15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

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To call Christians Creationists is an attack from believers in atheism who try to make natural science to an estoeric form of not-god. Someone has to study natural science to understand this not-god. This not-god expects only to be strong and intelligent. Who is not strong (=rich) and intelligent (=educated in a university) will be killed (="selected") from the rules of their ideas about evolution (which have often not really to do with the real laws of evolution).
Aw go suck up to putin and the arabs and ike iranians and the chicoms

and leave religion discussions to people who care
By the way Mac-7. Your signature "The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."" - means for example for Christians not to call anyone else a fool - because this also means someone is godless. But this only god knows. What we see is only a snapshot - and in many cases this snapshot is only a schnapsshot.

I would say in the discussion "evolutionism vs creationism" as well the "evolutionists" and the "creationists" have not a big idea about natural science and also not a big idea about the Christian religion. Yesterday I met a tree. Her name was Clara. She and I have a common ancestor - we are relatives = sisters and brothers.

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Aw go suck up to putin and the arabs and ike iranians and the chicoms

and leave religion discussions to people who care

I don't have any idea why people say such stupid things as you are doing. What do you expect to find in your personal third world war? Salvation from your self-made psychologocal pain by dying the radiation sickness?

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Its idea behind godless evolution is very random

and impossible
False. It is not random. Saying so makes you look like you know nothing about any of it.

Why are there white rabbits and bears in the north, and brown ones in the south?


No, the entire idea is the opposite of random. Selection is not random.

As for "impossible": your magical divinations and incantations have no place in the science section,shaman.
Which answer did you choose? Mine was D.
None seemed exactly right to me. I just figured it would be vert fast and non-zero depending upon mild steel's compressibility (or whatever the proper term is) and how much delay could possibly be introduced by standing wave vibration. Explaining how he had to rethink his own presumptions and keep making major adjustments was great. The idea of just using an alligator clip to eliminate the first sensor was brilliant.
I don't have any idea why people say such stupid things as you are doing. What do you expect to find in your personal third world war? Salvation from your self-made psychologocal pain by dying the radiation sickness?

They've been indoctrinated since birth and have lost not just any introspection, but to search for info about anything.

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"Spacetime" is another expression for that mass stretches as well time and space - nevertheless we see in time, space and power totally different qualities. The main reason for this is our system of perceptions which evolved in fitness to mesocosmic structures. What we find is that we are able to see "everywhen" in the universe past - or with other words: We are able to see in parts the complete history of the universe. We are not able to see the current universe - nevertheless this current universe will be able to be an influence in our future.
That power of expansion of the physical universe can't last forever. We do not even know its source based on our current understanding of the universe. This expansion power has the power to make galaxies collide. Next, is there the spacetime and matter of the past. Does it exist or did it just dissipate like light? If it did, then we have no past that we can go back to even if we could travel at FTL speeds.

I don't have any idea what you call spacetime in this context. You can see what you did do yesterday with an exact positioned mirror. But this explains not what now is in this position if you could see the present time there.
What's spacetime mean to you? Its the past spacetime, matter and light? I suppose its gone off into space like light and eventually dissipates like a puff of smoke. People may say there is another time dimension for it, but how does one get evidence for that? It sounds wacky just talking about it.

No idea what you speak about.

The facts which made everything what exists now.
I don't think we're talking about the same thing. Read the definition of spacetime:

noun: spacetime

the concepts of time and three-dimensional space regarded as fused in a four-dimensional continuum.
"the curvature of space-time"'

So, do these dimensions just dissipate like a puff of smoke? If it doesn't, then they would physically exist somewhere. Can we travel there if we can go FTL? I'll stop here until we get this straight.
That power of expansion of the physical universe can't last forever.

What's wrong.

We do not even know its source based on our current understanding of the universe.

¿Source? ... for the expansion of the space between galaxies where nearly nothing exists? What about a lack of something? Then it would be more clear why the space is accelerating expanding.

This expansion power has the power to make galaxies collide.

No. It's exactly in the opposite.

Next, is there the spacetime and matter of the past. Does it exist or did it just dissipate like light? If it did, then we have no past that we can go back to even if we could travel at FTL speeds.


What's spacetime mean to you? Its the past spacetime, matter and light? I suppose its gone off into space like light and eventually dissipates like a puff of smoke. People may say there is another time dimension for it, but how does one get evidence for that? It sounds wacky just talking about it.


