$15.00 an hour? For WHAT????!!!

It was rather hilarious that when, during the 2020 primaries, Bernie and crew were running around talking about a $15/hr FMW. All we heard from business people was that they couldn't possibly pay the wage without going belly up. Flash forward to today and you see businesses hiring off the street for $15/hr+. This, during a time when the costs of operating a business are higher than they have been for a long time.

It indicates quite vividly that not wanting to pay $15 an hour was a choice and it was never a matter of not being able to pay $15 an hour.
It was rather hilarious that when, during the 2020 primaries, Bernie and crew were running around talking about a $15/hr FMW. All we heard from business people was that they couldn't possibly pay the wage without going belly up. Flash forward to today and you see businesses hiring off the street for $15/hr+. This, during a time when the costs of operating a business are higher than they have been for a long time.

It indicates quite vividly that not wanting to pay $15 an hour was a choice and it was never a matter of not being able to pay $15 an hour.

Yes they are paying more today, and what's happening? Inflation. That's what you get when everybody's wages go up. It's what businesses were trying to avoid because they have to recoup that money somewhere.
Yes they are paying more today, and what's happening? Inflation. That's what you get when everybody's wages go up. It's what businesses were trying to avoid because they have to recoup that money somewhere.

You're dealing with a liberal. You can't use logic, you have to just use feelings and, well, racism and shit.

And you know, those evil corporations don't have a right to make a profit.
It was rather hilarious that when, during the 2020 primaries, Bernie and crew were running around talking about a $15/hr FMW. All we heard from business people was that they couldn't possibly pay the wage without going belly up. Flash forward to today and you see businesses hiring off the street for $15/hr+. This, during a time when the costs of operating a business are higher than they have been for a long time.

It indicates quite vividly that not wanting to pay $15 an hour was a choice and it was never a matter of not being able to pay $15 an hour.
You’re describing the free market. Employers didn’t raise wages because the government forced them to, they did it because market realities changed.
You're dealing with a liberal. You can't use logic, you have to just use feelings and, well, racism and shit.

And you know, those evil corporations don't have a right to make a profit.

Liberals think that when business owners get hit with new or higher expenses, they just have to dig deeper in their pockets and pay; maybe have to do with one less yacht. After all, if you have a business, you must have a pile of money sitting in your home you can jump into naked every night.
You’re describing the free market. Employers didn’t raise wages because the government forced them to, they did it because market realities changed.
Yeah except the argument earlier was that it will put them out of business. Now, with fewer customers, higher expenses, and shortages...they can suddenly pay twice the FMW and stay open?

Doesn't fly.
Yeah except the argument earlier was that it will put them out of business. Now, with fewer customers, higher expenses, and shortages...they can suddenly pay twice the FMW and stay open?

Doesn't fly.

Do you have any idea how many businesses did close because they couldn't afford to pay the labor any more money? Second question is, would you have liked to see inflation anywhere near this five years ago? Because after all, you can't dramatically increase wages for just one group of people. Other groups near MW will want more money too.
Yeah except the argument earlier was that it will put them out of business. Now, with fewer customers, higher expenses, and shortages...they can suddenly pay twice the FMW and stay open?

Doesn't fly.
You’re confusing businesses with charities.
You’re confusing businesses with charities.

Ummm no. If you "can't" pay someone $15 an hour in 2019 because you say you'll go out of business....You cannot then turn around and pay someone $15 an hour in 2021 when you have even more expenses...

I get that you want to maximize your profit and pay as little as you can for your labor. We do it all the time here at the hospital--hiring temp nurses and paying fractionally more per hour than our staff nurses instead of paying overtime to our own employees. But the business owners were being dishonest when they said that they "can't" pay someone $15 an hour.
Ummm no. If you "can't" pay someone $15 an hour in 2019 because you say you'll go out of business....You cannot then turn around and pay someone $15 an hour in 2021 when you have even more expenses...

I get that you want to maximize your profit and pay as little as you can for your labor. We do it all the time here at the hospital--hiring temp nurses and paying fractionally more per hour than our staff nurses instead of paying overtime to our own employees. But the business owners were being dishonest when they said that they "can't" pay someone $15 an hour.

