1300 Dead From Covid In Florida THIS WEEK

No, I am saying that many people are dying of the vaccine itself, or from something else, but because they have covid antibodies, the hospital (getting paid as much as $50,000 per covid death) is listing deaths as "with covid" to get the federal funding.

Hospital Funding for COVID treatment

Please tell me you understand what I am saying.
Pointless explaining such things to the The Covidian Cult, they either lack the critical thinking to understand what you are trying to tell them, or will refuse to go to the link and let go of their conditioning.

" . . . Which brings us to the problem of the Covidian cult … how to get through to them, which, make no mistake, we have to do, one way or another, or the New Normal will become our permanent “reality.”

I called the New Normals a “Covidian Cult,” not to gratuitously insult or mock them, but because that is what totalitarianism is … a cult writ large, on a societal scale. Anyone who has tried to get through to them can confirm the accuracy of that analogy. You can show them the facts until you’re blue in the face. It will not make the slightest difference. You think you are having a debate over facts, but you are not. You are threatening their new “reality.” You think you are struggling to get them to think rationally. You are not. What you are is a heretic, an agent of demonic forces, an enemy of all that is “real” and “true.”

The Scientologists would label you a “suppressive person.” The New Normals call you a “conspiracy theorist,” an “anti-vaxxer,” or a “virus denier.” The specific epithets don’t really matter. They are just labels that cult members and totalitarians use to demonize those they perceive as “enemies” … anyone challenging the “reality” of the cult, or the “reality” of the totalitarian system.

The simple fact of the matter is, you can’t talk people out of a cult, and you can’t talk them out of totalitarianism. Usually, what you do, in the case of a cult, is, you get the person out of the cult. You kidnap them, take them to a safehouse or wherever, surround them with a lot of non-cult members, and deprogram them gradually over the course of several days. You do this because, while they are still inside the cult, you cannot get through to them. They cannot hear you. A cult is a collective, self-contained “reality.” Its power flows from the social organism composed of the cult leaders and the other cult members. You cannot “talk” this power away. You have to physically remove the person from it before you can begin to reason with them.

Unfortunately, we do not have this option. The New Normal is a global totalitarian system. There is no “outside” of the system to retreat to. We can’t kidnap everyone and take them to Sweden. As I noted in Part I of this series, the cult/society paradigm has been inverted. The cult has become the dominant society, and those of us who have not been converted have become a collection of isolated islands existing, not outside, but within the cult.

So we need to adopt a different strategy. We need to make the monster show itself, not to those of us who can already see it, but to the New Normal masses, the Covidian cultists. We need to make Jim Jones drop the peace-and-love crap, move into the jungle, and break out the Kool-Aid. We need to make Charles Manson put down his guitar, cancel orgy-time, and go homicidal hippie. This is how you take down a cult from within. You do not try to thwart its progress; you push it toward its logical conclusion. You make it manifest its full expression, because that it when it implodes, and dies. You do not do that by being polite, conciliatory, or avoiding conflict. You do that by generating as much internal conflict within the cult as you can.

In other words, we need to make GloboCap (and its minions) go openly totalitarian … because it can’t. If it could, it would have done so already. Global capitalism cannot function that way. Going openly totalitarian will cause it to implode … no, not global capitalism itself, but this totalitarian version of it. In fact, this is starting to happen already. It needs the simulation of “reality,” and “democracy,” and “normality,” to keep the masses docile. So we need to attack that simulation. We need to hammer on it until it cracks, and the monster hiding within in appears.

That is the weakness of the system … the New Normal totalitarianism will not work if the masses perceive it as totalitarianism, as a political/ideological program, rather than as “a response to a deadly pandemic.” So we need to make it visible as totalitarianism. We need to force the New Normals to see it as what it is. I do not mean that we need to explain it to them. They are beyond the reach of explanations. I mean that we need to make them see it, feel it, tangibly, inescapably, until they recognize what they are collaborating with. . . "
You believe reality is a lie so you don’t have to accept it.

I’ll tell you what. Explain to me how someone with hypertension who dies from ARDS in the setting of COVID died “with” COVID and not from it?
I believe we have been lied to about almost everything concerning Covid. It has been used for political gains and fascist policies. It is no more than a tool being used to destroy our freedom.
You’re baselessly accusing people of committing fraud.
Show me the complete medical history and autopsy reports of all the people who died of/with COVID. How many died of co-morbidities?

It's not hard at all to follow the fucking money.

I am accusing them of fraud, but it's certainly NOT baseless. Look how much fucking money they get just for including COVID on the death certificate.

You can only hide numbers this horrific for so long

Last week they reported over 900

Florida is a covid dumpster fire and DeathSantis is throwing gasoline on it and lying about it.
Biden's death rate continues to climb.

When will he address this?
I believe we have been lied to about almost everything concerning Covid. It has been used for political gains and fascist policies. It is no more than a tool being used to destroy our freedom.
You believe that because it’s easier for you to accept.

Not because there’s any legitimate basis for it.
Normal thinking Americans are not surprised by this.

Only DUMBASS Leftist like yourself don't see what's going on.
Joe Biden is the Super Spreader In Chief.

Killing untold thousands of Americans with his China Flu infested illegals.
Show me the complete medical history and autopsy reports of all the people who died of/with COVID. How many died of co-morbidities?

It's not hard at all to follow the fucking money.

I am accusing them of fraud, but it's certainly NOT baseless. Look how much fucking money they get just for including COVID on the death certificate.
You can’t just demand to see every medical detail of every person for your own personal reasons.

This isn’t Texas.
If you think deaths from Covid is a biggie then blame the Chinese that made the Biden family filthy rich.

Of course if you want to put American politics into it then Blame President Potatohead. Last year at this time when Trump was President the number of cases was half what they are now and 1/3rd as many deaths.

President Potatohead has been a disaster for this country.
At this time last year we were in a strict economic shut down smart guy. We can blame the Chinese all we want... Now what? Where does that get us?
Very very few.
Well over 90% of those hospitalized and dying of covid are UNVACCINATED



You believe that because it’s easier for you to accept.

Not because there’s any legitimate basis for it.
Again, there are countless doctors that disagree about Covid. They do not get equal exposure because of censorship and bullying and other forms of intimidation.

What is the legitimate purpose of scaring people senseless? The purpose is control and power. You and the new Nazis are doing just what they want. You are being used.
Show me the complete medical history and autopsy reports of all the people who died of/with COVID. How many died of co-morbidities?

It's not hard at all to follow the fucking money.

I am accusing them of fraud, but it's certainly NOT baseless. Look how much fucking money they get just for including COVID on the death certificate.
I believe we have been lied to about almost everything concerning Covid. It has been used for political gains and fascist policies. It is no more than a tool being used to destroy our freedom.
Of course it is being politicized by politicians... That doesn't mean that the vast majority of doctors and medical experts are lying about the seriousness of the virus and about the health, safety and prevention methods that should be used.
Again, there are countless doctors that disagree about Covid. They do not get equal exposure because of censorship and bullying and other forms of intimidation.

What is the legitimate purpose of scaring people senseless? The purpose is control and power. You and the new Nazis are doing just what they want. You are being used.
Telling people the truth about COVID isn’t about scaring them. It’s about getting them to do the things that will help bring this to an end. That’s the point.

There’s a lot of fringe doctors out there saying things that aren’t true. Saying things that they attention from people like you who badly want to hear that COVID isn’t what it actually is.

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