$15.00 an hour? For WHAT????!!!

Sure I do.
Compensation for:

-black businesses, homes, and property destroyed by white terrorists
-black neighborhoods ruined by federal and local highway construction
-250 years of uncompensated black labor
-50 years of uncompensated black prison labor
-millions of wrongful death suits of black men, women, and children
-emotional trauma suit claims of millions of black women that were raped by white men

Would likely eclipse the current GDP of the United States.

Fuck your “billions of property damage,” conservative.
Conservatives don't rob anybody. The poor freely give their money to the rich for the products and services they offer. Nobody is forced to have cell phones, cable or satellite television or the internet.
Conservatives rob me everyday. I’m sick of paying taxes to support these broke Republican losers in West Virginia and other Republican shitholes. It has to stop!

These people need to be forced to write an essay on what it is they do that requires such a HIGH rate of wage/pay!!! All they do is STAND THERE and watch a burger machine do all their work for them! All THEY DO is wrap the burger and shove it in a bag! Other fast food just has people STANDING there, watching food cook. And even others just stand there in front of a prep table putting a hamburger patty on a bun and sticking fries in a baggie. EXACTLY WHAT about this requires $15.00 an hour??

They want to go union? LET THEM GO UNION!!! Boy, they will find out REEEAAAALLLL FAST how corrupt and useless Unions are!!! And just like all criminal organizations.......ONCE YOU ARE IN, THERE IS NO GETTING OUT!!! They have access to your paycheck, they don't give a shit about anything else.

Most of these people aren't even LEGAL in the first place!

I started at minimum wage, worked my ass off for DECADES to get to $15.00 an hour, until Obozo stagnated wages all across the country!!! Am **I** going to get a wage adjustment if federal minimum wage goes up to $15.00 an hour? HELL FUCKING NO!!! Which means, I'm STUCK at MINIMUM WAGE AGAIN.......and fucked over, once again, by the government!!!!
I have been in the Union for 5 years now. Best decision I ever made. I had FREE trainign, I live in the Midwest and started at 50% wage which at that time was about $14, I took 8 40 hour classes PAID FOR, I have a GREAT Pension in 25 years, oh I get a trust fund also (Just like $1.66 for every hour I work for 30 years put in a Trust Fund. Oh and I have $400 deductible insurance med, eyes, dental that I pay ZERO out of pocket for. When im laid off I get max benifift and do not have to look for work until the UNION finds me work. OH AND the take home weekly SHEWWW #Solidarity
I have been in the Union for 5 years now. Best decision I ever made. I had FREE trainign, I live in the Midwest and started at 50% wage which at that time was about $14, I took 8 40 hour classes PAID FOR, I have a GREAT Pension in 25 years, oh I get a trust fund also (Just like $1.66 for every hour I work for 30 years put in a Trust Fund. Oh and I have $400 deductible insurance med, eyes, dental that I pay ZERO out of pocket for. When im laid off I get max benifift and do not have to look for work until the UNION finds me work. OH AND the take home weekly SHEWWW #Solidarity
Conservatives want to destroy your union and rob your benefits. Conservatives HATE unions.
Compensation for:

-black businesses, homes, and property destroyed by white terrorists
-black neighborhoods ruined by federal and local highway construction
-250 years of uncompensated black labor
-50 years of uncompensated black prison labor
-millions of wrongful death suits of black men, women, and children
-emotional trauma suit claims of millions of black women that were raped by white men

Would likely eclipse the current GDP of the United States.

Fuck your “billions of property damage,” conservative.

There he goes again...blame whitey for all of his problems.
Maybe you should stop killing each other,having babies you cant afford for money,two parent households would go long way in sovling the black communities problems.
No one but you can fix those problems.
Look at Orientals,and Indians they thrive in America when all you have are excuses.
Compensation for:

-black businesses, homes, and property destroyed by white terrorists
-black neighborhoods ruined by federal and local highway construction
-250 years of uncompensated black labor
-50 years of uncompensated black prison labor
-millions of wrongful death suits of black men, women, and children
-emotional trauma suit claims of millions of black women that were raped by white men

Would likely eclipse the current GDP of the United States.

Fuck your “billions of property damage,” conservative.
You make embryos look intelligent.

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