15 degrees in Alaska tonight!!! In August!!!

The consequences? NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING! You are an absolutely MORON if you think your puny existence means ANYTHING in the greater scheme of life.

As everyone expects, you are completely unable to support what you wish was true with any evidence, science, data, theory, nothing at all. You are a misogynistic shaman dancing around with a scary mask on hoping it will rain.

And you have absolutely failed to present any possible solutions to your false, AGW bullshit. Despite my proposing possible solutions, you continue to regurgitate bullshit platitudes. I would be most interested in what you think makes me "misogynistic".

The world's solution is to continue with IPCC science. Continue to work towards replacing FF with sustainable energy. Use the science to find the optimum rate.

You don't understand the problem even so can't possibly help solve it.
Seems to me he's more an expert at blindly and unquestioningly lapping up whatever agenda-driven "science" is presented to him and then steadfastly insisting on the so-called "science" is absolutely infallible and beyond question.

I have faith in science. You have faith in evangelical media based political entertainers paid by big oil.

I'm pretty sure now that you pay absolutely no attention to what people talk about here. Evangelical media? Really? Me? Your particular choice of political entertainer sucks their monetary sustenance from far more sinister sources than Big Oil.
I am still waiting for your proposals to solve your AGW dilemma.
Don't worry about PMS, gallantwarrior. She lies thinking the end justifies the means, plus she cannot do math. The logical sciences are way over her head. I'm not surprised she is calling another intellectual man of science and letters an evangelical because she disagrees with you since you do not support her rabid political talking points for the good of poor liberal scientists who play ball for cash grants that libbies have routed from the dead conservatives through foundation "volunteerism" (another word for slipping cash into the pockets of political players who need grants to fund their failed green agendas). Reading her is one laugh after another. In fact, some intellects do it for sport. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm pretty sure that you're a genuinely sick individual. No wonder you're conservative. You're misogynistic.

Your assessment of me is absolutely hilarious. Misogynistic? Where, exactly, did that come from. You still have no recommendations, good, bad, or otherwise. Give us some point to begin a discussion. What do you suggest as a solution to your current AGW dilemma?

There is no AGW dilemma other than the mature one of using science to find and get to the world's optimum energy future. That’s what it's always been about.

I'm 99 percent sure that you won't make the effort to learn from this video, but for the sake of the 1 percent, here it is.


Post a link we can view on a desktop and I'll take a look at it.

Technology obviously isn't your thing.
A post from another thread.

Certainly we are surviving today's level of AGW.

There are many things left to ponder though.

If we stopped today, what would be the ultimate consequences of our present GHG concentrations? Especially considering positive feedbacks.

We can't stop today, so our choice really is, how much of the carbon still in the ground should we leave sequestered?

We have to progress to sustainable energy at some point. Will we release all of the carbon that created a planet inhospitable to life the last time it was in our atmosphere no matter what we do? That would be utterly disastrous.

There are thousands of affordable ways to slow down the rate of making things worse, if, in fact, we still can avoid worse.

The only way that we're going to find them is through the work of the IPCC.

The direct causation has to be proven first. Not proven in the opinions of scientists, proven with actual repeatable experiments. The consensus of the scientific community at one time was that the Earth was the center of the universe. That's obviously not the case. The consensus of scientists had the opinion that the atom was the fundamental particle. Boy were they wrong!

Consensus of opinion, even informed opinion doesn't mean much. Repeatable results does.

This is not a concept I heard about on a radio, read about on some activist website, nor was told by an oil company. This concept I learned in elementary school and it has been reinforced in the 35 years since.


I keep laughing my ass off when I look at these two photo's......because who couldn't have guessed that the response from the climate crusading meatheads would be, "Well, clearly, this is a downward blip in an ongoing trend up"....or some shit like that??!! These nutters have an answer to ANY emerging climate activity up or down, wet or dry, stormy or not. No matter what......the established narrative will be supported and defended vehemently at all costs. Shit...half the globe could freeze over the next 6 months and these bozo's would still be hemming and whoring about the "anomaly in overall warming".:up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Why? Those who refuse to relocate are obviously too stupid to be allowed to reproduce. Not to mention, most of the warrens you are so concerned about are cesspits swarming with the dregs of humanity. It would be kind of like...flushing the toilet.

Nothing misogynistic about:

''Those who refuse to relocate are obviously too stupid to be allowed to reproduce. Not to mention, most of the warrens you are so concerned about are cesspits swarming with the dregs of humanity. It would be kind of like...flushing the toilet.''

I am convinced you do not know the meaning of "misogynistic".

