$15.00 an hour? For WHAT????!!!

Silly conservative, black people built this country. You owe us for your handouts.
If You Want to Survive, Serve Us

So did the other farm animals. We owe nothing to both beasts of burden. If you're so productive without the lash and direction from intelligent beings, why are Africa and Haiti so dirt-poor?
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Unions are for those who cant make it on their own merits.
Scrooge Parasites Have No Right to Determine Merit Pay

If you weren't such a bootlicker, by "can't make it" you'd mean Preppies, who'd be nobodies without their Daddy's Money. You never question the hypocrisy of your Masters' side. The Bushes and Kennedys would be bartenders. There's where your Prince Charmings would be in a free society. Not only are they inferior to their positions, but they block the way for everybody else, except brown-nosing ambitious imbeciles.

Those cheated the most are inventor-employees. Superior minds must unionize and demand 50% of their corporate patents, and many other changes of the insulting system that the plutocratic parasites imposed on them. That's what superior athletes did; they now make hundreds of times what they did before unionization.
Scrooge Parasites Have No Right to Determine Merit Pay

If you weren't such a bootlicker, by "can't make it" you'd mean Preppies, who'd be nobodies without their Daddy's Money. You never question the hypocrisy of your Masters' side. The Bushes and Kennedys would be bartenders. There's where your Prince Charmings would be in a free society. Not only are they inferior to their positions, but they block the way for everybody else, except brown-nosing ambitious imbeciles.

Those cheated the most are inventor-employees. Superior minds must unionize and demand 50% of their corporate patents, and many other changes of the insulting system that the plutocratic parasites imposed on them. That's what superior athletes did; they now make hundreds of times what they did before unionization.

Not sure what you're getting at but you can be assured I had no help getting where I am today.
My father was wealthy but he divorced my mother and the new wife got all of his money.
I've inherited nothing, as a matter of fact the wife and I had to pay for my mothers assisted living at 6k a month for two years after my brother robbed her blind.
Nope. Unions are the foundation of the middle class. Conservatives hate the middle class.
Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore and Fear All Other White People

And the middle class hates inferior races. Most of both the rich and the poor deserve to be poor.

Liberals are openly spoiled snobs who also hate union workers. Social Darwinism makes them believe they have evolved into a superior race separate from the White race. Why didn't they raise minimum wage when they had the political power off and on to mandate that? Conservatives who think union-bashing is an anti-Liberal stance are ignorant of what has really been going on since HeirHead JFK started betraying us and destroying the country in 1961.
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Not sure what you're getting at but you can be assured I had no help getting where I am today.
My father was wealthy but he divorced my mother and the new wife got all of his money.
I've inherited nothing, as a matter of fact the wife and I had to pay for my mothers assisted living at 6k a month for two years after my brother robbed her blind.
Your Lame and Irrelevant Rebuttal Proves You Know Exactly What I Am Getting At

Don't superimpose your family problems on your politics. Inheritance is not the most important stage of unearned privilege. Typically, those who achieve high positions in a failed economy will distort whatever is said about the tilted playing field.
Your Lame and Irrelevant Rebuttal Proves You Know Exactly What I Am Getting At

Don't superimpose your family problems on your politics. Inheritance is not the most important stage of unearned privilege. Typically, those who achieve high positions in a failed economy will distort whatever is said about the tilted playing field.

Maybe the field was tilted for you but not for me.
They want less Government until they want Government to protect their market, intellectual property or want Government investment

Yes, they don’t want Government involvement in how they treat their workers, workplace safety or environmental protection

One has nothing to do with the other and you know it. We too want environmental protection, but when it's reasonable and actually addresses a a problem that burdens neighbors or workers. Stopping a business from being built because somebody found a tit mouse on the property are things we are against, or because there are a few puddles from a recent rain and calling it wet lands.

Workplace safety the same. OSHA doesn't allow open docks in the summer in places with no air conditioning. But if you get two magnets, put a chain on each one and let the magnets stick to the sides of the opening so you can see a chain there, they are okay with that; like those two tiny magnets with a chain will stop a worker from falling off the docks or stop a tow motor from going through.

Some docks are equipt with dock locks. It's a metal hook that closes around the ICC bar of a trailer. The ICC bar is that mental frame you see under the door. OSHA requires that drivers still put a wheel chock under the wheel even if a company went through the expense of dock locks. If those dock locks break free when a tow motor gets on the trailer, those stupid pieces of rubber certainly won't help any. And they are useless in the winter time because they are on snow or ice and slide just like the rubber tires.
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One has nothing to do with the other and you know it. We too want environmental protection, but when it's reasonable and actually addresses a a problem that burdens neighbors or workers. Stopping a business from being built because somebody found a tit mouse on the property are things we are against, or because there are a few puddles from a recent rain and calling it wet lands.

