13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

I'm still trying to get past the fact that the reasons that the Trump supporters quote for electing him on this thread is from a parody of the man, and the supporters themselves. Jeez! What does this say about them?

No, you aren't.

You choose to focus on that from the OP to ignore how pragmatic and reasonable Trump's stated policies are, which is what originally sparked his rise.
What policies are those? All he ever fucking says is he is great people live him and then he personally attacks other candidates like a child..... it is proof he is a liberal

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Has your MSM really not told you?

Enforce Immigration laws and renegotiate bad Trade Deals and NOT screw around with Russia. These are my major concerns.

I've heard some good stuff about his Tax Policy too.
Those are not policies those are statements of intent . He ever tell you how he is going to do these things?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Then, all of the candidates are using "statements of intent." If you were considering Trump as an acceptable candidate, you would research him and begin with his website.
I have . Which is why I know he never tells you how. He is very good at telling you what you want to hear but there is no substance. He is no better then Clinton if you look at his history which is all we really have to go on .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I'm still trying to get past the fact that the reasons that the Trump supporters quote for electing him on this thread is from a parody of the man, and the supporters themselves. Jeez! What does this say about them?

No, you aren't.

You choose to focus on that from the OP to ignore how pragmatic and reasonable Trump's stated policies are, which is what originally sparked his rise.
What policies are those? All he ever fucking says is he is great people live him and then he personally attacks other candidates like a child..... it is proof he is a liberal

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Has your MSM really not told you?

Enforce Immigration laws and renegotiate bad Trade Deals and NOT screw around with Russia. These are my major concerns.

I've heard some good stuff about his Tax Policy too.
Those are not policies those are statements of intent . He ever tell you how he is going to do these things?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

If his "intent" is to Enforce the Immigration Laws, that puts him far ahead of those who "plan" to NOT enforce those laws.

IF his "intent" is to Renegotiate Bad Trade Deals, that puts him far ahead of those who like America being fucked.

"NOt" fucking with Russia? That's a pretty easy one. Just don't fuck with Russia.

To be clear, I have NOT heard specifics. They may or may not be available. I don't care about the specifics.
So you have nothing but the word of a blatant liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
No, you aren't.

You choose to focus on that from the OP to ignore how pragmatic and reasonable Trump's stated policies are, which is what originally sparked his rise.
What policies are those? All he ever fucking says is he is great people live him and then he personally attacks other candidates like a child..... it is proof he is a liberal

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Has your MSM really not told you?

Enforce Immigration laws and renegotiate bad Trade Deals and NOT screw around with Russia. These are my major concerns.

I've heard some good stuff about his Tax Policy too.
Those are not policies those are statements of intent . He ever tell you how he is going to do these things?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Then, all of the candidates are using "statements of intent." If you were considering Trump as an acceptable candidate, you would research him and begin with his website.
I have . Which is why I know he never tells you how. He is very good at telling you what you want to hear but there is no substance. He is no better then Clinton if you look at his history which is all we really have to go on .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

That's a common problem, I believe, with all the candidates. They talk so much in generalities so the can talk abut most everything without spending time on details. Pulled these up.. Hope it helps.

Donald Trump on the Issues
Ted Cruz for President
Join the official campaign
Bet on Bernie 2016 - Americans Socially United | BET ON BERNIE! Socially united WE can make a difference. Make your contribution pledge for Senator Sanders' presidential bid today!
What policies are those? All he ever fucking says is he is great people live him and then he personally attacks other candidates like a child..... it is proof he is a liberal

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Has your MSM really not told you?

Enforce Immigration laws and renegotiate bad Trade Deals and NOT screw around with Russia. These are my major concerns.

I've heard some good stuff about his Tax Policy too.
Those are not policies those are statements of intent . He ever tell you how he is going to do these things?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Then, all of the candidates are using "statements of intent." If you were considering Trump as an acceptable candidate, you would research him and begin with his website.
I have . Which is why I know he never tells you how. He is very good at telling you what you want to hear but there is no substance. He is no better then Clinton if you look at his history which is all we really have to go on .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

That's a common problem, I believe, with all the candidates. They talk so much in generalities so the can talk abut most everything without spending time on details. Pulled these up.. Hope it helps.

