14 y.o. black intrudor shot and killed in Louisiana, white home owner arrested.

falling on your head with a speed of 300mph. It can and will kill you.

unlikely but anything is possible

As a result of these obstacles, the experimental results are mixed. Hatcher calculated that his .30-caliber rifle bullets reached terminal velocity—the speed at which air resistance balances the accelerating force of gravity—at 300 feet per second. You might die from a bullet moving at that speed, but it's unlikely. Lighter bullets, like those fired from a 9mm handgun, max out at even lower speeds, between 150 and 250 feet per second, according to computer models.

Can falling bullets kill you? - Slate Magazine

According to your article, it might not kill an adult unless it hit them in the eye. Well, isn't that teh awesome. I tell you what, you dopes that think a falling bullet is harmless: gather up your loved ones and even some neighborhood kids and have them stand around the yard while you experiment. Don't forget to keep shooting until someone is unlucky enough to be hit by a falling bullet. Then report back to us. :cuckoo:

It wont fall at 300 mph. They fall at 120 mph.
Tried to find the mythbusters episode but I'm not having any luck. They found that the bullets fell much slower then they expected and the math predicted.
But again. Thats only if fired straight up. The round needs to come to a complete stop to ruin the ballistics.

if a bullet was shot straight down from a high altitude

the bullet will slow down and if given enough distance

between the firearm and ground

eventually slow down to terminal velocity
How to Shoot an Anvil 200 Feet in the Air

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhQ4dE_RGnQ]How to Shoot an Anvil 200 Feet in the Air - YouTube[/ame]
According to your article, it might not kill an adult unless it hit them in the eye. Well, isn't that teh awesome. I tell you what, you dopes that think a falling bullet is harmless: gather up your loved ones and even some neighborhood kids and have them stand around the yard while you experiment. Don't forget to keep shooting until someone is unlucky enough to be hit by a falling bullet. Then report back to us. :cuckoo:

It wont fall at 300 mph. They fall at 120 mph.
Tried to find the mythbusters episode but I'm not having any luck. They found that the bullets fell much slower then they expected and the math predicted.
But again. Thats only if fired straight up. The round needs to come to a complete stop to ruin the ballistics.

this may be what you are looking for

Annotated Mythbusters: Episode 50: Bullets Fired Up, Vodka Myths III

Yeah I found that one. Was kinda hoping for the actual vid,but that will do.
It wont fall at 300 mph. They fall at 120 mph.
Tried to find the mythbusters episode but I'm not having any luck. They found that the bullets fell much slower then they expected and the math predicted.
But again. Thats only if fired straight up. The round needs to come to a complete stop to ruin the ballistics.

this may be what you are looking for

Annotated Mythbusters: Episode 50: Bullets Fired Up, Vodka Myths III

Yeah I found that one. Was kinda hoping for the actual vid,but that will do.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDB838Vi6hw]Mythbusters Uncut: Bullets Fired Up Uncut - YouTube[/ame]
I did a lot of reading on this case when the story broke. A couple of things come to mind. One, his wife is pregnant. Two, there was a home invasion just a couple of blocks away, a couple of hours before. Don't ask for the link, I am full of good BBQ and not a few beers. But those facts right there are enough to say he was probably a bit twitchy about defending his family to the best of his ability.

The main reason I wish he wouldn't have shot the kid is because he is a dad with one on the way. He's a good guy. He shouldn't be out on bail, and waiting for trial. I think he made a stupid mistake.

I wish he wouldn't have shot the kid too, I also don't think he should be on bail cause I don't think he should be charged with anything. It's sad that a kid was killed but I don't see how Landry could have know it was a 14 year old and not a 24 year old. At age 14 the kid knew he had no business being there, he may not have thought he was gonna get shot but he knew he was doing wrong. At 1:44 am the kid wasn't retrieveing a ball, he was there for Mischief. IMHO it was tragic but the people who should be arrested are the kids parents,they failed him miserably.

No one is calling that piece of shit thief kid an angel. It's a good chance he was going to rob that house although doubtful due to the dog...but the shooter was wrong here. He acted too soon. This is a bad shoot.

This is the end result of what those ghetto children are learning from your violence promoting rap and hip hop. You think whites will suffer, well here's a flash: Blacks will suffer too.
"...Oh, wait, he's living the dream. Shooting some darky who made you wet your pants..."

The language of the Race-Baiter and Fear-Monger.

I'll bet Jackson and Sharpton just love your particular type of Useful Tool.

It is incumbent upon the American People - indeed, ALL people of goodwill - to ignore such inflammatory rhetoric and to set aside knee-jerk reaction -caliber accusations of racism, in potentially controversial incidents such as this.

That's really a Unicorn Far Left kind of statement...

Our JoeB131 is black. There, does that explain things a little better?
I feel for the shooter. I really do. He wants to protect his family but as a gun owner, you are responsible for your actions with that gun. This was a bad shoot. That shit stain kid was probably going to break in. Let him. Then kill him and go on with your life.

Or he was going to swipe a bike. Not a reason to kill someone. Or shoot them in the head.
Not sure what you can do if you actually catch him stealing a bike from your yard, but I do know shooting him is out. Subdue until the cops come?

drag him inside the house?
Based on what I've read of this case, the shooting was justified. Just because he's been charged doesn't mean he'll be found guilty, but I don't think he should have been charged in the first place. The kid invaded his property in the middle of the night. He has a history of burglary. He got what he had coming to him, plain and simple. New Orleans just became a safer place now that he's off the street.

