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14% of Economist Say Trump Would Be The Best For The Economy


Hey, who put that there?
Trump's plan for corporations which outsource is to tax one outsourcing corporation one higher rate, and tax another outsourcing corporation a different higher rate. Very arbitrary and random. Some really whacked out shit.

This plan is even more radical than what the Democrats have ever prescribed to punish outsourcers.

And this is a guy who outsources his own manufacturing overseas!

One Wall Street Journal economist read Trump's plan and said, "Part of my job is to write analysis of what politicians say about economic policy, but this just defies any analysis."

It's very clear that a majority of business economists disagree with your amateur hyper-partisan opinion. :laugh:

Want more? 2010

$30 Billion Offer No One Wants – Small Businesses Hit by Deflation | MishTalk

When government passes out the money normally people are lined up, in advance, with both hands out. When that does not happen, it’s because the offer smells like a rotten fish.

Please check out Obama’s latest rotten fish offering as described inSmall businesses, community bankers may snub Obama’s $30 billion loan program

President Barack Obama’s $30 billion small community business lending program faces one big challenge: many of the community banks and businesses it’s supposed to help don’t want it.

The lending program is part of a bill that passed the House of Representatives on Thursday and now awaits the president’s signature. The legislation contains a mix of tax cuts and credits aimed at helping small businesses. The centerpiece of the bill is an effort to make billions of dollars available to community banks for loans to small businesses.

Bank executives say their customers don’t want loans, even at low interest rates, because the sluggish economy has chilled expansion plans. Some say the federal money isn’t worth it because they fear it will come with too much regulatory oversight

Here's the thing that liberals always struggle with when it comes to the economy. They can't understand why a business owner wouldn't jump at the chance to take out a loan to expand their business. The concept that the Private Sector works through an anticipation of profit goes right over their heads. You entice them to go into debt by offering a loan but at the very same time you also tell them that you intend to increase their energy costs by getting rid of cheap coal generated electricity...increase their labor costs by pushing for a $15 an hour minimum wage...and if they DO manage to make a profit you intend to increase their taxes on that profit. What person in their right mind would make that kind of deal?

Anyone that owns a business and assumes future commodity costs will not go up is someone that no bank should lend money to. That is living in lala land. You seem to think, in conservative economic THEORY land, that all costs are fixed. Walk into any back and say "yeah I have this idea to expand my business based on no costs of doing business going up for the next 5 years". They'll say "well then you can fund your expansion with imaginary money as well, have a nice day".

That was a really bizarre statement, Issac! There is no bank on the planet that would make a large loan to a business person who hasn't estimated future energy and labor costs! If your business model calls for the majority of your labor force to be entry level, making minimum wage and legislation is pending to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour then any intelligent banker is going to inquire from you how you will deal with that eventuality. If you're a business that uses large amounts of electricity and the Federal Government is going to close down coal fired plants and replace them with more expensive solar or wind generated plants...then any intelligent banker is going to want to know if your business model can absorb that additional cost.

Walk into any bank and not have ready answers to questions like those...and you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning in your basement then you do getting a business loan.

Costs do not always go up by the way...if you're a shipping company...you've been enjoying much lower fuel costs for much of the last two years.

You shoehorn all things to fit what it is you want to believe. Read what I posted again and see how what you wrote is Melania style plagiarism up to the point it doesn't fit your belief system.

Yeah one of the questions on the loan app at any bank is "how will you work with the fluctuating cost of coal fired plant's energy production".

Do a search of banks online or loaning agencies, see if you can find one application that says something like that. LOL

Ah, I hate to break this to you, Issac but when you go in for a large business loan you don't fill out an "application". You've obviously never been part of that process.
Putting trump in charge would be like putting Dr Smith at the helm of the Jupiter 2.

"Well it's either Smith or the robot"
"Are you kidding I'll take the robot any day and twice on Sunday"
Want more? 2010

$30 Billion Offer No One Wants – Small Businesses Hit by Deflation | MishTalk

When government passes out the money normally people are lined up, in advance, with both hands out. When that does not happen, it’s because the offer smells like a rotten fish.

Please check out Obama’s latest rotten fish offering as described inSmall businesses, community bankers may snub Obama’s $30 billion loan program

President Barack Obama’s $30 billion small community business lending program faces one big challenge: many of the community banks and businesses it’s supposed to help don’t want it.

The lending program is part of a bill that passed the House of Representatives on Thursday and now awaits the president’s signature. The legislation contains a mix of tax cuts and credits aimed at helping small businesses. The centerpiece of the bill is an effort to make billions of dollars available to community banks for loans to small businesses.

