$15.00 an hour? For WHAT????!!!

Yeah I know. AOC said we only had ten years left, and that was three years ago. DumBama was so worried about climate change he bought a mansion on the ocean, you know one of the ones that are rising and getting ready to wipe everything up.

It's a shame every single climate model was wrong on every prediction in the past, otherwise you might have an argument.
And Conservatives say Climate Change is a HOAX
AOCs views are more accurate than Conservatives

Climate Change models say things will get progressively worse
They have
And Conservatives say Climate Change is a HOAX
AOCs views are more accurate than Conservatives

Climate Change models say things will get progressively worse
They have

They have not. Last year we had the least hurricanes in many years. Conservatives never said climate change is a hoax, we said man causing climate change is a hoax. If somebody offered you 100 million dollars to make the earth cooler or warmer, you wouldn't be able to do it. Man can't control these things. You godless people don't understand that the good Lord made this planet for our existence. You think it was some universal accident that created this great place.
They have not. Last year we had the least hurricanes in many years. Conservatives never said climate change is a hoax, we said man causing climate change is a hoax. If somebody offered you 100 million dollars to make the earth cooler or warmer, you wouldn't be able to do it. Man can't control these things. You godless people don't understand that the good Lord made this planet for our existence. You think it was some universal accident that created this great place.
First Conservatives called Climate Change a Hoax
Then they said the climate is changing but humans have nothing to do with it
Next they will claim it is too late to do anything about it
You godless people don't understand that the good Lord made this planet for our existence. You think it was some universal accident that created this great place.

If in fact, God created the earth for or existence, He would expect man to take better care of his creation

These people need to be forced to write an essay on what it is they do that requires such a HIGH rate of wage/pay!!! All they do is STAND THERE and watch a burger machine do all their work for them! All THEY DO is wrap the burger and shove it in a bag! Other fast food just has people STANDING there, watching food cook. And even others just stand there in front of a prep table putting a hamburger patty on a bun and sticking fries in a baggie. EXACTLY WHAT about this requires $15.00 an hour??

They want to go union? LET THEM GO UNION!!! Boy, they will find out REEEAAAALLLL FAST how corrupt and useless Unions are!!! And just like all criminal organizations.......ONCE YOU ARE IN, THERE IS NO GETTING OUT!!! They have access to your paycheck, they don't give a shit about anything else.

Most of these people aren't even LEGAL in the first place!

I started at minimum wage, worked my ass off for DECADES to get to $15.00 an hour, until Obozo stagnated wages all across the country!!! Am **I** going to get a wage adjustment if federal minimum wage goes up to $15.00 an hour? HELL FUCKING NO!!! Which means, I'm STUCK at MINIMUM WAGE AGAIN.......and fucked over, once again, by the government!!!!
Can you weld ?
If in fact, God created the earth for or existence, He would expect man to take better care of his creation

I think we're doing a fine job of just that. So let me ask you since you are an enviro-kook, what would it take to shut you people up permanently? After all, this pollution shit has been going on my entire life. We've pumped trillions of dollars into it, and you people are more unhappy today than you were 50 years ago. So tell me what the metrics are; how many billionth of onepa particle or whatever. What point do we have to be at for you people to go away and how much is it going to cost us?

Of course you can't answer that question, no enviro-kook can. Because the truth of the matter is the climate scam is an endless money pit. All the money in the country......in the world can't fill it. But your leftist plans are to keep throwing money down there and you people never being happy........EVER. Now how stupid of a concept is that?
Oh save us the "It's God's plan" garbage will ya?

God never "planned" for people to shit all over themselves or ruin HIS planet

We are talking about more than San Fransisco here bud.

Our earth has a cleansing system we have yet to understand yet. It's responsible for cleaning this planet for millions of years before our arrival and it's still cleaning it today. What do you think cleaned up all that smoke from forest fires, from all that volcanic ash? And when we did get here, all those wood burning fires we used to keep warm and cook our food until we discovered clean burning natural gas you kooks are also trying to take away?

There is nothing wrong with trying to improve on things, but there is something wrong in using this farce for political power which is all this environmental shit is all about.
Those jobs do not need to be done. But the places are hiring. And they're using the fake news labor shortage as their battle cry. People who were working but eligible to retire have retired. And they are smart enough to stay home. It's a great thing.
Again, those jobs do not need to be done. Let those businesses collapse.

Yes, poster 'initforme', indeed......."But the places are hiring".

