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$15.00 an hour? For WHAT????!!!

Instead of bitchin' about the cost of labor, we should be concerned with the cost of profits!
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For those who live where the cost of living is high such as new York or Seattle or California I understand raising minimum wage to that level. But for people who live in less expensive areas? I think pay should be based on cost of living.

Pay is calculated by one simple calculation: Your labor is only worth as much as your employer would have to pay another to do your job. That's it. You are not worth ten cents more an hour or ten cents less.

Years ago I attended electronics school. I was also working full time 6 days a week and it got old real quick. So I asked one of my teachers what I could expect to make if I graduated with an FCC license which was one year of school at the time. He told me 16K. Unhappy with his answer, I asked what if I stayed two years and got my associates degree? He told me 18K a year. Mind you this was the early 80's, but even back then it was not very much money. I was making more money with the job I had at the time.

Electronics is very difficult to learn. It's all math. So why did it pay so little? Because everybody and their mother was interested in electronics, and we were flooded with electronic techs. So I looked in the help wanted ads for a couple of weeks, and I couldn't find any job listing for an electronics job anywhere. People who were educated in that field were a dime a dozen, and employers didn't pay that much because if they lost an electronics tech, they could easily find another one with so many not working.
Bonzi and I are movie buffs, so I do have pretty nice TVs.
But today I drive a 2006 Explorer. It is what I traded the old Ford F150 for... maybe around 2016 I think.
Then I bought Bonzi a 2012 Fusion when she moved here.
We like them... both in good shape. Both paid for.
I find it insane to trade cars in to get brand new ones that loses 20% of their value the minute you drive off the lot.
Not for me

With American cars you are correct. Buy a Toyota and it's worth the same when you get it home as it was in the lot. Toyota's hold their value.

These people need to be forced to write an essay on what it is they do that requires such a HIGH rate of wage/pay!!! All they do is STAND THERE and watch a burger machine do all their work for them! All THEY DO is wrap the burger and shove it in a bag! Other fast food just has people STANDING there, watching food cook. And even others just stand there in front of a prep table putting a hamburger patty on a bun and sticking fries in a baggie. EXACTLY WHAT about this requires $15.00 an hour??

They want to go union? LET THEM GO UNION!!! Boy, they will find out REEEAAAALLLL FAST how corrupt and useless Unions are!!! And just like all criminal organizations.......ONCE YOU ARE IN, THERE IS NO GETTING OUT!!! They have access to your paycheck, they don't give a shit about anything else.

Most of these people aren't even LEGAL in the first place!

I started at minimum wage, worked my ass off for DECADES to get to $15.00 an hour, until Obozo stagnated wages all across the country!!! Am **I** going to get a wage adjustment if federal minimum wage goes up to $15.00 an hour? HELL FUCKING NO!!! Which means, I'm STUCK at MINIMUM WAGE AGAIN.......and fucked over, once again, by the government!!!!
For what? Rent, gas, a car, a phone,food, heat...
Pay is calculated by one simple calculation: Your labor is only worth as much as your employer would have to pay another to do your job. That's it. You are not worth ten cents more an hour or ten cents less.

Years ago I attended electronics school. I was also working full time 6 days a week and it got old real quick. So I asked one of my teachers what I could expect to make if I graduated with an FCC license which was one year of school at the time. He told me 16K. Unhappy with his answer, I asked what if I stayed two years and got my associates degree? He told me 18K a year. Mind you this was the early 80's, but even back then it was not very much money. I was making more money with the job I had at the time.

Electronics is very difficult to learn. It's all math. So why did it pay so little? Because everybody and their mother was interested in electronics, and we were flooded with electronic techs. So I looked in the help wanted ads for a couple of weeks, and I couldn't find any job listing for an electronics job anywhere. People who were educated in that field were a dime a dozen, and employers didn't pay that much because if they lost an electronics tech, they could easily find another one with so many not working.
I work in the tech field. For Dell Technologies in Israel. All over the world developers are paid considering cost of living. Like my American friends say they do not pay you California wages when you live in Omaha.
So what is this supposed to prove, that those who take the time to better themselves make more money? It's always been that way.
No it has not. The gap between rich and poor grew 300% after Reagans tax cuts. You are so fucking clueless it's laughable.
You're not very bright, are you. Why do you think Reagan lowered their taxes? BECAUSE WE WERE LOSING JOBS OVERSEAS BY THE MILLIONS!

