149 years ago today

What do you consider to be "Southern States"?

California, Florida?

Don't you ever hang out with white trailer-park trash anymore? Is that beneath you?

Trust me. I was shocked to hear it myself. The only reason the South has turned Republican is because most of those old farts that lynched blacks and protested when they started going to our universities are few and far between. Not to mention the fact that women got the right to vote a few years back, and they pretty much support Democrats almost as much as blacks do.
Did I mention that there's a shitload of blacks here in the South as well? Democrats you know.
Where the fuck do you live that you have such a faulty picture of the south? I live here and I have no idea what you are talking about.
No doubt.
I worked in a factory and was a member of a union here in TN. Lived in Georgia and North Carolina. I've lived in the South longer than I did my home state Montana.

Seems like all of the lower Middle-class whites have the idea that Republicans are only out to help the rich. Seems also that the less informed they are the more likely they vote Democrat. I even had one of them tell everyone that because I was married to a black woman that I'm a ****** and that everyone should avoid me. I also heard he was telling people that if his kids ever came home with a ****** that he would shoot them. His kids, along with the ******. That's pretty much a quote. My boss in the HVAC shop I work in on post is a Democrat. He's lived here all his life. He hates Republicans. To be honest, most of the Republican voters I know that live here are transplants from other states. Moved here because they were in the military.

That's the picture I've seen the last 30 years since I moved here. Other than a short 2 year stint in Germany ... I've lived here since 1984.
I've lived here since 1961. I think I have a better personal picture than you do. When I was kid, all of the cops, clergy, judges, businessmen, politicians and any other significant white male personage was a true and vocal southern Democrat. A mere twenty years later that same demographic had flipped parties almost totally. You want to look for the segregationists? Look for the generational wealth that liked the old familiar social order and there they are, donating heavily to the GOP.
Yep, you Southerners all are under the impression that the GOP only supports the rich.

You really don't understand your own region.

I never saw the old South ... so I'm not prejudiced by the memory of it. You on the other hand are. I moved here after the civil rights movement was over. Most of the old landholders are dead and gone long ago. What remains is a middle-class that still hangs on to their Democrat roots, although when you talk to them they sound like Republicans ... but only because you assume their racism or bigotry means they're Republicans. I'm sure that who the wealthy donate to they consider none of your business ... I can only assume you're making it up. Just like you're making up that all of those vocal Southern Democrats changed parties rather than just clammed up or eventual passed away. Up in Kentucky registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by a great deal. They voted in a Democrat governor.
Why are you still trying to contradict what I saw with my own eyes? I am not trying to Bullshit you here, there is only 15 - 20 years between Segregated schools in Alabama and Ronald Reagan, Not going to lose that many bigots from the voter rolls. They switched parties and, more importantly, brought their odious moral majority christian social conservative bullshit with them. Those people were studiously ignored by republicans until their votes began to matter.
You are messing up the narrative. Nobody wants to admit the southern strategy worked even though 2 GOP leaders admitted to it.
Where the fuck do you live that you have such a faulty picture of the south? I live here and I have no idea what you are talking about.
No doubt.
I worked in a factory and was a member of a union here in TN. Lived in Georgia and North Carolina. I've lived in the South longer than I did my home state Montana.

Seems like all of the lower Middle-class whites have the idea that Republicans are only out to help the rich. Seems also that the less informed they are the more likely they vote Democrat. I even had one of them tell everyone that because I was married to a black woman that I'm a ****** and that everyone should avoid me. I also heard he was telling people that if his kids ever came home with a ****** that he would shoot them. His kids, along with the ******. That's pretty much a quote. My boss in the HVAC shop I work in on post is a Democrat. He's lived here all his life. He hates Republicans. To be honest, most of the Republican voters I know that live here are transplants from other states. Moved here because they were in the military.

That's the picture I've seen the last 30 years since I moved here. Other than a short 2 year stint in Germany ... I've lived here since 1984.
I've lived here since 1961. I think I have a better personal picture than you do. When I was kid, all of the cops, clergy, judges, businessmen, politicians and any other significant white male personage was a true and vocal southern Democrat. A mere twenty years later that same demographic had flipped parties almost totally. You want to look for the segregationists? Look for the generational wealth that liked the old familiar social order and there they are, donating heavily to the GOP.
Yep, you Southerners all are under the impression that the GOP only supports the rich.

You really don't understand your own region.

