$15.00 an hour? For WHAT????!!!

Look at this hatred. Conservatives hate unions. They despise hard working Americans.

Hating unions is not the same as hating hard working Americans. We on the right just came to the obvious conclusion unions were chasing our jobs out of the country.

You see that's not hating working Americans, that's helping working Americans. Hating working Americans is when you tell them they must take a shot they refuse to get or you'll take away their jobs, not allow them to collect unemployment, and let their children starve. That's hating working Americans.
Wrong...I've worked around union guys.
They're a bunch of lazy mother fuckers.

As a former truck driver I can tell you that when I pulled into a new business I knew nothing about, I could tell you within five minutes if they were union or not without talking to a single person there. The UAW was the worst. My employer finally quit taking deliveries there because he couldn't afford to pay a driver to sit there all day for union guys to take 6 hours to do a job a non-union company could do in 40 minutes which is unload a trailer.
Conservatives rob me everyday. I’m sick of paying taxes to support these broke Republican losers in West Virginia and other Republican shitholes. It has to stop!

Agreed. Then join me in supporting the separation of this country so we have two countries instead. Your problems will be solved. No more supporting us any longer and we'll be happier than a horse with a pile of carrots.
You know as well as I do that in driving, there are companies that offer free training if you just sign a contract to work for them for a year or two. Other trades usually deal with banks and lending institutions to get their students loans that they won't have to repay until they are exercising their new trade.

The biggest problem I found for people not advancing themselves are drugs. Better paying jobs drug test and these people have no chance at passing random drug screens. So they opt for lower wage work so they can continue their habit. It's a choice they made.

My father is a retired bricklayer. Before this covid thing hit his union was sending out pamphlets to their retirees to try and talk young people into the trade. They were willing to pay $500.00 to anybody that did. Granted bricklaying is very hard work, but up north, it also pays very well; in excess of $50.00 an hour, plus overtime and a fantastic pension. My father retired at the age of 62. He has been collecting his pension all these years and he's 90. If he passes away, my mother gets his pension.

No luck. Nobody could find younger people to get their hands dirty. Oh, people looked into it, but none that could pass a drug screen. And the union even provides free schooling to learn this great career.

Perhaps it is time to get rid of the archaic drug testing system. If someone wants to smoke a joint on Friday night in their living room with their spouse that no more effects their ability to do their job than drinking a beer does.
Compensation for:

-black businesses, homes, and property destroyed by white terrorists
-black neighborhoods ruined by federal and local highway construction
-250 years of uncompensated black labor
-50 years of uncompensated black prison labor
-millions of wrongful death suits of black men, women, and children
-emotional trauma suit claims of millions of black women that were raped by white men

Would likely eclipse the current GDP of the United States.

Fuck your “billions of property damage,” conservative.

The truth really hurts, huh? You can start with my property. It's worth half of what it was when I bought it over 25 years ago because you moved into my suburb.

Highway construction moved everybody out that was in their way, not just blacks. And they were fairly compensated for their property value which in most black neighborhoods was about 15 grand.

What's black prison labor? Where are these black prisons at?

Millions of wrongful death suits of blacks? Link please.

Black women getting raped by white men? What about all the black men raping white women? Most whites wouldn't go near a black woman.

Our country would be so far ahead today without blacks. I curse the people that brought you over. Over half of US murders are committed by 7% of our society which are black males. When are you going to pay us back for all that?
Perhaps it is time to get rid of the archaic drug testing system. If someone wants to smoke a joint on Friday night in their living room with their spouse that no more effects their ability to do their job than drinking a beer does.

I couldn't agree more. But as we both know, the insurance companies run our government. Insurance gives cheaper workman's compensation rates to companies that drug test.

But that aside, as long as those are the rules, we have to obey them. I used to smoke pot when I was younger, but when I became a truck driver, I stopped cold turkey. A requirement of drivers are random drug tests, and I never failed one.

So these people have the choice of dope or better paying jobs. If they opt for dope, then it shouldn't be up to anybody to compensate them for their decision; not the government, not the consumer, not the business owners.
I’ve never enslaved or unfairly harmed a black person in my entire life. Why should money be taken out of my paycheck for reparations for things I never did?

Constantly blaming people who died before you were born for what your life is like today will get you nowhere.
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America received $145 trillion worth of uncompensated black labor. Pay up.

You're FOS. Blacks were supported by the white owners for their work. My ancestors weren't even here during slavery, so why should I pay anything, because of the color of my skin? However you owe me money because you destroyed my city and property today. So you pay up.
I’ve never enslaved or unfairly harmed a black person in my entire life. Why should money be taken out of my paycheck for reparations for things I never did?

Constantly blaming people who died before you were born for he hat your life is like today will get you nowhere.
As time goes on, this moron represents a smaller percentage of blood suckers.
I have a lot of Irish blood, maybe the current UK government should pay me for all the horrible things they did to my ancestors. It happened in the same time frame as what happened to blacks.

Some blacks are under the impression that they were the only people part of slavery. Little does this guy know that slavery across the world back then was as common as owning a pet today. In fact God sanctioned slavery in the Bible, so people thought nothing of it.

The difference between us whites and blacks is as time went on, we became more civilized while after they were totally free, they became more uncivilized, and it's still that way today.
Perhaps it is time to get rid of the archaic drug testing system. If someone wants to smoke a joint on Friday night in their living room with their spouse that no more effects their ability to do their job than drinking a beer does.

The problem with that is they dont know if you smoked a joint that morning or last Saturday.
They usually only test people who have dangerous jobs where you could hurt yourself or others.The last shop I worked in years ago wouldnt test unless you caused an accident. Refuse the test and lose your job. They wouldnt fire you even if it came back positive...the first time. If it happened again you were gone.
The problem with that is they dont know if you smoked a joint that morning or last Saturday.
They usually only test people who have dangerous jobs where you could hurt yourself or others.The last shop I worked in years ago wouldnt test unless you caused an accident. Refuse the test and lose your job. They wouldnt fire you even if it came back positive...the first time. If it happened again you were gone.

Actually a lot of places today drug test. As I said earlier, cheaper workman's compensation rates. Some places give you a second chance and some places don't. It depends on how much of a pain in the ass you were as an employee.

Years ago Florida proposed drug testing welfare recipients and that was the topic one day on a local conservative radio show we have here in the mornings. As expected, all the liberals were calling in with this "what about the children" BS. When I finally had enough, I called the station and asked the host if next time a lib called with the children nonsense, ask them why are they only coming out now? Where were they when all the working people lost their income due to drug tests? Or don't our children count? Never heard another call about the children for the rest of the show.


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