Donald Trump on the Issues
Ted Cruz for President
Join the official campaign
Bet on Bernie 2016 - Americans Socially United | BET ON BERNIE! Socially united WE can make a difference. Make your contribution pledge for Senator Sanders' presidential bid today!
I am not uninformed. which is why I don't fall for Trumps bullshit

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Has your MSM really not told you?

Enforce Immigration laws and renegotiate bad Trade Deals and NOT screw around with Russia. These are my major concerns.

I've heard some good stuff about his Tax Policy too.
Those are not policies those are statements of intent . He ever tell you how he is going to do these things?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Then, all of the candidates are using "statements of intent." If you were considering Trump as an acceptable candidate, you would research him and begin with his website.
I have . Which is why I know he never tells you how. He is very good at telling you what you want to hear but there is no substance. He is no better then Clinton if you look at his history which is all we really have to go on .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

That's a common problem, I believe, with all the candidates. They talk so much in generalities so the can talk abut most everything without spending time on details. Pulled these up.. Hope it helps.

Donald Trump on the Issues
Ted Cruz for President
Join the official campaign
Bet on Bernie 2016 - Americans Socially United | BET ON BERNIE! Socially united WE can make a difference. Make your contribution pledge for Senator Sanders' presidential bid today!
I am not uninformed. which is why I don't fall for Trumps bullshit

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I didn't say you were. Just that candidates generally don't spend time on details. Examples:

  • 20% tax on all imported goods.
  • Renegotiate tougher & fairer trade agreements. (Jul 2000)
  • President should be nation’s trade representative.
  • Keep mortgage interest deduction; knock out carried interest.
  • Grow the economy at 6% annually by ending inversions. (Oct 2015)
  • Cut defense budget, & entire EPA & Dept. of Education
  • Prepare for upcoming crash, bigger than 1929.
  • One-time 14.25% tax on wealth, to erase national debt.
  • I'm "fine" with affirmative action, for now.
  • 0% corporate tax would create millions of jobs.
· 35% import tax on Mexican border. Those are just some of Trump's stances. More importantly is comparing them to other important candidates.

Clinton's stances should be interesting as well.

Can't go into each candidates in detail, but you have your gut feeling in who you do not care for, I hope you get a positive feeling for another candidate so you exercise your right to vote.

No, you aren't.

You choose to focus on that from the OP to ignore how pragmatic and reasonable Trump's stated policies are, which is what originally sparked his rise.
What policies are those? All he ever fucking says is he is great people live him and then he personally attacks other candidates like a child..... it is proof he is a liberal

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Has your MSM really not told you?

Enforce Immigration laws and renegotiate bad Trade Deals and NOT screw around with Russia. These are my major concerns.

I've heard some good stuff about his Tax Policy too.
Those are not policies those are statements of intent . He ever tell you how he is going to do these things?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

If his "intent" is to Enforce the Immigration Laws, that puts him far ahead of those who "plan" to NOT enforce those laws.

IF his "intent" is to Renegotiate Bad Trade Deals, that puts him far ahead of those who like America being fucked.

"NOt" fucking with Russia? That's a pretty easy one. Just don't fuck with Russia.

To be clear, I have NOT heard specifics. They may or may not be available. I don't care about the specifics.
So you have nothing but the word of a blatant liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

IMO, he's the most credible of the candidates.

Who is your choice?
I'm still trying to get past the fact that the reasons that the Trump supporters quote for electing him on this thread is from a parody of the man, and the supporters themselves. Jeez! What does this say about them?

No, you aren't.

You choose to focus on that from the OP to ignore how pragmatic and reasonable Trump's stated policies are, which is what originally sparked his rise.

I know. I am still hung up on "conventional wisdom', like the United States Constitution, which has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to mean that you can't bang on somebody's door and demand that they give you proof that they are an American citizen, without probable cause; which, of course, means that Trumps promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years is total bullshit, fit only for people with,"Unconventional wisdom", like you.
Trump is not going to be nominated because the majority of republicans are simply not that stupid. However, if he were to become president, I consider him to be the most dangerous man in America, with his bumper sticker solutions to complex problems, megamania, and total lack of personal integrity, divisiveness, thin skin, abrasiveness and lack of his ability to lead this country. At the very least, he would be worse than Herbert Hoover. At worst, he could be the destruction of the American way of life. In fact, my only hope whatsoever would be that he does not really believe any of the bull shit that he spouts.

