$15.00 an hour? For WHAT????!!!

We are not doing a fine job.
Climate Change is real. Millions of people around the globe are dying. You whine about the short term economic sacrifices while the long term economic impacts will be devastating
So slaves can live into the future? With you morally bankrupt dorks in charge life won't be worth living anyway.
Nope, that won't shut you or your ilk up. How do I know? Because we did it many times before and you're bithching more now than ever.

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we only reduced it 6%
It's an "insurance policy." If you don't pay them, they'd be out stealing your bicycles, selling drugs on the street corner, and breaking your stuff.

Kind of like what the mafia does, except less organized.
Yeah, that....or just go work for Amazon pulling orders, or go work for Wal-Mart ringing a register for more money and career opportunities
Hell yes we are still bitching
Because morons like you are still in denial as we reach a point of no return

Yes I know. We've been reaching the point of no return for over 30 years now. Yes you are bitching, you will bitch if we spend 10 trillion on it. You will bitch if we spend 20 trillion on it. That's the point.

These people need to be forced to write an essay on what it is they do that requires such a HIGH rate of wage/pay!!! All they do is STAND THERE and watch a burger machine do all their work for them! All THEY DO is wrap the burger and shove it in a bag! Other fast food just has people STANDING there, watching food cook. And even others just stand there in front of a prep table putting a hamburger patty on a bun and sticking fries in a baggie. EXACTLY WHAT about this requires $15.00 an hour??

They want to go union? LET THEM GO UNION!!! Boy, they will find out REEEAAAALLLL FAST how corrupt and useless Unions are!!! And just like all criminal organizations.......ONCE YOU ARE IN, THERE IS NO GETTING OUT!!! They have access to your paycheck, they don't give a shit about anything else.

Most of these people aren't even LEGAL in the first place!

I started at minimum wage, worked my ass off for DECADES to get to $15.00 an hour, until Obozo stagnated wages all across the country!!! Am **I** going to get a wage adjustment if federal minimum wage goes up to $15.00 an hour? HELL FUCKING NO!!! Which means, I'm STUCK at MINIMUM WAGE AGAIN.......and fucked over, once again, by the government!!!!

If it wasn't for unions you capitalist pigs would give them nothing. That's the hate you have for your fellow man.
Last time in oz, the average labourer was starting on 25 per hour and couldn't pour water out of a glass but he worked for it.

You people cannot tolerate working people getting paid a decent wage. You want what you call democrats to starve so you can exploit them further.
That aside, what is your answer to the problem? Pay them less?
See how you go with that conundrum Einstein.
Yes I know. We've been reaching the point of no return for over 30 years now. Yes you are bitching, you will bitch if we spend 10 trillion on it. You will bitch if we spend 20 trillion on it. That's the point.
Pretty much so

Your excuse that we should do nothing because we can’t pin down the acceleration of climate change is pretty pathetic

Your dollar figures are pretty low when compared to what we will spend on rising water levels, famine and natural disasters

But your children and grandchildren will pick up those bills, so what do you care?
Pretty much so

Your excuse that we should do nothing because we can’t pin down the acceleration of climate change is pretty pathetic

Your dollar figures are pretty low when compared to what we will spend on rising water levels, famine and natural disasters

But your children and grandchildren will pick up those bills, so what do you care?

There is zero evidence we are in charge of water levels or natural disasters. Let me ask, how many cars, humans and factories were around during the melting of the ice age?

My point is why are we dumping trillions of dollars into something we have no ability to control? Isn't that the stupidest thing you ever heard of?
There is zero evidence we are in charge of water levels or natural disasters. Let me ask, how many cars, humans and factories were around during the melting of the ice age?

My point is why are we dumping trillions of dollars into something we have no ability to control? Isn't that the stupidest thing you ever heard of?
More Climate Change denial refuted by the WORLDS Climate Scientists

Your argument that climate changed during the Ice Age without humans so humans cannot be affecting climate now is just plain silly.

These people need to be forced to write an essay on what it is they do that requires such a HIGH rate of wage/pay!!! All they do is STAND THERE and watch a burger machine do all their work for them! All THEY DO is wrap the burger and shove it in a bag! Other fast food just has people STANDING there, watching food cook. And even others just stand there in front of a prep table putting a hamburger patty on a bun and sticking fries in a baggie. EXACTLY WHAT about this requires $15.00 an hour??

They want to go union? LET THEM GO UNION!!! Boy, they will find out REEEAAAALLLL FAST how corrupt and useless Unions are!!! And just like all criminal organizations.......ONCE YOU ARE IN, THERE IS NO GETTING OUT!!! They have access to your paycheck, they don't give a shit about anything else.

Most of these people aren't even LEGAL in the first place!

I started at minimum wage, worked my ass off for DECADES to get to $15.00 an hour, until Obozo stagnated wages all across the country!!! Am **I** going to get a wage adjustment if federal minimum wage goes up to $15.00 an hour? HELL FUCKING NO!!! Which means, I'm STUCK at MINIMUM WAGE AGAIN.......and fucked over, once again, by the government!!!!
It's not about whether the people deserve that pay or not. The left believe that they should get it anyway, whether they deserve it or not.
More Climate Change denial refuted by the WORLDS Climate Scientists

Your argument that climate changed during the Ice Age without humans so humans cannot be affecting climate now is just plain silly.

Why is that?

If the average temperature in Miami Florida today is 78 degrees, that means according to you it was the average temperature there 200 years ago, 500 years ago, 1000 years ago. Do you really believe that?

Of course not. That's just pure stupidity. Real scientists who are not getting their paychecks from the government discuss climate cycles which have been going on for millions of years. Climate and temperatures have never been steady in the long term.

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