

So you really are too stupid to look it up. No wonder you are such a dumbass.
The term "evolved races" is problematic.
Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

It is only problematic for the unfit. Only inferior people believe in racial equality. Since our present rule by Familyism is more primitive than the feral races' tribalism, HeirHeads are mutant regressives who must be deprived of their privileges in order for the rest of us to be free to evolve.

Under unearned hereditary rule, America is evolving backwards. For those who don't fall for the slogan that newer means better, the Preppies' academic fantasy of Postmodernism means a reverse march back into the stagnant Middle Ages or even into the chaos of the Dark Ages. The slime oozed out by the Plutocrats' trophy wives is totally responsible for our present decline and imminent fall. It must be wiped away, or else America will slip and slide into the pit.

Here's where we're heading if we don't overthrow the oligarchic Constitutional republic: During its peak, Rome had one million people. During the Dark Ages, the brightest light of classical civilization had regressed to a population of 20,000.
Last edited:
The Right Meets Its Leftist Classmates Halfway

Why should we care about dead sea worms anyway? This is how the Trustfundie Treehuggers get so much power; their opponents only deny that something is happening, not that the destruction of that crud is unimportant or even beneficial. In this case, the silly junk-collecting of Floridian beachcombers is given precedence over Americans' need for domestic oil production.

This is what happens when the majority is led into choosing one ruling-class faction or the other. Neither "side" has anything to say that is any good for the rest of us. By giving credence to the pushy, ignorant, and deceptive opinions of any of these pre-owned commentators, Americans give up their right to self-determination.
Wtf is is this shit? What fucking 13 agencies are leeching off of taxpayers and thinking man has a significant impact on storms and such?

It was on the news. Anyone with any info about this?


Okay, I think I found something...

13 US Agencies Involved in Climate Change Report


U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials

Bah! That was on the 3rd, why they harp on it at the local news today?

Spin much?

Keep lying...

You are such an ass.

Lets just pretend that the fossil fuel industry is not paying billions to dupe fools like you & Trump.

There is plenty of proof that our climate is changing.

There is plenty of proof that this change stems from increased CO2 levels caused by spewing shit into the atmosphere for over a century.

An example, here in PA where I live, apples were an important crop. Orchards everywhere. Most have moved north because the climate here no longer supports it.

The number of degree days over 90/95 degrees lessens the corn production.

Average Global temperatures are still rising.

Access roads to some of our military bases in Newport News are no longer accessible during high tide.

The military estimates that climate change is a severe threat in many areas around the world.
But hey, if that orange POS you fuckwads elected calls it a hoax, well then by golly, it must be a hoax

How fucking stupid are you people? Why io you hate your children.
Like I said, referring to any recent phenomena that ostensibly fits the claim.
I get it, there can be no current happenings that can be used to show you stupid fucks how AGW is affecting us now because you will make this stupid claim.

You & Trump deserve each other.
Hey sheeple, AGW-alarmist energy policy has already starved more people than AGW ever theoretically could. Check your own conscience.

How so?
By intentionally driving energy prices up. All economics thrive on energy. When energy costs more, everything costs more. Third world dictators pass that cost onto their people and the lowest rungs go from poverty and pestilence to starvation and death.
The Third World Is the Enemy of Our Species

Once again on the captive Internet, treasonous virtue-signaling by agreeing with the race-traitors' concern about worthless evolutionary failures and ignoring the crippling damage the Trustfundie Treehuggers do to working-class Americans.

Right-Wing elitists talking to Left-Wing elitists is something we never need to hear. But money talks and that's all we hear—Daddy's Money debating within its own unAmerican class.
Remember this one? A couple of these is why they changed from "Global Warming".


Global Warming Alarmists Stuck In Antarctic Sea Ice
Green Is the Color of Their Daddies' Money

I won't be allowed to say what I really think should be done about them, but these are not over-sensitive idealists going too far; they are vicious, sociopathic, majority-hating spoiled brats who never should have been born. Notice how their classmates on the phony Right never refer to them as Unabombers; Ted Kaczynski is the only person born in the working class the Enviruses ever had any respect for.

