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15 bills the House passed, but Reid refuses to schedule for votes


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Here are the 15 bills sitting on Harry Reid's desk because he can't bring himself to schedule them for a vote in the Senate. God forbid they should pass... that would put Obama in the untenable position of either signing REPUBLICAN legislation (can't have that, now can we?) or vetoing REPUBLICAN measures that could help to improve the jobs picture in this country. Either way, Obama would lose. The fact that these measures would help this country, well, who really gives a fuck, right?

15 Real Jobs Bills Stalled in the Senate | FreedomWorks
H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act

The bill would amend the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) to clarify that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or a state may not require a permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act for the application of pesticides regulated under FIFRA. The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act would ensure that pesticide users are not faced with unnecessary regulations that harm job growth.

H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act

The bill would strip the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of its ability to use the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gases. Without this legislation, the agency will continue with its plan to implement burdensome new rules and regulations on American businesses that will have a significant negative impact on America’s economy while having virtually no positive impact on global temperatures.

H. J. Res. 37, Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Act

H.J. Res 37 would prohibit the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from imposing net neutrality regulations on Internet providers. Net neutrality is likely to cripple competition, restrict innovation, reduce employment and raise costs for all consumers—all of which would only exacerbate the current economic downturn. These job-killing regulations would involve significant new controls on the Internet that would have significant implications for investing in innovation and broadband deployment.

H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act

The bill would amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to preserve the authority of each State to make determinations relating to the State's water quality standards. This would reduce the federal government’s power over individual state’s water quality standards to help increase job growth.

H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act

This bill is will amend the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to strengthen the review authority of the Financial Stability Oversight Council of regulations issued by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. The increased accountability will help to prevent harmful job-killing regulations.

H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act

The bill would prohibit the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from ordering any employer to close, relocate or transfer employment under any circumstance. Federal bureaucrats should not be reversing the business decisions of private employers. Washington already has too many harmful regulations that hurt job growth. The Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act would help ensure that the government agency does not over step their bounds by dictating decisions made by private sector companies.

H.R. 2401, Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN ACT)

The TRAIN Act would establish an 11-member committee, chaired by the Department of Commerce, to analyze the impacts of a number of major Environment Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. The agency often understates the negative impact its rules will have on jobs and energy prices. This is why we need a committee whose sole purpose is to analyze the cumulative impacts of EPA regulations. The TRAIN Act would push back against the EPA's unconstitutional, outrageous rules and regulations that raise energy prices for consumers, destroy jobs and increase our dependence on foreign sources of energy.

H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act

The bill would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations from coming into effect which would place burdensome regulations on the cement industry. The cement industry estimates that the rule could destroy as many as 4,000 jobs. The Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act would stop the unnecessary cement MACT rule which will cost thousands of jobs and hamper economic growth.
H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act

The bill would help to curtail the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Boiler MACT regulations on boilers and industrial incinerators. The Council of Industrial Boiler Owners estimates that the regulations will cost 244,000 jobs. The EPA Regulatory Relief Act would help to roll back unreasonable regulations and save thousands of American jobs.

H.R. 2273, Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act

The bill would prohibit the EPA from regulating coal ash as a toxic waste in any state which prefers to develop its own plans in that regard. This bill would further slow the EPA’s Regulatory Trainwreck and could save thousands of jobs in coal-rich states such as West Virginia and Ohio.

H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act

The Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act (H.R. 1230) would establish statutory deadlines for sales of certain oil and gas leases in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). CBO estimates that enacting this legislation would reduce net direct spending by $25 million over the 2011-2016 period and about $40 million over the 2011-2021 period. Restarting offshore leasing will help restore thousands of jobs.

H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act

The bill would amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to facilitate the production of American energy resources from the Gulf of Mexico. The Obama administration has delayed or canceled offshore lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico. The bill would jump start offshore oil drilling by implementing a 30-day deadline in which the secretary of the U.S. Interior Department would have to make a decision on the Gulf of Mexico drilling permit applications. The bill would likely help to create tens of thousands of jobs and strengthen the economy.

H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act

The bill would reverse President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act and amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to require that each 5-year offshore oil and gas leasing program offer leasing in the areas with the most prospective oil and gas resources and would establish a domestic oil and natural gas production goal. Reversing the offshore moratoriums will help restore thousands of jobs.

H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011

The bill would eliminate needless permitting delays that have stalled important energy production opportunities off the coast of Alaska. Rather than having exploration air permits repeatedly approved and rescinded by the agency and its review board, the EPA will be required to take final action – granting or denying a permit – within six months. The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011 would speed up the permit process to help create jobs.

