1300 Dead From Covid In Florida THIS WEEK

We’re getting fed up with you people who refuse to get vaxxed

Do it and end this thing
Uh.....sorry....but getting stuck doesn't end this shit....in case you haven't been paying attention.
The only thing that will end this thing is if we take every Democrat in Washington and NYC out in the street and ship em off to Afghanistan.
It's even worse than initially reported

That a 9/11 happening every week in Florida
15 Miami Dade School staff died of covid

Ya think masks might be a good idea?

You can only hide numbers this horrific for so long

Last week they reported over 900

Florida is a covid dumpster fire and DeathSantis is throwing gasoline on it and lying about it.
Dang Biden is screwing the pooch on this as well.
Are you vaccinated Lesh?
This is another one of those paid per post DNC hacks....I can smell him from a mile away...probably a sock too.
The debate over the category on the death certificate rages on.... if they wanted to they could dig up half the cemetery..... find traces of Corona and then go back and change the death certificates to say what they want them to say. DeSantis knows this. The real story is in the average daily death numbers which have not changed at all except to reflect a growing population.

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You can only hide numbers this horrific for so long

Last week they reported over 900

Florida is a covid dumpster fire and DeathSantis is throwing gasoline on it and lying about it.

Are they ahead of New York ?
The rolling 7 day average is 325 and Governor Covid is claiming it's over

Going in the wrong direction ?

Don't think so.
That's with about half that are UNVACCINATED...and that's who's dying

Newsflash...If I get vaccinated...that doesn't keep you from dying of covid
If you're fully vaxxed you life expectancy is about 3 to 5 years

Goodbye stupid guinea pigs
Not only are you complete wastes of oxygen you also won't be missed
The new hospitalizations here this past week are posted on the hospital's website...of the 300 that were newly admitted about 10% were unvaccinated. None of the unvaccinated were on respirators...only a handful in ICU.

The rest vaccinated were expecting to make full recovery...those unvaccinated...not so much.

They aren't sure about the strain the vaccinated have...they will find out if possible...but it's going to be a while. It could be the Mu variant...they don't know yet.
Then link your lies with a reputable source.

According to the Mayo clinic Florida is up there with the top vaccinated states of over 60%/

You are a dumbass Marxist Government Cultist parroting LIES!!!!!

You're right, Florida does have a decent vaccination rate despite the poor messaging from their governor. They also have the highest death rate. Why do you think this is?

This is another one of those paid per post DNC hacks....I can smell him from a mile away...probably a sock too.
The debate over the category on the death certificate rages on.... if they wanted to they could dig up half the cemetery..... find traces of Corona and then go back and change the death certificates to say what they want them to say. DeSantis knows this. The real story is in the average daily death numbers which have not changed at all except to reflect a growing population.

I have never found any logical conclusions with this 'pandemic'. Nothing makes any sense other than getting people culled, and/or sterilized.

Over the next five years those daily death numbers are going to skyrocket...in fall it starts.
Not at All. The virus only kills the weak. So the weak will die. Vaccines are only delaying the inevitable. In the end we will all catch it. I did And I am still here. You?
Vaccines greatly reduce the chances of the vaccine killing the weak. You get that don’t you AZ?

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