Throughout history, uninhibited development of nature has been the primary cause of class mobility. Stopping that so that they and their descendants can have the absolute and exclusive power their role models had before the Discovery of America and the middle-class Industrial Revolution is the real motivation of this Snob Mob.
That depends upon which ‘experts’ you consult.
The politically-motivated, gov-subsidized (and heavily propagated) group has been predicting unrealized doom for decades. They tend to refer to any recent phenomena that ostensibly backs up their claims.
The non-gov-subsidized tend to have a less impending-doom scenario and consider human behavior as a very small contributing factor.
Since the former group relies on these subsidies for their very existence their scenario becomes significantly less trustworthy.

You are such an ass.

Lets just pretend that the fossil fuel industry is not paying billions to dupe fools like you & Trump.

There is plenty of proof that our climate is changing.

There is plenty of proof that this change stems from increased CO2 levels caused by spewing shit into the atmosphere for over a century.

An example, here in PA where I live, apples were an important crop. Orchards everywhere. Most have moved north because the climate here no longer supports it.

The number of degree days over 90/95 degrees lessens the corn production.

Average Global temperatures are still rising.

Access roads to some of our military bases in Newport News are no longer accessible during high tide.

The military estimates that climate change is a severe threat in many areas around the world.
But hey, if that orange POS you fuckwads elected calls it a hoax, well then by golly, it must be a hoax

How fucking stupid are you people? Why io you hate your children.
Like I said, referring to any recent phenomena that ostensibly fits the claim.
I get it, there can be no current happenings that can be used to show you stupid fucks how AGW is affecting us now because you will make this stupid claim.

You & Trump deserve each other.
Yeah its easy to point out any weather and blame it on climate change that's why the loons changed the name from global warming.

Global Warming is a type of Climate Change.

They changed the name because so many people were so fucking stupid that they thought global warming meant everything would be the same but just a couple degrees warmer.
No they changed it because there was no significant temperature change for years and Gore wasn't getting stupid rich selling his carbon credits.
Wtf is is this shit? What fucking 13 agencies are leeching off of taxpayers and thinking man has a significant impact on storms and such?

It was on the news. Anyone with any info about this?


Okay, I think I found something...

13 US Agencies Involved in Climate Change Report


U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials

Bah! That was on the 3rd, why they harp on it at the local news today?

Spin much?

Keep lying...

View attachment 231371

Do tell how it involved 13 Federal agencies, but no taxpayer money was wasted on this farce?

I await your explanation with baited breath. ;)

Did you know that all the "bureaus" operate at the whim of the president?

Every single one of them. Keep that in mind.
Water can be fatal, too.
It’s not a pollutant. It’s natural and necessary for life.
But we're not pumping a serious amount of extra water into the atmosphere, now are we?

Well, at least you agree that CO2 is high concentration is fatal. It's a start.
That depends upon which ‘experts’ you consult.
The politically-motivated, gov-subsidized (and heavily propagated) group has been predicting unrealized doom for decades. They tend to refer to any recent phenomena that ostensibly backs up their claims.
The non-gov-subsidized tend to have a less impending-doom scenario and consider human behavior as a very small contributing factor.
Since the former group relies on these subsidies for their very existence their scenario becomes significantly less trustworthy.

You are such an ass.

Lets just pretend that the fossil fuel industry is not paying billions to dupe fools like you & Trump.

There is plenty of proof that our climate is changing.

There is plenty of proof that this change stems from increased CO2 levels caused by spewing shit into the atmosphere for over a century.

An example, here in PA where I live, apples were an important crop. Orchards everywhere. Most have moved north because the climate here no longer supports it.

The number of degree days over 90/95 degrees lessens the corn production.

Average Global temperatures are still rising.

Access roads to some of our military bases in Newport News are no longer accessible during high tide.

The military estimates that climate change is a severe threat in many areas around the world.
But hey, if that orange POS you fuckwads elected calls it a hoax, well then by golly, it must be a hoax

How fucking stupid are you people? Why io you hate your children.
Like I said, referring to any recent phenomena that ostensibly fits the claim.
I get it, there can be no current happenings that can be used to show you stupid fucks how AGW is affecting us now because you will make this stupid claim.

You & Trump deserve each other.
What is it like to be continuously pissed-off?
Climate change is an attempt to punish successful countries and reward poor ones for being 3rd World shitholes.

That's the goal behind it. Nothing but a wealth redistribution scam.
The wealthy countries emit far more greenhouse gases you fucking moron.