Bank executives say their customers don’t want loans, even at low interest rates, because the sluggish economy has chilled expansion plans. Some say the federal money isn’t worth it because they fear it will come with too much regulatory oversight

Here's the thing that liberals always struggle with when it comes to the economy. They can't understand why a business owner wouldn't jump at the chance to take out a loan to expand their business. The concept that the Private Sector works through an anticipation of profit goes right over their heads. You entice them to go into debt by offering a loan but at the very same time you also tell them that you intend to increase their energy costs by getting rid of cheap coal generated electricity...increase their labor costs by pushing for a $15 an hour minimum wage...and if they DO manage to make a profit you intend to increase their taxes on that profit. What person in their right mind would make that kind of deal?

Anyone that owns a business and assumes future commodity costs will not go up is someone that no bank should lend money to. That is living in lala land. You seem to think, in conservative economic THEORY land, that all costs are fixed. Walk into any back and say "yeah I have this idea to expand my business based on no costs of doing business going up for the next 5 years". They'll say "well then you can fund your expansion with imaginary money as well, have a nice day".

That was a really bizarre statement, Issac! There is no bank on the planet that would make a large loan to a business person who hasn't estimated future energy and labor costs! If your business model calls for the majority of your labor force to be entry level, making minimum wage and legislation is pending to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour then any intelligent banker is going to inquire from you how you will deal with that eventuality. If you're a business that uses large amounts of electricity and the Federal Government is going to close down coal fired plants and replace them with more expensive solar or wind generated plants...then any intelligent banker is going to want to know if your business model can absorb that additional cost.

Walk into any bank and not have ready answers to questions like those...and you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning in your basement then you do getting a business loan.

Costs do not always go up by the way...if you're a shipping company...you've been enjoying much lower fuel costs for much of the last two years.

You shoehorn all things to fit what it is you want to believe. Read what I posted again and see how what you wrote is Melania style plagiarism up to the point it doesn't fit your belief system.

Yeah one of the questions on the loan app at any bank is "how will you work with the fluctuating cost of coal fired plant's energy production".

Do a search of banks online or loaning agencies, see if you can find one application that says something like that. LOL

Ah, I hate to break this to you, Issac but when you go in for a large business loan you don't fill out an "application". You've obviously never been part of that process.

LOL Yes you just walk in and say 'give me lot's of money, and they give it to you, as long as you admit coal fired energy plants are shutting down and the evil sun will now power your business at some unknown time in the future.

You provide more comedy than Fred Sanford opening the door for Aunt Ester.
Trump's tax plan will add $10 trillion to the debt. I guess he doesn't think a $20 trillion debt is enough.

Trump bleevs he can deal with the federal debt the same way he dealt with his bankrupt casinos.

And if that doesn't work, Trump's Plan B for the federal debt is to print more money.

These reasons are why Trump scares the shit out of any economist with more than two brain cells.

I still want to know what difference it makes to liberals?

Jesus if he builds a wall at least we can see it like the Hoover dam, I still don't know what obama spent. Trillions of trillions of dollars on?

The Iraq war was over 5 years ago and he sure didn't spend it on infrastructure.

If you're a business that uses large amounts of electricity and the Federal Government is going to close down coal fired plants and replace them with more expensive solar or wind generated plants...then any intelligent banker is going to want to know if your business model can absorb that additional cost.
The federal government never said it was going to shut down coal plants and replace them with solar and wind generated plants. That is a bullshit fantasy invented by ODS sufferers.

And as it turns out, energy costs have plummeted, not risen. The only reason the coal industry is suffering is because oil and natural gas are cheaper options.
Trump's tax plan will add $10 trillion to the debt. I guess he doesn't think a $20 trillion debt is enough.

Trump bleevs he can deal with the federal debt the same way he dealt with his bankrupt casinos.

And if that doesn't work, Trump's Plan B for the federal debt is to print more money.

These reasons are why Trump scares the shit out of any economist with more than two brain cells.

I still want to know what difference it makes to liberals?

Jesus if he builds a wall at least we can see it like the Hoover dam
The Hoover dam had empirical economic benefits. It's too bad Trump's wall will never be built, because I would enjoy laughing my ass off when it proved to have ZERO economic impact.

You poor deranged rubes have bought a fairy tale the economy is sluggish "because Mexicans".
Sure, like what gwb did with his administration and terms. Look what happened. Another brain-dead teabagging donald gobbler!

