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15 bills the House passed, but Reid refuses to schedule for votes

You don't need to hide with me; we have the same agenda. I want the state in charge of everything too!

Obama is the greatest president in history, and should be made president for life.

How has this troll not been banned yet?

Give him a couple of weeks. He will burn out and fade away

Well, there is that. Coupled with the recent TM banning, and my Eagles playing tonight... I'm in a surprisingly good mood today. Here.. have some rep :up:
The EPA has become a job-destroying tool for political purposes.

Long ago it was discovered that real wealth isn't found in creating business. Real wealth is in controlling the permits and licenses allowing business to operate. The EPA is a wonderful agency, because they control the outcome of business and ensure that the right winners and losers exist. Bow and kiss the ring of the EPA baron in your district, should the proper gifts find their way to his or her office, then you may be deemed one of the winners in business.

Can you provide a link to backup the blovation coming out your ass?
Give him a couple of weeks. He will burn out and fade away

Well, there is that. Coupled with the recent TM banning, and my Eagles playing tonight... I'm in a surprisingly good mood today. Here.. have some rep :up:

TM was banned?

Howd you like my Giants yesterday?

Screw sports, politics, and the future of the country.....Enquiring minds want to know is it true the TM is banned?!?!?!?

I don't want to celebrate other people's suffering but I am not unhappy about that news.
I believe it is only temporary.

Welcome, none the less.

Find any TM post, you'll see BANNED under her name.
Give him a couple of weeks. He will burn out and fade away

Well, there is that. Coupled with the recent TM banning, and my Eagles playing tonight... I'm in a surprisingly good mood today. Here.. have some rep :up:

TM was banned?

Howd you like my Giants yesterday?

Had it not been for that pass interference on the what... 4 yard line... at the end, they would probably not have made it down the field to win. However, it happened, and they did.

patience is a virtue, my NFL challenged friend ;)
Here are the 15 bills sitting on Harry Reid's desk because he can't bring himself to schedule them for a vote in the Senate. God forbid they should pass... that would put Obama in the untenable position of either signing REPUBLICAN legislation (can't have that, now can we?) or vetoing REPUBLICAN measures that could help to improve the jobs picture in this country. Either way, Obama would lose. The fact that these measures would help this country, well, who really gives a fuck, right?

15 Real Jobs Bills Stalled in the Senate | FreedomWorks
H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act

The bill would amend the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) to clarify that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or a state may not require a permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act for the application of pesticides regulated under FIFRA. The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act would ensure that pesticide users are not faced with unnecessary regulations that harm job growth.

H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act

The bill would strip the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of its ability to use the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gases. Without this legislation, the agency will continue with its plan to implement burdensome new rules and regulations on American businesses that will have a significant negative impact on America’s economy while having virtually no positive impact on global temperatures.

H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011

The bill would eliminate needless permitting delays that have stalled important energy production opportunities off the coast of Alaska. Rather than having exploration air permits repeatedly approved and rescinded by the agency and its review board, the EPA will be required to take final action – granting or denying a permit – within six months. The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011 would speed up the permit process to help create jobs.

H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act

The bill would require the President to issue a final order granting or denying the Presidential Permit for Keystone XL 30 days after the issuance of the final environmental impact statement, but in no event later than November 1, 2011. A Canadian pipeline company, TransCanada, has long sought to increase the capacity of its Keystone pipeline system in order to bring more Canadian crude oil to American refineries. The North American-Made Energy Security Act would boost jobs and lower the price of gasoline for all Americans.
Republicans are obstr........OOPS!
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

Some guys don't give a shit. It's only worth something if it's making a profit for someone.
Well, there is that. Coupled with the recent TM banning, and my Eagles playing tonight... I'm in a surprisingly good mood today. Here.. have some rep :up:

TM was banned?

Howd you like my Giants yesterday?

I knew I liked you for a reason....Giants fan here too. LOVED that game yesterday.

Enough football....:lol:

All 4 of those bills are aimed at reducing uncertanty in future regulations by taking the power out of the hands of either one individual @ the EPA and out of the hands of hte feds and putting it back into the hands of the individual states.

By reducing uncertanty an environment for investing in the expansion of manufacturing is created. By investing in expanding manufacturing jobs will be created both to do the expansion and to operate the expanded facilities.

Thats way too hypothetical. Lots of dominos need to fall to create jobs. Thanks for the effort but we both know that these aren't job bills.

Uncertanty in expenses and regulations is one of the largest hinderances to business expansion right now in the country. People can't expand if they can't accurately and confidently plan for future expenses and regulations.

Putting a number on how uncertainty hurts growth - Reuters -
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

Some guys don't give a shit. It's only worth something if it's making a profit for someone.
Who the hell would operate a business with the idea that the business should operate at a loss?
Umm no stupid comments about pro sports franchises.
Many regulations on business and commerce are over bearing and draconian.
The House will be meeting for 108 days this upcoming year.

108 days.

They will be out of session more than 2/3 of the time.

Here is the Fox News article:

As lawmakers prepare to return to the campaign trail in what's expected to be a hotly contested election season, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has released the House's calendar for 2012, and it's promising to give lawmakers plenty of time at home to spread their parties' messages.

As it stands, the House of Representatives has just 108 legislative sessions next year. That's slightly less than previous election cycles. The House was in 127 days in 2010 and 119 days in 2008.

The House starts out slow, working in Washington just six days in January. Members will be in the Capitol for just eight days in April and three days in August, which is traditionally a light month for legislators in D.C.

After returning from August recess on Sept. 10, the House will be in session for just 13 days before the election on Nov. 6.

The schedule isn't sitting well with some Democratic members. "I think that the American people deserve better than following a holiday break then on top of that you would have a January where we're six days in session in Congress," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

Others said that while time at home is welcome, it has come with a price. "While members appreciate having more time in their districts, the House has struggled to get even its most basic work done," House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said in a statement.

However, Cantor noted in a letter to members that the chamber has been able to get things accomplished. "The House has taken 800 roll call votes through October 14 of this year," Cantor wrote, "By the same time last year, the House had taken just 565 roll calls."

He also added that under this year's calendar fewer bills have come to the floor "under the suspension of the rules," a fast-tracking procedure that prohibits amendments. That, Cantor says, furthers the Republican majority's goal of a more deliberative legislative process.

In addition to changes in the days in which the House is in session, Cantor has also altered the times at which votes can occur. Floor votes will start no earlier than 1:00 p.m. ET and will end before 7:00 p.m. ET unless the body is considering an appropriations bill. In that case, check your coffee maker because it could be a long night. The schedule also calls for the last vote of the week to be done before 3:00 p.m. ET. For some context, the last vote this week ended at 11:44 a.m. ET.

Read more: House Releases Election Year Schedule - Fox News

When the Democrats ran the place I bet the times were just as ugly. We need to stop letting our "public servants" dictate their own schedules. Regardless of your political stripe, this should piss you off.
The House will be meeting for 108 days this upcoming year.

108 days.

They will be out of session more than 2/3 of the time.

Here is the Fox News article

So they get paid a 6 figure income to work less than 1/3 of the days in the year? Sounds like some fat cats could use a pay cut to me...how about you guys?
The House will be meeting for 108 days this upcoming year.

108 days.

They will be out of session more than 2/3 of the time.

Here is the Fox News article

So they get paid a 6 figure income to work less than 1/3 of the days in the year? Sounds like some fat cats could use a pay cut to me...how about you guys?

If the normalcy holds, 98% of them will be re-elected. We get the government we deserve.

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