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14% of Economist Say Trump Would Be The Best For The Economy

"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said heā€™d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didnā€™t know who would be best or that they didnā€™t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members arenā€™t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
ā€œYouā€™re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it canā€™t just be, ā€˜letā€™s study it or research it forever,ā€™ā€ he told FORBES in a recent interview. ā€œThese are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.ā€

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:

Economists who work for the government are obviously going to be leftists. The same goes for the ones who work for trade associations. They definitely favor these rotten trade deals that sell out American workers. Even a large share of the ones who work for private business who were indoctrinated by economists on the government payroll.
can you find any expert willing to say good things about trump's economic plans?
"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said heā€™d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didnā€™t know who would be best or that they didnā€™t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members arenā€™t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
ā€œYouā€™re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it canā€™t just be, ā€˜letā€™s study it or research it forever,ā€™ā€ he told FORBES in a recent interview. ā€œThese are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.ā€

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:
Disparage Trump all you want. BOTH major party candidates' would be more of the same bullshit we are suffering from now. Vote 3rd party, or vote for the ruin of our country, those are the real choices.
Ohhhh no! not the country is going to hell ploy again!
Paranoids started spewing that steaming pile 5 minutes after the country was founded and yet here we are.

They were right. The Constitution is the engine of servitude, and here we all are suffering under the lash of an omnipotent government.
"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said heā€™d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didnā€™t know who would be best or that they didnā€™t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members arenā€™t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
ā€œYouā€™re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it canā€™t just be, ā€˜letā€™s study it or research it forever,ā€™ā€ he told FORBES in a recent interview. ā€œThese are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.ā€

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:

Economists who work for the government are obviously going to be leftists. The same goes for the ones who work for trade associations. They definitely favor these rotten trade deals that sell out American workers. Even a large share of the ones who work for private business who were indoctrinated by economists on the government payroll.
can you find any expert willing to say good things about trump's economic plans?
I don't think they can comment. All he's put out there are pie-in-the-sky goals and vague proposals that appear to be either unsound or unconstitutional.
"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said heā€™d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didnā€™t know who would be best or that they didnā€™t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members arenā€™t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
ā€œYouā€™re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it canā€™t just be, ā€˜letā€™s study it or research it forever,ā€™ā€ he told FORBES in a recent interview. ā€œThese are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.ā€

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:

Economists who work for the government are obviously going to be leftists. The same goes for the ones who work for trade associations. They definitely favor these rotten trade deals that sell out American workers. Even a large share of the ones who work for private business who were indoctrinated by economists on the government payroll.
can you find any expert willing to say good things about trump's economic plans?

Top Economist Reveals THIS About Donald Trumpā€™s Plan, People Deserve to Know

Economist Peter Morici has come out in support of Trumpā€™s economic plan, according to Breitbart.com. He has also repeatedly rebuked some of the policies of Obama administration and of Obamaā€™s preferred successor, Hillary Clinton.

Morici, who is a professor at the University of Maryland, outlines a number of reasons why voters concerned about the economy should support Trump. First of all, he said that the average median income under Obamaā€™s watch is down an astonishing $1,650. Second, there are more elderly women in the workforce because of the declining value in retirement stocks, pensions, and poor interest rates. Young people have an immense amount of student loan debt and cannot pay their apartment rent or save for their first home.
I still want to know what difference it makes to liberals?

Jesus if he builds a wall at least we can see it like the Hoover dam
The Hoover dam had empirical economic benefits. It's too bad Trump's wall will never be built, because I would enjoy laughing my ass off when it proved to have ZERO economic impact.

You poor deranged rubes have bought a fairy tale the economy is sluggish "because Mexicans".

The facts, economics and basic laws of supply and demand don't back up your false opinion.

Once upon a time trades like commercial electrician, dry Waller and all the rest of basic construction jobs paid a "living wage" with full benefits before the taco invasion of the 80s.
This is a living wage where I live, Mexicans and all:



Remind me again how many union workers are in the states today?

Remind me again the situation with Detroit?
Workers themselves are partially responsible for the dearth of union workers today, for getting complacent and turning their backs on their only advocate in the workplace. Anti-labor legislation accounts for the rest, which includes IMO the legislated minimum wage.

But in a way it's good for those who do enjoy union representation. The more people who are willing to work for less, the more there is to pay the union members, supervisors and managers.

Cada loco con si tema.

I came in at the tail end of the Unions in the early 80s in chicago, I couldn't fucking stand them, I developed skills at a young age working in my dad's garage , on his bridge port , lath and all the rest.

I wanted success on my own skills and not be a high price slacker.