That's nonsense. I have no idea what the actual facts of this case are, but the right to use force to defend ourselves comes with reasonable restrictions. Trespassing doesn't warrant 'shoot-to-kill'. As others here have noted, if he'd actually tried breaking into the house, there's little dispute the homeowner would have been within his rights to shoot. But if all that happened here was the kid hopped a fence, I think blowing him away is little over the top, don't you?

It should be noted that not all states presume an intruder into your home is there to do you harm. In some states, you have to retreat to the farthest corner of your home before you can use deadly force.
That's why my kids never jumped a fence to get onto private property at 2am.
I parented!

Why is it some parents take the death of a child as a cue to brag about their own parenting abilities? Good for you buddy! Why don't you send the victim's mother a letter telling her what an awesome parent you are? Jeez, no one gives a shit you think you're awesome.

I know my kids will not be killed committing any crime, even if it is a pointless crime of trespass to intimidate.

Believing you can predict your kids' behavior can be a serious miscalculation. With that attitude its almost certain that one of them will get into drugs. Don't worry, you'll probably never even realize it.

It is not the death of the kid that invokes comments about parenting. It is the fact the he is a hoodlum. And you most assuredly CAN predict what your kids behavior is if you parent them correctly, because they are never left unsupervised to carouse around in the wee hours of the morning.
falling on your head with a speed of 300mph. It can and will kill you.[/B

unlikely but anything is possible

As a result of these obstacles, the experimental results are mixed. Hatcher calculated that his .30-caliber rifle bullets reached terminal velocity—the speed at which air resistance balances the accelerating force of gravity—at 300 feet per second. You might die from a bullet moving at that speed, but it's unlikely. Lighter bullets, like those fired from a 9mm handgun, max out at even lower speeds, between 150 and 250 feet per second, according to computer models.

Can falling bullets kill you? - Slate Magazine

Large mass bullets like a 2700 pound bullet from a 16" gun on a Navy destroyer can fall at 900/mph. Make it out of depleated uranium & it will go faster yet.

Not if they're fired straight up. They'll fall at the same speed as anything else.
As long as wind resistance isnt a factor. And since were talking bullets the drag coefficient would be very similar.

Just because you should know these things.

HowStuffWorks "Where do bullets go when guns are fired straight up into the air?"

Woman shot in the shoulder after bullet fired into air | www.wsoctv.com

Bullet Fired in the Air Kills Boy, 7, in Chesterfield | NBC4 Washington

Shooting mars Charlotte holiday | CharlotteObserver.com

Maryland girl critical from bullet shot in air on New Year's Eve - CBS News

physics - Can bullets fired into the air kill a person when they fall? - Skeptics Stack Exchange

Man wounded by celebratory shot fired into air in Akron | cleveland.com

?Accidental? Killing of Amish Girl Should Be Grounds for Punishment | The Stir

Nope...do some research.
Some of your examples flat out admit they shot at an angle. In fact this thread is full of the reasons you're wrong. You must have missed em.

Shooting a slug straight up will be no different then dropping it from a helicopter.
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it might be on the mythbuster site

It was a flawed episode. It was confirmed that if a bullet is not fired perfectly straight up it can arch over maintaining its spin preventing tumble. A spinning bullet will fall beyond fast enough to sink 1 foot into ballistics gel. That is more than lethal. A human is rarely able to fire straight up enough to prevent lethal bullet drop. It would have to be done on a rig. That means any warning shot will fall at lethal speed.
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Looking for the actual episode but it's nowhere to be found.

it might be on the mythbuster site

It was a flawed episode. It was confirmed that if a bullet is not fired perfectly straight up it can arch over maintaining its spin preventing tumble. A spinning bullet will fall beyond fast enough to sink 1 foot into ballistics gel. That is more than lethal. A human is rarely able to fire straight up enough to prevent lethal bullet drop. It would have to be done on a rig. That means any warning shot will fall at lethal speed.

As they say in Missouri...Show me.
And I'm not sure how it can be a flawed episode when it actually happened.
They shot straight up and the velocity was nowhere near enough to penetrate ballistic gel to that depth. Not sure how that can be fudged.
"...Oh, wait, he's living the dream. Shooting some darky who made you wet your pants..."

The language of the Race-Baiter and Fear-Monger.

I'll bet Jackson and Sharpton just love your particular type of Useful Tool.

It is incumbent upon the American People - indeed, ALL people of goodwill - to ignore such inflammatory rhetoric and to set aside knee-jerk reaction -caliber accusations of racism, in potentially controversial incidents such as this.

That's really a Unicorn Far Left kind of statement...

Our JoeB131 is black. There, does that explain things a little better?

It can be hoped that Americans of goodwill, of ALL colors, set aside such inflammatory speech, rather than reopen ancient wounds and begin once again to treat their fellow countrymen as if the Jim Crow Mentality were still largely operative in our country.

This is poison from the past... rhetoric that is better left dead and buried... else risk all the progress that our nation has made in race relations over the past 50-60 years.

I have no idea whether Joe is black, white, red, yellow, brown or green with purple polka-dots...

I'm just sayin' that Race-Baiters and Fear-Mongers come in all shapes and sizes and colors...

And that we need to begin ignoring them, as a nation...

Even when they're black...

Even when they have ancient and rusted-over credentials as positive activists...

Hope that helps, for clarification's sake...
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