H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act

The bill would require the President to issue a final order granting or denying the Presidential Permit for Keystone XL 30 days after the issuance of the final environmental impact statement, but in no event later than November 1, 2011. A Canadian pipeline company, TransCanada, has long sought to increase the capacity of its Keystone pipeline system in order to bring more Canadian crude oil to American refineries. The North American-Made Energy Security Act would boost jobs and lower the price of gasoline for all Americans.
The bills you listed would take power from the gov't and that's not in "Dingy" Harry's plans.
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

you are too intelligent and open minded to believe that the GOP bills are designed to ruin the air we breathe and dirty the water we drink....

For you, this is a difference in ideology and why those bills mean little to you....but it is disturbing to see you use spin to respond in a debate.

That is for the partisan hacks on this sight.
And the Press does not do much reporting on the fact that the Senate refuses to its sworn and legal duty. Go figure.

What is hilarious is, the Dems control the Committees, they control the floor. IF these bills are so bad, why not submit them to committee to be debated as required by our mode of Government? I mean are they afraid they will get out of committee? Afraid they will make it to the floor for a vote? Afraid of what that floor vote might do?
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

The House isn't getting anything until they get the jobs bill passed. They don't feel the need to work for America, nobody cares about any of their other idiotic agenda.
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

The House isn't getting anything until they get the jobs bill passed. They don't feel the need to work for America, nobody cares about any of their other idiotic agenda.

In other words, the Democrats way or no way. Remind us again about how the majority matters, how the rule of law is important, how following our form of Government is important. Then tell us how, with a straight face you blame Republicans in the House for stone walling, when they act on pass and disapprove of bills while Reid just ignores them?
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

The House isn't getting anything until they get the jobs bill passed. They don't feel the need to work for America, nobody cares about any of their other idiotic agenda.

Glad to see you admit that you live by the ole "my way or the highway" thingy.

Not surprised.
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

The House isn't getting anything until they get the jobs bill passed. They don't feel the need to work for America, nobody cares about any of their other idiotic agenda.

Dear Retarded person. the Republicans in the house are not required to pass obie wan't so called "jobs" bill. It's another "stimulus" bill. Let's be clear about that. The first one did not work and neither will this one.. The ONLY obligation the House has is to give it an up or down vote.. That's how we roll here in America.. tough shit for you kids huh?
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

The House isn't getting anything until they get the jobs bill passed. They don't feel the need to work for America, nobody cares about any of their other idiotic agenda.

Glad to see you admit that you live by the ole "my way or the highway" thingy.

Not surprised.

Now you see truly who the "obstructionists" are. They also lie a lot.
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

you are too intelligent and open minded to believe that the GOP bills are designed to ruin the air we breathe and dirty the water we drink....

For you, this is a difference in ideology and why those bills mean little to you....but it is disturbing to see you use spin to respond in a debate.

That is for the partisan hacks on this sight.

They're not designed to ruin the air, pollute the water, etc...they are designed to remove regulations that protect those things in the name of increasing corporate profits. Plain and simple.
If the environment or peoples personal freedom (net neutrality) is the casualty, then so be it. Bottom line, Bottom line, Bottom line. These are more bills designed to increase the profits of the big corporations who pull the strings on many of our politicians (many of which make up the GOP). People want jobs though, so they throw a veiled reference to how these will be good for job creation, but any reasonable person knows that this is bullshit. Grade A bullshit, but still bullshit.
Reid or whomever shuld just let them vote if they are dumb enough to pass some of them then we deserve the govt we elected.
And re-elected.
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

The House isn't getting anything until they get the jobs bill passed. They don't feel the need to work for America, nobody cares about any of their other idiotic agenda.

Glad to see you admit that you live by the ole "my way or the highway" thingy.

Not surprised.

Me neither. Apprantly the GOP controlled House is in charge of the whole enchilada. LOL

Seems to me that the Dem controlled Senate is the one sitting on their asses and not doing anything. Hell. they wouldn't even pass Barry's Faux Jobs Bill.

Kinda makes you wonder just who is running the show.
Wow...that is some scary legislation that shows what will happen to our country if we let Republicans have their way

Every bill is an attempt to rape the environment wrapped up as some "jobs bill"

Republicans have no shame
Wow...that is some scary legislation that shows what will happen to our country if we let Republicans have their way

Every bill is an attempt to rape the environment wrapped up as some "jobs bill"

Republicans have no shame

wow...people really DO believe ths spin.

