15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

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james bond said:

@abu afak and the atheists do not have any science from evolution to talk about. They are here to only voice their complaints about creationists. Will they be complaining about us forever?

Yes. "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7

I suppose we can remain whole longer if we are embalmed properly before burial -- After someone dies and has been embalmed, how long will their body last before you have to have the funeral?, but it doesn't matter even if we are creamated. I've heard it's better to be whole to be resurrected but the Bible states it doesn't matter. Some are watching too many Walking Dead shows lol.

"Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life." Romans 6:3-4

What part do you not understand?
But you don't know why you say so, isn't it?

¿It isn't from a first beginning?

It expands

Sounds weird.

So you seem to think where and when was yesterday still today this where and when exists and our universe is there. But what if there is nothing in this position now? No space, no time, no energy - only nothing?
Of course, I know about time travel back into the past. The past is spacetime and our relation to it. I may have gone to the park and library yesterday. Where did that light waves, matter and spacetime go? What do you think the past is? If the past is physical, then we can visit and change it if we can travel FTL.

Furthermore, you do not answer my questions either while I try to answer yours. It means you don't know like the average evolutionist.
You might want to coordinate your posted comments with the other folks using your account.

I disagree with your conspiracy theories because you define some unnamed, unidentified cabal of "they" as somehow manipulating fossil evidence. You cannot offer anything more than conspiracy theories to support that claim.

You (or someone else), posted: "...pretend that it is something it's not and then argue against that false interpretation".

Coherent sentences would go a long way toward inviting a response.

Are you under the impression that your railing against evilutionist atheist science is any different from the creationers who opened threads similar to yours? The terms you use and even the profound ignorance of science matters is not just similar to earlier creationer rants, they're identical.
I guess my account has been hacked, then. I was very skeptical of that idea, but you seem so sure, that I guess it must be true.

Since it is those hacked posts that seem to trigger you, ill avoid responding to you temporarily. But please stay consistent with the repetitive jabber. That way the hacker will think everything is normal.

When the hacker responds to you we'll know it wasn't me so we can report them to the mods.
I guess my account has been hacked, then. I was very skeptical of that idea, but you seem so sure, that I guess it must be true.

Since it is those hacked posts that seem to trigger you, ill avoid responding to you temporarily. But please stay consistent with the repetitive jabber. That way the hacker will think everything is normal.

When the hacker responds to you we'll know it wasn't me so we can report them to the mods.
Who is triggered? You seem to be incensed that anyone would dare question your claims to magic and supernaturalism performed by the gods.

If you have no intention of supporting those claims, try posting in the religion forum where you will have an agreeable audience.

I guess now will come a stupid statement.

you didn't ask me along with many others, including my wife, kids, and friends.

Why should anyone ask you anything if you anyway will always only speak about your own "I"?

Adding insult to injury, this time we managed to kill ten women and children out of thirteen supposed enemies and called it "success."


A drone could have easily done that well horribly without all the self-risk, expense, and political fanfare.

US-Americans murdered millions in America and other places of the world.

That's how Obama did it.


Not all of us lack common sense here either.

So do you like to say 1 or 2 US Americans have a common sense?

It was as much BS back then as it is now. We're not a monolith.

The world is the USA. And your monolith war moral is: "The only good member of the rest of the world I saw was dead because "right or wrong, my country"".

You should well know that a critical mass of Brownshirts is all the MIC needs to ensure that our senseless warring remains endless.


You'd be stuck in the same loop if you hadn't got your ass kicked.

Which loop?

By the way: It was a stupid statement what you said here. In my ears you sound like a drug addict.
Of course, I know about time travel back into the past. The past is spacetime and our relation to it.

"Spacetime" is another expression for that mass stretches as well time and space - nevertheless we see in time, space and power totally different qualities. The main reason for this is our system of perceptions which evolved in fitness to mesocosmic structures. What we find is that we are able to see "everywhen" in the universe past - or with other words: We are able to see in parts the complete history of the universe. We are not able to see the current universe - nevertheless this current universe will be able to be an influence in our future.

I may have gone to the park and library yesterday. Where did that light waves, matter and spacetime go?

I don't have any idea what you call spacetime in this context. You can see what you did do yesterday with an exact positioned mirror. But this explains not what now is in this position if you could see the present time there.

What do you think the past is?

The facts which made everything what exists now.

If the past is physical, then we can visit and change it if we can travel FTL.

No. We do not even know whether there is somehting like a spacetime there n-o-w in this moment. We see only the reflections of this what had been there and which are reaching us now on our "ride on a razor blade" which separates our past and our future.

Furthermore, you do not answer my questions either while I try to answer yours.

No idea what you speak about.

It means you don't know like the average evolutionist.

Only because the neverending English discussion "evolution vs creation" is an extremely strange and senseless discussion means not that I don't know a lot about evolution and also some things about creation.
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I guess now will come a stupid statement.

Why should anyone ask you anything if you anyway will always only speak about your own "I"?


US-Americans murdered millions in America and other places of the world.


So do you like to say 1 or 2 US Americans have a common sense?

The world is the USA. And your monolith war moral is: "The only good member of the rest of the world I saw was dead because "right or wrong, my country"".


Which loop?

By the way: It was a stupid statement what you said here. In my ears you sound like a drug addict.
Thanks. Great. FU too, moron. Bubbye again!
Republicans tend to support Creationism or Intelligent Design while democrats lean toward pure dumb luck evolution
You think Science is dumb luck?:) I think everything is the luck of the draw. Only explanation of why bad things happen to good people while the bad go merrily along. At least it looks that way right now.
You think Science is dumb luck?:) I think everything is the luck of the draw. Only explanation of why bad things happen to good people while the bad go merrily along. At least it looks that way right now.
I think the effect probability has on our everyday lives is generally underappreciated, but bad things are just more likely to happen and bad news sells. All making good things happen a worthy goal and lifelong challenge. Let the bad go merrily along. They're not you.
I did not understand the sense of your statement in this context.
I've heard it one will not be resurrected if they are not whole after death. For example, if they are cremated, then they cannot rise again.

This is just superstition. One could die in a horrible auto accident and be decapitated, but they can be resurrected no matter what condition their physical body is in.

Which answer did you choose? Mine was D.

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Creationism is the anthesis of dumb luck evolution

To call Christians Creationists is an attack from believers in atheism who try to make natural science to an estoeric form of not-god. Someone has to study natural science to understand this not-god. This not-god expects only to be strong and intelligent. Who is not strong (=rich) and intelligent (=educated in a university) will be killed (="selected") from the rules of their ideas about evolution (which have often not really to do with the real laws of evolution).
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