$15.00 an hour? For WHAT????!!!

There he goes again...blame whitey for all of his problems.
Maybe you should stop killing each other,having babies you cant afford for money,two parent households would go long way in sovling the black communities problems.
No one but you can fix those problems.
Look at Orientals,and Indians they thrive in America when all you have are excuses.
Don’t deflect with your racist bullshit, conservative.

250 years of uncompensated labor assuming the federal minimum wage $7.25 is

$7.25 X 2,000 hours X 250 years X 40 million African Americans = $1.45 x 10^14

You owe us at least $145 trillion in uncompensated labor alone. Pay up, conservative.
Don’t deflect with your racist bullshit, conservative.

250 years of uncompensated labor assuming the federal minimum wage $7.25 is

$7.25 X 2,000 hours X 250 years X 40 million African Americans = $1.45 x 10^14

You owe us at least $145 trillion in uncompensated labor alone. Pay up, conservative.
Is the family that sold your ancestor(s) to Dutch Slave Traders still alive or were they wiped out in an inter-tribal war?
Don’t deflect with your racist bullshit, conservative.

250 years of uncompensated labor assuming the federal minimum wage $7.25 is

$7.25 X 2,000 hours X 250 years X 30 million African Americans = $1.5 x 10^13

You owe us at least $15 trillion in uncompensated labor alone. Pay up, conservative.

You owe us.
Had your ancestors not been brought here you'd still be living in a mud hut picking termites out of a termite mound with a stick.
You think white Europeans invented technology? LMAOOO!!
I think industrious humans around the world developed many things to improve the quality of life; Blacks included.
You are simply under the Mentally Ill impression than Blacks invented everything, and somehow, dumb Whitey took it from you despite your "superior" intelligence.
You are simply under the Mentally Ill impression than Blacks invented everything, and somehow, dumb Whitey took it from you despite your "superior" intelligence.
Wrong. White global dominance was and still is a product of white people taking advantage of, stealing, and conquering indigenous societies. You white conservatives are so afraid of an egalitarian society because you’d have to compete solely on your own merit.

And no, I don’t subscribe to genetic superiority or inferiority. Race is a social construct.
Gee, Africa should be built up to a utopia buy now, it’s been 60 years since those thieving Europeans left.
You expect a continent that has been raped and pillaged by outsiders for hundreds of years to rebuild in two generations? Conservatives really are insane.
Wrong. White global dominance was and still is a product of white people taking advantage of, stealing, and conquering indigenous societies. You white conservatives are so afraid of an egalitarian society because you’d have to compete solely on your own merit.

And no, I don’t subscribe to genetic superiority or inferiority. Race is a social construct.
First I've got news for you...White Liberals think Black people are stupid and need Whitey's help.
Next...Link or you're full of sh!t.
You expect a continent that has been raped and pillaged by outsiders for hundreds of years to rebuild in two generations? Conservatives really are insane.
Western Europe and Japan bounced back from two world wars and the Great Depression in ten years .
And now China’s rebuilding all the European-built infrastructure that the natives allowed to fall into disrepair.
Only until the ingrateful African natives kick the Chinese out and turn it back into a shithole.

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