I never saw the old South ... so I'm not prejudiced by the memory of it. You on the other hand are. I moved here after the civil rights movement was over. Most of the old landholders are dead and gone long ago. What remains is a middle-class that still hangs on to their Democrat roots, although when you talk to them they sound like Republicans ... but only because you assume their racism or bigotry means they're Republicans. I'm sure that who the wealthy donate to they consider none of your business ... I can only assume you're making it up. Just like you're making up that all of those vocal Southern Democrats changed parties rather than just clammed up or eventual passed away. Up in Kentucky registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by a great deal. They voted in a Democrat governor.
Why are you still trying to contradict what I saw with my own eyes? I am not trying to Bullshit you here, there is only 15 - 20 years between Segregated schools in Alabama and Ronald Reagan, Not going to lose that many bigots from the voter rolls. They switched parties and, more importantly, brought their odious moral majority christian social conservative bullshit with them. Those people were studiously ignored by republicans until their votes began to matter.
You are messing up the narrative. Nobody wants to admit the southern strategy worked even though 2 GOP leaders admitted to it.
It does not really matter, this is a tried and true message board troll topic that I have argued many times. No one actually believes that when the south switched parties they did not bring their political baggage with them.
What do you consider to be "Southern States"?

California, Florida?

Don't you ever hang out with white trailer-park trash anymore? Is that beneath you?

Trust me. I was shocked to hear it myself. The only reason the South has turned Republican is because most of those old farts that lynched blacks and protested when they started going to our universities are few and far between. Not to mention the fact that women got the right to vote a few years back, and they pretty much support Democrats almost as much as blacks do.
Did I mention that there's a shitload of blacks here in the South as well? Democrats you know.
Where the fuck do you live that you have such a faulty picture of the south? I live here and I have no idea what you are talking about.
No doubt.
I worked in a factory and was a member of a union here in TN. Lived in Georgia and North Carolina. I've lived in the South longer than I did my home state Montana.

Seems like all of the lower Middle-class whites have the idea that Republicans are only out to help the rich. Seems also that the less informed they are the more likely they vote Democrat. I even had one of them tell everyone that because I was married to a black woman that I'm a ****** and that everyone should avoid me. I also heard he was telling people that if his kids ever came home with a ****** that he would shoot them. His kids, along with the ******. That's pretty much a quote. My boss in the HVAC shop I work in on post is a Democrat. He's lived here all his life. He hates Republicans. To be honest, most of the Republican voters I know that live here are transplants from other states. Moved here because they were in the military.

That's the picture I've seen the last 30 years since I moved here. Other than a short 2 year stint in Germany ... I've lived here since 1984.
I've lived here since 1961. I think I have a better personal picture than you do. When I was kid, all of the cops, clergy, judges, businessmen, politicians and any other significant white male personage was a true and vocal southern Democrat. A mere twenty years later that same demographic had flipped parties almost totally. You want to look for the segregationists? Look for the generational wealth that liked the old familiar social order and there they are, donating heavily to the GOP.
Yep, you Southerners all are under the impression that the GOP only supports the rich.

You really don't understand your own region.

I never saw the old South ... so I'm not prejudiced by the memory of it. You on the other hand are. I moved here after the civil rights movement was over. Most of the old landholders are dead and gone long ago. What remains is a middle-class that still hangs on to their Democrat roots, although when you talk to them they sound like Republicans ... but only because you assume their racism or bigotry means they're Republicans. I'm sure that who the wealthy donate to they consider none of your business ... I can only assume you're making it up. Just like you're making up that all of those vocal Southern Democrats changed parties rather than just clammed up or eventual passed away. Up in Kentucky registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by a great deal. They voted in a Democrat governor.
Why are you still trying to contradict what I saw with my own eyes? I am not trying to Bullshit you here, there is only 15 - 20 years between Segregated schools in Alabama and Ronald Reagan, Not going to lose that many bigots from the voter rolls. They switched parties and, more importantly, brought their odious moral majority christian social conservative bullshit with them. Those people were studiously ignored by republicans until their votes began to matter.
All I can say is you're making a sweeping accusation based on your own prejudices ... not on real facts. I was shocked to find out that most people that grew up in the South still vote Democrat. You can't change a 400 year old mind-set just by claiming you love Jesus.
149 years ago today, on Dec. 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted after ratification by 3/4 of the states. The Amendment prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude throughout the country.

A year before, the amendment had been passed by the Senate, but Democrats in the House voted against it in an effort to keep blacks "in their place" - a trend the Democrats continue to this day, starting and joining groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and passing legislation saying that black people can't manage their lives without the assistance of whites, despite strong objections of Republicans. With extensive political maneuvering by President Lincoln, the House finally overcame the resistance of racist Democrats and passed the Amendment.