Developing countries need to modernize & build electric generation plants. etc. it ony makes sense to help them by assuring cleaner plants.
I'll breath in the air of Kansas City while you choke down Bejing's.
Climate change is an attempt to punish successful countries and reward poor ones for being 3rd World shitholes.

That's the goal behind it. Nothing but a wealth redistribution scam.
The wealthy countries emit far more greenhouse gases you fucking moron.

Developing countries need to modernize & build electric generation plants. etc. it ony makes sense to help them by assuring cleaner plants.
Aka. wealth redistribution.
But we're not pumping a serious amount of extra water into the atmosphere, now are we?

Well, at least you agree that CO2 is high concentration is fatal. It's a start.
That depends upon which ‘experts’ you consult.
The politically-motivated, gov-subsidized (and heavily propagated) group has been predicting unrealized doom for decades. They tend to refer to any recent phenomena that ostensibly backs up their claims.
The non-gov-subsidized tend to have a less impending-doom scenario and consider human behavior as a very small contributing factor.
Since the former group relies on these subsidies for their very existence their scenario becomes significantly less trustworthy.

You are such an ass.

Lets just pretend that the fossil fuel industry is not paying billions to dupe fools like you & Trump.

There is plenty of proof that our climate is changing.

There is plenty of proof that this change stems from increased CO2 levels caused by spewing shit into the atmosphere for over a century.

An example, here in PA where I live, apples were an important crop. Orchards everywhere. Most have moved north because the climate here no longer supports it.

The number of degree days over 90/95 degrees lessens the corn production.

Average Global temperatures are still rising.

Access roads to some of our military bases in Newport News are no longer accessible during high tide.

The military estimates that climate change is a severe threat in many areas around the world.
But hey, if that orange POS you fuckwads elected calls it a hoax, well then by golly, it must be a hoax

How fucking stupid are you people? Why io you hate your children.
Like I said, referring to any recent phenomena that ostensibly fits the claim.
I get it, there can be no current happenings that can be used to show you stupid fucks how AGW is affecting us now because you will make this stupid claim.

You & Trump deserve each other.
What is it like to be continuously pissed-off?
Well it could be worse, you could be like Hillary Clinton and always be pissed on.. She just cant win, can she? Even with the whole colluding liberal news behind her.
Climate change is an attempt to punish successful countries and reward poor ones for being 3rd World shitholes.

That's the goal behind it. Nothing but a wealth redistribution scam.
The wealthy countries emit far more greenhouse gases you fucking moron.

Developing countries need to modernize & build electric generation plants. etc. it only makes sense to help them by assuring cleaner plants.
Aka. wealth redistribution.
The Have-Nots Have Been Had by the Haves

The national wealth will be decreased, but those born at the top will keep all they have. Their main pleasure in this is that it will widen the gap between them and the rest of us. Look at how little wealth was created before the Technological Revolution
started in 1775 with Watt's steam engine. Yet the Plutocratic nobility then lived even more luxuriously than they do today.

Everything is the opposite of what we are told to think it is. Greenie Warmies are richkids out to impoverish the rest of us. Their class has no right to exist.
That depends upon which ‘experts’ you consult.
The politically-motivated, gov-subsidized (and heavily propagated) group has been predicting unrealized doom for decades. They tend to refer to any recent phenomena that ostensibly backs up their claims.
The non-gov-subsidized tend to have a less impending-doom scenario and consider human behavior as a very small contributing factor.
Since the former group relies on these subsidies for their very existence their scenario becomes significantly less trustworthy.

You are such an ass.

Lets just pretend that the fossil fuel industry is not paying billions to dupe fools like you & Trump.

There is plenty of proof that our climate is changing.

There is plenty of proof that this change stems from increased CO2 levels caused by spewing shit into the atmosphere for over a century.

An example, here in PA where I live, apples were an important crop. Orchards everywhere. Most have moved north because the climate here no longer supports it.

The number of degree days over 90/95 degrees lessens the corn production.

Average Global temperatures are still rising.

Access roads to some of our military bases in Newport News are no longer accessible during high tide.