Given that, or "Mrs. Personality" Clinton, there would only one choice for me.

But, hopefully, there are still enough republicans who have not lost their freaking minds that this choice will not be the one we have to make.

I think real fiscal conservatives are looking at the GOP candidates in disgust... None of the top 4 GOP candidates will balance the Government... They are all proposing massive increase in defense spending to go off on a war in the ME with either ISIS or Iran or both...

Trump is worse... Mexico is paying for no fucking wall... They will and have asked that US does something about the flow of illegal weapons originating in the US coming into the Mexico... The violence it is creating is cause a huge bill Mexico (and feed into the US illegal immigration problem)... So who is charging who...

Trump is a sick joke... He read the Goebbels Propaganda manual and he playing straight out of it... Simple Say thing are worse they are (the GOP mainstream have been pumping this for years), tell them that some group are to blame and you are the only ones to handle it, lie, lie and lie never admit it... If you have enough dumb people you might be able to make it work...

Mexico's violence is not because of illegal guns flowing over the border from US.

Mexican violence is not what is feeding illegal immigration. It is the fact that Mexico is a shitty Third World County with a land border with a First World Country.

Trump's demand that Mexico pay for the Wall is obviously an Opening Negotiating Demand, not the Finally Agreement.

Our Border "Policy" is so fucked up that ANY SERIOUS ATTEMPT to address the problem is likely to improve the situation.

And if Trump goes into such negotiations with the idea that Mexico is the enemy, the US will be represented by someone in touch with reality for the first time in our lifetimes.

Until Trump made his appearance on the scene, I was astounded that Americans allow themselves to be scammed out of $15 billion per year, by things so transparent as Nigerian scams and fake IRS threats. However, now that I see the naiativity up close and personal with Trump supporters, nothing surprises me any more.
I'm still trying to get past the fact that the reasons that the Trump supporters quote for electing him on this thread is from a parody of the man, and the supporters themselves. Jeez! What does this say about them?

No, you aren't.

You choose to focus on that from the OP to ignore how pragmatic and reasonable Trump's stated policies are, which is what originally sparked his rise.

I know. I am still hung up on "conventional wisdom', like the United States Constitution, which has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to mean that you can't bang on somebody's door and demand that they give you proof that they are an American citizen, without probable cause; which, of course, means that Trumps promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years is total bullshit, fit only for people with,"Unconventional wisdom", like you.

If he makes a Good Faith effort and only gets half in the first Two Years, it would be far better than we would have had under any of the others.

And he would have two more years, at least to go.
Trump is not going to be nominated because the majority of republicans are simply not that stupid. However, if he were to become president, I consider him to be the most dangerous man in America, with his bumper sticker solutions to complex problems, megamania, and total lack of personal integrity, divisiveness, thin skin, abrasiveness and lack of his ability to lead this country. At the very least, he would be worse than Herbert Hoover. At worst, he could be the destruction of the American way of life. In fact, my only hope whatsoever would be that he does not really believe any of the bull shit that he spouts.

Given that, or "Mrs. Personality" Clinton, there would only one choice for me.

But, hopefully, there are still enough republicans who have not lost their freaking minds that this choice will not be the one we have to make.

I think real fiscal conservatives are looking at the GOP candidates in disgust... None of the top 4 GOP candidates will balance the Government... They are all proposing massive increase in defense spending to go off on a war in the ME with either ISIS or Iran or both...

Trump is worse... Mexico is paying for no fucking wall... They will and have asked that US does something about the flow of illegal weapons originating in the US coming into the Mexico... The violence it is creating is cause a huge bill Mexico (and feed into the US illegal immigration problem)... So who is charging who...

Trump is a sick joke... He read the Goebbels Propaganda manual and he playing straight out of it... Simple Say thing are worse they are (the GOP mainstream have been pumping this for years), tell them that some group are to blame and you are the only ones to handle it, lie, lie and lie never admit it... If you have enough dumb people you might be able to make it work...

Mexico's violence is not because of illegal guns flowing over the border from US.

Mexican violence is not what is feeding illegal immigration. It is the fact that Mexico is a shitty Third World County with a land border with a First World Country.

Trump's demand that Mexico pay for the Wall is obviously an Opening Negotiating Demand, not the Finally Agreement.