After the Northern Democrats combined with the Northern Republican to pass the Civil Rights legislation it took 50 years or so but the still prejudiced South is now fully controlled by the Republicans.
You are totally misinformed. Segregation ended in the south when the republicans took over. Controlling blacks has always been the goal of Democrats. It takes a strong central government to do that. What party wants strong government? Yes, the Democrats.

Please remember this lesson. We don't want to keep schooling you.
149 years ago today, on Dec. 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted after ratification by 3/4 of the states. The Amendment prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude throughout the country.

A year before, the amendment had been passed by the Senate, but Democrats in the House voted against it in an effort to keep blacks "in their place" - a trend the Democrats continue to this day, starting and joining groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and passing legislation saying that black people can't manage their lives without the assistance of whites, despite strong objections of Republicans. With extensive political maneuvering by President Lincoln, the House finally overcame the resistance of racist Democrats and passed the Amendment.
Those dems were todays republicans.
Learn history. Dixiecrats remained democrats to their dying day.
It never fails to crack me up when someone tries to conflate a Democrat of 60, or in this case 150, years ago with a modern day Democrat.

The one thing they invariably fail to mention is that those old time Southern Democrats were hardcore right wing conservatives.

And that is the crux of their historical ignorance, boys and girls.
Your ignorant of your party's history.
No doubt.
I worked in a factory and was a member of a union here in TN. Lived in Georgia and North Carolina. I've lived in the South longer than I did my home state Montana.

Seems like all of the lower Middle-class whites have the idea that Republicans are only out to help the rich. Seems also that the less informed they are the more likely they vote Democrat. I even had one of them tell everyone that because I was married to a black woman that I'm a ****** and that everyone should avoid me. I also heard he was telling people that if his kids ever came home with a ****** that he would shoot them. His kids, along with the ******. That's pretty much a quote. My boss in the HVAC shop I work in on post is a Democrat. He's lived here all his life. He hates Republicans. To be honest, most of the Republican voters I know that live here are transplants from other states. Moved here because they were in the military.

That's the picture I've seen the last 30 years since I moved here. Other than a short 2 year stint in Germany ... I've lived here since 1984.
I've lived here since 1961. I think I have a better personal picture than you do. When I was kid, all of the cops, clergy, judges, businessmen, politicians and any other significant white male personage was a true and vocal southern Democrat. A mere twenty years later that same demographic had flipped parties almost totally. You want to look for the segregationists? Look for the generational wealth that liked the old familiar social order and there they are, donating heavily to the GOP.
Yep, you Southerners all are under the impression that the GOP only supports the rich.

You really don't understand your own region.

I never saw the old South ... so I'm not prejudiced by the memory of it. You on the other hand are. I moved here after the civil rights movement was over. Most of the old landholders are dead and gone long ago. What remains is a middle-class that still hangs on to their Democrat roots, although when you talk to them they sound like Republicans ... but only because you assume their racism or bigotry means they're Republicans. I'm sure that who the wealthy donate to they consider none of your business ... I can only assume you're making it up. Just like you're making up that all of those vocal Southern Democrats changed parties rather than just clammed up or eventual passed away. Up in Kentucky registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by a great deal. They voted in a Democrat governor.
Why are you still trying to contradict what I saw with my own eyes? I am not trying to Bullshit you here, there is only 15 - 20 years between Segregated schools in Alabama and Ronald Reagan, Not going to lose that many bigots from the voter rolls. They switched parties and, more importantly, brought their odious moral majority christian social conservative bullshit with them. Those people were studiously ignored by republicans until their votes began to matter.
You are messing up the narrative. Nobody wants to admit the southern strategy worked even though 2 GOP leaders admitted to it.
It does not really matter, this is a tried and true message board troll topic that I have argued many times. No one actually believes that when the south switched parties they did not bring their political baggage with them.
The parties never switched. Dems still believe in strong government and controlling people.
149 years ago today, on Dec. 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted after ratification by 3/4 of the states. The Amendment prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude throughout the country.

A year before, the amendment had been passed by the Senate, but Democrats in the House voted against it in an effort to keep blacks "in their place" - a trend the Democrats continue to this day, starting and joining groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and passing legislation saying that black people can't manage their lives without the assistance of whites, despite strong objections of Republicans. With extensive political maneuvering by President Lincoln, the House finally overcame the resistance of racist Democrats and passed the Amendment.