Workplace safety the same. OSHA doesn't allow open docks in the summer in places with no air conditioning. But if you get two magnets, put a chain on each one and let the magnets stick to the sides of the opening so you can see a chain there, they are okay with that; like those two tiny magnets with a chain will stop a worker from falling off the docks or stop a tow motor from going through.

Some docks are equipt with dock locks. It's a metal hook that closes around the ICC bar of a trailer. The ICC bar is that mental frame you see under the door. OSHA requires that drivers still put a wheel chock under the wheel even if a company went through the expense of dock locks. If those dock locks break free when a tow motor gets on the trailer, those stupid pieces of rubber certainly won't help any. And they are useless in the winter time because they are on snow or ice and slide just like the rubber tires.
Yea….you guys only want those things if they don’t affect profit
Same applies to Republican responses to COVID
They only support actions that don’t impact the bottom line
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The Third World War Will Be Against the Third World

Good. So no more Baby Mamas. You've been breeding like rats, which is an existential threat to us and will provide no benefit to your people even when you finally take over. Of course, that implies Whites will never wake up, man up, and CHOKE THE WOKE.
Not my problem that white people aren’t having kids. You sound stressed. You good?
Gee, Africa should be built up to a utopia buy now, it’s been 60 years since those thieving Europeans left.
Why? Look a our shithole country. 60 years ago we were the most developed country on the planet. No we have embarrassing debt, poor healthcare outcomes, record household debt, lots of violence, and a backsliding democracy.

These people need to be forced to write an essay on what it is they do that requires such a HIGH rate of wage/pay!!! All they do is STAND THERE and watch a burger machine do all their work for them! All THEY DO is wrap the burger and shove it in a bag! Other fast food just has people STANDING there, watching food cook. And even others just stand there in front of a prep table putting a hamburger patty on a bun and sticking fries in a baggie. EXACTLY WHAT about this requires $15.00 an hour??

They want to go union? LET THEM GO UNION!!! Boy, they will find out REEEAAAALLLL FAST how corrupt and useless Unions are!!! And just like all criminal organizations.......ONCE YOU ARE IN, THERE IS NO GETTING OUT!!! They have access to your paycheck, they don't give a shit about anything else.

Most of these people aren't even LEGAL in the first place!

I started at minimum wage, worked my ass off for DECADES to get to $15.00 an hour, until Obozo stagnated wages all across the country!!! Am **I** going to get a wage adjustment if federal minimum wage goes up to $15.00 an hour? HELL FUCKING NO!!! Which means, I'm STUCK at MINIMUM WAGE AGAIN.......and fucked over, once again, by the government!!!!
Ah there it is at the end. It took you DECADES to get to $15.00 an hour. Nothing after you can EVER improve.

You ever think that maybe you should be getting paid more as well? But no. You have to piss on other people because they are making more now. And no, it wasnt Obama, or any President for that matter, that controls wages. Wages for the average Joe have been roughly stagnant for some 40 years.
Yea like Climate Change denial
Like COVID denial

Close. Like the stupidity of thinking man controls the climate, the same climate that has always changed since God made the place.

Like Covid mandates to force vaccines on people that don't stop the spread of covid.
Ah there it is at the end. It took you DECADES to get to $15.00 an hour. Nothing after you can EVER improve.

You ever think that maybe you should be getting paid more as well? But no. You have to piss on other people because they are making more now. And no, it wasnt Obama, or any President for that matter, that controls wages. Wages for the average Joe have been roughly stagnant for some 40 years.

Thats sure to happen. Everyone is going to want a raise that requires an actual skill.
So of course that means prices are going to go up across the board.
Close. Like the stupidity of thinking man controls the climate, the same climate that has always changed since God made the place.

Like Covid mandates to force vaccines on people that don't stop the spread of covid.

The climate has always changed
But it hasn’t had to deal with human contamination that makes it worse

But cheer up. The planet doesn‘t care, it will survive regardless
Humans may not be so lucky
The climate has always changed
But it hasn’t had to deal with human contamination that makes it worse

But cheer up. The planet doesn‘t care, it will survive regardless
Humans may not be so lucky

Yeah I know. AOC said we only had ten years left, and that was three years ago. DumBama was so worried about climate change he bought a mansion on the ocean, you know one of the ones that are rising and getting ready to wipe everything up.

It's a shame every single climate model was wrong on every prediction in the past, otherwise you might have an argument.

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