149 years ago today

Were not talking about percents. We are talking about raw numbers. Specifically that if welfare was stopped this instant more whites would suffer than Blacks. Sorry

Of course you are not talking about percentages because it makes you look like a fool for even bringing it up. Libtards always look like fools sooner or later, don't they?

About six times as many Blacks percentage wise are on welfare than Whites so whatever point you were trying to make with your numbers fell apart, didn't it?

My point is still valid. With six times as many Blacks on welfare percentage wise than White the Blacks are much more the monetary recipient of this slavery that this filthy government has put us in.

However, that distinction doesn't mean that much because we are all slaves to the government. The 13th Amendment is a joke.
If it was up to me I would have continued with slavery until technology made it uneconomical. That would have been in 1870s or so. Then I would have made a national effort to return all Blacks back to Africa.

After all, "if we had known then what we know now we would have picked our own cotton".

At least Obama wouldn't be President now, which would have been a good thing.
How many remember what the 13th Amendment was originally to be?
If I remember correctly it was to be a ban on American people to hold royal titles in other countries, never ratified.

Oh god the suspense is killing me, whatever could it be?????

Quit being mysterious, I am only barely interested.

It would have guaranteed slavery in perpetuity in those states where it then existed. Lincoln agreed to it as a last-ditch effort at preventing civil war. It passed the Congress, but wasn't ratified before the confederate traitors opened fire anyway.
149 years ago today, on Dec. 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted after ratification by 3/4 of the states. The Amendment prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude throughout the country.

A year before, the amendment had been passed by the Senate, but Democrats in the House voted against it in an effort to keep blacks "in their place" - a trend the Democrats continue to this day, starting and joining groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and passing legislation saying that black people can't manage their lives without the assistance of whites, despite strong objections of Republicans. With extensive political maneuvering by President Lincoln, the House finally overcame the resistance of racist Democrats and passed the Amendment.
Those dems were todays republicans.
Yep and it's comical that they can't admit it.
Were not talking about percents. We are talking about raw numbers. Specifically that if welfare was stopped this instant more whites would suffer than Blacks. Sorry

Of course you are not talking about percentages because it makes you look like a fool for even bringing it up. Libtards always look like fools sooner or later, don't they?

About six times as many Blacks percentage wise are on welfare than Whites so whatever point you were trying to make with your numbers fell apart, didn't it?

My point is still valid. With six times as many Blacks on welfare percentage wise than White the Blacks are much more the monetary recipient of this slavery that this filthy government has put us in.

However, that distinction doesn't mean that much because we are all slaves to the government. The 13th Amendment is a joke.
No I'm not talking about percents because no one brought them up until after the point was established that whites benefited by far more than Blacks from welfare. Your point was an emotional reaction to facts and isnt valid until we both agree the discussion is about percentages. Only idiots start talking about percents when the real world operates on raw numbers. That number being more whites benefit from welfare than the number of Blacks benefiting from it. Not to mention the entire welfare system was first designed for whites and Blacks were frequently not allowed to even access it.
How many remember what the 13th Amendment was originally to be?
If I remember correctly it was to be a ban on American people to hold royal titles in other countries, never ratified.

Oh god the suspense is killing me, whatever could it be?????

Quit being mysterious, I am only barely interested.

It would have guaranteed slavery in perpetuity in those states where it then existed. Lincoln agreed to it as a last-ditch effort at preventing civil war. It passed the Congress, but wasn't ratified before the confederate traitors opened fire anyway.
OK,I remember this one now, good thing it didn't work out. The other 13th is an old chestnut of political message boards, supposedly lawyers would not have been able to hold office, ridiculous.
If it was up to me I would have continued with slavery until technology made it uneconomical. That would have been in 1870s or so. Then I would have made a national effort to return all Blacks back to Africa.

After all, "if we had known then what we know now we would have picked our own cotton".

At least Obama wouldn't be President now, which would have been a good thing.

You tried picking your own cotton by importing white slaves from Europe. They died by the thousands. NA's simply took off into the country side or died as well. If there were no Blacks the US would have been a penal colony like Australia.
How many remember what the 13th Amendment was originally to be?
If I remember correctly it was to be a ban on American people to hold royal titles in other countries, never ratified.

It was almost passed just prior to the Civil War for a very different purpose than it finally fulfilled.

The Original Thirteenth Amendment
I love seeing old, original-style web pages still up that have not been updated in years and years. Like digging up an old arrow-head or something.
Maybe the oldest troll on message boards, no one has still explained where all the racist democrats ended up when the south flipped for Reagan and became a GOP stronghold.
I think they all died.
Political guilt does not end at the moment of death and nearly all of them that lived into the 1980s died praising Saint Reagan.
Surely. Every one of them.
Course in the South most of those inbred assholes you speak of that practiced generational racism still strangely vote Democrat. You'd know this was a fact if you lived here.
No. You started the cherry picking. I just stated a fact using real numbers. When people use percentages then we know immediately they are lying or advancing some inane argument that has nothing to do with the point

Apparently you need to learn the definition of cherry picking. Your excuses and rationale are textbook cherry picking. There is no justification for doing it. You are selectively using a data that presents only a small and narrow view of the overall picture. Either craft an argument that explains the big picture, or be called out for your illogical bullshit.
No. You started the cherry picking. I just stated a fact using real numbers. When people use percentages then we know immediately they are lying or advancing some inane argument that has nothing to do with the point

Apparently you need to learn the definition of cherry picking. Your excuses and rationale are textbook cherry picking. There is no justification for doing it. You are selectively using a data that presents only a small and narrow view of the overall picture. Either craft an argument that explains the big picture, or be called out for your illogical bullshit.

Apparently you believe reciting raw numbers is cherry picking? I cant selectively pick data if my only thing is the presentation of the fact that more whites are on welfare than Blacks. There is no ambiguity in that statement and requires no cherry picking. It is what it is. That also is the big picture especially in reply to the post I quoted.

"Blacks made out real good in this slavery scheme because they are usually the recipient of the funds that are collected by the slave masters."
Maybe the oldest troll on message boards, no one has still explained where all the racist democrats ended up when the south flipped for Reagan and became a GOP stronghold.
I think they all died.
Political guilt does not end at the moment of death and nearly all of them that lived into the 1980s died praising Saint Reagan.
Surely. Every one of them.
Course in the South most of those inbred assholes you speak of that practiced generational racism still strangely vote Democrat. You'd know this was a fact if you lived here.
I was born in Alabama and have only lived in various southern states my entire life and as a small child I shook the hand of George Wallace, you fail badly.

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