1300 Dead From Covid In Florida THIS WEEK

Greenwald is such a deceptive person.

Their scoop shows that they were concerned about contracting a coronavirus when testing bats in the wild.

This is essentially the same as the theory that it was a natural virus that jumped from bat to person. No different except that the person is a researcher and not a local who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This is entirely different than the "lab leak" theory which as the name indicates, suggests it leaked out of containment from a lab.

They substituted lab leak for "research associated" and you guys never even bothered to notice.
Greenwald is such a deceptive person.

Their scoop shows that they were concerned about contracting a coronavirus when testing bats in the wild.

This is essentially the same as the theory that it was a natural virus that jumped from bat to person. No different except that the person is a researcher and not a local who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This is entirely different than the "lab leak" theory which as the name indicates, suggests it leaked out of containment from a lab.

They substituted lab leak for "research associated" and you guys never even bothered to notice.
No one who disagrees with Greenwald is deceptive? Pot meet kettle.
Just as an aside, was he "unvaccinated" or was he not "fully vaccinated."

tell me how this guy is any different than someone who has all of those pre-existing conditions and comes in with a bad case of the flu.

There is no difference, but money is available if covid is a factor.

This is panic porn, and there's a nice healthy $50,000 plus benefit from the Covid label.

All of these motherfuckers are listing anyone who dies of anything as dying "with Covid."

Tell me. How many people have died because of AIDS? If your answer is anything other than zero this discussion is over. Nobody dies of AIDS. They die of the complications from AIDS.

How many people die of old age? Zero. They died of complications from old age. It's usually the flu or something else that other people would easily recover from.

This is no different. The fact that you people are trying to make it different shows us all we need to see.

This is political fraud dressed up as a pandemic.
Unvaccinated. Completely unvaccinated.

This guy never came in with a bad case of the flu and even in the worst flu seasons, we never saw this much disease. Especially in August.

It's a massive difference and suggesting it's the same demonstrates you have little understanding of what you're referring to.

The severe ARDS and fibrotic lung disease is pretty rare with influenza. I have a hard time remembering any cases to be honest with you. Add to that the thromboembolic disease, which was a big part here since we assumed he had a pulmonary embolism which caused his cardiac arrest.

So if this guy had died yesterday, or when he does die almost certainly in the coming days, what should we list on his death certificate if not COVID?
Yea...the problem is Florida posted 900 deaths last week.

They release the weeks deaths and then try to put the "event" here they thing it will best suit them

The way they get caught is pretty simple.

Look at the totals each week..

This week...the total is 1300 more than the total last week...regardless of where they try to put them
This is your title:

1300 Dead From Covid In Florida THIS WEEK​

Your article makes it clear that the new numbers are cumulative and cover several weeks. EVERY time this issue is further sensationalized, fewer people take it seriously.
Unvaccinated. Completely unvaccinated.

This guy never came in with a bad case of the flu and even in the worst flu seasons, we never saw this much disease. Especially in August.

It's a massive difference and suggesting it's the same demonstrates you have little understanding of what you're referring to.

The severe ARDS and fibrotic lung disease is pretty rare with influenza. I have a hard time remembering any cases to be honest with you. Add to that the thromboembolic disease, which was a big part here since we assumed he had a pulmonary embolism which caused his cardiac arrest.

So if this guy had died yesterday, or when he does die almost certainly in the coming days, what should we list on his death certificate if not COVID?
Oh, by all means, list "covid.". Just don't sit here and tell me that healthy people are even remotely at risk. It's dishonest at best.

How many come in with chest pains and a history of high blood pressure, who code, die of a heart attack, then test positive for covid and are listed as having died "with covid"?

Keep pretending this is not a fat political scam, complete with taxpayer funded bribes.
Oh, by all means, list "covid.". Just don't sit here and tell me that healthy people are even remotely at risk. It's dishonest at best.

How many come in with chest pains and a history of high blood pressure, who code, die of a heart attack, then test positive for covid and are listed as having died "with covid"?

Keep pretending this is not a fat political scam, complete with taxpayer funded bribes.
I remember working in a heart unit like a decade ago when we had a bad strain of influenza.

I saw so many heart attacks coming in that were precipitated by influenza.

In any event, the odds that someone dies at the same time as having COVID but are unrelated is pretty tiny.

Don’t pretend like you can ignore statistics just because you don’t want to believe them.
I remember working in a heart unit like a decade ago when we had a bad strain of influenza.

I saw so many heart attacks coming in that were precipitated by influenza.

In any event, the odds that someone dies at the same time as having COVID but are unrelated is pretty tiny.

Don’t pretend like you can ignore statistics just because you don’t want to believe them.
As long as you stop pretending that one size fits all. As long as you stop pretending that healthy people are at risk.

You won't.
Biden's death rate continues to climb.

When will he address this?

Labor Day 2021 has about twice the number of hospitalizations from COVID as Labor Day 2020 did.

Biden had a plan to deal with COVID, probably like his plan for Afghanistan.

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