"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said he’d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didn’t know who would be best or that they didn’t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members aren’t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
“You’re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it can’t just be, ‘let’s study it or research it forever,’” he told FORBES in a recent interview. “These are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.”

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:

Real simple even a brain dead liberal can comprehend this

People want to invest with a business friendly republican president

Not so much with a anti business liberal progressive blow hard president.
Ah, I hate to break this to you, Issac but when you go in for a large business loan you don't fill out an "application". You've obviously never been part of that process.

7 Steps To Getting A Business Loan

Step 6: Prepare the loan application package. The “Loan Package” is the paperwork submitted in order to apply for a loan. It generally includes:

  • A business plan including business owners’ resumes.
  • Financial results and projections (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statements).
  • Personal financial information including three years of tax returns.
Trump's tax plan will add $10 trillion to the debt. I guess he doesn't think a $20 trillion debt is enough.

Trump bleevs he can deal with the federal debt the same way he dealt with his bankrupt casinos.

And if that doesn't work, Trump's Plan B for the federal debt is to print more money.

These reasons are why Trump scares the shit out of any economist with more than two brain cells.

I still want to know what difference it makes to liberals?

Jesus if he builds a wall at least we can see it like the Hoover dam
The Hoover dam had empirical economic benefits. It's too bad Trump's wall will never be built, because I would enjoy laughing my ass off when it proved to have ZERO economic impact.

You poor deranged rubes have bought a fairy tale the economy is sluggish "because Mexicans".

The facts, economics and basic laws of supply and demand don't back up your false opinion.

Once upon a time trades like commercial electrician, dry Waller and all the rest of basic construction jobs paid a "living wage" with full benefits before the taco invasion of the 80s.
Sure, like what gwb did with his administration and terms. Look what happened. Another brain-dead teabagging donald gobbler!

"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said he’d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didn’t know who would be best or that they didn’t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members aren’t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
“You’re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it can’t just be, ‘let’s study it or research it forever,’” he told FORBES in a recent interview. “These are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.”

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:

Real simple even a brain dead liberal can comprehend this

People want to invest with a business friendly republican president

Not so much with a anti business liberal progressive blow hard president.

Still think people want to invest with a liberal president in these times and ages do ya?

Another one who ignores the history of the U.S. and world.
Trump's tax plan will add $10 trillion to the debt. I guess he doesn't think a $20 trillion debt is enough.

Trump bleevs he can deal with the federal debt the same way he dealt with his bankrupt casinos.

And if that doesn't work, Trump's Plan B for the federal debt is to print more money.

These reasons are why Trump scares the shit out of any economist with more than two brain cells.

I still want to know what difference it makes to liberals?

Jesus if he builds a wall at least we can see it like the Hoover dam
The Hoover dam had empirical economic benefits. It's too bad Trump's wall will never be built, because I would enjoy laughing my ass off when it proved to have ZERO economic impact.

You poor deranged rubes have bought a fairy tale the economy is sluggish "because Mexicans".

The facts, economics and basic laws of supply and demand don't back up your false opinion.

Once upon a time trades like commercial electrician, dry Waller and all the rest of basic construction jobs paid a "living wage" with full benefits before the taco invasion of the 80s.
We had full employment in 2007, with the same amount (if not more) of illegals in this country.

That is a FACT.

And then something happened. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

The economy crashed. Badly. YUUUGE crash. Banks imploded all over the world. Panic. Millions upon millions upon millions thrown out of work. Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars lost. Is any of this ringing a bell in that foggy head of yours?

And guess what? It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a Mexican at a desk at Goldman Sachs or Lehman Brothers or Allied Irish Bank or Landsbanki.

It's amazing how you idiot fucks forgot all about that and decided all this has something to do with Mexicans! Positively amazing you fell for that line! Seriously. It's like you have memories like that of a goldfish!

Our economy is also sluggish because of the federal debt. Again, nothing to do with Mexicans, and EVERYTHING to do with YOU!

Yes, you.

That is the thing which annoys me most. You idiot fucks will do ANYTHING to avoid looking in the mirror to find the culprit. You'll even blame Mexicans, for fuck's sake. And you like to blame the opposite party, when the truth is it is both parties doing OUR bidding which got us all in this mess.

Last edited:
Ah, I hate to break this to you, Issac but when you go in for a large business loan you don't fill out an "application". You've obviously never been part of that process.