Furthermore how did lowering taxes on corporations destroy our middle-class? Please explain the dynamics of that.
I already did. It's your problem if you can't read.

We presented a complete program of reduction in tax rates. Again, our purpose was to provide incentive for the individual, incentives for business to encourage production and hiring of the unemployed, and to free up money for investment.” This was Reagans reasons for the tax cuts. Money for investment never really happened. That money was stuffed in tax exempt accounts over seas and put into the pockets of the super rich. The documented vulture chart I presented was proof.
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Exactly the opposite. It proves the 1% are nothing but money collectors from the 99%. They aren't bettering themselves. They use a system that has no relationship with Capitalism. The system they use is Corporatism. Tax cuts that go to the wealthy that creates an enormous wealth gap. Their tax cut gift has nothing to do with them bettering themselves. It's legal theft.

And one other thing, the last time it was that way, was when we fell into the great depression. And guess who got us out?

You and I live next door to each other. You take your dog for a walk every day. Once a month while you're walking your dog, I go into your house and steal $100.00. After a while I begin to feel slightly guilty about stealing that much from you every month, so instead of taking $100.00 a month from you, I only take $50.00. Did I just give you $50.00 a month?

Government is not giving corporations a dime by letting them keep more of THEIR OWN money. And nobody ever got rich off of tax cuts. Companies get wealthy by selling a good product or service, making risky investments, selling stock and keeping the price attractive, but they don't get rich because of tax breaks.

If you don't like the wealth gap, then do something about it. Charity starts at home. Quit giving the rich all your money. Because after all, this week, probably several times this week, you are going to transfer your money to the top. That's how they got all that money in the first place. You are going to pay your internet and cable bill that the rich provide to you. You're going to pay your cell phone bill. You're going to buy gasoline for your car. You may stop at McDonald's or Burger King a few times this week. But one way or another, you are going to gladly hand over your money to the rich.
I work in the tech field. For Dell Technologies in Israel. All over the world developers are paid considering cost of living. Like my American friends say they do not pay you California wages when you live in Omaha.

It goes back to what I said. An employer will only pay you the wage he or she can get somebody to work for. Nobody in Commiefornia will take a job at Omaha's pay rate. That's why they pay more, not because it's some ethical code written somewhere.
We can't take anymore inflation,. It really sucks.

if the prices of goods are going up every time we raise the minimum wage then it is a bad idea.

That's what happens. People get a huge increase in MW, but after a year or so, they find themselves right back to where they started because everything else costs so much more. Non-skilled work is paying the best it's ever paid. But look at the inflation rate it helped cause. Nobody is ahead and in fact many people lose.
Yeah, that Big Mac might cost you an extra quarter.
Fast food workers in Denmark and Sweden earn much more than those in America and the big mac does not cost much more but they pay much higher taxes than American workers. it evens out one way or the other.
Why? What good does it do me worrying about what somebody else makes?

Given that the vast majority of employees live pay check to pay check, the money they get goes right back into the economy.

But every transaction that takes place has an increased cost so that the transaction is profitable.

Just about every product is the result of a huge supply chain that consists of hundreds of transactions and each transaction adds a certain amount to the actual cost of production to insure a profit.

This results in a massive trickle up economy.

If we removed the profit from all transactions in all supply chains, and just paid the actual production costs, the price of everything would drop like a rock.

That's the cost of profits.
Given that the vast majority of employees live pay check to pay check, the money they get goes right back into the economy.

But every transaction that takes place has an increased cost so that the transaction is profitable.

Just about every product is the result of a huge supply chain that consists of hundreds of transactions and each transaction adds a certain amount to the actual cost of production to insure a profit.

This results in a massive trickle up economy.

If we removed the profit from all transactions in all supply chains, and just paid the actual production costs, the price of everything would drop like a rock.

That's the cost of profits.
And the producer of the service/product would have an annual income of $0.00.

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