How do you know they're being dishonest? Do you realize 20% of new businesses fail within the first year, and 50% failure rate within 5 years. Those are not very good odds. And then you get government involved to make it even harder to survive?
Ummm no. If you "can't" pay someone $15 an hour in 2019 because you say you'll go out of business....You cannot then turn around and pay someone $15 an hour in 2021 when you have even more expenses...

I get that you want to maximize your profit and pay as little as you can for your labor. We do it all the time here at the hospital--hiring temp nurses and paying fractionally more per hour than our staff nurses instead of paying overtime to our own employees. But the business owners were being dishonest when they said that they "can't" pay someone $15 an hour.
You do not include the total tax bite we all face. There are hundreds of taxes in all ways and all directions. Little ones that nibble here and there and adds up. From state, local, city, regional as well as the Federal government. And in our Bills there are many taxes that adds up. In our health insurance many hidden costs for the irresponsible. Fees for many things in front of us all. We pay it and grumble. Fines for law infractions that end up costing the poor schmucks who do obey the laws a lot. Social Security/Medicare taxes are 15%! So we just make up a number here....Make 15 dollars an hour and you may see in reality 10 dollars an hour without paying federal taxes. And that is being generous. The free stuff from programs offsets this. But why did we have most of the same stuff in a lower tax world decades ago.
But that aside, as long as those are the rules, we have to obey them. I used to smoke pot when I was younger, but when I became a truck driver, I stopped cold turkey. A requirement of drivers are random drug tests, and I never failed one.

So these people have the choice of dope or better paying jobs. If they opt for dope, then it shouldn't be up to anybody to compensate them for their decision; not the government, not the consumer, not the business owners.

I agree, but by the same token these owners should stop whining about finding qualified people to work when they choose to disqualify many over something that has no bearing on their work
I agree, but by the same token these owners should stop whining about finding qualified people to work when they choose to disqualify many over something that has no bearing on their work

It's not their call half the time. Corporate may insist on it, their customers may insist on it. My last employer could care less whether we took drugs or not, but drug testing was a federal requirement he had to follow. If you ever get to talk to a business owner ask them what their workman's compensation costs are. They will tell you it's almost unaffordable.
Conservatives want a compliant, low wage work force

What conservatives want is less government running our businesses. What a business decides to pay it's workers is that of the business, not the government. You commies want government to do everything for you from changing your first diaper to putting the first shovel of dirt on your grave.
What conservatives want is less government running our businesses. What a business decides to pay it's workers is that of the business, not the government. You commies want government to do everything for you from changing your first diaper to putting the first shovel of dirt on your grave.
They want less Government until they want Government to protect their market, intellectual property or want Government investment

Yes, they don’t want Government involvement in how they treat their workers, workplace safety or environmental protection
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A Degree Is Nothing to Brag About. Diploma Dumbos Are Nothing But Brown-noses.

College is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. The Plutes better give qualified students the same allowance and paid-up tuition they give their son or revenge will be taken on their guillotine-fodder sons.

Graduates have no right to the jobs the economic bullies give them; they didn't have to compete with anybody who has self-respect. College is work without pay, nothing more than that and for no just reason. You bootlickers can't logically expect the talented to put up with that.
Where do you think your doctor came from? Your dentist (assuming that you use one)? ...
Not once did the pharaoh ever consider the possibility of letting the slaves free from bondage. Why wouldn't he? Because he was to arrogant and superior. All slaves could do was the work of "dumbos."

You know, the world is full of pricks and ass holes, who think their buttholes smell different than others, because most of them come from some degree of privilege, and believe they can afford to downplay the plight of others as inferior. See which one reminds me of you;

Tom Watson

Most of the poor in America are inferior and deserve their condition. Some of the rich deserve what they have, but none deserve to pass it on to their children, any more than a pro athlete can pass on his position when he retires.

Comparing the High IQ, energetic Jews to our former slaves is a failure to distinguish between apples and orangutans. Also, you're being manipulated by the Preppy Progressives if you bundle those born in the White working class in with evolution's sore losers.
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