14yo shot by cops

I hate cops, but what the hell is a 14 year old doing with a gun and why did the pig shoot the kid in the jaw? Can't the pig aim? I feel sorry for his mother. The father, of course, is unknown.

No one is as good in real life shooting situations as in the video games. Running, adrenaline dump, elevated heart rate, breathing and blood pressure. I can bet you almost anything the officer was aiming for a center mass hit. The kid could have moved into the bullet's path. In any event the shot was the best the officer could do.

And the father's absence is in part due to Progressive social policies.

And anyone who calls the dedicated men and women of law enforcement a "pig" must be looking in a mirror.

If you ever get robbed or burgled I hope the cops know you hate them, in general, before they leave your premises.

Fail. I've seen police abuse in person. Don't lecture me about the militarized police force in the Post 911 world you insolent sonofabitch.
Even the picture they are using of him has him flashing gang sign.

He's dead. The tax payer was saved the cost of a trial.
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Well what the heck do you think a police officer is going to do if someone points a gun at them after being told to drop it? Do you expect them to walk up to the person and give them a big hug?

Why is a 14 year old pointing guns at police officers for?
I just love a story with a happy ending.

The kid pointed a gun at the police. He got what he apparently wanted. If he thought the police would be too intimidated by being called racists for drilling him, that was wrong.

This didn't have a happy ending. A child was killed, and that is tragic, no matter the reason for him holding a loaded gun. I feel for the kids parents, and the cop who felt he had no choice but to shoot.

The parents are the ones responsible for this.
I hate cops, but what the hell is a 14 year old doing with a gun and why did the pig shoot the kid in the jaw? Can't the pig aim? I feel sorry for his mother. The father, of course, is unknown.

No one is as good in real life shooting situations as in the video games. Running, adrenaline dump, elevated heart rate, breathing and blood pressure. I can bet you almost anything the officer was aiming for a center mass hit. The kid could have moved into the bullet's path. In any event the shot was the best the officer could do.

And the father's absence is in part due to Progressive social policies.

And anyone who calls the dedicated men and women of law enforcement a "pig" must be looking in a mirror.

If you ever get robbed or burgled I hope the cops know you hate them, in general, before they leave your premises.

Fail. I've seen police abuse in person. Don't lecture me about the militarized police force in the Post 911 world you insolent sonofabitch.

No wonder they have shown you examples of "police abuse." I'm not even a law enforcement officer and I want to Taser yo ass! You no good cop hating cork sackin mooch!
No one is as good in real life shooting situations as in the video games. Running, adrenaline dump, elevated heart rate, breathing and blood pressure. I can bet you almost anything the officer was aiming for a center mass hit. The kid could have moved into the bullet's path. In any event the shot was the best the officer could do.

And the father's absence is in part due to Progressive social policies.

And anyone who calls the dedicated men and women of law enforcement a "pig" must be looking in a mirror.

If you ever get robbed or burgled I hope the cops know you hate them, in general, before they leave your premises.

Fail. I've seen police abuse in person. Don't lecture me about the militarized police force in the Post 911 world you insolent sonofabitch.

No wonder they have shown you examples of "police abuse." I'm not even a law enforcement officer and I want to Taser yo ass! You no good cop hating cork sackin mooch!

Yes, you beta pussies love tazers just like the pigs who kill scores every year with excessive tazer use when they're not busy Swatting the wrong houses killing people and animals so they can justify all of their FATHERLAND SECURITY appropriated military equipment.
Police kill armed 14-year-old boy on NYC street

Police kill armed 14-year-old boy on NYC street

Police kill armed 14-year-old boy on NYC street

A rookie police officer shot and killed a 14-year-old boy on a street early Sunday after he refused to drop his gun and pointed it at them, authorities said.

Shaaliver Douse died of a single gunshot to his jaw after the confrontation in the Melrose section of the Bronx.

Two officers with the New York Police Department were on foot patrol when they heard gunfire at around 3 a.m. The officers responded to the scene and found the boy with a 9mm handgun firing shots at a fleeing man, authorities said.

The officers identified themselves as police and ordered him to drop his weapon, authorities said.

When he pointed his gun at them, one of the officers shot him, police said. Douse was pronounced dead at the scene.

The two officers had joined the department in January.

Douse had been in trouble with the law before...

The case was still open, Reed said..


But we already know he was guilty.

Just another dead kid, right?

Besides the kid's family, I feel bad for the cops' families.

As always, a lot of lives taken and/or ruined, for nothing.

How many times are you going to chew your cabbage. This has already been posted and 'discussed' ad nauseam.

Here's a flash in case you forgot: If you pull a gun on the cops you are going to get shot.
I hate cops, but what the hell is a 14 year old doing with a gun and why did the pig shoot the kid in the jaw? Can't the pig aim? I feel sorry for his mother. The father, of course, is unknown.

Please, just slip into a bucket of aids and fucking die already. Jesus Christ your monotonous.

Please run into a street with a gun and start shouting at white people. You'll get the exact response you expect you pathetic race trolling, yellow striped, black coward. Hell, I was on the kids side but I guess it's never good enough for you people, LOL.

It isn't. And it won't be as long as you are white.
No one is as good in real life shooting situations as in the video games. Running, adrenaline dump, elevated heart rate, breathing and blood pressure. I can bet you almost anything the officer was aiming for a center mass hit. The kid could have moved into the bullet's path. In any event the shot was the best the officer could do.