The military estimates that climate change is a severe threat in many areas around the world.
But hey, if that orange POS you fuckwads elected calls it a hoax, well then by golly, it must be a hoax

How fucking stupid are you people? Why io you hate your children.
Like I said, referring to any recent phenomena that ostensibly fits the claim.
I get it, there can be no current happenings that can be used to show you stupid fucks how AGW is affecting us now because you will make this stupid claim.

You & Trump deserve each other.
What is it like to be continuously pissed-off?
Well it could be worse, you could be like Hillary Clinton and always be pissed on.. She just can't win, can she? Even with the whole colluding liberal news behind her.
Well-Off Wellesleyan

hillary has gone quite far, considering that such a lying skank would have wound up being a nasty waitress in a society based on worth rather than birth.
Climate change is an attempt to punish successful countries and reward poor ones for being 3rd World shitholes.

That's the goal behind it. Nothing but a wealth redistribution scam.
The wealthy countries emit far more greenhouse gases you fucking moron.

Developing countries need to modernize & build electric generation plants. etc. it only makes sense to help them by assuring cleaner plants.
Aka. wealth redistribution.
The Have-Nots Have Been Had by the Haves

The national wealth will be decreased, but those born at the top will keep all they have. Their main pleasure in this is that it will widen the gap between them and the rest of us. Look at how little wealth was created before the Technological Revolution
started in 1775 with Watt's steam engine. Yet the Plutocratic nobility then lived even more luxuriously than they do today.

Everything is the opposite of what we are told to think it is. Greenie Warmies are richkids out to impoverish the rest of us. Their class has no right to exist.
I have been amassing great wealth since I had been over in Saudi Arabia in 1991 and was making $70,000 tax free. I learned all the tricks that the liberal elites use to avoid paying taxes through the legal loopholes those liberals created. My kids and grandkids have or are going to have stock portfolios, that make them uber amounts of dividends(taxed at 5%) plus their income from working of course, but their job selections wont be minimum wage pukes like most liberals or college kids, but the CHOICE they want. Shame too many uninformed people dont realize how easy it is to take money, and make even more money from it.....

Climate change is an attempt to punish successful countries and reward poor ones for being 3rd World shitholes.

That's the goal behind it. Nothing but a wealth redistribution scam.
The wealthy countries emit far more greenhouse gases you fucking moron.

Developing countries need to modernize & build electric generation plants. etc. it only makes sense to help them by assuring cleaner plants.
Aka. wealth redistribution.
The Have-Nots Have Been Had by the Haves

The national wealth will be decreased, but those born at the top will keep all they have. Their main pleasure in this is that it will widen the gap between them and the rest of us. Look at how little wealth was created before the Technological Revolution
started in 1775 with Watt's steam engine. Yet the Plutocratic nobility then lived even more luxuriously than they do today.

Everything is the opposite of what we are told to think it is. Greenie Warmies are richkids out to impoverish the rest of us. Their class has no right to exist.
I have been amassing great wealth since I had been over in Saudi Arabia in 1991 and was making $70,000 tax free. I learned all the tricks that the liberal elites use to avoid paying taxes through the legal loopholes those liberals created. My kids and grandkids have or are going to have stock portfolios, that make them uber amounts of dividends(taxed at 5%) plus their income from working of course, but their job selections wont be minimum wage pukes like most liberals or college kids, but the CHOICE they want. Shame too many uninformed people dont realize how easy it is to take money, and make even more money from it.....

So, you cheated on your taxes. And proud of it.
Climate change is an attempt to punish successful countries and reward poor ones for being 3rd World shitholes.

That's the goal behind it. Nothing but a wealth redistribution scam.
The wealthy countries emit far more greenhouse gases you fucking moron.

Developing countries need to modernize & build electric generation plants. etc. it ony makes sense to help them by assuring cleaner plants.
Aka. wealth redistribution.
You have no fucking clue what redistribution of wealth means.

Trump & the Republicans are redistributing the wealth right now & you are such a fool that you can't see it.
Climate change is an attempt to punish successful countries and reward poor ones for being 3rd World shitholes.

That's the goal behind it. Nothing but a wealth redistribution scam.
The wealthy countries emit far more greenhouse gases you fucking moron.

Developing countries need to modernize & build electric generation plants. etc. it ony makes sense to help them by assuring cleaner plants.
I'll breath in the air of Kansas City while you choke down Bejing's.

What part of "developing countries need to modernize" that you were too fucking stupid to get?

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