7 Steps To Getting A Business Loan

Step 6: Prepare the loan application package. The “Loan Package” is the paperwork submitted in order to apply for a loan. It generally includes:

  • A business plan including business owners’ resumes.
  • Financial results and projections (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statements).
  • Personal financial information including three years of tax returns.
Sheesh. I needed a lot more than that just to increase the loan limit on our HELOC, which is a fully collateralized loan.

Banking regulation works.
Trump's tax plan will add $10 trillion to the debt. I guess he doesn't think a $20 trillion debt is enough.

Trump bleevs he can deal with the federal debt the same way he dealt with his bankrupt casinos.

And if that doesn't work, Trump's Plan B for the federal debt is to print more money.

These reasons are why Trump scares the shit out of any economist with more than two brain cells.

I still want to know what difference it makes to liberals?

Jesus if he builds a wall at least we can see it like the Hoover dam
The Hoover dam had empirical economic benefits. It's too bad Trump's wall will never be built, because I would enjoy laughing my ass off when it proved to have ZERO economic impact.

You poor deranged rubes have bought a fairy tale the economy is sluggish "because Mexicans".

The facts, economics and basic laws of supply and demand don't back up your false opinion.

Once upon a time trades like commercial electrician, dry Waller and all the rest of basic construction jobs paid a "living wage" with full benefits before the taco invasion of the 80s.
This is a living wage where I live, Mexicans and all:

14% of Economist Say Trump Would Be The Best For The Economy

With GOP spin: A MASSIVE 14% of Economists say Trump would be the best for the economy.
Trump's tax plan will add $10 trillion to the debt. I guess he doesn't think a $20 trillion debt is enough.

Trump bleevs he can deal with the federal debt the same way he dealt with his bankrupt casinos.

And if that doesn't work, Trump's Plan B for the federal debt is to print more money.

These reasons are why Trump scares the shit out of any economist with more than two brain cells.
Don't forget that he'll drive us into recession and cost the economy 9.5 million jobs.

but that's a minor thing
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All of the economists surveyed agree that Dump would be great for his personal economy...
Trump's tax plan will add $10 trillion to the debt. I guess he doesn't think a $20 trillion debt is enough.

Trump bleevs he can deal with the federal debt the same way he dealt with his bankrupt casinos.

And if that doesn't work, Trump's Plan B for the federal debt is to print more money.

These reasons are why Trump scares the shit out of any economist with more than two brain cells.

I still want to know what difference it makes to liberals?

Jesus if he builds a wall at least we can see it like the Hoover dam
The Hoover dam had empirical economic benefits. It's too bad Trump's wall will never be built, because I would enjoy laughing my ass off when it proved to have ZERO economic impact.

You poor deranged rubes have bought a fairy tale the economy is sluggish "because Mexicans".

The facts, economics and basic laws of supply and demand don't back up your false opinion.

Once upon a time trades like commercial electrician, dry Waller and all the rest of basic construction jobs paid a "living wage" with full benefits before the taco invasion of the 80s.
We had full employment in 2007, with the same amount (if not more) of illegals in this country.

That is a FACT.

And then something happened. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

The economy crashed. Badly. YUUUGE crash. Banks imploded all over the world. Panic. Millions upon millions upon millions thrown out of work. Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars lost. Is any of this ringing a bell in that foggy head of yours?

And guess what? It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a Mexican at a desk at Goldman Sachs or Lehman Brothers or Allied Irish Bank or Landsbanki.

It's amazing how you idiot fucks forgot all about that and decided all this has something to do with Mexicans! Positively amazing you fell for that line! Seriously. It's like you have memories like that of a goldfish!

Our economy is also sluggish because of the federal debt. Again, nothing to do with Mexicans, and EVERYTHING to do with YOU!

Yes, you.

That is the thing which annoys me most. You idiot fucks will do ANYTHING to avoid looking in the mirror to find the culprit. You'll even blame Mexicans, for fuck's sake. And you like to blame the opposite party, when the truth is it is both parties doing OUR bidding which got us all in this mess.


Changing the goal posts and want to deflect? What's the point of having full unemployment in 2007 if my example of a commercial electrician is making $10 bucks an hour?

What's the point of having 4,9% UE in 2016 when like 6 million jobs are part time?

I know the construction industry almost as well as manufacturing.

Again before the taco invasion of the 80s a basic skill like commercial electrician paid a "living wage" with benefits..

What's so hard for you to comprehend?

If you only have 5 electricians in your town they will have higher wages then your town with a thousand electricians

God Damn you are stupid

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