It worked out well for me, I am being paid around the same amount down here in South Carolina as I would up in Chicago with the low cost of living to boot.
"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said heā€™d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didnā€™t know who would be best or that they didnā€™t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members arenā€™t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
ā€œYouā€™re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it canā€™t just be, ā€˜letā€™s study it or research it forever,ā€™ā€ he told FORBES in a recent interview. ā€œThese are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.ā€

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:

Economists who work for the government are obviously going to be leftists. The same goes for the ones who work for trade associations. They definitely favor these rotten trade deals that sell out American workers. Even a large share of the ones who work for private business who were indoctrinated by economists on the government payroll.
can you find any expert willing to say good things about trump's economic plans?
I don't think they can comment. All he's put out there are pie-in-the-sky goals and vague proposals that appear to be either unsound or unconstitutional.

So did hillary

And your point is?

Btw I am still waiting for hope and change and a transparent government.
I'm amused by progressives that now want to claim that a "resurgent" stock exchange means their policies are working! I don't think most of them have the faintest idea what makes the market move up or down. It's not something that you learn in a Political Science class.
Markets move on perception. Read enough posts on this forum and you will see that perception doesn't necessarily jibe with reality.
You're implying that it's all Voo Doo, which is pure bullshit. When orders start increasing, the perception of business owners is that the economy is improving. Their perception is based on real economic events, not bullshit from Washington D.C.
"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said heā€™d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didnā€™t know who would be best or that they didnā€™t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members arenā€™t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
ā€œYouā€™re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it canā€™t just be, ā€˜letā€™s study it or research it forever,ā€™ā€ he told FORBES in a recent interview. ā€œThese are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.ā€

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:

Economists who work for the government are obviously going to be leftists. The same goes for the ones who work for trade associations. They definitely favor these rotten trade deals that sell out American workers. Even a large share of the ones who work for private business who were indoctrinated by economists on the government payroll.
can you find any expert willing to say good things about trump's economic plans?

Top Economist Reveals THIS About Donald Trumpā€™s Plan, People Deserve to Know

Economist Peter Morici has come out in support of Trumpā€™s economic plan, according to Breitbart.com. He has also repeatedly rebuked some of the policies of Obama administration and of Obamaā€™s preferred successor, Hillary Clinton.

Morici, who is a professor at the University of Maryland, outlines a number of reasons why voters concerned about the economy should support Trump. First of all, he said that the average median income under Obamaā€™s watch is down an astonishing $1,650. Second, there are more elderly women in the workforce because of the declining value in retirement stocks, pensions, and poor interest rates. Young people have an immense amount of student loan debt and cannot pay their apartment rent or save for their first home.
breitbart via angrypatriotamerican

"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said heā€™d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didnā€™t know who would be best or that they didnā€™t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members arenā€™t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
ā€œYouā€™re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it canā€™t just be, ā€˜letā€™s study it or research it forever,ā€™ā€ he told FORBES in a recent interview. ā€œThese are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.ā€

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:
Disparage Trump all you want. BOTH major party candidates' would be more of the same bullshit we are suffering from now. Vote 3rd party, or vote for the ruin of our country, those are the real choices.
Ohhhh no! not the country is going to hell ploy again!
Paranoids started spewing that steaming pile 5 minutes after the country was founded and yet here we are.

They were right. The Constitution is the engine of servitude, and here we all are suffering under the lash of an omnipotent government.
Coming from a paranoid it's meaningless.
If you're a business that uses large amounts of electricity and the Federal Government is going to close down coal fired plants and replace them with more expensive solar or wind generated plants...then any intelligent banker is going to want to know if your business model can absorb that additional cost.
The federal government never said it was going to shut down coal plants and replace them with solar and wind generated plants. That is a bullshit fantasy invented by ODS sufferers.

And as it turns out, energy costs have plummeted, not risen. The only reason the coal industry is suffering is because oil and natural gas are cheaper options.
Obama did, moron. Obama's EPA has made coal power plants virtually illegal. Don't feed us that shit about the price of oil, which is almost never used to produce electric power, and the price of natural gas.
"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said heā€™d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didnā€™t know who would be best or that they didnā€™t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members arenā€™t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
ā€œYouā€™re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it canā€™t just be, ā€˜letā€™s study it or research it forever,ā€™ā€ he told FORBES in a recent interview. ā€œThese are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.ā€

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:

Economists who work for the government are obviously going to be leftists. The same goes for the ones who work for trade associations. They definitely favor these rotten trade deals that sell out American workers. Even a large share of the ones who work for private business who were indoctrinated by economists on the government payroll.
can you find any expert willing to say good things about trump's economic plans?

Top Economist Reveals THIS About Donald Trumpā€™s Plan, People Deserve to Know

Economist Peter Morici has come out in support of Trumpā€™s economic plan, according to Breitbart.com. He has also repeatedly rebuked some of the policies of Obama administration and of Obamaā€™s preferred successor, Hillary Clinton.