Curious...what is it like to admire and support a man (Obama) that sees you as such an idiot that he knows you will not only BELEIVE his spin, but regurgitate it on his behalf?
Wow...that is some scary legislation that shows what will happen to our country if we let Republicans have their way

Every bill is an attempt to rape the environment wrapped up as some "jobs bill"

Republicans have no shame

Your take. So I repeat, since the Dems control the Senate, all the committees, why not do as our Governmental form requires and submit those LEGALLY submitted bills to committee? Is Reid afraid they will pass committee? Is he afraid if they get past committee they will somehow survive a floor vote?

You are admitting as Sarah G just did that it is perfectly ok for the democrats to refuse to do their job unless the Republicans in the House only do what the dems want.
Wow...that is some scary legislation that shows what will happen to our country if we let Republicans have their way

Every bill is an attempt to rape the environment wrapped up as some "jobs bill"

Republicans have no shame

Your take. So I repeat, since the Dems control the Senate, all the committees, why not do as our Governmental form requires and submit those LEGALLY submitted bills to committee? Is Reid afraid they will pass committee? Is he afraid if they get past committee they will somehow survive a floor vote?

You are admitting as Sarah G just did that it is perfectly ok for the democrats to refuse to do their job unless the Republicans in the House only do what the dems want.

His take?

No sir. It is not his take. If he read the bills with an open mind he would have a completely different take.

He simply reguritated the spin that Obama knew he was naive enough to regurgitate without first educating himself on the truth.
Wow...that is some scary legislation that shows what will happen to our country if we let Republicans have their way

Every bill is an attempt to rape the environment wrapped up as some "jobs bill"

Republicans have no shame

Your take. So I repeat, since the Dems control the Senate, all the committees, why not do as our Governmental form requires and submit those LEGALLY submitted bills to committee? Is Reid afraid they will pass committee? Is he afraid if they get past committee they will somehow survive a floor vote?

You are admitting as Sarah G just did that it is perfectly ok for the democrats to refuse to do their job unless the Republicans in the House only do what the dems want.

You mean the way that Republicans allow bills to proceed to a vote without requiring 60 filibuster proof votes?

Democrats are playing the legislative game the same way Republicans are. If Republicans can't get a bill out of committee that is their problem. Maybe if they start doing some " If you let my bill go for a vote, I will let your bill"

No wonder Congress is so fucked up

Those bills are a joke by the way
Wow...that is some scary legislation that shows what will happen to our country if we let Republicans have their way

Every bill is an attempt to rape the environment wrapped up as some "jobs bill"

Republicans have no shame

Your take. So I repeat, since the Dems control the Senate, all the committees, why not do as our Governmental form requires and submit those LEGALLY submitted bills to committee? Is Reid afraid they will pass committee? Is he afraid if they get past committee they will somehow survive a floor vote?

You are admitting as Sarah G just did that it is perfectly ok for the democrats to refuse to do their job unless the Republicans in the House only do what the dems want.

His take?

No sir. It is not his take. If he read the bills with an open mind he would have a completely different take.

He simply reguritated the spin that Obama knew he was naive enough to regurgitate without first educating himself on the truth.

Each and every bill is an attempt to sell out the American people and present deregulation as a "Jobs Bill"

Why don't Republicans do some direct legislation for once rather than pass off all these "Trust me" bills?

Trust me.......if you waive all these environmental bills, I will hire more people
Trust me.....if you don't monitor what I am doing, I will hire more people
Wow...that is some scary legislation that shows what will happen to our country if we let Republicans have their way

Every bill is an attempt to rape the environment wrapped up as some "jobs bill"

Republicans have no shame

Your take. So I repeat, since the Dems control the Senate, all the committees, why not do as our Governmental form requires and submit those LEGALLY submitted bills to committee? Is Reid afraid they will pass committee? Is he afraid if they get past committee they will somehow survive a floor vote?

You are admitting as Sarah G just did that it is perfectly ok for the democrats to refuse to do their job unless the Republicans in the House only do what the dems want.

You mean the way that Republicans allow bills to proceed to a vote without requiring 60 filibuster proof votes?

Democrats are playing the legislative game the same way Republicans are. If Republicans can't get a bill out of committee that is their problem. Maybe if they start doing some " If you let my bill go for a vote, I will let your bill"

No wonder Congress is so fucked up

Those bills are a joke by the way

As you see it...sure.

And I see Obamas job bill as a joke.

See how a difference in ideology works?

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