13 States Sue Biden Over Stimulus Rule

What’s the rule? I hope it’s that in order to get money you can’t disenfranchis black voters and you have to have an adequate number of abortion clinics in your state.

I think the rule is if you intentionally screwed up your state's economy with Draconian COVID restrictions like a good commie.....you would be rewarded......but of course the wording in the documents won't show that (This way Wokish snowflakes can claim it's not happening). Also....there's a provision that bans lowering taxes to stimulate the economy......essentially a bribe to not do what is best for your state.

One of the plaintiffs, who has a landscaping business and a cottage, complained that he can’t even use his time off to take his son fishing on Lake Charlevoix because motorboats have been banned under the order.

The plaintiffs are Kimberly Beemer, a Saginaw attorney, Paul Cavanaugh, who has a Livingston County landscaping business, and Muise, an Ann Arbor attorney and one of the American Freedom Center lawyers who filed the complaint.

Fucking lawyers.

Both Beemer and Cavanaugh have cottages in Charlevoix they now cannot use because of travel provisions in the executive order, they said.


You can't deprive a person the use of their property without compensating them and due process. You should try reading the Constitution sometime.

YOu keep talking but you aren't saying anything. What happened in that video? Why did the cop chase him down?

Funny you Republicans are ok with stop and frisk in black neighborhoods but this is proof you wouldn't accept it in yours.

STOP making this a fricken race issue, dammit!

You harm more than you heal when you pull this crap.


Gotta keep the poor people as poor as possible!!! It's the Republican way. How come these assholes didn't sue over the Trump tax cuts? As long as the rich get richer the GOP will pass anything, but give money to the poor. NEVER!!!

Because Trump's across the board tax cuts was a bill voted on and passed by the US Congress, and signed into law by Trump, Stupid. Been done many times. Nothing remotely unconstitutional about it.

The poor got their taxes cut under the Trump plan, Moron. AND the standard deduction was doubled, which the vast majority of poor and middle class use.

You are the dumbest person on the planet. AOC looks like Einstein compared to you.


Gotta keep the poor people as poor as possible!!! It's the Republican way. How come these assholes didn't sue over the Trump tax cuts? As long as the rich get richer the GOP will pass anything, but give money to the poor. NEVER!!!

Because Trump's across the board tax cuts was a bill voted on and passed by the US Congress, and signed into law by Trump, Stupid. Been done many times. Nothing remotely unconstitutional about it.

The poor got their taxes cut under the Trump plan, Moron. AND the standard deduction was doubled, which the vast majority of poor and middle class use.

You are the dumbest person on the planet. AOC looks like Einstein compared to you.

remember, that dude was told 2+2=5 and he agrees.

What’s the rule? I hope it’s that in order to get money you can’t disenfranchis black voters and you have to have an adequate number of abortion clinics in your state.

I think the rule is if you intentionally screwed up your state's economy with Draconian COVID restrictions like a good commie.....you would be rewarded......but of course the wording in the documents won't show that (This way Wokish snowflakes can claim it's not happening). Also....there's a provision that bans lowering taxes to stimulate the economy......essentially a bribe to not do what is best for your state.

One of the plaintiffs, who has a landscaping business and a cottage, complained that he can’t even use his time off to take his son fishing on Lake Charlevoix because motorboats have been banned under the order.

The plaintiffs are Kimberly Beemer, a Saginaw attorney, Paul Cavanaugh, who has a Livingston County landscaping business, and Muise, an Ann Arbor attorney and one of the American Freedom Center lawyers who filed the complaint.

Fucking lawyers.

Both Beemer and Cavanaugh have cottages in Charlevoix they now cannot use because of travel provisions in the executive order, they said.


Early in the year in 2020 they banned use of the beaches....probably because doing so is healthy and kills COVID.

1. Why can he break the law and no one else?
2. If he's doing it and getting away with it, everyone else will break the law too.
3. If he were black you would have said the cop was justified for shooting him in the back.

Well.....the fact that went over your head is that "The Law", Judge Dredd, is horseshit.
The Law, was made up to oppress people and wasn't based in science.

No it wasn't designed to oppress people. What a joke. And yes it was based on science.

Social distance
Wear masks
No social gatherings

You cons didn't follow the rules so the entire country is fucked. We can't do it without you. So people died. And your side says so what. Very few die from it. No biggy. Fucking idiots. Then pretend to value human life.

I wonder who's spreading COVID all over the country as we speak using human-trafficking....you fucking imbecile?
It sure isn't us so-called rightwingers.
Why can he break the law and no one else?
what law?
Being on the beach? Running from a cop?
Laws like that are total BS and you know that.
Clearly he was alone and trying to keep healthy....and the cop was trying to infringe on his rights written in the constitution...the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
It is East German style oppression, plain & simple.....and you're nothing more than a Goose-stepping Shitforbrains stooge that goes along with this horseshit without questioning it.
freedom and choice.
that's not my choice to use tax payer money to kill babies. And yet you don't support that right, why?
Because paying for an abortion is cheaper than paying for that kid for the next 18 years. And then when he turns out to be a criminal, pay to keep him in prison for another 20 years.

Better to let the woman who doesn't want the kid to abort.