Morici, who is a professor at the University of Maryland, outlines a number of reasons why voters concerned about the economy should support Trump. First of all, he said that the average median income under Obamaā€™s watch is down an astonishing $1,650. Second, there are more elderly women in the workforce because of the declining value in retirement stocks, pensions, and poor interest rates. Young people have an immense amount of student loan debt and cannot pay their apartment rent or save for their first home.
breitbart via angrypatriotamerican


Hmmmm . . . so?
"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said heā€™d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didnā€™t know who would be best or that they didnā€™t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members arenā€™t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
ā€œYouā€™re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it canā€™t just be, ā€˜letā€™s study it or research it forever,ā€™ā€ he told FORBES in a recent interview. ā€œThese are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.ā€

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:

Economists who work for the government are obviously going to be leftists. The same goes for the ones who work for trade associations. They definitely favor these rotten trade deals that sell out American workers. Even a large share of the ones who work for private business who were indoctrinated by economists on the government payroll.
can you find any expert willing to say good things about trump's economic plans?

Top Economist Reveals THIS About Donald Trumpā€™s Plan, People Deserve to Know

Economist Peter Morici has come out in support of Trumpā€™s economic plan, according to Breitbart.com. He has also repeatedly rebuked some of the policies of Obama administration and of Obamaā€™s preferred successor, Hillary Clinton.

Morici, who is a professor at the University of Maryland, outlines a number of reasons why voters concerned about the economy should support Trump. First of all, he said that the average median income under Obamaā€™s watch is down an astonishing $1,650. Second, there are more elderly women in the workforce because of the declining value in retirement stocks, pensions, and poor interest rates. Young people have an immense amount of student loan debt and cannot pay their apartment rent or save for their first home.
"A policy survey of National Association for Business Economics (NABE) members released Monday shows that 55% of business economists feel that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would do the best job as president of managing the U.S. economy. The candidate with the next-largest percentage of the vote was Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 15% of NABE members said heā€™d do the best job managing the economy. Another 15% or respondents said they didnā€™t know who would be best or that they didnā€™t have an opinion.
Just 14% chose Donald Trump.
The survey results are remarkable because NABE members arenā€™t your average ivory tower-dwelling, left-leaning egg heads. They work for businesses, trade associations and government agencies across the country. As NABE director and survey chair LaVaughn Henry put it, these are people who have skin in the game.
ā€œYouā€™re speaking of people who advise business leaders on day-to-day and long term issues where the outcome has to be one way or the other, it canā€™t just be, ā€˜letā€™s study it or research it forever,ā€™ā€ he told FORBES in a recent interview. ā€œThese are people who are actually helping to make decisions of do we produce here, or do we produce oversees; do we consume more, consume less.ā€

By 4 to 1 margin, business economists say Clinton would manage economy better than Trump
America's business economist have spoken, Donald Trump wouldn't make America great. I know I am surprised, based on Trump's history. :2up:

Economists who work for the government are obviously going to be leftists. The same goes for the ones who work for trade associations. They definitely favor these rotten trade deals that sell out American workers. Even a large share of the ones who work for private business who were indoctrinated by economists on the government payroll.
can you find any expert willing to say good things about trump's economic plans?

Top Economist Reveals THIS About Donald Trumpā€™s Plan, People Deserve to Know

Economist Peter Morici has come out in support of Trumpā€™s economic plan, according to Breitbart.com. He has also repeatedly rebuked some of the policies of Obama administration and of Obamaā€™s preferred successor, Hillary Clinton.

Morici, who is a professor at the University of Maryland, outlines a number of reasons why voters concerned about the economy should support Trump. First of all, he said that the average median income under Obamaā€™s watch is down an astonishing $1,650. Second, there are more elderly women in the workforce because of the declining value in retirement stocks, pensions, and poor interest rates. Young people have an immense amount of student loan debt and cannot pay their apartment rent or save for their first home.
breitbart via angrypatriotamerican


Hmmmm . . . so?
so the guy writes for breitbart. trump could tell us he was going to convert the u.s. to a complete barter system and pay u.s. debts in sea shells and breitbart authors would sing his praises.
If you're a business that uses large amounts of electricity and the Federal Government is going to close down coal fired plants and replace them with more expensive solar or wind generated plants...then any intelligent banker is going to want to know if your business model can absorb that additional cost.
The federal government never said it was going to shut down coal plants and replace them with solar and wind generated plants. That is a bullshit fantasy invented by ODS sufferers.

And as it turns out, energy costs have plummeted, not risen. The only reason the coal industry is suffering is because oil and natural gas are cheaper options.
Obama did, moron. Obama's EPA has made coal power plants virtually illegal. Don't feed us that shit about the price of oil, which is almost never used to produce electric power, and the price of natural gas.

