13 shot in chicago since friday night

By the way s0ns......when this next bubble breaks on the stock market, we'll be looking at SHTF stuff this time. Go look at the past 50 years of ups and downs of stock market mega-rises. When the fed shuts down the spigot here, people will finally put down their gay Galaxy phones and realize how deep the matrix really is.

In the meantime, stock up on ammo now......we'll be ok for a bit while the savages feast on the homes of assholes still defending their homes with a wiffle ball bat arsenal!!!:D

learn to do your own. percussion is it baby :lol: I know you're a good one. Just joshin.

Actuallly Tiny.....my brother is gonna buy the reloading stuff. The price of ammo is beyond absurd. I just dont have the patience for it.......so every time I have a few extra bucks, I make for DICKS. Currently saving up for a Mossberg 930SPX.....since that hoax in Newtown, they went up a few hundred dollars.
Two thirds of all Gun Deaths are suicide. Two thirds. Why cry about the one third?

Really sportcheck? 2/3rds of all gun deaths are suicides?

Got any links to back that up, or is it some NRA talking point you pulled out of your ass?

I'm guessing that the suicide rate by guns is much less than the homicide rates.
How do we fix this mess? I can name a dozen cities that have the same problem all over this nation that we would be good fixing.

I'll tell you how we could fix it, but it will never happen. Take every single father who is not paying child support and try them in a court of law, and sentence them to hard labor where they will earn money picking crops in the fields under armed guard, or doing whatever menial jobs need to be done. Take their earnings as payment of child support. We would have a lot of labor camps for these assholes. Eventually, young men would get the idea that if they are going to father kids and not support them financially, then they are going to pay a very high price. Of course, such a system would lead to many positives as these guys would stop impregnating every woman they slept with, and it might even make them responsible enough to become real Dad's to their kids, and maybe even marry a woman and help support the family if he gets her pregnant.

There is much to be said about the loss of family values within all poor communities, but it does seem to have a much harsher affect on the black community.
How do we fix this mess? I can name a dozen cities that have the same problem all over this nation that we would be good fixing.

I'll tell you how we could fix it, but it will never happen. Take every single father who is not paying child support and try them in a court of law, and sentence them to hard labor where they will earn money picking crops in the fields under armed guard, or doing whatever menial jobs need to be done. Take their earnings as payment of child support. We would have a lot of labor camps for these assholes. Eventually, young men would get the idea that if they are going to father kids and not support them financially, then they are going to pay a very high price. Of course, such a system would lead to many positives as these guys would stop impregnating every woman they slept with, and it might even make them responsible enough to become real Dad's to their kids, and maybe even marry a woman and help support the family if he gets her pregnant.

There is much to be said about the loss of family values within all poor communities, but it does seem to have a much harsher affect on the black community.

Really? And if they're a deadbeat dad who also used to be a Congressman, can we throw them in jail as well?

I know someone who's eligible to be put in jail under hard labor...............

Joe Walsh....................Ex-Tea Party Rep. Joe Walsh insists he?s not trying to stop paying child support - Chicago Sun-Times

Matter of fact.......................give that fucker pink underwear as well like Joe Arpaio does.

Nine Dead in Chicago's Most Violent Weekend of the Year

With the police shootings, there were nine violent deaths - eight by gunfire - between Friday afternoon and Sunday night. There were 26 shootings, police said. The police shootings are being investigated by the Independent Police Review Authority.

Despite the weekend spike in violence, the city's overall murder rate is down, Chicago Police said, with 162 murders reported so far this year. That is down 31 percent from the same time period in 2012 and less than half the number of killings reported at this point in 2011.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Nine Dead in Chicago's Most Violent Weekend of the Year

How can they celebrate Father's Day when most Chicago families don't have one?
1 Dead, 12 Wounded in Overnight Shootings | NBC Chicago

How them gun laws working out in liberal shitholes?

Because folks can buy guns as close as Indiana, the laws really aren't going to have much effect. But laws aren't the issue.

The issue is poverty. I've lived in a decent area on the Northside for the past 5 years and have yet to see a single robbery, hear a single gunshot, or witness a single arrest.

Most of Chicago is quite nice and flourishing. There's really just a few small pocket areas of extreme violence. Most certainly doesn't deserve to be called a "shithole"...

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Let the libs sit in those cities and rot.

You should have seen Detroit in the old days till the libs got hold of it and wouldn't let go.
Detroit was so cool.

Libs got it. Detroit is a waste land now.

Chicago has to be the same way. Sounds like they have the Detroit liberal disease. Pity. Another great city about to be flushed down a liberal drain.

Liberal shit hole? Really your ignorance is most aggravating . Texas has a higher death rate by guns than Michigan or Illinois.
How about TX vs Detroit or Chicago?
He did, after all, specifiy the cities and not the states.
Two thirds of all Gun Deaths are suicide. Two thirds. Why cry about the one third?
Really sportcheck? 2/3rds of all gun deaths are suicides?
Got any links to back that up, or is it some NRA talking point you pulled out of your ass?
I'm guessing that the suicide rate by guns is much less than the homicide rates.
As per the norm, you'd be wrong.

1999-2010: 375620 gun-related deaths
Suicides: 208406 (58%)
Homicdes: 140875 (39%)
Accidents: 8339 (2%)

Compressed Mortality, 1999-2010 Request
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Why don't poor Asian immigrants kill eac other?

They do, but just not as often or in as large of numbers as the black community, for example.


Two main reasons: there's a much smaller number of Asians vs Blacks in the US (by about a factor of three), AND the poverty rate for the Asian community is much lower than in the Black community (12% vs about 25%).

Not too difficult to explain.

You should have seen Detroit in the old days till the libs got hold of it and wouldn't let go.
Detroit was so cool.

Libs got it. Detroit is a waste land now.

Chicago has to be the same way. Sounds like they have the Detroit liberal disease. Pity. Another great city about to be flushed down a liberal drain.

Liberal shit hole? Really your ignorance is most aggravating . Texas has a higher death rate by guns than Michigan or Illinois.
How about TX vs Detroit or Chicago?
He did, after all, specifiy the cities and not the states.

You do realize that your comparison is kinda missing any logic, right?

Texas has a higher death rate by guns than Michigan (which contains Detroit), or Illinois (which contains Chicago).

You're looking to compare just 2 cities to the whole state of Texas when the poster you responded to was willing to give you those 2 cities PLUS the entire rest of the state as well.
There are lots of poverty in Chiba and India. Do they kill each other?

Yea Nova, good point.

The 0.00% annual murder/homicide rate in China and India (despite the fact that billions of people live there) is quite remarkable. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the last gun murder that took place in Asia was around 1996, and it was mostly attributed to a tragic misunderstanding.

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