13yo shoots 6yo sister in the chest

To paraphrase a high profile democrat, "never let a tragedy go to waste" if you can make cruel comments about the families and victims to make cheap political points.

You can't make a claim like this without citing the source, not and have any credibility. Which 'high profile democrat' are you paraphrasing? And what exactly did this person say? Unless you can be exact and prove it, you are just full of shit. Your post means nothing except you want to color all democrats as crass and inhumane people who use the tragedies of others to further an agenda. That is the conservative claim over and over again, yet where is your proof instead of an unsubstantiated allegation?

I'm paraphrasing Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel's "never let a crisis go to waste". I thought everyone knew it.
To paraphrase a high profile democrat, "never let a tragedy go to waste" if you can make cruel comments about the families and victims to make cheap political points.

You can't make a claim like this without citing the source, not and have any credibility. Which 'high profile democrat' are you paraphrasing? And what exactly did this person say? Unless you can be exact and prove it, you are just full of shit. Your post means nothing except you want to color all democrats as crass and inhumane people who use the tragedies of others to further an agenda. That is the conservative claim over and over again, yet where is your proof instead of an unsubstantiated allegation?

I'm paraphrasing Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel's "never let a crisis go to waste". I thought everyone knew it.

most people do
No, Jon, I am not saying anyone is lying - but I am suggesting that a list of deaths caused by ACCIDENTS likely does not include murders or suicides.

murder is not on the top five causes of death

in the United states

let alone the subset of murders with a firearm


Jesus wept.....suicide IS in the Top 10 causes of death, and as we have seen on other threads, guns enable suicide because they are the most effective means of comitting suicide. More than half of allUS suicides involve a gun.
No, Jon, I am not saying anyone is lying - but I am suggesting that a list of deaths caused by ACCIDENTS likely does not include murders or suicides.

murder is not on the top five causes of death

in the United states

let alone the subset of murders with a firearm


Jesus wept.....suicide IS in the Top 10 causes of death, and as we have seen on other threads, guns enable suicide because they are the most effective means of comitting suicide. More than half of allUS suicides involve a gun.

Then doesn't it make sense to allow guns, for a quick death suicide? Kind of like how we have legal abortion so women don't do "back alley abortions"?
murder is not on the top five causes of death

in the United states

let alone the subset of murders with a firearm


Jesus wept.....suicide IS in the Top 10 causes of death, and as we have seen on other threads, guns enable suicide because they are the most effective means of comitting suicide. More than half of allUS suicides involve a gun.

Then doesn't it make sense to allow guns, for a quick death suicide? Kind of like how we have legal abortion so women don't do "back alley abortions"?

You cannot compare suicide with abortion. They are two very different things. A suicide is something that people who are not successful with generally change their minds about, so we know that we want to prevent it and get them some help with their mental and emotional problems. Abortion is something the woman has thought long and hard about and would not usually change her mind about. These are just two completely different things. Suicide has to do with mental illness. Abortion has nothing to do with mental illness.

In Switzerland, which the pro-gun people always use as an example of why it's okay to have guns, they are increasing gun laws because they are finding there is an increased level of suicide by guns and domestic gun violence. They have found, through statistics, that if a gun is in the home, people are more likely to commit suicide.

Thinking there are simple alternatives to guns is a misconception. Shooting yourself is the easiest and quickest way of killing yourself, which makes it the most dangerous because a person doesn't have to go to any lengths to plan or arrange a suicide, and it make it less likely they will change their minds.
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No, Jon, I am not saying anyone is lying - but I am suggesting that a list of deaths caused by ACCIDENTS likely does not include murders or suicides.

murder is not on the top five causes of death

in the United states

let alone the subset of murders with a firearm


Jesus wept.....suicide IS in the Top 10 causes of death, and as we have seen on other threads, guns enable suicide because they are the most effective means of comitting suicide. More than half of allUS suicides involve a gun.

holy fuck........how do all the mental cases find this message board? Every person in the world who has significant connect the dots issues somehow finds this place.:wtf::wtf::blowup:

Thank God most people are pretty adept at connecting the dots and laugh at all this gun grabbing crap.
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murder is not on the top five causes of death

in the united states

let alone the subset of murders with a firearm


jesus wept.....suicide is in the top 10 causes of death, and as we have seen on other threads, guns enable suicide because they are the most effective means of comitting suicide. More than half of allus suicides involve a gun.

holy fuck........how do all the mental cases find this message board? Every person in the world who has significant connect the dots issues somehow finds this place.:wtf::wtf::blowup:

Thank god most people are pretty adept at connecting the dots and laugh at all this gun grabbing crap.

No, Jon, I am not saying anyone is lying - but I am suggesting that a list of deaths caused by ACCIDENTS likely does not include murders or suicides.

murder is not on the top five causes of death

in the United states

let alone the subset of murders with a firearm


Jesus wept.....suicide IS in the Top 10 causes of death, and as we have seen on other threads, guns enable suicide because they are the most effective means of comitting suicide. More than half of allUS suicides involve a gun.

then work on the underlying issues of suicide
This is the result of the BS of pushing the idea that all should own guns. The NRA does a nice job of shilling for the arms merchants. 32,000 Americans die from gun shot wounds every year now. In 2015, the number of deaths from guns will exceed that of deaths from autos if present trends continue.

As a lifelong gun owner, I find those stastics staggering. And I find the NRA's pushing of gun sales of all types, especially the military high capacity firearms to be an atrocity. From here on in, the support of a political candidate by the NRA will prevent that candidate from getting a vote from me.
Jesus wept.....suicide IS in the Top 10 causes of death, and as we have seen on other threads, guns enable suicide because they are the most effective means of comitting suicide. More than half of allUS suicides involve a gun.

Then doesn't it make sense to allow guns, for a quick death suicide? Kind of like how we have legal abortion so women don't do "back alley abortions"?

You cannot compare suicide with abortion. They are two very different things. A suicide is something that people who are not successful with generally change their minds about, so we know that we want to prevent it and get them some help with their mental and emotional problems. Abortion is something the woman has thought long and hard about and would not usually change her mind about. These are just two completely different things. Suicide has to do with mental illness. Abortion has nothing to do with mental illness.

In Switzerland, which the pro-gun people always use as an example of why it's okay to have guns, they are increasing gun laws because they are finding there is an increased level of suicide by guns and domestic gun violence. They have found, through statistics, that if a gun is in the home, people are more likely to commit suicide.

Thinking there are simple alternatives to guns is a misconception. Shooting yourself is the easiest and quickest way of killing yourself, which makes it the most dangerous because a person doesn't have to go to any lengths to plan or arrange a suicide, and it make it less likely they will change their minds.

Wow, you arguement is that people who commit suicide don't think "long and hard about it", yet women killing their own babies do "think long and hard about it" so its OK.

I guess if someone thinks long enough and hard enough about commiting an immoral act like taking a life (a baby or themselves), then its OK.

This story makes me want to ban guns.

But then I remember the story of the teenage boy who killed his younger sister by practicing wrestling moves on her, and I instantly stopped caring about banning guns.

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