He really means misanthropic, but I don't want to make his head spin looking both words up.
Nothing misogynistic about:

''Those who refuse to relocate are obviously too stupid to be allowed to reproduce. Not to mention, most of the warrens you are so concerned about are cesspits swarming with the dregs of humanity. It would be kind of like...flushing the toilet.''

I am convinced you do not know the meaning of "misogynistic".

He really means misanthropic, but I don't want to make his head spin looking both words up.

Bripat bro....do those two photos above crack your ass up or what??!!

Saw them this past weekend and still find myself laughing my balls off!!!
Hey PMZ s0n....this link is for you!!!! Packed with some fresh energy predictions for 2040 from the US Dept of Energy!!! LOL....virtually zero gay renewables s0n!!!

What sort of fabulous new energy systems will the world possess in 2040? Which fuels will supply the bulk of our energy needs? And how will that change the global energy equation, international politics, and the planet’s health? If the experts at the U.S. Department of Energy are right, the startling “new” fuels of 2040 will be oil, coal, and natural gas -- and we will find ourselves on a baking, painfully uncomfortable planet.

Many of us would like to believe that, by 2040, the world will be far along the path toward a green industrial future with wind, solar, and renewable fuels providing the bulk of our energy supplies. The IEO assumes otherwise. It anticipates a world in which coal -- the most carbon-intense of all major fuels -- still supplies more of our energy than renewables, nuclear, and hydropower combined.

The world it foresees is also one in which oil remains a preeminent source of energy, while hydro-fracking and other drilling techniques for extracting unconventional fossil fuels are far more widely employed than today. Wind and solar energy will also play a bigger role in 2040, but -- as the IEO sees it -- will still represent only a small fraction of the global energy mix.

Tomgram: Michael T. Klare, 2040 or Bust | TomDispatch

Whos not winning???!!!!:lol::lol::lol:
I am convinced you do not know the meaning of "misogynistic".

He really means misanthropic, but I don't want to make his head spin looking both words up.

Bripat bro....do those two photos above crack your ass up or what??!!

Saw them this past weekend and still find myself laughing my balls off!!!

Yep. I think I'm the one who originally posted them. What cracks me up even more is watching those two pathetic drones PMZ and Abraham trying to explain them away.
He really means misanthropic, but I don't want to make his head spin looking both words up.

Bripat bro....do those two photos above crack your ass up or what??!!

Saw them this past weekend and still find myself laughing my balls off!!!

Yep. I think I'm the one who originally posted them. What cracks me up even more is watching those two pathetic drones PMZ and Abraham trying to explain them away.

Like I said......the entire earth could look like this tomorrow >>>>

......those two k00ks will still be in here banging the global warming panic button!!! These people either have plates in their heads or got dropped on their heads far too often shortly after birth.:lol:
Bripat bro....do those two photos above crack your ass up or what??!!

Saw them this past weekend and still find myself laughing my balls off!!!

Yep. I think I'm the one who originally posted them. What cracks me up even more is watching those two pathetic drones PMZ and Abraham trying to explain them away.

Like I said......the entire earth could look like this tomorrow >>>>

......those two k00ks will still be in here banging the global warming panic button!!! These people either have plates in their heads or got dropped on their heads far too often shortly after birth.:lol:

Apparently the fact that you have zero science on your side doesn't trouble you. To have zero on what is essentially a science and engineering issue is pretty pathetic. But you were brought up on dirty politics so you fall back on that.

No matter. Anyone who's liberal enough to contribute to the science or the solution knows exactly how empty your hand is.

You're firing blanks bro.
Yep. I think I'm the one who originally posted them. What cracks me up even more is watching those two pathetic drones PMZ and Abraham trying to explain them away.

Like I said......the entire earth could look like this tomorrow >>>>

......those two k00ks will still be in here banging the global warming panic button!!! These people either have plates in their heads or got dropped on their heads far too often shortly after birth.:lol:

Apparently the fact that you have zero science on your side doesn't trouble you. To have zero on what is essentially a science and engineering issue is pretty pathetic. But you were brought up on dirty politics so you fall back on that.

No matter. Anyone who's liberal enough to contribute to the science or the solution knows exactly how empty your hand is.

You're firing blanks bro.

Now you want us to believe that only liberals contribute to science? The fact that your so-called "science" verges on being religious hysteria doesn't seem to bother you.
Like I said......the entire earth could look like this tomorrow >>>>

......those two k00ks will still be in here banging the global warming panic button!!! These people either have plates in their heads or got dropped on their heads far too often shortly after birth.:lol:

Apparently the fact that you have zero science on your side doesn't trouble you. To have zero on what is essentially a science and engineering issue is pretty pathetic. But you were brought up on dirty politics so you fall back on that.