And if you say it's murder, why again aren't the newly conservative Supreme's overturning Roe V Wade?
And yet you support paying for illegal kids for years. :cuckoo:

So did Donald Trump. He kidnapped thousands of kids and lost track of their parents. He intended those parents to never see those children again. Those kids are going to grow up and sue the US government and the costs of Trump's cruelty will be like nothing you've ever seen.

Doing things that are immoral, illegal, and just plain wrong always comes with a cost, and the cost of that cruelty will always be 10 times higher than the cost of kindness.

You're too short sighted to see the long term implications of what Trump did. But FuckBois like you with few critical thinking skills are always looking for the adrenaline high of sticking it to the left over doing things of long term value to the country. That's why you're just a FuckBoi and always will be. We don't expect you to be anything more than pretty, petty, and focused entirely on your own good time.
Why isn't the govt being sued right now? If you are correct (laughs maniacally), there would be lawyers lining up to represent these kids and sue he govt.

Of course, you are not correct. You never have been, and all indications are that you never will be.

Once again you demonstrate your colossal ignorance of how the US works. Why don't you try to fix your shithole KKKanada, Halfwit?
This is another one like Georgia's do-not-feed-the-voters legislation where it is rather easy to pull up the raw facts on the matter and avoid all media. For those who instead of complaining about media bias prefer to check things out for themselves I offer these:


Text - H.R.1319 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

I did wonder how how I'd find the section in contention but another quick search turned up the Treasury Department's reply to Arizona's Attorney General which specified section number (9011).

Response-to-State-Attorneys-General-Inquiries-on-Implementation-of-Section-9901-of-the-ARP-Act.pdf (treasury.gov)

I'm leaning towards an opinion that the judgement will go in favor of Biden. It seems to me any state but Texas wouldn't have any difficulty presenting proof of expenditures made through use of stimulus funds and be able to cut taxes. (My opinion of Texans is that they're not very smart,)

What’s the rule? I hope it’s that in order to get money you can’t disenfranchis black voters and you have to have an adequate number of abortion clinics in your state.

The rule is they can't use the money to give tax cuts to their rich buddies.

More commie lies, the rule is if revenue is reduced for any reason the government could take the money back.


In other words, don't use it to give tax breaks to your wealthy buddies.

Like I said the first time.

What’s the rule? I hope it’s that in order to get money you can’t disenfranchis black voters and you have to have an adequate number of abortion clinics in your state.

The rule is they can't use the money to give tax cuts to their rich buddies.

And how is that unconstitutional?

States rights. The Feds don't have the power to dictate State tax policy.

Good thing that's not what they're doing then, huh.

You throw that phrase around all the time but I've yet to see any evidence that you've actually read the Constitution.

I'd also like to know how he's interpreting the constitution. What Rand Paul thinks is unconstitutional Trump might not think is unconstitutional. And I'm sure Bush and Trump don't completely agree on what is and isn't unconstitutional. And then we have Republicans in Kentucky and Georgia passing unconstitutional voting laws, laws that attack our 1st amendment rights.

Republicans seem to cherry pick from the constitution and if it suits them they don't mind passing unconstitutional laws. States rights they say.

He's not interpreting anything. He's just repeating what he heard Hannity or someone similar say.

What’s the rule? I hope it’s that in order to get money you can’t disenfranchis black voters and you have to have an adequate number of abortion clinics in your state.

The rule is they can't use the money to give tax cuts to their rich buddies.

I really wish you'd educate yourself.

I'm constantly educating myself. Education isn't a goal, it's a process.

the demofks are the rich buddies of the demofks. Then you should know that. why don't you?

Partisan bullshit.

facts. who do you think funds BLM and Antifa? Young Turks? Who is George Soro's buddies? Who were Epstein's? come on little man, grow up and educate yourself.

He will never grow up and face facts the dems fund antifa and BLM to burn down cities and start riots.

Got any actual proof?

What’s the rule? I hope it’s that in order to get money you can’t disenfranchis black voters and you have to have an adequate number of abortion clinics in your state.

The rule is they can't use the money to give tax cuts to their rich buddies.

I really wish you'd educate yourself.

I'm constantly educating myself. Education isn't a goal, it's a process.

the demofks are the rich buddies of the demofks. Then you should know that. why don't you?

Partisan bullshit.

facts. who do you think funds BLM and Antifa? Young Turks? Who is George Soro's buddies? Who were Epstein's? come on little man, grow up and educate yourself.

He will never grow up and face facts the dems fund antifa and BLM to burn down cities and start riots.

So Dems want blacks to burn down cities and start riots? Talk about a conspiracy theory.

They've all gone completely bonkers.

What’s the rule? I hope it’s that in order to get money you can’t disenfranchis black voters and you have to have an adequate number of abortion clinics in your state.


:thankusmile: :thup: Good move ignoring this shill I hardly read half his bullshit lies he posts most the time anymore.

I'm going to put you on ignore now.

:banana: :dance: :banana: :dance: :banana: :dance: :banana: :dance: :banana: :banana: :yes_text12: :rofl::yes_text12::yes_text12:
Please do so,I get tired of taking you to school exposing your lies just to watch you evade my facts and change the topic when you are losing an argument with me so you would be doing me a great favor if you are not lying which would be a first.:auiqs.jpg::rofl:I know you won’t do it,you hate that other troll unkotore and don’t have him on so I know you won’t with me either. :auiqs.jpg:

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