I don't know dude according to liberals we have oil power plants operating nation wide for some reason.. Yet no one knows where they are?
Economists who work for the government are obviously going to be leftists. The same goes for the ones who work for trade associations. They definitely favor these rotten trade deals that sell out American workers. Even a large share of the ones who work for private business who were indoctrinated by economists on the government payroll.
can you find any expert willing to say good things about trump's economic plans?

Top Economist Reveals THIS About Donald Trumpā€™s Plan, People Deserve to Know

Economist Peter Morici has come out in support of Trumpā€™s economic plan, according to Breitbart.com. He has also repeatedly rebuked some of the policies of Obama administration and of Obamaā€™s preferred successor, Hillary Clinton.

Morici, who is a professor at the University of Maryland, outlines a number of reasons why voters concerned about the economy should support Trump. First of all, he said that the average median income under Obamaā€™s watch is down an astonishing $1,650. Second, there are more elderly women in the workforce because of the declining value in retirement stocks, pensions, and poor interest rates. Young people have an immense amount of student loan debt and cannot pay their apartment rent or save for their first home.
breitbart via angrypatriotamerican


Hmmmm . . . so?
so the guy writes for breitbart. trump could tell us he was going to convert the u.s. to a complete barter system and pay u.s. debts in sea shells and breitbart authors would sing his praises.
No they wouldn't, you witless douche bag.
can you find any expert willing to say good things about trump's economic plans?

Top Economist Reveals THIS About Donald Trumpā€™s Plan, People Deserve to Know

Economist Peter Morici has come out in support of Trumpā€™s economic plan, according to Breitbart.com. He has also repeatedly rebuked some of the policies of Obama administration and of Obamaā€™s preferred successor, Hillary Clinton.

Morici, who is a professor at the University of Maryland, outlines a number of reasons why voters concerned about the economy should support Trump. First of all, he said that the average median income under Obamaā€™s watch is down an astonishing $1,650. Second, there are more elderly women in the workforce because of the declining value in retirement stocks, pensions, and poor interest rates. Young people have an immense amount of student loan debt and cannot pay their apartment rent or save for their first home.
breitbart via angrypatriotamerican


Hmmmm . . . so?
so the guy writes for breitbart. trump could tell us he was going to convert the u.s. to a complete barter system and pay u.s. debts in sea shells and breitbart authors would sing his praises.
No they wouldn't, you witless douche bag.
Yes they would and do.
can you find any expert willing to say good things about trump's economic plans?

Top Economist Reveals THIS About Donald Trumpā€™s Plan, People Deserve to Know

Economist Peter Morici has come out in support of Trumpā€™s economic plan, according to Breitbart.com. He has also repeatedly rebuked some of the policies of Obama administration and of Obamaā€™s preferred successor, Hillary Clinton.

Morici, who is a professor at the University of Maryland, outlines a number of reasons why voters concerned about the economy should support Trump. First of all, he said that the average median income under Obamaā€™s watch is down an astonishing $1,650. Second, there are more elderly women in the workforce because of the declining value in retirement stocks, pensions, and poor interest rates. Young people have an immense amount of student loan debt and cannot pay their apartment rent or save for their first home.
breitbart via angrypatriotamerican


Hmmmm . . . so?
so the guy writes for breitbart. trump could tell us he was going to convert the u.s. to a complete barter system and pay u.s. debts in sea shells and breitbart authors would sing his praises.
No they wouldn't, you witless douche bag.
lol. don't kid yourself. there is a reason steve bannon is on the trump payroll and it's not because he was doing fair and unbiased reporting
Top Economist Reveals THIS About Donald Trumpā€™s Plan, People Deserve to Know

Economist Peter Morici has come out in support of Trumpā€™s economic plan, according to Breitbart.com. He has also repeatedly rebuked some of the policies of Obama administration and of Obamaā€™s preferred successor, Hillary Clinton.

Morici, who is a professor at the University of Maryland, outlines a number of reasons why voters concerned about the economy should support Trump. First of all, he said that the average median income under Obamaā€™s watch is down an astonishing $1,650. Second, there are more elderly women in the workforce because of the declining value in retirement stocks, pensions, and poor interest rates. Young people have an immense amount of student loan debt and cannot pay their apartment rent or save for their first home.
breitbart via angrypatriotamerican


Hmmmm . . . so?
so the guy writes for breitbart. trump could tell us he was going to convert the u.s. to a complete barter system and pay u.s. debts in sea shells and breitbart authors would sing his praises.
No they wouldn't, you witless douche bag.
lol. don't kid yourself. there is a reason steve bannon is on the trump payroll and it's not because he was doing fair and unbiased reporting

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