But we're not pumping a serious amount of extra water into the atmosphere, now are we?

Well, at least you agree that CO2 is high concentration is fatal. It's a start.
That depends upon which ‘experts’ you consult.
The politically-motivated, gov-subsidized (and heavily propagated) group has been predicting unrealized doom for decades. They tend to refer to any recent phenomena that ostensibly backs up their claims.
The non-gov-subsidized tend to have a less impending-doom scenario and consider human behavior as a very small contributing factor.
Since the former group relies on these subsidies for their very existence their scenario becomes significantly less trustworthy.

You are such an ass.

Lets just pretend that the fossil fuel industry is not paying billions to dupe fools like you & Trump.

There is plenty of proof that our climate is changing.

There is plenty of proof that this change stems from increased CO2 levels caused by spewing shit into the atmosphere for over a century.

An example, here in PA where I live, apples were an important crop. Orchards everywhere. Most have moved north because the climate here no longer supports it.

The number of degree days over 90/95 degrees lessens the corn production.

Average Global temperatures are still rising.

Access roads to some of our military bases in Newport News are no longer accessible during high tide.

The military estimates that climate change is a severe threat in many areas around the world.
But hey, if that orange POS you fuckwads elected calls it a hoax, well then by golly, it must be a hoax

How fucking stupid are you people? Why io you hate your children.
Like I said, referring to any recent phenomena that ostensibly fits the claim.
I get it, there can be no current happenings that can be used to show you stupid fucks how AGW is affecting us now because you will make this stupid claim.

You & Trump deserve each other.
What is it like to be continuously pissed-off?
What is it like to be a stupid ignorant, trump ass kissing POS all your life?
Trump can cut their funding, and should. Globalist fucking assholes! Fuck them!

Tell them all future research has to be done Pro Bono and see how committed they are.

Fuckers'll be working for Mosaic and Exxon the next week. IF they're even qualified.

Climate Science Special Report:
So what is it about more pollution that gives you a chubby?

CO2 is not pollution
USSC says it is.

It is in certain situations.
Remember this one? A couple of these is why they changed from "Global Warming".


Global Warming Alarmists Stuck In Antarctic Sea Ice
When the fuck will you ignorant fools realize the Global Warming is a type of Climate Change? That some areas will warm & some will cool. That winters could be worse.

'Jesus Fuck people. Get a fucking education.
Climate change is an attempt to punish successful countries and reward poor ones for being 3rd World shitholes.

That's the goal behind it. Nothing but a wealth redistribution scam.
The wealthy countries emit far more greenhouse gases you fucking moron.

Developing countries need to modernize & build electric generation plants. etc. it ony makes sense to help them by assuring cleaner plants.
Aka. wealth redistribution.
You have no fucking clue what redistribution of wealth means.

Trump & the Republicans are redistributing the wealth right now & you are such a fool that you can't see it.
How exactly are they doing that ? Are you one of those "you didn't build that" morons ?
Trumpbots refuse to accept that people are causing climate change just to continually prove that they are mindless conformist drones that will say anything to prove that they are absolutely loyal mindless conformist drones echoing the 'party' line in defiance of all reason.

It's like being part of a religion...say & believe any theological nonsense so that you'll be accepted in the local religious community.
Get a fucking education.
Not gonna happen, Dave. if there's one thing Trumpanzees despise, it's education.
TRUMPANZEES What a fabulous term. I’m using it from now on. It would be funny if I didn’t know these fools are armed to the teeth. When their would be dictator is finally knocked off his perch they’re very likelty to go bezerk in frustration at having their mindless aggenda stopped in its tracks. That is if President Toadstool doesn’t press the red button out of his own frustration at discovering the Executive Branch isn’t a form of ‘reality’ television.

Now that I think about this again I realise using a term like TRUMPANZEES is an insult to chimps.
Trumpbots refuse to accept that people are causing climate change just to continually prove that they are mindless conformist drones that will say anything to prove that they are absolutely loyal mindless conformist drones echoing the 'party' line in defiance of all reason.

It's like being part of a religion...say & believe any theological nonsense so that you'll be accepted in the local religious community.
You hit on a very important point here. There’s little difference in the group psychology of those who swallow religious doctrine and those who blindly adhere to an ideology. Hitlers Nuremberg rallies come to mind.
Wtf is is this shit? What fucking 13 agencies are leeching off of taxpayers and thinking man has a significant impact on storms and such?

It was on the news. Anyone with any info about this?


Okay, I think I found something...

13 US Agencies Involved in Climate Change Report


U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials

Bah! That was on the 3rd, why they harp on it at the local news today?

Spin much?

Keep lying...

View attachment 231371

Do tell how it involved 13 Federal agencies, but no taxpayer money was wasted on this farce?

I await your explanation with baited breath. ;)

Did you know that all the "bureaus" operate at the whim of the president?

Every single one of them. Keep that in mind.

Actually, it's bated breath, genius. But of course you still know more than most scientists, right?
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Wtf is is this shit? What fucking 13 agencies are leeching off of taxpayers and thinking man has a significant impact on storms and such?

It was on the news. Anyone with any info about this?


Okay, I think I found something...

13 US Agencies Involved in Climate Change Report


U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials

Bah! That was on the 3rd, why they harp on it at the local news today?

Spin much?

Keep lying...

View attachment 231371

Do tell how it involved 13 Federal agencies, but no taxpayer money was wasted on this farce?

I await your explanation with baited breath. ;)

Did you know that all the "bureaus" operate at the whim of the president?

Every single one of them. Keep that in mind.

Actually, it's bated breath, genius. But of course you still know more than most scientists, right?

No, but I have a little more common sense than these guys:

Global Warming Alarmists Stuck In Antarctic Sea Ice

I'd take a cruise in the Caribbean instead. :funnyface:

Why they no private climate scientists? Why are they all sponsored by 13 different fucking government agencies? How many does it take, really?

How much of that is nothing but government waste and fake shit because this thing is a UN agenda? For US taxpayers to be footing the bill for it is absolutely ludicrous.

It took 2 people to invent Pasteurization, but it takes hundreds to invent "Climate Change"?

I'll give you a little hint, bubba: Man's role is insignificant in the Climate Changes of the world.

Better make you something to cool yourself or a fire, one.

All those scientists can't affect climate change ary a bit. Giving them money won't accomplish anything but making someone else poorer and them richer. Being that they're full of shit, I don't want to see that happen.
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