Just today in my drive back from our farm I passed a McDonald's in a community of about 5,000 people. A very big sign in their window stated...."HIRING" $15.00 an hour."

And that's that place, in rural America, but.......but the reason I noticed it at all was because an old friend stopped by the barn this morning. And he relayed a story that a McDonald's near where he has a summer lake home...about 120 miles north.....is offering $20 an hour. In a community of 4,000 people.

Now, I was in a business for 30+ years, hired and worked with small and big staffs, and one thing I think I know is...........business decision-makers don't pay more than what they think is required.

Ergo, in that market, that McDonald's franchise owner believes he needs to offer $20 to get his restaurant staffed. And I'm petty sure he understand well that those hamburgers ain't gonna fry themselves. Someone has gotta fry 'em, serve 'em, and do the clean up afterwards. And.....take the money and properly run the register. And show up on time. And be courteous to the franchisees' customer base. His repeat customer base. Cause.......no surprise......the franchisee WANTS those customers to repeat.

Hence, get good help to serve good food with good service......to get the eaters to come back and eat again.

The business dynamic really ain't all that hard to understand.
I think we're doing a fine job of just that. So let me ask you since you are an enviro-kook, what would it take to shut you people up permanently? After all, this pollution shit has been going on my entire life. We've pumped trillions of dollars into it, and you people are more unhappy today than you were 50 years ago. So tell me what the metrics are; how many billionth of onepa particle or whatever. What point do we have to be at for you people to go away and how much is it going to cost us?

Of course you can't answer that question, no enviro-kook can. Because the truth of the matter is the climate scam is an endless money pit. All the money in the country......in the world can't fill it. But your leftist plans are to keep throwing money down there and you people never being happy........EVER. Now how stupid of a concept is that?
We are not doing a fine job.
Climate Change is real. Millions of people around the globe are dying. You whine about the short term economic sacrifices while the long term economic impacts will be devastating
We are not doing a fine job.
Climate Change is real. Millions of people around the globe are dying. You whine about the short term economic sacrifices while the long term economic impacts will be devastating

Again, so what is the solution to shut you people up forever? We've done dozens of things so far, spent a ton of money, and you're still complaining. And if we do dozens of things more, spend twice as much money, you'll still be complaining.
Again, so what is the solution to shut you people up forever? We've done dozens of things so far, spent a ton of money, and you're still complaining. And if we do dozens of things more, spend twice as much money, you'll still be complaining.
Lets keep it simple
Start by reducing emissions by 10 percent
Not much of a sacrifice and we can do it easily.

Then keep diminishing our fossil fuel consumption

Yes, poster 'initforme', indeed......."But the places are hiring".

Just today in my drive back from our farm I passed a McDonald's in a community of about 5,000 people. A very big sign in their window stated...."HIRING" $15.00 an hour."

And that's that place, in rural America, but.......but the reason I noticed it at all was because an old friend stopped by the barn this morning. And he relayed a story that a McDonald's near where he has a summer lake home...about 120 miles north.....is offering $20 an hour. In a community of 4,000 people.

Now, I was in a business for 30+ years, hired and worked with small and big staffs, and one thing I think I know is...........business decision-makers don't pay more than what they think is required.

Ergo, in that market, that McDonald's franchise owner believes he needs to offer $20 to get his restaurant staffed. And I'm petty sure he understand well that those hamburgers ain't gonna fry themselves. Someone has gotta fry 'em, serve 'em, and do the clean up afterwards. And.....take the money and properly run the register. And show up on time. And be courteous to the franchisees' customer base. His repeat customer base. Cause.......no surprise......the franchisee WANTS those customers to repeat.

Hence, get good help to serve good food with good service......to get the eaters to come back and eat again.

The business dynamic really ain't all that hard to understand.

It is for him. Apparently he lives in one of those commie states where the cost of living is so high that you can't even survive on $15.00. an hour. Many here have pointed that out to him. Apparently he hasn't gotten out much in his life.

This wage increase due to the labor shortage will have an impact on places like McDonald's. Owners will switch from human labor to automation. Many restaurants have before covid. But this wage increase will encourage even more.

Pretty soon these restaurants will be operated by four or five humans. Your Big Mac will be entirely cooked and assembled by robots. Then maybe they'll be happy.
Lets keep it simple
Start by reducing emissions by 10 percent
Not much of a sacrifice and we can do it easily.

Then keep diminishing our fossil fuel consumption

Nope, that won't shut you or your ilk up. How do I know? Because we did it many times before and you're bithching more now than ever.


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