Our Border "Policy" is so fucked up that ANY SERIOUS ATTEMPT to address the problem is likely to improve the situation.

And if Trump goes into such negotiations with the idea that Mexico is the enemy, the US will be represented by someone in touch with reality for the first time in our lifetimes.

Until Trump made his appearance on the scene, I was astounded that Americans allow themselves to be scammed out of $15 billion per year, by things so transparent as Nigerian scams and fake IRS threats. However, now that I see the naiativity up close and personal with Trump supporters, nothing surprises me any more.

Mexico's violence is not because of illegal guns flowing over the border from US.

Mexican violence is not what is feeding illegal immigration. It is the fact that Mexico is a shitty Third World County with a land border with a First World Country.

Trump's demand that Mexico pay for the Wall is obviously an Opening Negotiating Demand, not the Finally Agreement.

Our Border "Policy" is so fucked up that ANY SERIOUS ATTEMPT to address the problem is likely to improve the situation.

And if Trump goes into such negotiations with the idea that Mexico is the enemy, the US will be represented by someone in touch with reality for the first time in our lifetimes.
I'm still trying to get past the fact that the reasons that the Trump supporters quote for electing him on this thread is from a parody of the man, and the supporters themselves. Jeez! What does this say about them?

No, you aren't.

You choose to focus on that from the OP to ignore how pragmatic and reasonable Trump's stated policies are, which is what originally sparked his rise.

I know. I am still hung up on "conventional wisdom', like the United States Constitution, which has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to mean that you can't bang on somebody's door and demand that they give you proof that they are an American citizen, without probable cause; which, of course, means that Trumps promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years is total bullshit, fit only for people with,"Unconventional wisdom", like you.

If he makes a Good Faith effort and only gets half in the first Two Years, it would be far better than we would have had under any of the others.

And he would have two more years, at least to go.

..and he is going to close the mosques, and ban muslims from entering the country. Youbetcha!
I'm still trying to get past the fact that the reasons that the Trump supporters quote for electing him on this thread is from a parody of the man, and the supporters themselves. Jeez! What does this say about them?

No, you aren't.

You choose to focus on that from the OP to ignore how pragmatic and reasonable Trump's stated policies are, which is what originally sparked his rise.

I know. I am still hung up on "conventional wisdom', like the United States Constitution, which has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to mean that you can't bang on somebody's door and demand that they give you proof that they are an American citizen, without probable cause; which, of course, means that Trumps promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years is total bullshit, fit only for people with,"Unconventional wisdom", like you.

If he makes a Good Faith effort and only gets half in the first Two Years, it would be far better than we would have had under any of the others.

And he would have two more years, at least to go.

..and he is going to close the mosques, and ban muslims from entering the country. Youbetcha!

Banning immigration from crappy Third World Cultures works for me.

Or do you think what happened at Cologne was cool?
And Mexico, which can not even afford to pave their own sidewalks, is going to pay for the wall (which will not be built)

Mexico has been a really crappy neighbor.

I'm not sure what the final deal will be, but they should shoulder quite a bit of the burden of stopping illegal immigration.

If they want good relations with US.

And we already have walls and fences. More is certainly a good idea.
I'm still trying to get past the fact that the reasons that the Trump supporters quote for electing him on this thread is from a parody of the man, and the supporters themselves. Jeez! What does this say about them?

No, you aren't.

You choose to focus on that from the OP to ignore how pragmatic and reasonable Trump's stated policies are, which is what originally sparked his rise.

I know. I am still hung up on "conventional wisdom', like the United States Constitution, which has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to mean that you can't bang on somebody's door and demand that they give you proof that they are an American citizen, without probable cause; which, of course, means that Trumps promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years is total bullshit, fit only for people with,"Unconventional wisdom", like you.

If he makes a Good Faith effort and only gets half in the first Two Years, it would be far better than we would have had under any of the others.

And he would have two more years, at least to go.

I understand. Even though it is totally impossible to do what he says he will do, and you know that he is lying about that, it is ok, because you like the lie.


Elect me, and I will give everybody a million dollars each.
13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President, Ever.

13. Trump gets it. He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

12. Trump is planning to build a great, great wall (yes–two “greats”) on our southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. The best part? He’s planning to have Mexico pay for that wall, and mark his words, “… I will immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration.”