I don't think we're talking about the same thing. Read the definition of spacetime:

noun: spacetime

the concepts of time and three-dimensional space regarded as fused in a four-dimensional continuum.
"the curvature of space-time"'

So, do these dimensions just dissipate like a puff of smoke? If it doesn't, then they would physically exist somewhere. Can we travel there if we can go FTL? I'll stop here until we get this straight.

"Spacetime" - also called Minkowski space - is a simple trick of the mathematician Hermann Minkowski. He used just simple a 4 dimensional space with the coordinates (ct, x, y, z). (x, y, z) are the normal three dimensions and ct is lightspeed (=c) * time (=t). I guess if we would use a "timespace" with the coordinates (t, x/c, y/c, z/c) then this would be equivalent. In this case we would live in a universe with 4 time dimensions. Do we?

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Its idea behind godless evolution is very random

and impossible

The choice to make something wrong and to die is impossible? To have an accident and to die or to die because of a sickness is impossible?
Its idea behind godless evolution is very random
Correct, and so is the rest of the universe.

and impossible
not at all
We await you proof.

the OCD troll 'ding' is now on ignore due to endless stalking and gratuitous harassment of my threads/posts in Environment with repeat and already answered baits.
Recently even following me down here to the Sci section where he doesn't post, to do the same. ie,
Look at his 4/5 (now 40/50, and counting) vengeful out of control/No content snippets. Obsessed Mad Dog even taking third party swipes as well as nonsense one-line 'replies.'
Juvenile last-worder GOT to have his grudge sated.
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None seemed exactly right to me. I just figured it would be vert fast and non-zero depending upon mild steel's compressibility (or whatever the proper term is) and how much delay could possibly be introduced by standing wave vibration. Explaining how he had to rethink his own presumptions and keep making major adjustments was great. The idea of just using an alligator clip to eliminate the first sensor was brilliant.
Modulus of elasticity.
Modulus of elasticity.
Yep, same thing. I'll add that, IIRC, he both described and showed images of crystal lattices with single fixed electrons supposedly holding the crystals apart / together. If so, that was some crock of shit. But I can't blame anyone simply for being indoctrinated with such crazy notions. Just like religious beliefs, that's what's still largely being taught. They got nowhere else to go! :icon_cry:
Yep, same thing. I'll add that, IIRC, he both described and showed images of crystal lattices with single fixed electrons supposedly holding them apart / together. If so, that was some crock of shit. But I can't blame anyone simply for being indoctrinated with such crazy notions. Just like religious beliefs, that's what's still largely being taught.
I don't fault you for your crazy religious beliefs. Just your laziness in exploring answers to the origin questions.
So you're saying that you know that throughout the whole universe it can't have happened because we haven't done it yet? Is that your final answer?
What more do you want than Pasteur's swan neck experiment that PROVES the start of any life can't happen from non-life. If there is no life from non-life, then creation, the creation scientists and I win the argument and EVERYTHING. The atheists and sinners LOSE everything.

The FINAL ANSWER is there is no life whatsoever elsewhere in the universe. The only possibility left is panspermia from Earth, but the solar winds are too harsh so it's a very slim and none chance of that happening. Just sit down and shut up when you have absolutely no argument and no evidence for your wishful thinking.
What more do you want than Pasteur's swan neck experiment that PROVES the start of any life can't happen from non-life. If there is no life from non-life, then creation, the creation scientists and I win the argument and EVERYTHING. The atheists and sinners LOSE everything.

The FINAL ANSWER is there is no life whatsoever elsewhere in the universe. The only possibility left is panspermia from Earth, but the solar winds are too harsh so it's a very slim and none chance of that happening. Just sit down and shut up when you have absolutely no argument and no evidence for your wishful thinking.
You can't know if there's life in the rest of the universe. Stop being a fucking imbecile.
Science never purports to "know" anything. Nothing is ultimately settled. We keep studying and learning endlessly. Those purporting to absolutely "know" anything are the truly "religious" ones. Atheists (agnostics included) are generally content with living in a world ruled by informed consensus because we know the truth is an ever moving target. The goal being to get closer, not to grab the damned thing.
Science never purports to "know" anything. Nothing is ultimately settled. We keep studying and learning endlessly. Those purporting to absolutely "know" anything are the truly "religious" ones. Atheists (agnostics included) are generally content with living in a world ruled by informed consensus because we know the truth is an ever moving target. The goal being to get closer, not to grab the damned thing.
Atheists, as you have just demonstrated, are the most arrogant assholes on earth.
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