1300 Dead From Covid In Florida THIS WEEK

Let’s say healthy people aren’t at risk (they are but let’s just say it), the pandemic is perpetuated by these healthy people spreading COVID to each other.

The vaccinated spread COVID just as easily as the unvaccinated.

It also found no significant difference in the viral load present in the breakthrough infections occurring in fully vaccinated people and the other cases, suggesting the viral load of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the coronavirus is similar.

The CDC said the finding that fully vaccinated people could spread the virus was behind its move to change its mask guidance.

I saw so many heart attacks coming in that were precipitated by influenza.

In any event, the odds that someone dies at the same time as having COVID but are unrelated is pretty tiny.
As long as you stop pretending that one size fits all. As long as you stop pretending that healthy people are at risk.

You won't.
Healthy people are at risk.

Army Sgt. Michael Keene did four tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But after 18 days in an intensive care unit, he died of the novel coronavirus. The 39-year-old veteran left behind a wife and two young children, including a newborn son he never got to meet.
This is your title:

1300 Dead From Covid In Florida THIS WEEK​

Your article makes it clear that the new numbers are cumulative and cover several weeks. EVERY time this issue is further sensationalized, fewer people take it seriously.
Over several weeks huh. And yet LAST week they reported out 900 and oh yea. Added ANOTHER 2000 deaths they claim happened “some other time “
The vaccinated spread COVID just as easily as the unvaccinated.

The CDC said the finding that fully vaccinated people could spread the virus was behind its move to change its mask guidance.[/b][/indent]
This should have been obvious, since it was known early on that people became infectious with COVID before the onset of symptoms, as contrasted by most diseases where symptom onset precedes infection spread.
My doctor said not to take the vaccine if I did not want to. He said it has not been adequately tested.
Who is your doctor? I’d love to make an appointment cause I haven’t spoken to one that has given that advice
My doctor said not to take the vaccine if I did not want to. He said it has not been adequately tested.

Who is your doctor? I’d love to make an appointment cause I haven’t spoken to one that has given that advice
Maybe his doctor is Ronny Jackson?

Silly shit?

1300 dead folks in a week and you call it "silly shit"

What the fuck is wrong with you assholes?
I live in Florida and I call it STUPID shit from a clueless troll. Notice that my article basically says you full of shit.

We know that Florida last week reported 2,345 COVID-19 deaths for the state. But, almost uniquely throughout the United States, Florida has not reported deaths at the county level for three months. The intensity of this worst wave of the pandemic in a given locale is anyone’s guess.

There is a hell of a difference between REPORTED and what IS. Florida has switched over their way of counting to covid deaths and the higher numbers are likely from this switch over.
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My doctor said not to take the vaccine if I did not want to. He said it has not been adequately tested.
Really… I have had to deal with two medical issues over the last four months.

In the course of those issues I ran across NUMEROUS doctors and a shitload of nurses and PAs. All asked my vaccinations status and nodded approvingly when told I was double vaccinated and well past the 14 day period
I live in Florida and I call it STUPID shit from a clueless troll. Notice that my article basically says you full of shit.

Jesus. Your own link says that DeathSantis has screwed things up so that no one has the actual numbers.
Damn, and thats with over half fully vaccinated.

Fucking vaccines aren't working.

The vast majority dying are ones that refuse to get vaccinated. It's their freedom at work to select how they die and no One should try an stop them.

Of course the vaccines aren't "working" at 50%, when the minimum herd immunity level is 70%.

Good thing he's not a pilot. He would say airplanes don't work because they won't fly at 70% of take-off speed.
Of course the vaccines aren't "working" at 50%, when the minimum herd immunity level is 70%.

Good thing he's not a pilot. He would say airplanes don't work because they won't fly at 70% of take-off speed.

Whatever. Your ignorance is breathtaking.

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