149 years ago today


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
149 years ago today, on Dec. 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted after ratification by 3/4 of the states. The Amendment prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude throughout the country.

A year before, the amendment had been passed by the Senate, but Democrats in the House voted against it in an effort to keep blacks "in their place" - a trend the Democrats continue to this day, starting and joining groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and passing legislation saying that black people can't manage their lives without the assistance of whites, despite strong objections of Republicans. With extensive political maneuvering by President Lincoln, the House finally overcame the resistance of racist Democrats and passed the Amendment.
149 years ago today, on Dec. 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted after ratification by 3/4 of the states. The Amendment prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude throughout the country.

A year before, the amendment had been passed by the Senate, but Democrats in the House voted against it in an effort to keep blacks "in their place" - a trend the Democrats continue to this day, starting and joining groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and passing legislation saying that black people can't manage their lives without the assistance of whites, despite strong objections of Republicans. With extensive political maneuvering by President Lincoln, the House finally overcame the resistance of racist Democrats and passed the Amendment.

After the Northern Democrats combined with the Northern Republican to pass the Civil Rights legislation it took 50 years or so but the still prejudiced South is now fully controlled by the Republicans.
149 years ago today, on Dec. 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted after ratification by 3/4 of the states. The Amendment prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude throughout the country.

A year before, the amendment had been passed by the Senate, but Democrats in the House voted against it in an effort to keep blacks "in their place" - a trend the Democrats continue to this day, starting and joining groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and passing legislation saying that black people can't manage their lives without the assistance of whites, despite strong objections of Republicans. With extensive political maneuvering by President Lincoln, the House finally overcame the resistance of racist Democrats and passed the Amendment.
Those dems were todays republicans.
Another post that backfired. Getting so a poster can't get away with much any more. They might try the Obama has no birth certificate thing again.
Another post that backfired. Getting so a poster can't get away with much any more. They might try the Obama has no birth certificate thing again.
Personally I thought the Muslim thing had more traction even though he attended a Baptist church.
Maybe the oldest troll on message boards, no one has still explained where all the racist democrats ended up when the south flipped for Reagan and became a GOP stronghold.
It never fails to crack me up when someone tries to conflate a Democrat of 60, or in this case 150, years ago with a modern day Democrat.

The one thing they invariably fail to mention is that those old time Southern Democrats were hardcore right wing conservatives.

And that is the crux of their historical ignorance, boys and girls.
Maybe the oldest troll on message boards, no one has still explained where all the racist democrats ended up when the south flipped for Reagan and became a GOP stronghold.
Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist laying out the GOP plan going forward.
Maybe the oldest troll on message boards, no one has still explained where all the racist democrats ended up when the south flipped for Reagan and became a GOP stronghold.
Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist laying out the GOP plan going forward.
Of course we know, I saw it first-hand in Alabama as it happened, but time and again some con-troll has tried to tell me that they did not inherit the segregationist legacy even though they welcomed the segregationists and their bigoted offspring with open arms.
OP is trying to posit the same false dilemma that has led us to today's gluttony of false conservatives. He tries to paint a picture that all things are either Republican or Democrat (and by extension either conservative or liberal), and that no further analysis is necessary or even warranted. The one dimensional linear spectrum is substantially flawed.

Democrats of the Civil War era were champions of states rights. Doesn't that make them "conservative" by modern day standards? Republicans back then were champions of federal power. Doesn't that make them liberals by today's standards?
That was a sham because the filthy government establishes involuntary servitude by having the combined cost of government to be over 40% of the GNP. We are all slaves on the government plantation.

Black are not the slaves anymore. It is the American taxpayer. Blacks made out real good in this slavery scheme because they are usually the recipient of the funds that are collected by the slave masters.
That was a sham because the filthy government establishes involuntary servitude by having the combined cost of government to be over 40% of the GNP. We are all slaves on the government plantation.

Black are not the slaves anymore. It is the American taxpayer. Blacks made out real good in this slavery scheme because they are usually the recipient of the funds that are collected by the slave masters.
Statistics say white people are by far the largest benefactors of this new system. Wait.....its always been like that.
Does this mean I have to let my black man go ? I was really hoping to get a few more years of use out of him, but I guess all good things must come to an end eventually.
Statistics say white people are by far the largest benefactors of this new system. Wait.....its always been like that.

Only because in absolute numbers because they are over 70% of the population. Percentage wise between the races is a whole different ball game.

According to Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

- 29 million people are on welfare
- 39% white: 11,661,000
- 38% black: 11,362,000

- US population: 313,544,041
- White: 72.4%: 227,005,885
- Black: 12.6%: 39,506,549

Math time!:

Whites: 11.661,000 / 227,005,885 * 100 = 5.13%
Blacks: 11,362,000 / 39,506,549 * 100 = 28.75%

That means the total percentage of all white people in America on welfare is: 5.13%

While the total percentage of all black people in America on welfare is: 28.75%

Statistics is not as much of your your friend as you thought it was, is it?

The fact of the matter is that we are all slaves to this filthy government and that fvcking 13th Amendment isn't worth the paper it is written on..
Statistics say white people are by far the largest benefactors of this new system. Wait.....its always been like that.

Only because in absolute numbers because they are over 70% of the population. Percentage wise between the races is a whole different ball game.

According to Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

- 29 million people are on welfare
- 39% white: 11,661,000
- 38% black: 11,362,000

- US population: 313,544,041
- White: 72.4%: 227,005,885
- Black: 12.6%: 39,506,549

Math time!:

Whites: 11.661,000 / 227,005,885 * 100 = 5.13%
Blacks: 11,362,000 / 39,506,549 * 100 = 28.75%

That means the total percentage of all white people in America on welfare is: 5.13%

While the total percentage of all black people in America on welfare is: 28.75%

Statistics is not as much of your your friend as you thought it was, is it?

The fact of the matter is that we are all slaves to this filthy government and that fvcking 13th Amendment isn't worth the paper it is written on..
Were not talking about percents. We are talking about raw numbers. Specifically that if welfare was stopped this instant more whites would suffer than Blacks. Sorry
Were not talking about percents. We are talking about raw numbers.

In other words, you want to cherry pick the data to manipulate an impression that lends itself to your preferred conclusions, even if they are false.
No. You started the cherry picking. I just stated a fact using real numbers. When people use percentages then we know immediately they are lying or advancing some inane argument that has nothing to do with the point. We were never talking about rates or percents. You brought that up.

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