$15.00 an hour? For WHAT????!!!

Why don't you do that shit for ten hours and see if it's just standing there. And many people who are on minimum wage, get food stamps that we pay for to supplement the low wage.

You aren't fucked over by the government. You are being fucked over by corporations who lobby politicians to keep you fucked over. How do I know; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
The Nobility With No Ability

The Left and Right are two wings of the same vulture. Spoiled sons of the rich can only corrupt the economic power their Daddies set them up in.

The same goes for political power: Democrats have been controlled by degenerate rich kids ever since the Kennedys. They purposely fashion a disgusting agenda and then claim to hate the rich. They don't have minds of their own; they are dominated by delusions of Birth-Class Supremacy The purpose of their upper-class tricks is to drive voters disgusted with the Preppie Progressives' into voting for the Republicans' Scrooge-Economics agenda.
I started at minimum wage, worked my ass off for DECADES to get to $15.00 an hour, until Obozo stagnated wages all across the country!!! Am **I** going to get a wage adjustment if federal minimum wage goes up to $15.00 an hour? HELL FUCKING NO!!! Which means, I'm STUCK at MINIMUM WAGE AGAIN...

You worked for "DECADES to get to $15.00 an hour" and you still make $15.00/hour? How old are you?

You either need to find a new job or you need to go back to school and gain some new skills...
Exactly the opposite. It proves the 1% are nothing but money collectors from the 99%. They aren't bettering themselves. They use a system that has no relationship with Capitalism. The system they use is Corporatism. Tax cuts that go to the wealthy that creates an enormous wealth gap. Their tax cut gift has nothing to do with them bettering themselves. It's legal theft.

And one other thing, the last time it was that way, was when we fell into the great depression. And guess who got us out?
Americans Should Man Up and Take the Hereditary Upper Class Down

The Ivy League Preppies at Harvard back then hated FDR with a passion. The same Snob Mob there today hates all other White people with a passion. Those spoiled brats haven't changed a bit.
I started at minimum wage, worked my ass off for DECADES to get to $15.00 an hour, Which means, I'm STUCK at MINIMUM WAGE AGAIN.......and fucked over, once again, by the government!!!!

Glad you are figuring that out. Now ask yourself this: who will want to work for McDonald's at $8.50/hr or whatever they pay if you can get a boob grunt job with great benefits almost impossible to get fired from for twice that salary by the government?!
Good questions. Why can I no longer buy a house for 11 grand? Why can I not by a car for a grand? Why is candy no longer 5 for a penny?
So it’s not exactly apples to apples, houses cars and candy are different now than 50 years ago, but I don’t think they have more intrinsic value now than then. One could argue that because they are more widely available they have less. So that leaves only the devaluation of the money.
Most of these people aren't even LEGAL in the first place!

You want US citizens?
That will be $50.00/hour!
I know office workers with a Liberal Arts degree making $15.00/hour.

Automation will replace them but we will have to pay for their social welfare benefits.
Generic Grads Are Softheads Who Can Easily Be Replaced by Software

Automation will also replace those with more practical degrees, so don't be so smug. Diploma Dumbos only know "how to do a job," just like most American boys know how to play baseball but can't even make their high-school team.
The Nobility With No Ability

The Left and Right are two wings of the same vulture. Spoiled sons of the rich can only corrupt the economic power their Daddies set them up in.

The same goes for political power: Democrats have been controlled by degenerate rich kids ever since the Kennedys. They purposely fashion a disgusting agenda and then claim to hate the rich. They don't have minds of their own; they are dominated by delusions of Birth-Class Supremacy The purpose of their upper-class tricks is to drive voters disgusted with the Preppie Progressives' into voting for the Republicans' Scrooge-Economics agenda.
Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart' Right, the mind and facts are not synonymous. SMH! What a douche.
Our mcpukes has a sign offering $17 per hour. If they add another $30 per hour heck I might come out of retirement.
So it’s not exactly apples to apples, houses cars and candy are different now than 50 years ago, but I don’t think they have more intrinsic value now than then. One could argue that because they are more widely available they have less. So that leaves only the devaluation of the money.
If that were the case, then wages would have kept pace. They have not. So the problem here is wages, not prices.
Generic Grads Are Softheads Who Can Easily Be Replaced by Software

Automation will also replace those with more practical degrees, so don't be so smug. Diploma Dumbos only know "how to do a job," just like most American boys know how to play baseball but can't even make their high-school team.
Not once did the pharaoh ever consider the possibility of letting the slaves free from bondage. Why wouldn't he? Because he was to arrogant and superior. All slaves could do was the work of "dumbos."

You know, the world is full of pricks and ass holes, who think their buttholes smell different than others, because most of them come from some degree of privilege, and believe they can afford to downplay the plight of others as inferior. See which one reminds me of you;
We've had a wage problem in the US since I've been alive. But idiots believe people should be thankful for their wages. They are wrong in every aspect.
Of course I think it's right. They developed a product or service that everybody wanted. Reagan was the pre-tech era. More and more products were coming out. More inventions made it to the market, so we bought more stuff. The more we buy, the more we send our money to the top.

Nobody ever paid an effective tax rate of 70%. Any company that came close left the country. And you have zero evidence about tax shelters overseas. You watch too much television.

The only person in control of your life is you. If you don't want to work for anybody, work for yourself. Millions of Americans are doing it as we write. If you think X company is underpaying their employees, open up a similar business and pay your employees more. Let's see how long you'd last in competition especially with overseas products.

Messaging is not fighting the wealth gap. Getting rid of your cell phone is. Getting rid of your cable or satellite television is. Getting rid of this wonderful internet is. Getting rid of your car and only relying on public transportation is. But you won't give up one thing, will you. Instead you'll send your money to all these rich people and companies, and then complain they have your money. Hey, the Quakers and Amish don't send their money to the top, you can too. Hope you have enough wood for the fireplace to stay warm in the winter since you won't be sending your money to those multi-billion dollar utility companies any longer. And if you put your money where your mouth is, nice chatting with you since you'll be signing off with no internet.
We'll, you're wrong. No one with a functioning brain can justify a 300% take over of wealth by the 1%, as opposed to flat wages for the 99%. That's an economy built by slaves, not some middle class.

How a 91% rate sparked the golden age of tax avoidance in 1950s Hollywood The progressives’ point was that, despite this seemingly onerous level of taxation, the 1950s were a golden age for the U.S. economy, and the rich did just fine, thank you very much. According to records compiled by the Tax Foundation, a single person making $16,000 in 1955 — that’s $150,000 in today’s dollars — had a marginal tax rate of 50%; compensation of $50,000 ($470,000 today) moved you into the 75% tax bracket; and an income of $200,000 ($1.9 million today) put you in the 91% tax bracket. (Married couples filing jointly hit the 91% mark at $400,000.) You never know what you are talking about.
What this country needs is not necessarily a massive increase to the wage, but rather a massive program in training people in the trades...

A job like a plumber, or electrician, or even a truck driver can lift some of these young people out of their situation, and make an honest, and good middle class living...

Instead we tell these people that they need a minimum of $5000. to train for these jobs, when they don't have enough in the bank to make it to next week....

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