13 shot in chicago since friday night

Liberal shit hole? Really your ignorance is most aggravating . Texas has a higher death rate by guns than Michigan or Illinois.
How about TX vs Detroit or Chicago?
He did, after all, specifiy the cities and not the states.
You do realize that your comparison is kinda missing any logic, right?
No. Not at all.
The argument is the liberal shit holes of Detroit and Chicago, not Michigan and Illinois.
How does the crime/homicide rates in those cities compare to TX?
How do the gun laws in those cities compare to TX?

'Tis OK - I don't really expect you to answer the questioms.
How about TX vs Detroit or Chicago?
He did, after all, specifiy the cities and not the states.
You do realize that your comparison is kinda missing any logic, right?
No. Not at all.
The argument is the liberal shit holes of Detroit and Chicago, not Michigan and Illinois.
How does the crime/homicide rates in those cities compare to TX?
How do the gun laws in those cities compare to TX?

'Tis OK - I don't really expect you to answer the questioms.

Post 79 shows that your logic is fucked. BTW....................nice cherry picking of my post, are you a member of the Tea Party?
You do realize that your comparison is kinda missing any logic, right?
No. Not at all.
The argument is the liberal shit holes of Detroit and Chicago, not Michigan and Illinois.
How does the crime/homicide rates in those cities compare to TX?
How do the gun laws in those cities compare to TX?
'Tis OK - I don't really expect you to answer the questioms.
Post 79 shows that your logic is fucked.
This is a lie; as such, I accept your concession of the point.
Interesting when you think that liberal public policy has resulted in these large urban area's becoming virtual shitholes......just hopeless. LBJ's Great Society.......lmao......all it did was send these poor people into a fucking death spiral!!
Interesting when you think that liberal public policy has resulted in these large urban area's becoming virtual shitholes......just hopeless. LBJ's Great Society.......lmao......all it did was send these poor people into a fucking death spiral!!

Will say that 95% of Chicago is nice, livable, and decently safe. There exists pockets of violence in isolated areas.
There are lots of poverty in Chiba and India. Do they kill each other?

Yea Nova, good point.

The 0.00% annual murder/homicide rate in China and India (despite the fact that billions of people live there) is quite remarkable. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the last gun murder that took place in Asia was around 1996, and it was mostly attributed to a tragic misunderstanding.


Huh? wasn't there a bunch of Muslims who took hostages in an Indian hotel and a shoot out happened a few years ago?
This is what happens when a city passes laws that the surrounding areas do not. Within the city of Chicago, you can't buy guns but across the street (in some cases), guns are readily available.

Problem is, even if every city passes gun laws, there will still be areas where the gun nutters want to arm drug dealers, known terrorists, illegals, the mentally ill and violent criminals.

And, if they don't buy from surrounding suburbs, there's always the internet or the scum bag gun nutter down the block.

Idiot gun nutters reaping what they sow and enjoying the thousands of gun deaths they're causing. Like, the fact that the number killed since your big success at Newtown is almost the same as during the illegal war against other innocent people in Iraq.

Let me get this straight...the criminals will leave Chicago to get a gun...but not to commit crime.

They go to the suburbs to buy a gun to take back into the city to commit crimes there only...

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever...


Crime rate in Chicago, Illinois (IL): murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, auto thefts, arson, law enforcement employees, police officers statistics

Crime rate in Cicero, Illinois (IL): murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, auto thefts, arson, law enforcement employees, police officers statistics

Crime rate in West Chicago, Illinois (IL): murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, auto thefts, arson, law enforcement employees, police officers statistics
If surrounding areas are to blame for having less restrictive gun laws, why don't they have the violence that liberal areas with strict gun control have? Could the people be the problem and not the guns?

DING! DING! DING! DING!...we have a winner...give the man a Kewpie Doll!
Let the libs sit in those cities and rot.

You should have seen Detroit in the old days till the libs got hold of it and wouldn't let go.
Detroit was so cool.

Libs got it. Detroit is a waste land now.

Chicago has to be the same way. Sounds like they have the Detroit liberal disease. Pity. Another great city about to be flushed down a liberal drain.

Liberal shit hole? Really your ignorance is most aggravating . Texas has a higher death rate by guns than Michigan or Illinois. Get a clue and stop being so myopic.

Crime Statistics > Firearms Death Rate per 100,000 (most recent) by state

Firearms Death Rate per 100,000 statistics - states compared - Crime data on StateMaster

Death rate includes suicides...if you choose to kill yourself, you don't need a gun...your car and a hose or some 'scripts or a length of rope will do just fine.



Murder Rates Nationally and By State | Death Penalty Information Center
Yep....................Detroit is kind of a wasteland now.

Wanna talk about the emergency managers sent to run it by the Republican governor Rick Snyder?

It's not so much that the libs have gotten ahold of it, it's the FACT that the Republican governor has sent in an emergency manager who has stripped the DULY ELECTED representatives of their authority, because they want to get rid of the black people.

Go ahead......................research why Detroit is so pissed about the non elected emergency manager appointed by a Republican.

It's the Republicans that have fucked up Detroit.

With all due respect go fuck yourself :eusa_angel: I lived just north of Detroit for ages.

The only reason the R had to send in someone is that the city's council is so FUBAR'D.
Detroit has been Dem for years.

They own it.

You can't spin this on R ever.

It is the Capitalists who screwed Detroit

Detroits liberal government spent like there was no tomorrow, racking up debts that could never possibly be paid...then tomorrow came...bills came due and there wasn't enough money to pay them.

And it won't be long before we see it at the national level.

Spending begets spending...10 trillion 2008, 16 trillion 2012...25 trillion 2020...bust....
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It is the Capitalists who screwed Detroit

Oh this explanation of this claim will be fun.


Capitalists raped the city and then abandoned it

History lesson...

What made Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland, the center of manufacturing?

The railroads hubs were there.

Why were the railroad hubs in these cities?

Ice. Before refrigeration, the railroad needed ICE to cool it's perishable food transport.

Now this is done mechanically.

And 75% of commodities are shipped by truck...not rail.

It was inevitable that business would shift to more temperate regions of the United States...

The only thing that keeps those cities going is inertia.

Sad but none the less true. Technology reshapes America in ways both overt and subtle.

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