The Amendment prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude throughout the country.

with exception

I'm not sure what welfare rolls have to do with this thread, but you are being completely disingenuous .

The claim was made that a a higher percentage of blacks are on welfare than whites. That is factual information.

You tried to counter that by talking about the big picture? What big picture? I've seen you post, I know you're intelligent.

You surely understand that when whites outnumber blacks 6:1 you should expect to see them likewise outnumber blacks on any number of different metrics

But you don't in fact it's usually COMPLETELY the opposite.

Look at this chart


All things being equal, blacks should register around 12% on that chart, and whites around 66%. But things aren't equal Swim, not by a long shot. Blacks are OVER REPRESENTED on the chart of SNAP recipients, just as they are in so many other negative statistics.

Hiding behind whole numbers is a weak, and stupid, tactic that is beneath you.
I don't know what South yall live in, but everywhere I've lived (and I have been stationed in several different states) the good old southern boys have always been scared to death that the Dems were gonna get their guns and hand out abortions like they were candy. And hence vote Republican.
149 years ago today, on Dec. 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted after ratification by 3/4 of the states. The Amendment prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude throughout the country.

A year before, the amendment had been passed by the Senate, but Democrats in the House voted against it in an effort to keep blacks "in their place" - a trend the Democrats continue to this day, starting and joining groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and passing legislation saying that black people can't manage their lives without the assistance of whites, despite strong objections of Republicans. With extensive political maneuvering by President Lincoln, the House finally overcame the resistance of racist Democrats and passed the Amendment.
Those dems were todays republicans.

Care to offer any proof of that? Anything? And don't even bring up Dixiecrats without checking your history.
Where the fuck do you live that you have such a faulty picture of the south? I live here and I have no idea what you are talking about.
No doubt.
I worked in a factory and was a member of a union here in TN. Lived in Georgia and North Carolina. I've lived in the South longer than I did my home state Montana.

Seems like all of the lower Middle-class whites have the idea that Republicans are only out to help the rich. Seems also that the less informed they are the more likely they vote Democrat. I even had one of them tell everyone that because I was married to a black woman that I'm a ****** and that everyone should avoid me. I also heard he was telling people that if his kids ever came home with a ****** that he would shoot them. His kids, along with the ******. That's pretty much a quote. My boss in the HVAC shop I work in on post is a Democrat. He's lived here all his life. He hates Republicans. To be honest, most of the Republican voters I know that live here are transplants from other states. Moved here because they were in the military.

That's the picture I've seen the last 30 years since I moved here. Other than a short 2 year stint in Germany ... I've lived here since 1984.
I've lived here since 1961. I think I have a better personal picture than you do. When I was kid, all of the cops, clergy, judges, businessmen, politicians and any other significant white male personage was a true and vocal southern Democrat. A mere twenty years later that same demographic had flipped parties almost totally. You want to look for the segregationists? Look for the generational wealth that liked the old familiar social order and there they are, donating heavily to the GOP.
Yep, you Southerners all are under the impression that the GOP only supports the rich.

You really don't understand your own region.

I never saw the old South ... so I'm not prejudiced by the memory of it. You on the other hand are. I moved here after the civil rights movement was over. Most of the old landholders are dead and gone long ago. What remains is a middle-class that still hangs on to their Democrat roots, although when you talk to them they sound like Republicans ... but only because you assume their racism or bigotry means they're Republicans. I'm sure that who the wealthy donate to they consider none of your business ... I can only assume you're making it up. Just like you're making up that all of those vocal Southern Democrats changed parties rather than just clammed up or eventual passed away. Up in Kentucky registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by a great deal. They voted in a Democrat governor.
Why are you still trying to contradict what I saw with my own eyes? I am not trying to Bullshit you here, there is only 15 - 20 years between Segregated schools in Alabama and Ronald Reagan, Not going to lose that many bigots from the voter rolls. They switched parties and, more importantly, brought their odious moral majority christian social conservative bullshit with them. Those people were studiously ignored by republicans until their votes began to matter.
All I can say is you're making a sweeping accusation based on your own prejudices ... not on real facts. I was shocked to find out that most people that grew up in the South still vote Democrat. You can't change a 400 year old mind-set just by claiming you love Jesus.
You would argue with me if I claimed the sun would rise in east tomorrow AM. If you do not want to claim the legacy of segregation that's fine, I feel no kinship with bigoted people like that and I would hope that you also feel desegregation was necessary. I personally identify with those who opposed such institutionalized racism and still oppose that kind of thing to this day although I wonder about you.
Were not talking about percents. We are talking about raw numbers. Specifically that if welfare was stopped this instant more whites would suffer than Blacks. Sorry
Both raw numbers and percentages have their place in any such conversation.
No doubt.
I worked in a factory and was a member of a union here in TN. Lived in Georgia and North Carolina. I've lived in the South longer than I did my home state Montana.