And the father's absence is in part due to Progressive social policies.

And anyone who calls the dedicated men and women of law enforcement a "pig" must be looking in a mirror.

If you ever get robbed or burgled I hope the cops know you hate them, in general, before they leave your premises.

Fail. I've seen police abuse in person. Don't lecture me about the militarized police force in the Post 911 world you insolent sonofabitch.

No wonder they have shown you examples of "police abuse." I'm not even a law enforcement officer and I want to Taser yo ass! You no good cop hating cork sackin mooch!

You want to attack a man for posting an opinion you don't like? You realize that if you did that, you'd be a criminal and violating his rights, don't you?

Why have anger against your brother? If he be wrong, persuade him that you are correct. Or wish him well. There is no point to wish violence on anyone.
I hate cops, but what the hell is a 14 year old doing with a gun and why did the pig shoot the kid in the jaw? Can't the pig aim? I feel sorry for his mother. The father, of course, is unknown

I guess the cop was supposed to shoot the gun out of the kids hand.
Or better yet wait until the kid emptied his gun shooting at the cops before
they returned fire to be sure no one would blame the cops for using deadly force...

Police kill armed 14-year-old boy on NYC street

Police kill armed 14-year-old boy on NYC street

Police kill armed 14-year-old boy on NYC street

A rookie police officer shot and killed a 14-year-old boy on a street early Sunday after he refused to drop his gun and pointed it at them, authorities said.

Shaaliver Douse died of a single gunshot to his jaw after the confrontation in the Melrose section of the Bronx.

Two officers with the New York Police Department were on foot patrol when they heard gunfire at around 3 a.m. The officers responded to the scene and found the boy with a 9mm handgun firing shots at a fleeing man, authorities said.

The officers identified themselves as police and ordered him to drop his weapon, authorities said.

When he pointed his gun at them, one of the officers shot him, police said. Douse was pronounced dead at the scene.

The two officers had joined the department in January.

Douse had been in trouble with the law before...

The case was still open, Reed said..


But we already know he was guilty.

Just another dead kid, right?

Besides the kid's family, I feel bad for the cops' families.

As always, a lot of lives taken and/or ruined, for nothing.


So the kid was armed
Was pointing weapon at cops
Has previous run-ins with the law

What's the problem again? Oh...that's right! He's Black! That explains that! So...when's Jackasson and Sharpie going to show up? Has this little shit's [parents cried in front of cameras, bawling "He's alsways been a good boy!" yet?
I hate cops, but what the hell is a 14 year old doing with a gun and why did the pig shoot the kid in the jaw? Can't the pig aim? I feel sorry for his mother. The father, of course, is unknown

I guess the cop was supposed to shoot the gun out of the kids hand.
Or better yet wait until the kid emptied his gun shooting at the cops before
they returned fire to be sure no one would blame the cops for using deadly force...


Settle down Bevis. I'm simply saying that today's police are trigger happy and it's rampant. I'm dealing with imperfect information and trying to form an opinion. Obviously, a lot of black youth are out of control and completely fucked up beyond help. Same could be said for an awful lot of cops since 911.
I hate cops, but what the hell is a 14 year old doing with a gun and why did the pig shoot the kid in the jaw? Can't the pig aim? I feel sorry for his mother. The father, of course, is unknown

I guess the cop was supposed to shoot the gun out of the kids hand.
Or better yet wait until the kid emptied his gun shooting at the cops before
they returned fire to be sure no one would blame the cops for using deadly force...


Settle down Bevis. I'm simply saying that today's police are trigger happy and it's rampant. I'm dealing with imperfect information and trying to form an opinion. Obviously, a lot of black youth are out of control and completely fucked up beyond help. Same could be said for an awful lot of cops since 911.
And before.
Please, just slip into a bucket of aids and fucking die already. Jesus Christ your monotonous.

Please run into a street with a gun and start shouting at white people. You'll get the exact response you expect you pathetic race trolling, yellow striped, black coward. Hell, I was on the kids side but I guess it's never good enough for you people, LOL.

It isn't. And it won't be as long as you are white.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? What makes you sure I'm white?
Fail. I've seen police abuse in person. Don't lecture me about the militarized police force in the Post 911 world you insolent sonofabitch.

No wonder they have shown you examples of "police abuse." I'm not even a law enforcement officer and I want to Taser yo ass! You no good cop hating cork sackin mooch!

You want to attack a man for posting an opinion you don't like? You realize that if you did that, you'd be a criminal and violating his rights, don't you?

Why have anger against your brother? If he be wrong, persuade him that you are correct. Or wish him well. There is no point to wish violence on anyone.

I want to attack your avi with a brillo pad and in the place of that arrow on your head, I'd show you where your nose goes.

Would that make me a criminal?
Do you have any idea what point you are trying to make dumbass?

He means that, even though he has no idea of the facts of that night, he has already decided the kid was in the wrong.

Typical in the New United States where people of color are guilty and never tried while white scum are always innocent, even after they murder.

s0n.......wise up

Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Guns Don't Kill People; Dangerous Minorities Do -- The Chicago Edition

Ammo up- my friends.........ammo up!!! The society is becomming like a fucking Jonestown. Buy guns and lots of them........extra ammo whenever you can.
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Since he kid was armed; wait until the investigation to determine fault, if any.

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