1300 Dead From Covid In Florida THIS WEEK

You are parroting Leftist LIES .....

The vaccinated are also getting sick and DYING.

There is a reason normal thinking Americans DO NOT take you psycho Leftist Marxist Government Cultist seriously.

Ehh NO Loony Bird, the fully vaccinated are not dying. Please stop making shit up.

Ehh NO Loony Bird, the fully vaccinated are not dying. Please stop making shit up.

It would a wonderful situation if it was only the vaccinated dying. That means we would be at 100% vaccinated and the death numbers would be incredibly low. As it stands now we only have about half vaccinated and 90% of those dying are unvaxxed. We are a nation of idiots. Just look at this thread. People can’t understand basic stats
It would a wonderful situation if it was only the vaccinated dying. That means we would be at 100% vaccinated and the death numbers would be incredibly low. As it stands now we only have about half vaccinated and 90% of those dying are unvaxxed. We are a nation of idiots. Just look at this thread. People can’t understand basic stats

Actually it's well over 90% - Did you check out #107? :D

Newsflash...If you get vaccinated...that doesn't keep you from dying of covid
An Associated Press analysis of available government data from May shows that “breakthrough” infections in fully vaccinated people accounted for fewer than 1,200 of more than 107,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations. That’s about 1.1%.

Now, what is the definition of "fully vaccinated"?

In Seattle’s King County, the public health department found only three deaths during a recent 60-day period in people who were fully vaccinated. The rest, some 95% of 62 deaths, had had no vaccine or just one shot.

How many of those with no vax vs. just one shot?

How do you people fall for this shit? It is incredible how easily you are fooled.
Is that your fucked up way of saying no biggie?

If you think deaths from Covid is a biggie then blame the Chinese that made the Biden family filthy rich.

Of course if you want to put American politics into it then Blame President Potatohead. Last year at this time when Trump was President the number of cases was half what they are now and 1/3rd as many deaths.

President Potatohead has been a disaster for this country.
No. Not "UNvaxxed" you dumbfuck. 95% of those NOT FULLY VACCINATED!!!

You are really dumb.
Pointless point.

If you get vaxxed (fully) and stay away from covid infected people for two weeks...you're chances of dying from it become VERY low.
Pointless point.

If you get vaxxed (fully) and stay away from covid infected people for two weeks...you're chances of dying from it become VERY low.
You missed the point AGAIN.

By the standard definition of "fully vaccinated" people who got BOTH shots are not fully vaccinated until 14 days after the last shot.

They are including all people who have had at least 1 or both shots and have not reached the 14th day after the last shot. Those people are who YOU are calling "UNvaxxed."
Pointless point.

If you get vaxxed (fully) and stay away from covid infected people for two weeks...you're chances of dying from it become VERY low.
So, of the people who have had ZERO shots, compared to those who have had 1 or more, how many died?

You are falling for bullshit and I am NOT surprised.
You missed the point AGAIN.

By the standard definition of "fully vaccinated" people who got BOTH shots are not fully vaccinated until 14 days after the last shot.

They are including all people who have had at least 1 or both shots and have not reached the 14th day after the last shot. Those people are who YOU are calling "UNvaxxed."
For good reason. Until that point you are NOT fully protected
So, of the people who have had ZERO shots, compared to those who have had 1 or more, how many died?

You are falling for bullshit and I am NOT surprised.
So you're "point" is that you should be protected even when you're not?

Newsflash...saying you're thinking about getting the vaccine doesn't protect you either,

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