Seems like all of the lower Middle-class whites have the idea that Republicans are only out to help the rich. Seems also that the less informed they are the more likely they vote Democrat. I even had one of them tell everyone that because I was married to a black woman that I'm a ****** and that everyone should avoid me. I also heard he was telling people that if his kids ever came home with a ****** that he would shoot them. His kids, along with the ******. That's pretty much a quote. My boss in the HVAC shop I work in on post is a Democrat. He's lived here all his life. He hates Republicans. To be honest, most of the Republican voters I know that live here are transplants from other states. Moved here because they were in the military.

That's the picture I've seen the last 30 years since I moved here. Other than a short 2 year stint in Germany ... I've lived here since 1984.
I've lived here since 1961. I think I have a better personal picture than you do. When I was kid, all of the cops, clergy, judges, businessmen, politicians and any other significant white male personage was a true and vocal southern Democrat. A mere twenty years later that same demographic had flipped parties almost totally. You want to look for the segregationists? Look for the generational wealth that liked the old familiar social order and there they are, donating heavily to the GOP.
Yep, you Southerners all are under the impression that the GOP only supports the rich.

You really don't understand your own region.

I never saw the old South ... so I'm not prejudiced by the memory of it. You on the other hand are. I moved here after the civil rights movement was over. Most of the old landholders are dead and gone long ago. What remains is a middle-class that still hangs on to their Democrat roots, although when you talk to them they sound like Republicans ... but only because you assume their racism or bigotry means they're Republicans. I'm sure that who the wealthy donate to they consider none of your business ... I can only assume you're making it up. Just like you're making up that all of those vocal Southern Democrats changed parties rather than just clammed up or eventual passed away. Up in Kentucky registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by a great deal. They voted in a Democrat governor.
Why are you still trying to contradict what I saw with my own eyes? I am not trying to Bullshit you here, there is only 15 - 20 years between Segregated schools in Alabama and Ronald Reagan, Not going to lose that many bigots from the voter rolls. They switched parties and, more importantly, brought their odious moral majority christian social conservative bullshit with them. Those people were studiously ignored by republicans until their votes began to matter.
You are messing up the narrative. Nobody wants to admit the southern strategy worked even though 2 GOP leaders admitted to it.
It does not really matter, this is a tried and true message board troll topic that I have argued many times. No one actually believes that when the south switched parties they did not bring their political baggage with them.
The South didn't switch parties. Quit lying. Republicans aren't racists. We are proud of our anti-slavery heritage.
149 years ago today, on Dec. 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted after ratification by 3/4 of the states. The Amendment prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude throughout the country.

A year before, the amendment had been passed by the Senate, but Democrats in the House voted against it in an effort to keep blacks "in their place" - a trend the Democrats continue to this day, starting and joining groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and passing legislation saying that black people can't manage their lives without the assistance of whites, despite strong objections of Republicans. With extensive political maneuvering by President Lincoln, the House finally overcame the resistance of racist Democrats and passed the Amendment.

After the Northern Democrats combined with the Northern Republican to pass the Civil Rights legislation it took 50 years or so but the still prejudiced South is now fully controlled by the Republicans.
The still prejudiced south?
hey cupcake, I can take you all over the northeast and show you segregated neighborhoods and entire communities.
Wanna keep playing the race card for your own political purposes? Go right ahead.
Nobody cares.
It never fails to crack me up when someone tries to conflate a Democrat of 60, or in this case 150, years ago with a modern day Democrat.

The one thing they invariably fail to mention is that those old time Southern Democrats were hardcore right wing conservatives.

And that is the crux of their historical ignorance, boys and girls.
Yep...Pretty stupid......
Goes to show that party identification is not necessarily definitive of ideology
I'm not sure what welfare rolls have to do with this thread, but you are being completely disingenuous .

The claim was made that a a higher percentage of blacks are on welfare than whites. That is factual information.


You tried to counter that by talking about the big picture? What big picture? I've seen you post, I know you're intelligent.

No. Take another look. I am telling Asclepias that his claim that "white people are the largest benefactors" of welfare is false cherry picking, because he's failing to take the big picture (i.e. the point you must made) into account.

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