$15.00 an hour? For WHAT????!!!

What this country needs is not necessarily a massive increase to the wage, but rather a massive program in training people in the trades...

A job like a plumber, or electrician, or even a truck driver can lift some of these young people out of their situation, and make an honest, and good middle class living...

Instead we tell these people that they need a minimum of $5000. to train for these jobs, when they don't have enough in the bank to make it to next week....
So what happens to plumbers' wages, when we triple or quadruple the number of plumbers? Take your time.
It’s a slap in the face to the CNAs I work with, who help nursing home residents stay alive, that burger flippers can start out at McDonalds making as much as they do.

if minimum raise is raised that much, they should be raised accordingly so that their wages are substantially higher than fast food workers.

Dems never address that side of the equation.
I know I'd be pissed if that were to happen to me and you can bet it's going to become a problem down the road.
If that were the case, then wages would have kept pace. They have not. So the problem here is wages, not prices.
Say's who? People didn't saddle themselves with the same expenses that people do today. They didn't own cars or houses if they worked entry level jobs. Or they worked multiple jobs and sacrificed in order to make ends meet. This idea that people should be able to support a middle class lifestyle right out of HS or college without any real marketable skill is very new. If your flipping burgers at Mc D's then guess what you don't get to have a car and house and take vacations etc etc. Why on earth would you think you would? Those things are owed to you. You have to earn them.
In the USA, this statement is total bullshit. Go read up on the Fair Labor Standards Act. Conservatives are always licking the boots of the rich.

No,we're smart enough to know that artificially raising wages will drive up wages across the board which in turn will increase prices for everyone and everything.
We'll, you're wrong. No one with a functioning brain can justify a 300% take over of wealth by the 1%, as opposed to flat wages for the 99%. That's an economy built by slaves, not some middle class.

How a 91% rate sparked the golden age of tax avoidance in 1950s Hollywood The progressives’ point was that, despite this seemingly onerous level of taxation, the 1950s were a golden age for the U.S. economy, and the rich did just fine, thank you very much. According to records compiled by the Tax Foundation, a single person making $16,000 in 1955 — that’s $150,000 in today’s dollars — had a marginal tax rate of 50%; compensation of $50,000 ($470,000 today) moved you into the 75% tax bracket; and an income of $200,000 ($1.9 million today) put you in the 91% tax bracket. (Married couples filing jointly hit the 91% mark at $400,000.) You never know what you are talking about.

Apparently you don't understand the difference between a marginal tax rate and an effective tax rate. A marginal rate is one before any deductions. An effective tax rate is what they actually paid.

If the federal tax rate was 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the federal tax rate was 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to work? This piece is rather lengthy, but it highlights a study on how the rich never paid those kinds of rates. They moved their money around so it never came to that.

In the earlier years, businesses stayed put because we had no advanced communications. Travel was dangerous because we had no satellites to track dangerous weather. Managers and the CEO had meetings which all had to attend in person unlike today. These were issues that a company had to consider if they wanted to relocate out of the country. It's not like that today. Today a business could move to another country and the business owner could track his investments on his phone sitting on the toilet.

You people always bring up Reagan and how great things were before him. Well, Bill Clinton had an all Democrat House during his first two years. Why didn't he raise the tax rate to 90%? Same with DumBama. Never touched the issue. And today once again, a Democrat President with an all Democrat Congress. I would love to see them burden businesses and the wealthy with a 90% tax rate. It won't happen either.
Just out of curiosity,does anyone know how much an orderly at an abortion clinic makes.The guy who cremates the fetuses.Probably the same as the guy at the animal hospital who cremates dogs does.I would think it pays at least $15 an hour.
What this country needs is not necessarily a massive increase to the wage, but rather a massive program in training people in the trades...

A job like a plumber, or electrician, or even a truck driver can lift some of these young people out of their situation, and make an honest, and good middle class living...

Instead we tell these people that they need a minimum of $5000. to train for these jobs, when they don't have enough in the bank to make it to next week....

That wont work when dems flood the country with low wage workers.
In Texas you dont see white people in any blue collar jobs anymore,it's all mexicans.
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What this country needs is not necessarily a massive increase to the wage, but rather a massive program in training people in the trades...

A job like a plumber, or electrician, or even a truck driver can lift some of these young people out of their situation, and make an honest, and good middle class living...

Instead we tell these people that they need a minimum of $5000. to train for these jobs, when they don't have enough in the bank to make it to next week....

You know as well as I do that in driving, there are companies that offer free training if you just sign a contract to work for them for a year or two. Other trades usually deal with banks and lending institutions to get their students loans that they won't have to repay until they are exercising their new trade.

The biggest problem I found for people not advancing themselves are drugs. Better paying jobs drug test and these people have no chance at passing random drug screens. So they opt for lower wage work so they can continue their habit. It's a choice they made.

My father is a retired bricklayer. Before this covid thing hit his union was sending out pamphlets to their retirees to try and talk young people into the trade. They were willing to pay $500.00 to anybody that did. Granted bricklaying is very hard work, but up north, it also pays very well; in excess of $50.00 an hour, plus overtime and a fantastic pension. My father retired at the age of 62. He has been collecting his pension all these years and he's 90. If he passes away, my mother gets his pension.

No luck. Nobody could find younger people to get their hands dirty. Oh, people looked into it, but none that could pass a drug screen. And the union even provides free schooling to learn this great career.

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