11. No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

10. Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

9. Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

8. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

6. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

5. He loves all races–well, maybe not Mexicans as he referenced them as “
criminals, drug dealers, rapists” but we digress; As a president who respects most races, he will hopefully alleviate the recent tensions between police officials and the African American community.

4. Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.

Trump said it himself–he will single-handedly stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We aren’t entirely sure how, but he’s Trump; Anything is possible.

2. With more time and focus in the White House, there would be less time to star in his own show, “The Apprentice”, hopefully bringing the ongoing series to a halt. It was good for a season or two, but now it’s just obnoxious.

Why would Trump make the best president of all time?
Because he said so.

I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, I tell you that. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico and from so many places. I’ll bring back our money. … Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.“


13 he is on record saying he is going to slash education.

12. Mexico will build the wall? If they do then why would they build it strong, if they build it it will be easily destroyed or with so many holes in it or tunnels that it will be useless. More likely the drug cartels will build it with easy access points for them.

11. Trump has no grasp on the military nor what they do, how they operate. It requires planning. And yes he will have advisors but looking at his speeches and how he acts, he is not going to listen to anybody. He would have to study and learn, to find a good policy to follow. He is not the type to study, he believes he knows it all.

10. A person should be able to change their mind and ideas when evidence is presented to show a better way. He is headstrong and has no leadership attributes. His mouth will get him in trouble on the world stage. He won't be persuaded because he believes he know it all.

9. Yes he is rich by playing the system for his benefit. The USA can't go bankrupt, he failed in the 80's and had to revamp with his dad's money. and then failed 4 more times but isolated his resources screwing investors. He can't operate like he did in his business. He doesn't have a safety rope only a noose for the rest of us.

8. That is interesting since he was only interested in the top1% of the worlds richest. Not America richest the world richest people. Now you want me to believe he has changed to include the rest of us in his designs? He does not change he never has.

7. Yes you are correct, yet if business is his strength then why does he not speak about it with how he would improve the economy. I mean if he was a business genius I would think we would see a plan, or even other politicians use his acument in business to be a financial advisor. More likely he knew his weakness and hired smarter people to run his affairs but take all the credit. We already have a strong military.

6. Negotiator? He has money. So people are beholden to Him And do what he says to get a piece. That's not negotiation that is playing the game.

5. Seriously? Most races? Do I need to comment on this? Omg.

4. Opinions? Really? I would rather someone give me the facts instead of what he believes. Show me where he has inspired people with articulate thoughts using facts and evidence?

3. Trump is way overrated and will be dealing with governments and people with more money then him and just as big egos. He won't have any pull and threats won't work. He will be a disaster.

2. He will use the whitehouse as his personal victory and go about with cameras in his face all the time it will be 24 hour reality show 365 days a year. Not in a good way. Will he study the issues?

1. This whole thing has to be sarcastic it is hard to believe people think like this.
It seems it takes an "asshole" to challenge the Politically Correct Mainstream Media.

So be it.

Now THAT is special. You are prepared to cast your vote for someone who you acknowledge is an asshole? I've never felt closer to you than I do now.

And you're prepared to vote for someone who should have been fired and fined by now, who helped get four Americans killed with her incompetence, who participated in Obama's attempt to hide the fact that Benghazi was a terrorist attack, who clearly used her position as Sec State to peddle influence and solicit donations for her foundation (actions that would get ordinary federal employees fired and possibly fined), who is clearly a compulsive liar, and who, according to security personnel who have worked around, is a truly terrible, awful person.

I happen to know three security personnel who have had contact with Hillary and all three have told me the same thing: that I can't imagine what a horrible person she is. And two of these guys are Democrats.
And this propensity to lie common to most on the right is true motivation to vote against republican candidates.
Did you say that right? The only candidate with the propensity to lie is Hillary Clinton. This has been demonstrated over and over again. Assuming you are going to try to Label Trump with that adjective, may I remind you of his extraordinary success. He has made hundreds, maybe thousands of deals in his lifetime. If he was rumored to be dishonest, he would never been able to acquire partners for deals or make the sound investments that have come his way.

Do you believe that Trump's favorite book is the bible?
He seems about as familiar with the Bible as he is with the Constitution.......almost not at all.

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