1300 Dead From Covid In Florida THIS WEEK

Of course it is being politicized by politicians... That doesn't mean that the vast majority of doctors and medical experts are lying about the seriousness of the virus and about the health, safety and prevention methods that should be used.
You do not know if they are the vast majority. It has never been proven, it has just been said. It has been sad by proven liars and you still listen. Why?
You can’t just demand to see every medical detail of every person for your own personal reasons.

This isn’t Texas.
Exactly. Quite convenient that hospitals get at least $50,000 per COVID case, but we don't get to see if they are fucking lying about it to fleece us out of tax dollars.

The burden of proof is on them.
Who is “we”?

The government has the complete ability to determine if they’re lying about it.

In the normal world, the government enforces laws so that they can protect individual privacy. Texas has gone another way, but that’s because it’s run by a cadre of psychopaths.
Telling people the truth about COVID isn’t about scaring them. It’s about getting them to do the things that will help bring this to an end. That’s the point.

There’s a lot of fringe doctors out there saying things that aren’t true. Saying things that they attention from people like you who badly want to hear that COVID isn’t what it actually is.
They are not fringe doctors. The powers that be say they are. What they say is usually a lie. Count the lies about Covid. There are a shitload staring from day 1.
They are not fringe doctors. The powers that be say they are. What they say is usually a lie. Count the lies about Covid. There are a shitload staring from day 1.
I kinda agree with you. This is pretty close to day 1.

Who is “we”?

The government has the complete ability to determine if they’re lying about it.

In the normal world, the government enforces laws so that they can protect individual privacy. Texas has gone another way, but that’s because it’s run by a cadre of psychopaths.
The government has no motive to investigate and stop the bullshit because it give the government more power and control.

Good God. It's like trying to explain a pyramid scheme to repeat fraud victims.

It's a funding scam until hospitals prove otherwise.
Telling people the truth about COVID isn’t about scaring them. It’s about getting them to do the things that will help bring this to an end. That’s the point.

There’s a lot of fringe doctors out there saying things that aren’t true. Saying things that they attention from people like you who badly want to hear that COVID isn’t what it actually is.
There’s a lot of fringe doctors out there saying things that aren’t true.

Fauci has been on 13 different sides on the China Flu. His story has changed constantly.
You do not know if they are the vast majority. It has never been proven, it has just been said. It has been sad by proven liars and you still listen. Why?
It is every single doctor and nurse friend of mine that I've asked in both California and Texas plus every person that I've asked "what have your doctors told you about masking and the vaccine" I have not had one tell me the their doctor has said that the vaccine is dangerous or unsafe or ineffective... Same for masks.

Have you spoken to your doctor about it? What did he/she say?
Very very few.

Well over 90% of those hospitalized and dying of covid are UNVACCINATED
This % figure keeps changing. Do lefties want to get together and agree on a figure and get back to us, the 90% doesn't match statistics that are happening in the real world.
It is every single doctor and nurse friend of mine that I've asked in both California and Texas plus every person that I've asked "what have your doctors told you about masking and the vaccine" I have not had one tell me the their doctor has said that the vaccine is dangerous or unsafe or ineffective... Same for masks.

Have you spoken to your doctor about it? What did he/she say?
My doctor said not to take the vaccine if I did not want to. He said it has not been adequately tested.
Dude, he is a lying sack of shit. He is not capable of telling truth.

I try to give everyone a fair shot. I've had plenty of discussions with those I disagree with that don't devolve into this type of thing.

If they want to hang themselves with just pure partisan nonsense, deflection, scarecrows etc., nothing I can do about it....but call them on it, then laugh and laugh and laugh at the pure desperation of being obviously wrong and trying to twist something, anything in order to not appear so ignorant, which only makes it worse. And, hey, that's fun too.
The government has no motive to investigate and stop the bullshit because it give the government more power and control.

Good God. It's like trying to explain a pyramid scheme to repeat fraud victims.

It's a funding scam until hospitals prove otherwise.
Ah, so the circle of the conspiracy continues to get bigger and bigger.

Which is a sure sign that it's totally true. Right?

Tell you want Bootney. Here's how my night went.

Guy had diabetes, like bad diabetes, history of stroke, hypertension, had a few stents put in.

