13yo shoots 6yo sister in the chest

well he could of used a hammer and beat her to death, then luddy wouldn't give a shit

good gawd:cuckoo:

Really? How many children are beaten to death with hammers in your state?

I am amazed how desperate people are to not discuss the real world.

How many children need to die each year of a single cause before you think that cause warrants discussion?

drowning kills more than 175000 children annually

This is a logical fallacy. This kind of point is an attempt to counter the real argument, which is that guns are dangerous and ordinary citizens should not have them. Kids die because of accidents swimming, bicycling, skateboarding, playing football, etc. People die by falling in the bathtub. There is no commonality between sports accidents or falling in the bathtub or other sorts of everyday accidents as we go about our everyday existence and someone being shot and killed with a gun. You try to make a pretense of equality between guns and the events and circumstances of daily life when there is no equality. And, btw, such a position is so weak and so obviously illogical, it convinces no one; it's just plain annoying.
Obviously the parents neglected to keep the firearms out of reach from the kids, they are at fault.

End of story, no need to try to make the rest of us gun owners who take gun safety seriously feel guilty. I am not responsible for someone else's stupidity.
drowning kills more than 175000 children annually

Just to correct what is obviously a nonsense figure:

"From 2005-2009, there were an average of 3,533 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day. An additional 347 people died each year from drowning in boating-related incidents."

CDC - Water-Related Injuries Facts - Home and Recreational Safety - Injury Center

It is quite a mistake to claim 175,000 when the real figure is 3,533!!
This kind of point is an attempt to counter the real argument, which is that guns are dangerous and ordinary citizens should not have them.

:lol: Sure, go ahead and run with that argument and see how far it gets you.

I know how far it gets me. It is logic. It is the reality. You are apparently unable to think logically. Anyone who is able to think logically understands that a swimming accident is not correlative to being shot with a gun. And, as I said in my post, you are convincing no one with the pretention that it is. Only those who want to believe it, who choose to believe in such a fallacy, or are intellectually limited, see a correlation. The fact is, some are too intellectually limited to see the fallacy and others choose to ignore the fallacy because it does not agree with what they want to believe. Which are you?
I am always surprised when gun enthusiasts site cars or swimming pools as examples of objects which enable killing - while apparently forgetting that car owners require driver's licenses, must be over X years of age, and in many states require a warrant of fitness for the car to be on the roads - where they are required to wear seat belts, observe speed limits and obey traffic lights.
The gun threads are the best examples of the significant connect the dots issues that far lefties have. Their kneejerk to every shooting is more gun laws which dont do shit for reducing gun crimes.

Look......if you're going to live every day worring that somebody might intrude on your life bubble, go out and buy a big gun.

Move to Finland.......all those people are bubble dwellars.

Happy now:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
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Wake up and smell the maple nut crunch.......

75 million guns sold since Obama took office. This guy has gotten people fubar'd......and people are exercising their 2nd amendment rights under something called the Constitution of the United States. Every gun grabber on this thread detests and loaths our Constitution. To a person......they'd burn it tomorrow if they could.

Thankfully for the rest of us, they are fringe assholes......as evidenced by the lastest failed round of gun grabing efforts.
drowning kills more than 175000 children annually

Just to correct what is obviously a nonsense figure:

"From 2005-2009, there were an average of 3,533 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day. An additional 347 people died each year from drowning in boating-related incidents."

CDC - Water-Related Injuries Facts - Home and Recreational Safety - Injury Center

It is quite a mistake to claim 175,000 when the real figure is 3,533!!

the figure is not nonsense

The Top Five Causes Of Unintentional Injury involving children:

1. Car Accidents: Kill 260,000 children a year and injure about 10 million children. They are the leading cause of death among children and a leading cause of child disability.

2. Drowning: Kills more than 175,000 children annually. Up to 3 million children each year survive a drowning incident. Due to brain damage in some survivors, nonfatal drowning has the highest average lifetime health and economic impact of any type of child injury. 

3. Burns: Fire-related burns kill nearly 96,000 children a year. 

4. Falls: Nearly 47,000 children fall to their deaths every year, but hundreds of thousands more children sustain serious injuries from a fall. 

5. Poisoning: More than 45,000 children die each year from unintended poisoning.

Jon -

Please try to be accurate with figures, and provide sources and links.

In this case your figure is a GLOBAL one, not a US one. This is fine, of course, but you did not state that it was a global figure when you posted it.

Can you tell us what the comparative figure for gun deaths is?
Jon -

Please try to be accurate with figures, and provide sources and links.

In this case your figure is a GLOBAL one, not a US one. This is fine, of course, but you did not state that it was a global figure when you posted it.

Can you tell us what the comparative figure for gun deaths is?

obviously it didnt make the top five
No, Jon, I am not saying anyone is lying - but I am suggesting that a list of deaths caused by ACCIDENTS likely does not include murders or suicides.
I guess the conservatives will insist this was just another 'accident'?

So no one should be able to own guns, eh? You couldn't have any other discernibly meaningful point.


Given that gun violence, crime and even accidental shootings are actually lower in states with the greatest gun ownership, you're really sort of clueless, aren't you?

In any event, the preeminent reason for keeping and bearing arms, both a natural and constitutional right, is not for hunting or even self-defense against criminality, though these are real and serious concerns, but for the defense of the people against a tyrannical government, the ultimate check.

Only Pollyannaish fools do not take the necessity of this right seriously, and such are always the morally and intellectually weakest among us.

Tell me, Pro-Abortion Noomi, were the tens of millions of unborn children aborted in this country, ripped from their mothers’ wombs and tossed in dumpsters, accidents? Get back to us with your sophomoric drivel after you wash the blood off your hands, eh?

Lefty: a morally and intellectual incoherent lunatic who, by comparison, makes the gurgle of infants seem like Shakespearean sonnets. :cuckoo:
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13-Year-Old Florida Boy Shoots 6-Year-Old Sister In Chest (VIDEO)

If only the 6yo had been armed. Preferably with an AK-47.


Why was his sister in that chest?
To paraphrase a high profile democrat, "never let a tragedy go to waste" if you can make cruel comments about the families and victims to make cheap political points.
To paraphrase a high profile democrat, "never let a tragedy go to waste" if you can make cruel comments about the families and victims to make cheap political points.

You can't make a claim like this without citing the source, not and have any credibility. Which 'high profile democrat' are you paraphrasing? And what exactly did this person say? Unless you can be exact and prove it, you are just full of shit. Your post means nothing except you want to color all democrats as crass and inhumane people who use the tragedies of others to further an agenda. That is the conservative claim over and over again, yet where is your proof instead of an unsubstantiated allegation?
Luddly I agree with Harry Dresden. I guess the dark skinned youth in Los Angeles or NY are not important enough for you to address an issue that have been going on for quite some time.

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