No matter. Anyone who's liberal enough to contribute to the science or the solution knows exactly how empty your hand is.

You're firing blanks bro.

Now you want us to believe that only liberals contribute to science? The fact that your so-called "science" verges on being religious hysteria doesn't seem to bother you.

What do you mean "verges on"... The cult of global warming is a well established religion, it has high priests, scripture, punishments for heretics etc. It IS a fully blown religion...
Apparently the fact that you have zero science on your side doesn't trouble you. To have zero on what is essentially a science and engineering issue is pretty pathetic. But you were brought up on dirty politics so you fall back on that.

No matter. Anyone who's liberal enough to contribute to the science or the solution knows exactly how empty your hand is.

You're firing blanks bro.

Now you want us to believe that only liberals contribute to science? The fact that your so-called "science" verges on being religious hysteria doesn't seem to bother you.

What do you mean "verges on"... The cult of global warming is a well established religion, it has high priests, scripture, punishments for heretics etc. It IS a fully blown religion...

I stand corrected. You are right, it's already a full-blown, mind-bending cult. I was trying to be polite...most likely a wasted effort, considering the intended recipient.
Now you want us to believe that only liberals contribute to science? The fact that your so-called "science" verges on being religious hysteria doesn't seem to bother you.

What do you mean "verges on"... The cult of global warming is a well established religion, it has high priests, scripture, punishments for heretics etc. It IS a fully blown religion...

I stand corrected. You are right, it's already a full-blown, mind-bending cult. I was trying to be polite...most likely a wasted effort, considering the intended recipient.

Oh don't be polite with these people....they want to kill you and yours to make the world a better place. They are evil personified, they just call themselves different names but they are totalitarian murderers in sheep skin.
Like I said......the entire earth could look like this tomorrow >>>>

......those two k00ks will still be in here banging the global warming panic button!!! These people either have plates in their heads or got dropped on their heads far too often shortly after birth.:lol:

Apparently the fact that you have zero science on your side doesn't trouble you. To have zero on what is essentially a science and engineering issue is pretty pathetic. But you were brought up on dirty politics so you fall back on that.

No matter. Anyone who's liberal enough to contribute to the science or the solution knows exactly how empty your hand is.

You're firing blanks bro.

Now you want us to believe that only liberals contribute to science? The fact that your so-called "science" verges on being religious hysteria doesn't seem to bother you.

There is science and there is politics. Science proves the relationship between atmospheric GHG concentration and AGW. It's a given.

Your politics do not trump science. Truth. Facts.

You have nothing but what you want to impose on the rest of the world. It is unaffordable. You don't understand that both because you don't want to and are unable to. Come again when you have some science to support your politics.
Apparently the fact that you have zero science on your side doesn't trouble you. To have zero on what is essentially a science and engineering issue is pretty pathetic. But you were brought up on dirty politics so you fall back on that.

No matter. Anyone who's liberal enough to contribute to the science or the solution knows exactly how empty your hand is.

You're firing blanks bro.

Now you want us to believe that only liberals contribute to science? The fact that your so-called "science" verges on being religious hysteria doesn't seem to bother you.

There is science and there is politics. Science proves the relationship between atmospheric GHG concentration and AGW. It's a given.

Your politics do not trump science. Truth. Facts.

You have nothing but what you want to impose on the rest of the world. It is unaffordable. You don't understand that both because you don't want to and are unable to. Come again when you have some science to support your politics.

Science proves this?

Show me the repeatable experiment and the mathematical proof.
Apparently the fact that you have zero science on your side doesn't trouble you. To have zero on what is essentially a science and engineering issue is pretty pathetic. But you were brought up on dirty politics so you fall back on that.

No matter. Anyone who's liberal enough to contribute to the science or the solution knows exactly how empty your hand is.

You're firing blanks bro.

Now you want us to believe that only liberals contribute to science? The fact that your so-called "science" verges on being religious hysteria doesn't seem to bother you.

There is science and there is politics. Science proves the relationship between atmospheric GHG concentration and AGW. It's a given.

Your politics do not trump science. Truth. Facts.

You have nothing but what you want to impose on the rest of the world. It is unaffordable. You don't understand that both because you don't want to and are unable to. Come again when you have some science to support your politics.

Are you truly as deluded and stupid as you present yourself? You really cannot see the political impetus for your "science"? You are one of the most thoroughly brainwashed steeple I've ever encountered on forums like this. You use the word zealot, look in the mirror.

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