Comes in with COVID. Not just a positive test. He had fevers and pulmonary infiltrates. Spends about 10 days on high flow nasal cannula and then NIPPV. Finally, yesterday morning he totally decompensated. Respiratory distress, could maintain saturations, required intubation. Then he coded. Got pulses back, off and on. Eventually stabilized on 4 pressors and maximal support from the ventilator, including Velitri. Even pushed tPA because he likely developed a PE but due to all the craziness, was totally a guess. Now, when I left he was basically alive. Oxygen saturations couldn't get over 80% but his heart was pumping and he had a BP. The odds that he survives at this point are essentially nil.

So this guy had a laundry list of comorbidities. Tons. Very unhealthy.

But at the end of the day, this guys is going to die of COVID.

So when people start talking about comorbidities being the bigger deal and not COVID, I basically automatically know they're just talking out their asses. Until proven otherwise.

Oh, and if you're wondering, he was unvaccinated.
You're right, Florida does have a decent vaccination rate despite the poor messaging from their governor. They also have the highest death rate. Why do you think this is?

Over a short time frame.

They are still #17 overall and are on a steep decline.

You fuckers will say anything.
Ah, so the circle of the conspiracy continues to get bigger and bigger.

Which is a sure sign that it's totally true. Right?

Tell you want Bootney. Here's how my night went.

Guy had diabetes, like bad diabetes, history of stroke, hypertension, had a few stents put in.

Comes in with COVID. Not just a positive test. He had fevers and pulmonary infiltrates. Spends about 10 days on high flow nasal cannula and then NIPPV. Finally, yesterday morning he totally decompensated. Respiratory distress, could maintain saturations, required intubation. Then he coded. Got pulses back, off and on. Eventually stabilized on 4 pressors and maximal support from the ventilator, including Velitri. Even pushed tPA because he likely developed a PE but due to all the craziness, was totally a guess. Now, when I left he was basically alive. Oxygen saturations couldn't get over 80% but his heart was pumping and he had a BP. The odds that he survives at this point are essentially nil.

So this guy had a laundry list of comorbidities. Tons. Very unhealthy.

But at the end of the day, this guys is going to die of COVID.

So when people start talking about comorbidities being the bigger deal and not COVID, I basically automatically know they're just talking out their asses. Until proven otherwise.

Oh, and if you're wondering, he was unvaccinated.
Until proven otherwise.

Nothing has been proven. The story keeps changing.
Ah, so the circle of the conspiracy continues to get bigger and bigger.

Which is a sure sign that it's totally true. Right?

Tell you want Bootney. Here's how my night went.

Guy had diabetes, like bad diabetes, history of stroke, hypertension, had a few stents put in.

Comes in with COVID. Not just a positive test. He had fevers and pulmonary infiltrates. Spends about 10 days on high flow nasal cannula and then NIPPV. Finally, yesterday morning he totally decompensated. Respiratory distress, could maintain saturations, required intubation. Then he coded. Got pulses back, off and on. Eventually stabilized on 4 pressors and maximal support from the ventilator, including Velitri. Even pushed tPA because he likely developed a PE but due to all the craziness, was totally a guess. Now, when I left he was basically alive. Oxygen saturations couldn't get over 80% but his heart was pumping and he had a BP. The odds that he survives at this point are essentially nil.

So this guy had a laundry list of comorbidities. Tons. Very unhealthy.

But at the end of the day, this guys is going to die of COVID.

So when people start talking about comorbidities being the bigger deal and not COVID, I basically automatically know they're just talking out their asses. Until proven otherwise.

Oh, and if you're wondering, he was unvaccinated.
Just as an aside, was he "unvaccinated" or was he not "fully vaccinated"? Everybody seems to be conflating these.

tell me how this guy is any different than someone who has all of those pre-existing conditions and comes in with a bad case of the flu.

There is no difference, but money is available if covid is a factor.

This is panic porn, and there's a nice healthy $50,000 plus benefit from the Covid label.

All of these motherfuckers are listing anyone who dies of anything as dying "with Covid."

Tell me. How many people have died because of AIDS? If your answer is anything other than zero this discussion is over. Nobody dies of AIDS. They die of the complications from AIDS.

How many people die of old age? Zero. They died of complications from old age. It's usually the flu or something else that other people would easily recover from.

This is no different. The fact that you people are trying to make it different shows us all we need to see.

This is political fraud dressed up as a pandemic.

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