15 year old boy gets HIV using Grindr app

And another young life becomes statistically indigent as his disease progresses, costing his state over $500,000 by the time his ungodly suffering ends in premature death. And all because he got it in his head early in life that "gay is OK"....and decided to habituate his sexual drive to the new cult standard...

Get used to this folks. The last two generations were spoon fed on fisting and anal sex. Pedophiles always know they have to get into their minds first before they can get into their pants when they're that young..
And these type perverts claim there is not an agenda on their minds to get to the children. I hope they catch each and everyone and prosecute to the fullest.
Fifteen is hardly a child. Where I grew up a girl has a baby at 14, she was pregnant at 13 and her boyfriend was 13 at the time too.
15 year old boy gets HIV using Grindr app


You can't get AIDS from a phone app, you collossal dumbass.

Recall Terry bean paid off his victim and charges for dropped. Democrat privilege ?

Nor is there any mention in the link of "Democrats", "Republicans", "Whigs", "Socialists", "Communists", "Fascists", "Liberals", "Conservatives", "Royalists", "Tories", "Free Soilers", "Green Party", "Anarchists", or for that matter "Muslims", "Christians", "Jews", "Buddhists", "Shintoists", Taoists", "Zoroastrians", "Left handed people", "Sagittarians", "Golfers", "Raiders Fans" or "Trilingual Lesbian Native American Paraplegics", so take your pathetic attempts at hanging labels on people for the purpose of division and cram them way up your ass.

And who in the wide world of fuck is "Terry"?
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And these type perverts claim there is not an agenda on their minds to get to the children. I hope they catch each and everyone and prosecute to the fullest.

I think these type of perverts didnt deny they wanted a kid...its when you try to apply their wants to others that become the problem
Fifteen is hardly a child. Where I grew up a girl has a baby at 14, she was pregnant at 13 and her boyfriend was 13 at the time too.
They're talking about mentally you disgusting asshole. Some kids can get pregnant at 9 years old. Will it be OK for your cult to access them at that age too?

The reasons societies set age limits for sex is not because of the body of the child. It's for their MIND. Their psychology can't handle the adult sex world and because they are vulnerable MENTALLY they are subject to being used and abused by more savvy older predators....and then turning around and preaching that that abuse was "OK" and in turn going after youngsters themselves..

GOT IT? That's the last time I'm going to remind you of that you twisted fuck.

This case affects me personally because this is exactly how we lost my old childhood friend to AIDS when he was in his early 30s. The most tragic thing of all was this kid was so bright and had so much to give the world, such a unique angle that his loss was a perversion, like what was done to him so young as a boy. The perverts are destroying our collective future folks. And this kid is just one more example of that.
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Fifteen is hardly a child. Where I grew up a girl has a baby at 14, she was pregnant at 13 and her boyfriend was 13 at the time too.

Another ardent defender of pedophiles from the left.
Yes, frigidweirdo has always been out there for pushing the bar on what's acceptable sexually. That's been her professional position on these boards since day one. I'm surprised she risks her career saying such things online. Even using proxys, geeks can find your IP address and you eventually.
"Grinder"??? U thought that was just what college kids use to smash their weed up to smoke it? Now it's some phone app that Democrat homos use to spread their perversion around?

Come on Saturday....watching college football is the only thing that still makes sense these days.
Fifteen is hardly a child. Where I grew up a girl has a baby at 14, she was pregnant at 13 and her boyfriend was 13 at the time too.

Another ardent defender of pedophiles from the left.

How in the wide world of fuck do you get "defender of pedophiles" out of a third-party anecdote?
Is English a second language for you or what?
frigidweirdo was making excuses that children old enough to bleed are old enough to breed. There is no way around what she said. It's a FACT.

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