1300 Dead From Covid In Florida THIS WEEK

The only deaths that matter to you leftists is COVID deaths.
Meanwhile how many Americans were killed by the Taliban this week?
How many babies have you people murdered this week at Planned-Parenthood?
Shove this silly shit up your fuken ass!!!
Silly shit?

1300 dead folks in a week and you call it "silly shit"

What the fuck is wrong with you assholes?
"It should shock us to the core,” tweeted state Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, a Democrat planning to run against Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis next year"

Cases falling, hospitalizations falling. Large number of previously unrecorded deaths added, which drove the weekly numbers, but some dem planning on running against DeSantis says something and we should be shocked to the core. LOL.

"Florida Adds 17,500 New COVID-19 Cases, as Hospitalizations Continue to Drop

The past week has seen about a 10% drop in hospitalizations in the state"

"Figures released Friday by the Florida Department of Health showed there were 129,240 new cases reported in the past seven days, the lowest weekly total since July.

Florida's positivity rate has dropped to 15.2%, after it peaked at 20.3% last month.

Florida's COVID-19-related death toll remained at 45,909 Friday, the same as Thursday's total. The state's death toll was dramatically increased Thursday when 1,338 new deaths were added, though all had occurred in previous days or weeks and there appeared to have been a lag in reporting the deaths.

Statewide COVID-19 hospitalizations were at 14,279, down from Thursday's figure of 14,682, according to the Florida Hospital Association.."
Drop your ass

You claimed that last week when Florida reported 900 deaths that it had peaked.

This week they reported 1300

You're full of shit

You can only hide numbers this horrific for so long

Last week they reported over 900

Florida is a covid dumpster fire and DeathSantis is throwing gasoline on it and lying about it.

Close the border for a start.

Having the border open, letting thousands and thousands of infected illegals into the country daily is a bad idea.
Drop your ass

You claimed that last week when Florida reported 900 deaths that it had peaked.

This week they reported 1300

You're full of shit

The only people full of shit are you, who is blatantly and intentionally misrepresenting and the other hack that intends on running against DeSantis.

Read the article. Cases and hospitalizations have been falling and as to the deaths it clearly states:

"The state's death toll was dramatically increased Thursday when 1,338 new deaths were added, though all had occurred in previous days or weeks and there appeared to have been a lag in reporting the deaths."

Here is hospitalizations.


You are wrong, were then and are now as you continue to flail.
That "lag in reporting" is the smokescreen DeathSantis is trying to use to gas light people about his Covid dumpster fire
Ever since the OP's golden boy Andrew Coomo went down in flames, it seems he and the left have this giant boner to do everything they can to take DeSantis down.

Sorry, but DeSantis is still standing, and your blue boy is gone! :2up:

Feckless and incompetent, DeSantis is only making the situation worse with his unwarranted opposition to school districts who want to take necessary, appropriate action to combat the pandemic.

Bullshit, moron.

The state has already peaked, furthermore, the CDC's own study has found that mask optional schools show no statistically significant difference relative to mask mandated schools. And then there is Europe, most of which finds masking children idiotic.

You can only hide numbers this horrific for so long

Last week they reported over 900

Florida is a covid dumpster fire and DeathSantis is throwing gasoline on it and lying about it.

What's the point of this thread? Honestly. Aside from getting a cheap sense of self satisfaction at saying "I'm right and youre wrong". Because that's what all of what you post is. It's always you're right and someone else is wrong and the good feeling when you see other people show up to support you with the same tired old responses.

Just throwing out some covid stats followed by a short closed ended response on covid deaths has literally been done hundreds of times here and they are all the exact same thing.

Even all of those hundreds of threads are full of the exact same responses.

What did you think you were somehow saying something original?

Jesus I see like 3 or 4 or 5 threads all made by you all saying the exact same God damn thing. I kind of feel sorry for you if you this is your life and what you do with it.
You said that two weeks ago...and here they had to admit 1300 deaths in a week

1. August 25th, which is when you and I discussed this is not 2 weeks ago. Stop lying or stop wasting my time.

2. Florida's 7 day MA peaked on August 17 and has been falling ever since, so it did, in fact, peak > 2 weeks ago, based on your own source.

3. Adding things that hadn't yet been reported in changes nothing in terms of the trend, which is what a peak is referring to, not mention the fact that we were discussing cases.

You were wrong, wrong, wrong. While you were running on partisan garbage I haven proven you wrong decisively using data, which led to me doing this on you:

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Covid is, dumbass
Nahhh...it's not Governor Covid's fault huh?

It's not like he's with holding money from school districts to get them NOT to issue mask mandates ...or fighting against businesses and organizations that want their customers and members to be vaccinated
Nahhh...it's not Governor Covid's fault huh?

It's not like he's with holding money from school districts to get them NOT to issue mask mandates ...or fighting against businesses and organizations that want their customers and members to be vaccinated
Gotta blame someone?
I will stick with Xi.

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